UCS Microservice Additional Features#

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) support#

HPA is a nice feature in Kubernetes that allows for workloads to dynamically scale up and down based on resource useage, such as memory or CPU, or custom resources.

A UCS Microservice definition allows for setting these HPA requirements. In the manifest.py, the user can set the hpa parameter of the ucf.k8s.app.deployment built-in component. Below is an example of setting memory and cpu target utilization values for an example echo server (note that several manifest components have been omitted for brevity). Specifically, the HPA setings on indicate that pods should be scaled up and down accordingly between a minimum of 1 pod and a maximum of 4, based on CPU resource utilization and memory utilization thresholds. The threshold defined for each is a percentage (75% in this example) of the corresponding target value defined within the pod resource requests.

type: msapplication
specVersion: 2.5.0
name: ucf.svc.echo
chartName: echo-server
description: Echo server example
version: 0.0.1
displayName: "Echo Server"
nSpectId: NSPECT-0000-0000

  - name: http-api
    description: Short description of http-api ingress endpoint
    scheme: http
    data-flow: in-out # Or in or out

  #stringToEcho: someString
  #> type: string
  #> enum_values: someString, someOtherString
  #> description: String to echo in init container

  - name: echo-deployment
    type: ucf.k8s.app.deployment
      apptype: stateless
        maxReplicas: 4
        minReplicates: 1 # default if not specified
          averageUtilization: 75
          averageUtilization: 75
  - name: "echo-container"
    type: ucf.k8s.container
        repository: ealen/echo-server
        tag: "0.9.2"
      - containerPort: 80
        name: http
      - containerPort: 8002
        name: metrics
          cpu: "0.5"
          memory: "500Mi"

  - name: echo-service
    type: ucf.k8s.service
      fullNameOverride: true
      - port: 3000
        name: http-api
        targetPort: 80

See the Kubernetes HPA documentation for more information about HPA.