gRPC with Audio2Face-3D#
Audio2Face-3D NIM exposes the following gRPCs:
a Bidirectional Streaming gRPC or 2 Unidirectional Streaming endpoints for processing audio data and getting animation data.
a Unary gRPC for getting the current configuration of the microservice.
If you have used Audio2face-3D in the past, follow the Migrating from 1.0 to 1.2 page.
Bidirectional Streaming gRPC#
In previous Audio2Face versions, a separate service was needed that implemented this bidirectional endpoint called
Audio2Face Controller. We kept the name service.a2f_controller
and nvidia_ace.controller
for backwards
compatibility but you don’t need to run another microservice.
This section describes the process of interacting with Audio2Face-3D bidirectional endpoint.
Service definition#
The Audio2Face-3D bidirectional streaming service is described in this proto. The ProcessAudioStream rpc from the proto is the only call you need to do to generate animation data from audio input.
syntax = "proto3";
import "nvidia_ace.controller.v1.proto";
import "nvidia_ace.animation_id.v1.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
service A2FControllerService {
// Will process a single audio clip and answer animation data
// in a burst.
rpc ProcessAudioStream(stream nvidia_ace.controller.v1.AudioStream)
returns (stream nvidia_ace.controller.v1.AnimationDataStream) {}
Service protobuf objects#
After streaming all the audio data, the client must send the empty AudioStream.EndOfAudio
to signal the service
that all the audio data has been set. Only after, will the service return a gRPC status. If there is any error during
input streaming, the service will return a gRPC error status immediately.
syntax = "proto3";
package nvidia_ace.controller.v1;
import "nvidia_ace.a2f.v1.proto";
import "nvidia_ace.animation_data.v1.proto";
import "";
import "nvidia_ace.status.v1.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
message AudioStream {
// This is a marker for the end of an audio clip.
message EndOfAudio {}
oneof stream_part {
// The header must be sent as the first message.
AudioStreamHeader audio_stream_header = 1;
// At least one AudioWithEmotion messages must be sent thereafter.
nvidia_ace.a2f.v1.AudioWithEmotion audio_with_emotion = 2;
// The EndOfAudio must be sent last.
EndOfAudio end_of_audio = 3;
// IMPORTANT NOTE: this is an AudioStreamHeader WITHOUT ID
// A similar AudioStreamHeader exist in nvidia_ace.a2f.v1.proto
// but that one does contain IDs.
message AudioStreamHeader {
// Metadata about the audio being sent to the service. audio_header = 1;
// Parameters for updating the facial characteristics of an avatar.
// See the documentation for more information.
nvidia_ace.a2f.v1.FaceParameters face_params = 2;
// Parameters relative to the emotion blending and processing
// before using it to generate blendshapes.
// See the documentation for more information.
nvidia_ace.a2f.v1.EmotionPostProcessingParameters emotion_post_processing_params = 3;
// Multipliers and offsets to apply to the generated blendshape values.
nvidia_ace.a2f.v1.BlendShapeParameters blendshape_params = 4;
// Emotion parameters (live transition time, beginning emotion)
nvidia_ace.a2f.v1.EmotionParameters emotion_params = 5;
enum EventType {
// This event type means that the A2F Microservice is done processing audio,
// However it doesn't mean that you finished receiving all the audio data,
// You will receive a Status message once you are done receiving all the audio
// data. Events are independent of that.
message Event {
// Type of the event.
EventType event_type = 1;
// Data attached to the event if any.
optional google.protobuf.Any metadata = 2;
// IMPORTANT NOTE: this is an AnimationDataStreamHeader WITHOUT ID
// A similar AudioStreamHeader exist in nvidia_ace.animation_data.v1.proto
// but that one does contain IDs.
message AnimationDataStreamHeader {
// Metadata of the audio buffers. This defines the audio clip properties
// at the beginning the streaming process.
optional audio_header = 1;
// Metadata containing the blendshape and joints names.
// This defines the names of the blendshapes and joints flowing through a stream.
optional nvidia_ace.animation_data.v1.SkelAnimationHeader
skel_animation_header = 2;
// Time codes indicate the relative progression of an animation data, audio
// clip, etc. The unit is seconds. In addition, we also need an absolute time
// reference shared across services. The start time is stored in time codes
// elapsed since the Unix time epoch. start_time_code_since_epoch = `Unix
// timestamp in seconds`. NTP should be good enough to synchronize clocks
// across nodes. From Wikipedia: NTP can usually maintain time to within tens
// of milliseconds over the public Internet, and can achieve better than one
// millisecond accuracy in local area networks under ideal conditions.
