Building a Bot using NVIDIA RAG Examples

In this section, let’s build a bot that uses NVIDIA RAG Examples pipeline to answer questions.

Similar to the tutorial for LangChain-based Bots, we will use a Plugin to interact with the RAG server. However, in this tutorial we will use a pre-built Plugin that works out of the box. This plugin can be connected to the Chat Controller or the Chat Engine. Refer to the plugin server architecture section for more information.

The minimal file structure of the RAG bot looks like this:

└── rag_bot
    └── plugin_config.yaml
    └── speech_config.yaml
    └── model_config.yaml

Connecting Chat Controller to the RAG Plugin

LangChain UCS App
  1. Deploy the RAG examples by following the instructions in the sample RAG bot. You can also deploy RAG Server in Kubernetes using NVIDIA Enterprise RAG LLM Operator.

  2. Update plugin_config.yaml with the pre-built RAG Plugin. If the RAG server was deployed at a URL other than the default, update the parameters section of the plugin config file.

      workers: 1
      timeout: 30
      - name: rag
          RAG_SERVER_URL: "http://localhost:8081"

    If you want to review the RAG plugin, refer to the ./samples/rag_bot sample bot directory.

  3. Copy the model_config.yaml and speech_config.yaml files from samples/chitchat_bot. They represent the common settings for a speech pipeline.

  4. Update the server URL in the dialog_manager component to point to the pre-built RAG Plugin we defined in the previous step.

          server: "http://localhost:9002/rag"
          use_streaming: true

    With this change, the Chat Controller will directly call the /chat and /event endpoints of the Plugin server.

  5. Deploy the bot.

    1. Set the environment variables required for the docker-compose.yml file.

      export BOT_PATH=./my_bots/rag_bot/
      source deploy/docker/
    2. Deploy the Riva ASR and TTS speech models.

      docker compose -f deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml up model-utils-speech
    3. Deploy the Plugin server with RAG plugin.

      docker compose -f deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml up --build plugin-server -d
    4. Deploy the Chat Controller microservice with the gRPC interface.

      docker compose -f deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml up chat-controller -d
  6. Interact with the bot using the Speech sample frontend application.

    docker compose -f deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml up frontend-speech

    Notice that we are not deploying the Chat Engine container at all.

    You can interact with the bot using your browser at http://<YOUR_IP_ADDRESS>:9001.

Here’s an example snippet:

Speech Based Sample App

Connecting the Plugin to the Chat Engine

You can add guardrails to the bot or add any custom logic in Colang by creating the configurations needed for the Chat Engine and connecting the Plugin server to the Chat Engine using the Chat Engine Server Architecture.

Speech Bot Web App UCS App

Creating the Bot and Colang Configurations

bot_config.yaml is the configuration entry point for any bot. Let’s create this file and add a few important configuration parameters.

  1. Give the bot a name. In bot_config.yaml, you need to add a unique name for the bot. Let’s name the bot nvidia_rag_bot.

    bot: nvidia_rag_bot
  2. All the intelligence in our bot will be present in the RAG server. Since our Colang configs are only meant to route the queries to the plugin, let’s keep the model section empty.

    models: []
  3. Create a Colang file called, which will contain all the Colang logic. Let’s update to route all queries to the RAG plugin.

    define flow
      user ...
      $answer = execute chat_plugin(\
      bot respond
    define bot respond

    The above flow routes all user utterances to a POST endpoint called /generate in a plugin called rag. It passes the user’s question as well as a session_id to the endpoint as request parameters.


    If you want to add more complicated logic in Colang, you must update and possibly the bot config file according to your use case. Refer to Using Colang for more information.

  4. Change the server URL for the dialog_manager component to the Chat Engine component in speech_config.yaml.

        server: "http://localhost:9000"
        use_streaming: true

Testing the Bot

  1. Run the bot in gRPC Interface using the Docker Environment.

  2. Set the environment variables required for the docker-compose.yml file.

    export BOT_PATH=./my_bots/rag_bot/
    source deploy/docker/
  3. Deploy the Riva ASR and TTS speech models.

    docker compose -f deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml up model-utils-speech
  4. Deploy the ACE Agent microservices. Deploy the Chat Controller, Chat Engine, Plugin server, and NLP server microservices. The NLP server will not have any models deployed for this bot.

    docker compose -f deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml up --build speech-bot -d
  5. Interact with the bot using the Speech sample frontend application.

    docker compose -f deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml up frontend-speech

    You can interact with the bot using your browser at http://<YOUR_IP_ADDRESS>:9001.