Audio2Face-3D Authoring# Getting Started Before you Begin Overview Quick start Prerequisites Trying Audio2Face-3D Authoring Microservice WSL Setup Guide Prerequisites Setup Docker without Docker Desktop Install CUDA Toolkit Install NVIDIA Container Toolkit Install NGC CLI Architecture Architecture overview Audio2Face-3D Authoring Microservice Overview Communication Configuration Interacting with Audio2Face-3D Authoring Sample applications connecting to A2F-3D Authoring Microservice Setup Using a local deployment Using NVCF gRPC directly with Audio2Face-3D Authoring Client side Deployment Container Deployment Dependencies Troubleshooting, notes and changelog AudioClip Database TTL Maximum size Security Notes Troubleshooting NVCF hosting limitations Startup failures Known issues Low-FPS and latency Troubleshooting Latency with the MACE Plugin Implementing your own client Lowering latency of the A2F-3D Authoring Microservice Latency due to geolocation Changelog v0.3.6 v0.2.8 Licenses