Secrets Management#

Secrets in UCS are implemented using files. Microservices must read secrets from files. They do not need to know how the files were created / mounted in the container. This creates a layer of abstraction where the dependency on any particular type of secrets management can be removed from the microservice.

UCS Applications are responsible for integrating the secrets management system and correctly mounting the secret as a file at the location expected by the microservices.

Specifying secret requirements in Microservice#

Secret requirements for the microservice can be described under the secrets field of the microservice builder input manifest.yaml file as specifed at - Secrets.

The secrets are expected to be mounted at <mountPath>/<fileName> as specified in the manifest.

Any applications running inside the microservice that need the secret must read it from this path. Placeholder $secrets.<name>.path can be used in place of the mount path in manifest.yaml or the files inside configs directory. All instances of the placeholders will get replaced by the actual mount path <mountPath>/<fileName> during the microservice helm chart build.

Viewing secrets requirements of a microservice#

Using CLI Tools#

The secrets requirement of any microservice can be viewed using either of the CLI Tools - UCS Microservice Builder CLI or UCS Application Builder CLI using the service info command.

For example:

$ ucf_ms_builder_cli service info -n ucf.svc.myservice
-   name: some-secret-name
    description: Description for the secret
    mandatory: true
    mountPath: /secrets
    fileName: someSecretFileName

This microservice expects a secret some-secret-name to be mounted at /secrets/someSecretFileName.

Using UCS Studio#

Secrets requirements of a microservice can be viewed in the UCS Studio by creating a new graph, adding the required microservice in the graph canvas, selecting it by clicking on it and then going through the Secrets section in the Property window on the right.

UCS Studio - Viewing Secrets Requirements

Fulfill the secrets in an UCS Application#

Using UCS Studio#

First open the Graph Configuration by right-clicking on the graph window to open the context menu and selecting Configurator.

UCS Studio - Open Graph Configurator

Next select the Secrets window, click on Add to add a new secret. Enter details as required including the source of the secret Kubernetes Secret, Vault, Secrets Store CSI Driver, Certificate and source specific details:

UCS Studio - Add Secret

Now select a microservice on the canvas, this will show the Secrets section in the Property window on the right. For each secret requirement, select a secret to set for it from the dropdown.

UCS Studio - Set Secret

Using Textual Representation and CLI Tools#

All mandatory secrets for each microservice must be specified. Secrets that need to be used in an application (and thus set on a microservice) must be added to secrets section of the application along with the source details for the secrets. UCS Tools support Kubernetes Secret, Vault, Certificate or the Secrets Store CSI Driver as the source of the secret. The secrets must be specified in the UCS application YAML as follows:

      <source specific details>

      <source specific details>

Based on the source of the secret, additional details must be specified.

These secrets can be set on microservices under that need them secrets field of the components in the application graph file. The format is:

- name: <svc-name>
  type: <svc-ucf-type>
    <secretName1>: <secret-identifier>
    <secretName2>: <secret-identifier-1>

- name: <svc-name-1>
  type: <svc-ucf-type-1>
    <secretName>: <secret-identifier-1>

Supported Secret Management Types#

UCS Tools support Kubernetes Secret, Vault, Certificate or the Secrets Store CSI Driver as the source of the secret.

Using Kubernetes Secret#

A Kubernetes Secret can be added to the application using the following format:

      secretName: <Name-of-K8S-Secret-Resource>
      key: <Key-in-K8S-Secret>

An example application graph file using Kubernetes Secret as source of the secret:

specVersion: 2.5.0

version: 0.0.1

name: myservice-test


- ucf.svc.myservice:0.0.1

- name: myservice
  type: ucf.svc.myservice
    timeToSleep: 1200000
    some-secret-name: db-username


      secretName: db-creds-k8s-secret
      key: username

Same can be achieved in UCS Studio by selecting K8S Secret from Type drop down and setting valid values for Secret Name and Key

UCS Studio - Secrets - Kubernetes Secret

For Kubernetes Secret as the source of secret, it is upto the application deployer to make sure a Kuberenetes secret with name <Name-of-K8S-Secret-Resource> containing key <Key-in-K8S-Secret> has already been deployed. For example, in this case it can be done using:

$ kubectl create secret generic db-creds-k8s-secret --from-literal=username=admin

When building the application, UCS Application Builder CLI tools will add the appropriate parameters to mount the key username of secret db-creds-k8s-secret at the expected location of /secrets/someSecretFileName in the microservice container.

Using Vault secrets#

UCS Application Builder CLI tool supports integration with Hashicorp Vault for secrets management. It is expected that the application developer knows how to manage Vault server, add secrets to it and use the JWT method of authenticating the Kubernetes cluster with vault. For documentation on Vault refer to -

For Vault as the source of secret, vaultAgent parameter must be added to the application which specifies connection and authentication details for the Vault server. The specification for the vaultAgent is:

    path: "<vault-jwt-auth-mount-path>"
    type: "jwt"
      audience: "<bound-audience>"
      role: "<vault-role>"
  role: "<vault-role>"
  namespace: "<vault-namespace>"
  service: "<vault-host>"

A Vault based secret can be added to the application using the following format:

      path: "<path-to-secret-in-vault-server>"
        # Following type is used for KV secrets engine of Vault
        type: kv
        key: "<key-in-secret>"

      path: "<path-to-secret-in-vault-server>"
        # Following type is used for X.509 PKI certificate engine of Vault
        type: pki/certificate      # OR "pki/private_key" OR "pki/issuing_ca" #
        common_name: <common-name>  # Common name to use when requesting certificate from Vault
        ttl: <ttl>                  # TTL for the certificates e.g. 720h

      path: "<path-to-secret-in-vault-server>"
      # Following can be used for custom templates using the Consul template language.
      template: |
        {{- with secret "<path-to-secret-in-vault-server>" }}
        {{- }}:{{ }}
        {{- end }}