// Alternatively, there is PTP.
double start_time_code_since_epoch = 3;
// A generic metadata field to attach use case specific data (e.g. session id,
// or user id?) map<string, string> metadata = 4; map<string,
// google.protobuf.Any> metadata = 4;
message AnimationDataStream {
// The header must be sent as the first message.
// One or more animation data message must be sent.
// The status must be sent last and may be sent in between.
oneof stream_part {
// The header must be sent as the first message.
AnimationDataStreamHeader animation_data_stream_header = 1;
// Then one or more animation data message must be sent.
nvidia_ace.animation_data.v1.AnimationData animation_data = 2;
// The event may be sent in between.
Event event = 3;
// The status must be sent last and may be sent in between.
nvidia_ace.status.v1.Status status = 4;
syntax = "proto3";
package nvidia_ace.a2f.v1;
import "nvidia_ace.animation_id.v1.proto";
import "nvidia_ace.status.v1.proto";
import "";
import "nvidia_ace.emotion_with_timecode.v1.proto";
message AudioStream {
// The header must be sent as the first message.
// One or more audio with emotion messages must be sent thereafter.
// The end of audio will happen when the client closes the connection
oneof stream_part {
AudioStreamHeader audio_stream_header = 1;
nvidia_ace.a2f.v1.AudioWithEmotion audio_with_emotion = 2;
// IMPORTANT NOTE: this is an AudioStreamHeader WITH ID
// A similar AudioStreamHeader exist in nvidia_ace.controller.v1.proto
// but that one does NOT contain IDs
message AudioStreamHeader {
// IDs of the current stream
nvidia_ace.animation_id.v1.AnimationIds animation_ids = 1; audio_header = 2;
// Parameters for updating the facial characteristics of an avatar
// See the documentation for more information
FaceParameters face_params = 3;
// Parameters relative to the emotion blending and processing
// before using it to generate blendshapes
// See the documentation for more information
EmotionPostProcessingParameters emotion_post_processing_params = 4;
// Multipliers and offsets to apply to the generated blendshape values
BlendShapeParameters blendshape_params = 5;
// Emotion parameters (live transition time, beginning emotion)
EmotionParameters emotion_params = 6;
message FloatArray { repeated float values = 1; }
message FaceParameters {
// The following float parameters are available:
// "lowerFaceSmoothing", "upperFaceSmoothing", "lowerFaceStrength", "upperFaceStrength",
// "faceMaskLevel", "faceMaskSoftness", "skinStrength", "blinkStrength", "eyelidOpenOffset",
// "lipOpenOffset", "blinkOffset", "tongueStrength", "tongueHeightOffset", "tongueDepthOffset"
map<string, float> float_params = 1;
// With the current Audio2Face Service no integer parameters are available
map<string, int32> integer_params = 2;
// With the current Audio2Face Service no FloatArray parameters are available
map<string, FloatArray> float_array_params = 3;
// The following blendshape can be used here as key:
// "EyeBlinkLeft", "EyeLookDownLeft", "EyeLookInLeft", "EyeLookOutLeft", "EyeLookUpLeft",
// "EyeSquintLeft", "EyeWideLeft", "EyeBlinkRight", "EyeLookDownRight", "EyeLookInRight",
// "EyeLookOutRight", "EyeLookUpRight", "EyeSquintRight", "EyeWideRight", "JawForward",
// "JawLeft", "JawRight", "JawOpen", "MouthClose", "MouthFunnel", "MouthPucker", "MouthLeft",
// "MouthRight", "MouthSmileLeft", "MouthSmileRight", "MouthFrownLeft", "MouthFrownRight",
// "MouthDimpleLeft", "MouthDimpleRight", "MouthStretchLeft", "MouthStretchRight", "MouthRollLower",
// "MouthRollUpper", "MouthShrugLower", "MouthShrugUpper", "MouthPressLeft", "MouthPressRight",
// "MouthLowerDownLeft", "MouthLowerDownRight", "MouthUpperUpLeft", "MouthUpperUpRight", "BrowDownLeft",
// "BrowDownRight", "BrowInnerUp", "BrowOuterUpLeft", "BrowOuterUpRight", "CheekPuff",
// "CheekSquintLeft", "CheekSquintRight", "NoseSneerLeft", "NoseSneerRight", "TongueOut"
// Note1: some multipliers and offset visual impact are lighter than others.
