Network Customization and Accessibility#
Audio2Face-3D Docker-Compose Customization#
If you decide not to use host as network and you would like to specify ports then you need to update Audio2Face-3D Deployment configuration file. A description on how to override these files can be found in Changing Configuration.
Ip and ports must be set accordingly to your changes.
The port 52000 is dedicated to clients external to the cluster.
Exposing Audio2Face-3D Deployment from WSL#
By Default, if you try to access the Deployed Audio2Face-3D Service in WSL, from another machine it will not work. You need to open a port in your Windows Firewall for this and to reroute traffic on port 52000 to your WSL network.
Opening a port in Windows Firewall#
Open the Windows Firewall menu:
Click on Advanced settings:
Click on Inbound rule:
Click on new rule and select port:
Select TCP and specific local ports:
Click on allow the connection and next:
Assuming this deployment is done in a workplace, let’s select Domain and Private.
Now let’s give a name to that rule: Audio2Face-3D Service
You rule is now ready, you can close these windows:
Rerouting Traffic to your WSL deployment#
In a Ubuntu 22.04 WSL terminal, type the following command:
$ hostname -I
You will obtain 1 or multiple ip addresses:
<ip_address_wsl> ...
Take the first one as <ip_address_wsl>.
Then open a Powershell as Administrator and type: (make sure to replace <ip_address_wsl> by the ip you received above.)
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=52000 listenaddress= connectport=52000 connectaddress=<ip_address_wsl>
With these changes, you will be able to communicate with you Audio2Face-3D Deployment on WSL.