Microservice Parameters#
The Omniverse renderer microservice offers various configuration parameters, that can be found together with their description in the UCS microservice manifest and in the overview below:
Parameter Name |
Description |
UCS Parameter Name |
Type |
UCS Default Value |
Environment Variable Name |
Debug Logs |
Enable debug logs. |
debug.logEnabled |
boolean |
true |
Debug Log each received animation data message |
Log each animation data message that is received on the grpc stream. |
debug.logEachReceivedAnimationDataMessage |
boolean |
false |
Debug Log each sent animation data message |
Log each animation data message that is sent on the grpc stream. |
debug.logEachSentAnimationDataMessage |
boolean |
false |
Debug Frame Interval |
Enable debug output of each x-th frame. |
debug.logFrameInterval |
integer |
30 |
HTTP Server Port |
The port where the http API server is served. |
httpServer.port |
integer |
8020 |
Animation Server Port |
The port where the animation data server is served. |
animationServer.port |
integer |
51000 |
Animation Server Max Capacity |
The max number of parallel streams, that are supported for each instance of the microservice. |
animationServer.maxCapacity |
integer |
3 |
Animation Source Buffer Size |
The buffer size of animation data input stream in seconds. |
animationSource.bufferSize |
number |
0.1 |
Animation Output Frame Rate |
The frames per second rate at which the data is sampled and streamed. |
animationOutput.frameRate |
number |
30.0 |
Scene Filename |
The name of the USD asset (e.g. Avatar_Scene.usda). This can be a .usda or a .usd file. |
scene.filename |
string |
“Avatar_Scene.usda” |
Scene Directory |
The path to the asset directory that contains the main USD asset file |
string |
Remote Resource Path |
The remote resource path with the USD scene assets. Will be provided as “REMOTE_RESOURCE_PATH” env variable to the resource download init container. E.g. for NGC resources looks like “<NGC_ORG>/<NGC_TEAM>/<NGC_RESOURCE_NAME>:<NGC_RESOURCE_VERSION>”. |
resourceDownload.remoteResourcePath |
string |
“” |
REMOTE_RESOURCE_PATH (only for init container) |
Secret Name |
Name of the secret, that will be mounted into the resource download init container to provide credentials. E.g. for NGC the “NGC_CLI_API_KEY”. |
resourceDownload.secretName |
string |
“” |
Image |
Name of the image for the resource download init container. E.g. “nvcr.io/eevaigoeixww/staging/ngc-resource-downloader:0.0.2” |
resourceDownload.image |
string |
“” |
Resource Persistent Volume Size |
The size of the asset volume required to store the USD scene and all its dependencies. |
resourceDownload.persistentVolumeSize |
string |
“5000Mi” |
Kit Settings |
Additional Kit settings passed at startup (e.g. ‘–/app/my/setting=42 –/app/my/other/setting=true’). |
kit.settings |
string |
“” |
Print Kit Setttings |
Print Kit settings on startup. |
kit.printSettings |
boolean |
false |
Memory Request |
Resource memory request for container. |
deployment.memoryRequest |
string |
“2Gi” |
Memory Limit |
Resource memory limit for container. |
deployment.memoryLimit |
string |
“4Gi” |
GPU Disable Allocation |
When set to true, the GPU allocation is switched from hardcoded to dynamic. |
deployment.gpuDisableAlloc |
boolean |
false |
By default the UCS app configures the microservices to download the avatar scene from NGC. However, there are also alternative methods to download resources and you can also create your own resource downloader init container as described in the Resource Downloader section.