// "JawOpen", "MouthSmileLeft" and "MouthSmileRight" have stronger visual impact
// Note2: Blendshape values are after applying multipliers and offset are clamped between 0 and 1
// E.g.:
// * inferenced_weight is 0.9
// * multiplier_value is set to 3
// * offset_value is set to -1
// Then the result will be:
// 0.9 * 3 - 1 = 1.7 ===> clamp between 0, 1 ===> adjusted weight is 1
message BlendShapeParameters {
// When a key is not specified the default value is 1
map<string, float> bs_weight_multipliers = 1;
// When a key is not specified the default value is 0
map<string, float> bs_weight_offsets = 2;
// Default output bs weight is unclamped. When clamped, range is [0, 1].
optional bool enable_clamping_bs_weight = 3;
message EmotionParameters {
// Transition time value used for temporal smoothing by A2E SDK
// Expected value range: 0 < val < inf
optional float live_transition_time = 1;
// Beginning emotion used for temporal emotion smoothing
// This maps the emotion names to the corresponding emotion strength
// Missing emotion values will be set to 0.0
// The following emotions can be set:
// "amazement", "anger", "cheekiness", "disgust", "fear",
// "grief", "joy", "outofbreath", "pain", "sadness"
// Emotion values must be set between 0.0 and 1.0
map<string, float> beginning_emotion = 2;
// For more information refer to the documentation
message EmotionPostProcessingParameters {
// Increases the spread between emotion values by pushing them higher or lower.
// Default value: 1
// Min: 0.3
// Max: 3
optional float emotion_contrast = 1;
// Coefficient for smoothing emotions over time
// 0 means no smoothing at all (can be jittery)
// 1 means extreme smoothing (emotion values not updated over time)
// Default value: 0.7
// Min: 0
// Max: 1
optional float live_blend_coef = 2;
// Activate blending between the preferred emotions (passed as input) and the emotions detected by A2E.
// Default: True
optional bool enable_preferred_emotion = 3;
// Sets the strength of the preferred emotions (passed as input) relative to emotions detected by A2E.
// 0 means only A2E output will be used for emotion rendering.
// 1 means only the preferred emotions will be used for emotion rendering.
// Default value: 0.5
// Min: 0
// Max: 1
optional float preferred_emotion_strength = 4;
// Sets the strength of generated emotions relative to neutral emotion.
// This multiplier is applied globally after the mix of emotion is done.
// If set to 0, emotion will be neutral.
// If set to 1, the blend of emotion will be fully used. (can be too intense)
// Default value: 0.6
// Min: 0
// Max: 1
optional float emotion_strength = 5;
// Sets a firm limit on the quantity of emotion sliders engaged by A2E
// emotions with highest weight will be prioritized
// Default value: 3
// Min: 1
// Max: 6
optional int32 max_emotions = 6;
message AudioWithEmotion {
// audio buffer in bytes to interpret depending on the audio header
bytes audio_buffer = 1;
// The time codes are relative to the beginning of the audio clip.
repeated nvidia_ace.emotion_with_timecode.v1.EmotionWithTimeCode emotions = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
package nvidia_ace.emotion_with_timecode.v1;
// Emotions with time code allow clients to control when emotions are
// being applied to an audio clip
// Example 1:
// time_code = 0.0
// emotion = { "joy" : 1.0 }
// At the start of the audio clip, the joy emotion will be applied
// at its maximum intensity.
// Example 2:
// time_code = 3.0
// emotion = { "outofbreath" : 0.5 }
// At the 3-second mark in the audio clip, the outofbreath emotion
// will be applied at half intensity.
message EmotionWithTimeCode {
// Time when to apply the selected emotion
// This time is relative to the beginning of the audio clip
double time_code = 1;
// This maps the emotion names to the corresponding emotion strength
// Missing emotion values will be set to 0.0
// The following emotions can be set:
// "amazement", "anger", "cheekiness", "disgust", "fear",
// "grief", "joy", "outofbreath", "pain", "sadness"
// Emotion values must be set between 0.0 and 1.0
map<string, float> emotion = 2;
syntax = "proto3";
message AudioHeader {
enum AudioFormat { AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM = 0; }
// Example value: AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM
AudioFormat audio_format = 1;
// Currently only mono sound must be supported.
