Fetch current configuration from Audio2Face-3D#
We provide a Python application to fetch current configuration from a running instance of Audio2Face-3D. For more information about available configuration, check the A2F-3D NIM Manual Container Deployment and Configuration page.
The Audio2Face-3D NIM is up and running.
Setting up the config fetcher application#
Clone the repository: NVIDIA/Audio2Face-3D-Samples
Go to scripts/config_fetching_app subfolder.
And follow the setup instructions in the README.md
To check that the application was setup correctly and see how to use it, run:
$ python3 fetch_deployment_configs.py --help
usage: fetch_deployment_configs.py [-h] url
Fetch YAML config from A2F-3D
positional arguments:
url The URL to process
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Fetching configuration#
To fetch the current configuration from a running Audio2Face-3D instance:
$ python3 fetch_deployment_configs.py <ip>:<port>
For example,
$ python3 fetch_deployment_configs.py
The scripts needs a parameter with the address of a running A2F-3D instance. For quick start deployment, use
This will produce a folder in which 3 files are available. You can explore the results by running the following command,
and replacing the <output_folder>
with the name of the folder printed by the fetch configuration command:
$ ls -l <output_folder>/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 857 Nov 14 11:20 config_advanced.yaml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 662 Nov 14 11:20 config_deployment.yaml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 7601 Nov 14 11:20 config_stylization.yaml
config_advanced.yaml: Contains advanced configuration options for fine-tuning the service. These settings are typically used for specialized scenarios and rarely need modification in everyday use.
config_deployment.yaml: Holds the current deployment-specific configurations, including network settings such as the ports used by the service.
config_stylization.yaml: : Defines the current parameters used for adjusting the visual style and quality of animations.