// Example value: 1
uint32 channel_count = 2;
// Defines the sample rate of the provided audio data
// Example value: 16000
uint32 samples_per_second = 3;
// Currently only 16 bits per sample must be supported.
// Example value: 16
uint32 bits_per_sample = 4;
syntax = "proto3";
package nvidia_ace.animation_data.v1;
import "nvidia_ace.animation_id.v1.proto";
import "";
import "nvidia_ace.status.v1.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
// IMPORTANT NOTE: this is an AnimationDataStreamHeader WITH ID
// A similar AudioStreamHeader exist in nvidia_ace.controller.v1.proto
// but that one does NOT contain IDs
message AnimationDataStreamHeader {
nvidia_ace.animation_id.v1.AnimationIds animation_ids = 1;
// This is required to identify from which animation source (e.g. A2F) the
// request originates. This allows us to map the incoming animation data
// stream to the correct pose provider animation graph node. The animation
// source MSs (e.g. A2F MS) should populate this with their name. (e.g. A2F).
// Example Value: "A2F MS"
optional string source_service_id = 2;
// Metadata of the audio buffers. This defines the audio clip properties
// at the beginning the streaming process.
optional audio_header = 3;
// Metadata containing the blendshape and joints names.
// This defines the names of the blendshapes and joints flowing though a stream.
optional nvidia_ace.animation_data.v1.SkelAnimationHeader
skel_animation_header = 4;
// Animation data streams use time codes (`time_code`) to define the temporal
// position of audio (e.g. `AudioWithTimeCode`), animation key frames (e.g.
// `SkelAnimation`), etc. relative to the beginning of the stream. The unit of
// `time_code` is seconds. In addition, the `AnimationDataStreamHeader` also
// provides the `start_time_code_since_epoch` field, which defines the
// absolute start time of the animation data stream. This start time is stored
// in seconds elapsed since the Unix time epoch.
double start_time_code_since_epoch = 5;
// A generic metadata field to attach use case specific data (e.g. session id,
// or user id?) map<string, string> metadata = 6; map<string,
// google.protobuf.Any> metadata = 6;
// This message represent each message of a stream of animation data.
message AnimationDataStream {
oneof stream_part {
// The header must be sent as the first message.
AnimationDataStreamHeader animation_data_stream_header = 1;
// Then one or more animation data message must be sent.
nvidia_ace.animation_data.v1.AnimationData animation_data = 2;
// The status must be sent last and may be sent in between.
nvidia_ace.status.v1.Status status = 3;
message AnimationData {
optional SkelAnimation skel_animation = 1;
optional AudioWithTimeCode audio = 2;
optional Camera camera = 3;
// Metadata such as emotion aggregates, etc...
map<string, google.protobuf.Any> metadata = 4;
message AudioWithTimeCode {
// The time code is relative to the `start_time_code_since_epoch`.
// Example Value: 0.0 (for the very first audio buffer flowing out of a service)
double time_code = 1;
// Audio Data in bytes, for how to interpret these bytes you need to refer to
// the audio header.
bytes audio_buffer = 2;
message SkelAnimationHeader {
// Names of the blendshapes only sent once in the header
// The position of these names is the same as the position of the values
// of the blendshapes messages
// As an example if the blendshape names are ["Eye Left", "Eye Right", "Jaw"]
// Then when receiving blendshape data over the streaming process
// E.g.: [0.1, 0.5, 0.2] & timecode = 0.0
// The pairing will be for timecode=0.0, "Eye Left"=0.1, "Eye Right"=0.5, "Jaw"=0.2
repeated string blend_shapes = 1;
// Names of the joints only sent once in the header
repeated string joints = 2;
message SkelAnimation {
// Time codes must be strictly monotonically increasing.
// Two successive SkelAnimation messages must not have overlapping time code
// ranges.
repeated FloatArrayWithTimeCode blend_shape_weights = 1;
repeated Float3ArrayWithTimeCode translations = 2;
repeated QuatFArrayWithTimeCode rotations = 3;
repeated Float3ArrayWithTimeCode scales = 4;
message Camera {
repeated Float3WithTimeCode position = 1;
repeated QuatFWithTimeCode rotation = 2;
repeated FloatWithTimeCode focal_length = 3;
repeated FloatWithTimeCode focus_distance = 4;
message FloatArrayWithTimeCode {
double time_code = 1;
repeated float values = 2;
message Float3ArrayWithTimeCode {
double time_code = 1;
repeated Float3 values = 2;
message QuatFArrayWithTimeCode {
double time_code = 1;
repeated QuatF values = 2;
message Float3WithTimeCode {
double time_code = 1;
Float3 value = 2;
message QuatFWithTimeCode {
double time_code = 1;
QuatF value = 2;
message FloatWithTimeCode {
double time_code = 1;
float value = 2;
message QuatF {
float real = 1;
float i = 2;
float j = 3;
float k = 4;
message Float3 {
float x = 1;
float y = 2;
float z = 3;
syntax = "proto3";
package nvidia_ace.status.v1;
// This status message indicates the result of an operation
// Refer to the rpc using it for more information
message Status {
enum Code {
INFO = 1;
ERROR = 3;
// Type of message returned by the service
// Example value: SUCCESS
Code code = 1;
// Message returned by the service
// Example value: "Audio processing completed successfully!"
string message = 2;
Config Fetch gRPC#
Service definition#
This service is in alpha version.
The GetConfigs rpc from the proto below is the only call you need to do to get the current configuration of the Audio2Face-3D microservice. For more information about it, see the A2F-3D NIM Manual Container Deployment and Configuration page.
syntax = "proto3";
// This proto is in alpha version and might be subject to future changes
service A2XExportConfigService {
rpc GetConfigs(ConfigsTypeRequest) returns (stream A2XConfig) {}
message ConfigsTypeRequest {
enum ConfigType {
YAML = 0; // YAML should be chosen for updating the A2F MS
JSON = 1;
ConfigType config_type = 1;
message A2XConfig {
// E.g.:
// contains claire_inference.yaml
string name = 1;
// File Content
string content = 2;
// v0.1.0%
Unidirectional Streaming gRPC#
Unidirectional Streaming gRPC
This section describes the communication with Audio2Face-3D microservice when it runs in legacy mode, with 2 unidirectional streaming endpoints. In order to interact with Audio2Face-3D you will need to create a client to send data and implement a server to receive the data.
Client side - Service
This is the gRPC server prototype that you need to send the data to:
syntax = "proto3";
import "nvidia_ace.a2f.v1.proto";
import "nvidia_ace.status.v1.proto";
service A2FService {
// RPC to implement to send audio data to Audio2Face Microservice
// An example use for this RPC is a client pushing audio buffers to
// Audio2Face Microservice (server)
rpc PushAudioStream(stream nvidia_ace.a2f.v1.AudioStream)
returns (nvidia_ace.status.v1.Status) {}
Client side - Protobuf data
syntax = "proto3";
package nvidia_ace.a2f.v1;
import "nvidia_ace.animation_id.v1.proto";
import "nvidia_ace.status.v1.proto";
import "";
import "nvidia_ace.emotion_with_timecode.v1.proto";
message AudioStream {
// The header must be sent as the first message.
// One or more audio with emotion messages must be sent thereafter.
// The end of audio will happen when the client closes the connection
oneof stream_part {
AudioStreamHeader audio_stream_header = 1;
nvidia_ace.a2f.v1.AudioWithEmotion audio_with_emotion = 2;
// IMPORTANT NOTE: this is an AudioStreamHeader WITH ID
// A similar AudioStreamHeader exist in nvidia_ace.controller.v1.proto
// but that one does NOT contain IDs
message AudioStreamHeader {
// IDs of the current stream
nvidia_ace.animation_id.v1.AnimationIds animation_ids = 1; audio_header = 2;
// Parameters for updating the facial characteristics of an avatar
// See the documentation for more information
FaceParameters face_params = 3;
// Parameters relative to the emotion blending and processing
// before using it to generate blendshapes
// See the documentation for more information
EmotionPostProcessingParameters emotion_post_processing_params = 4;
// Multipliers and offsets to apply to the generated blendshape values
BlendShapeParameters blendshape_params = 5;
// Emotion parameters (live transition time, beginning emotion)
EmotionParameters emotion_params = 6;
message FloatArray { repeated float values = 1; }
message FaceParameters {
// The following float parameters are available:
// "lowerFaceSmoothing", "upperFaceSmoothing", "lowerFaceStrength", "upperFaceStrength",
// "faceMaskLevel", "faceMaskSoftness", "skinStrength", "blinkStrength", "eyelidOpenOffset",
// "lipOpenOffset", "blinkOffset", "tongueStrength", "tongueHeightOffset", "tongueDepthOffset"
map<string, float> float_params = 1;
// With the current Audio2Face Service no integer parameters are available
map<string, int32> integer_params = 2;
// With the current Audio2Face Service no FloatArray parameters are available
map<string, FloatArray> float_array_params = 3;
// The following blendshape can be used here as key:
// "EyeBlinkLeft", "EyeLookDownLeft", "EyeLookInLeft", "EyeLookOutLeft", "EyeLookUpLeft",
// "EyeSquintLeft", "EyeWideLeft", "EyeBlinkRight", "EyeLookDownRight", "EyeLookInRight",
// "EyeLookOutRight", "EyeLookUpRight", "EyeSquintRight", "EyeWideRight", "JawForward",
// "JawLeft", "JawRight", "JawOpen", "MouthClose", "MouthFunnel", "MouthPucker", "MouthLeft",
// "MouthRight", "MouthSmileLeft", "MouthSmileRight", "MouthFrownLeft", "MouthFrownRight",
// "MouthDimpleLeft", "MouthDimpleRight", "MouthStretchLeft", "MouthStretchRight", "MouthRollLower",
// "MouthRollUpper", "MouthShrugLower", "MouthShrugUpper", "MouthPressLeft", "MouthPressRight",
// "MouthLowerDownLeft", "MouthLowerDownRight", "MouthUpperUpLeft", "MouthUpperUpRight", "BrowDownLeft",
// "BrowDownRight", "BrowInnerUp", "BrowOuterUpLeft", "BrowOuterUpRight", "CheekPuff",
// "CheekSquintLeft", "CheekSquintRight", "NoseSneerLeft", "NoseSneerRight", "TongueOut"
// Note1: some multipliers and offset visual impact are lighter than others.
// "JawOpen", "MouthSmileLeft" and "MouthSmileRight" have stronger visual impact
// Note2: Blendshape values are after applying multipliers and offset are clamped between 0 and 1
// E.g.:
// * inferenced_weight is 0.9
// * multiplier_value is set to 3
// * offset_value is set to -1
// Then the result will be:
// 0.9 * 3 - 1 = 1.7 ===> clamp between 0, 1 ===> adjusted weight is 1
message BlendShapeParameters {
// When a key is not specified the default value is 1
map<string, float> bs_weight_multipliers = 1;
// When a key is not specified the default value is 0
map<string, float> bs_weight_offsets = 2;
// Default output bs weight is unclamped. When clamped, range is [0, 1].
optional bool enable_clamping_bs_weight = 3;
message EmotionParameters {
// Transition time value used for temporal smoothing by A2E SDK
// Expected value range: 0 < val < inf
optional float live_transition_time = 1;
// Beginning emotion used for temporal emotion smoothing
// This maps the emotion names to the corresponding emotion strength
// Missing emotion values will be set to 0.0
// The following emotions can be set:
// "amazement", "anger", "cheekiness", "disgust", "fear",
// "grief", "joy", "outofbreath", "pain", "sadness"
// Emotion values must be set between 0.0 and 1.0
map<string, float> beginning_emotion = 2;
// For more information refer to the documentation
message EmotionPostProcessingParameters {
// Increases the spread between emotion values by pushing them higher or lower.
// Default value: 1
// Min: 0.3
// Max: 3
optional float emotion_contrast = 1;
// Coefficient for smoothing emotions over time
// 0 means no smoothing at all (can be jittery)
// 1 means extreme smoothing (emotion values not updated over time)
// Default value: 0.7
// Min: 0
// Max: 1
optional float live_blend_coef = 2;
// Activate blending between the preferred emotions (passed as input) and the emotions detected by A2E.
// Default: True
optional bool enable_preferred_emotion = 3;
// Sets the strength of the preferred emotions (passed as input) relative to emotions detected by A2E.
// 0 means only A2E output will be used for emotion rendering.
// 1 means only the preferred emotions will be used for emotion rendering.
// Default value: 0.5
// Min: 0
// Max: 1
optional float preferred_emotion_strength = 4;
// Sets the strength of generated emotions relative to neutral emotion.
// This multiplier is applied globally after the mix of emotion is done.
// If set to 0, emotion will be neutral.
// If set to 1, the blend of emotion will be fully used. (can be too intense)
// Default value: 0.6
// Min: 0
// Max: 1
optional float emotion_strength = 5;
// Sets a firm limit on the quantity of emotion sliders engaged by A2E
// emotions with highest weight will be prioritized
// Default value: 3
// Min: 1
// Max: 6
optional int32 max_emotions = 6;
message AudioWithEmotion {
// audio buffer in bytes to interpret depending on the audio header
bytes audio_buffer = 1;
// The time codes are relative to the beginning of the audio clip.
repeated nvidia_ace.emotion_with_timecode.v1.EmotionWithTimeCode emotions = 2;
Server side - Service
Implementing PushAnimationDataStream as a server rpc will make it possible for you to receive data from A2F-3D.
syntax = "proto3";
import "nvidia_ace.animation_data.v1.proto";
import "nvidia_ace.animation_id.v1.proto";
import "nvidia_ace.status.v1.proto";
// 2 RPC exist to provide a stream of animation data
// The RPC to implement depends on if the part of the service
// is a client or a server.
// E.g.: In the case of Animation Graph Microservice, we implement both RPCs.
// One to receive and one to send.
service AnimationDataService {
// When the service creating the animation data is a client from the service receiving them
// This push RPC must be used.
// An example for that is Audio2Face Microservice creating animation data and sending them
// to Animation Graph Microservice
rpc PushAnimationDataStream(stream nvidia_ace.animation_data.v1.AnimationDataStream)
returns (nvidia_ace.status.v1.Status) {}
// When the service creating the animation data is a server from the service receiving them
// This pull RPC must be used.
// An example for that is the Omniverse Renderer Microservice requesting animation data to the
// Animation Graph Microservice.
rpc PullAnimationDataStream(nvidia_ace.animation_id.v1.AnimationIds)
returns (stream nvidia_ace.animation_data.v1.AnimationDataStream) {}
Server side - Protobuf data
syntax = "proto3";
package nvidia_ace.a2f.v1;
import "nvidia_ace.animation_id.v1.proto";
import "nvidia_ace.status.v1.proto";
import "";
import "nvidia_ace.emotion_with_timecode.v1.proto";
message AudioStream {
// The header must be sent as the first message.
// One or more audio with emotion messages must be sent thereafter.
// The end of audio will happen when the client closes the connection
oneof stream_part {
AudioStreamHeader audio_stream_header = 1;
nvidia_ace.a2f.v1.AudioWithEmotion audio_with_emotion = 2;
// IMPORTANT NOTE: this is an AudioStreamHeader WITH ID
// A similar AudioStreamHeader exist in nvidia_ace.controller.v1.proto
// but that one does NOT contain IDs
message AudioStreamHeader {
// IDs of the current stream
nvidia_ace.animation_id.v1.AnimationIds animation_ids = 1; audio_header = 2;
// Parameters for updating the facial characteristics of an avatar
// See the documentation for more information
FaceParameters face_params = 3;
// Parameters relative to the emotion blending and processing
// before using it to generate blendshapes
// See the documentation for more information
EmotionPostProcessingParameters emotion_post_processing_params = 4;
// Multipliers and offsets to apply to the generated blendshape values
BlendShapeParameters blendshape_params = 5;
// Emotion parameters (live transition time, beginning emotion)
EmotionParameters emotion_params = 6;
message FloatArray { repeated float values = 1; }
message FaceParameters {
// The following float parameters are available:
// "lowerFaceSmoothing", "upperFaceSmoothing", "lowerFaceStrength", "upperFaceStrength",
// "faceMaskLevel", "faceMaskSoftness", "skinStrength", "blinkStrength", "eyelidOpenOffset",
// "lipOpenOffset", "blinkOffset", "tongueStrength", "tongueHeightOffset", "tongueDepthOffset"
map<string, float> float_params = 1;
// With the current Audio2Face Service no integer parameters are available
map<string, int32> integer_params = 2;
// With the current Audio2Face Service no FloatArray parameters are available
map<string, FloatArray> float_array_params = 3;
// The following blendshape can be used here as key:
// "EyeBlinkLeft", "EyeLookDownLeft", "EyeLookInLeft", "EyeLookOutLeft", "EyeLookUpLeft",
// "EyeSquintLeft", "EyeWideLeft", "EyeBlinkRight", "EyeLookDownRight", "EyeLookInRight",
// "EyeLookOutRight", "EyeLookUpRight", "EyeSquintRight", "EyeWideRight", "JawForward",
// "JawLeft", "JawRight", "JawOpen", "MouthClose", "MouthFunnel", "MouthPucker", "MouthLeft",
// "MouthRight", "MouthSmileLeft", "MouthSmileRight", "MouthFrownLeft", "MouthFrownRight",
// "MouthDimpleLeft", "MouthDimpleRight", "MouthStretchLeft", "MouthStretchRight", "MouthRollLower",
// "MouthRollUpper", "MouthShrugLower", "MouthShrugUpper", "MouthPressLeft", "MouthPressRight",
// "MouthLowerDownLeft", "MouthLowerDownRight", "MouthUpperUpLeft", "MouthUpperUpRight", "BrowDownLeft",
// "BrowDownRight", "BrowInnerUp", "BrowOuterUpLeft", "BrowOuterUpRight", "CheekPuff",
// "CheekSquintLeft", "CheekSquintRight", "NoseSneerLeft", "NoseSneerRight", "TongueOut"
// Note1: some multipliers and offset visual impact are lighter than others.
// "JawOpen", "MouthSmileLeft" and "MouthSmileRight" have stronger visual impact
// Note2: Blendshape values are after applying multipliers and offset are clamped between 0 and 1
// E.g.:
// * inferenced_weight is 0.9
// * multiplier_value is set to 3
// * offset_value is set to -1
// Then the result will be:
// 0.9 * 3 - 1 = 1.7 ===> clamp between 0, 1 ===> adjusted weight is 1
message BlendShapeParameters {
// When a key is not specified the default value is 1
map<string, float> bs_weight_multipliers = 1;
// When a key is not specified the default value is 0
map<string, float> bs_weight_offsets = 2;
// Default output bs weight is unclamped. When clamped, range is [0, 1].
optional bool enable_clamping_bs_weight = 3;
message EmotionParameters {
// Transition time value used for temporal smoothing by A2E SDK
// Expected value range: 0 < val < inf
optional float live_transition_time = 1;
// Beginning emotion used for temporal emotion smoothing
// This maps the emotion names to the corresponding emotion strength
// Missing emotion values will be set to 0.0
// The following emotions can be set:
// "amazement", "anger", "cheekiness", "disgust", "fear",
// "grief", "joy", "outofbreath", "pain", "sadness"
// Emotion values must be set between 0.0 and 1.0
map<string, float> beginning_emotion = 2;
// For more information refer to the documentation
message EmotionPostProcessingParameters {
// Increases the spread between emotion values by pushing them higher or lower.
// Default value: 1
// Min: 0.3
// Max: 3
optional float emotion_contrast = 1;
// Coefficient for smoothing emotions over time
// 0 means no smoothing at all (can be jittery)
// 1 means extreme smoothing (emotion values not updated over time)
// Default value: 0.7
// Min: 0
// Max: 1
optional float live_blend_coef = 2;
// Activate blending between the preferred emotions (passed as input) and the emotions detected by A2E.
// Default: True
optional bool enable_preferred_emotion = 3;
// Sets the strength of the preferred emotions (passed as input) relative to emotions detected by A2E.
// 0 means only A2E output will be used for emotion rendering.
// 1 means only the preferred emotions will be used for emotion rendering.
// Default value: 0.5
// Min: 0
// Max: 1
optional float preferred_emotion_strength = 4;
// Sets the strength of generated emotions relative to neutral emotion.
// This multiplier is applied globally after the mix of emotion is done.
// If set to 0, emotion will be neutral.
// If set to 1, the blend of emotion will be fully used. (can be too intense)
// Default value: 0.6
// Min: 0
// Max: 1
optional float emotion_strength = 5;
// Sets a firm limit on the quantity of emotion sliders engaged by A2E
// emotions with highest weight will be prioritized
// Default value: 3
// Min: 1
// Max: 6
optional int32 max_emotions = 6;
message AudioWithEmotion {
// audio buffer in bytes to interpret depending on the audio header
bytes audio_buffer = 1;
// The time codes are relative to the beginning of the audio clip.
repeated nvidia_ace.emotion_with_timecode.v1.EmotionWithTimeCode emotions = 2;