An example of using this is:

specVersion: 2.5.0

version: 0.0.1

name: myservice-test


- ucf.svc.myservice:0.0.1

- name: myservice
  type: ucf.svc.myservice
    timeToSleep: 1200000
    some-secret-name: db-username


    path: auth/jwt/my-cluster
    type: "jwt"
      audience: custom-audience
      role: my-auth-role
  role: my-auth-role
  namespace: my-namespace

      path: my-app-kv/db-creds
        type: kv
        key: username

You can also achieve this in UCS Studio by first filling in the Vault Agent section in the Graph Configurator.

UCS Studio - Secrets - Vault Agent

And then selecting Vault from Type drop down for the secret and setting valid Path of the secret in the Vault Server. Based on the type of the secret, select kv / pki/certificate / pki/private_key / pki/issuing_ca from the template type dropdown and specify additional information like key, common_name, ttl. To specify the raw template string for rendering the template, select string from the template type dropdown.

UCS Studio - Secrets - Vault Agent

In this example, application developer is responsible for making sure that:

  • Vault Server is hosted at

  • Namespace my-namespace of the Vault Server is being used

  • JWT authentication method of vault is enabled at path auth/jwt/my-cluster

  • bound_audience when configuring the authentication method is set to custom-audience

  • The authentication method has been configured with a bound_subject that allows some-service-account access

  • The authentication method has been configured with a my-auth-role authentication role

  • A KV2 secrets engine has been created and configured at my-app-kv

  • A KV2 secret has been created at mount path my-app-kv/db-creds

  • The KV2 secret contains a key username

  • A policy has configured that allows my-auth-role role access to my-app-kv/db-creds

  • Vault Agent Injector Service is already running on the cluster

When building the application, UCS Application Builder CLI tools will add the appropriate parameters to mount value for the key username of secret at path my-app-kv/db-creds in Vault server at the expected location of /secrets/someSecretFileName in the microservice container.

Using Secrets Store CSI Driver#

UCS Application Builder CLI tool supports integration with Secrets Store CSI Driver for secrets management. It is expected that the application developer knows how to install the Secrets Store CSI Driver and the SecretProviderClass that mentions the objects to be used as secrets. For documentation refer to -

A Secrets Store CSI Driver based Secret can be added to the application using the following format:

      providerClassName: <Secret-Provider-Class-Resource-Name>
      objectName: <Name-of-Object-in-Secret-Provider-Class-Resource>

An example application graph file using Secrets Store CSI Driver as source of the secret:

specVersion: 2.5.0

version: 0.0.1

name: myservice-test


- ucf.svc.myservice:0.0.1

- name: myservice
  type: ucf.svc.myservice
    timeToSleep: 1200000
    some-secret-name: db-username


      providerClassName: azure-secrets-sync
      objectName: db-username

Same can be achieved in UCS Studio by selecting Secrets Store CSI from Type drop down and setting valid values for Secret Provider Class Name and Object Name.

UCS Studio - Secrets - Secrets Store CSI Driver

For a Secrets Store CSI Driver based Secret as the source of secret, it is up to the application deployer to make sure a SecretProviderClass resource with name <Secret-Provider-Class-Resource-Name> containing object with name <Name-of-Object-in-Secret-Provider-Class-Resource> has already been deployed.

When building the application, UCS Application Builder CLI tools will add the appropriate parameters to mount the object named db-username of in SecretProviderClass resource named azure-secrets-sync at the expected location of /secrets/someSecretFileName in the microservice container.

Using cert-manager Certificate#

UCS Application Builder CLI tool supports integration with cert-manager for certificate management. It is expected that the application developer knows how to install the cert-manager and the Certificate and Issuer/ClusterIssuer custom resources that are used to provision certificates and create the corresponding Kubernetes Secret. For documentation, refer to -

For cert-manager Certificate as the source of secret, certificates parameter must be added to the application which specifies certificates that will be required by the application and some additional details. The specification for the certificates is:

    file: <path-to-certificates-file>
    addToHelmChart: <true|false>
    file: <path-to-certificates-file-2>
    addToHelmChart: <true|false>

The certificates file path may be absolute or relative to the application YAML file. The file must contain the cert-manager Certificate/Issuer/ClusterIssuer custom resources. An example of this this file is:

kind: Issuer
  name: self-signed-issuer
  selfSigned: {}
kind: Certificate
  name: self-signed-certificate
    - cluster.local
    - test.cluster.local
  secretName: selfsigned-cert-tls
    name: self-signed-issuer

A Certificate based Secret can be added to the application using the following format:

      certName: <Name-of-Certificate-Resource>
      type: <certificate/privateKey/issuingCA> # Whether to mount the certificate file or the private key file or the issuing CA file
      # Use this if you do not wish to provide a certificates file and
      # instead provide the secret name that will contain the certificate files
      isExternal: true
      secretName: <name-of-secret-created-by-cert-manager>
      type: <certificate/privateKey/issuingCA>

An example application graph file using cert-manager Certificate as source of the secret:

specVersion: 2.5.0

version: 0.0.1

name: myservice-test


- ucf.svc.myservice:0.0.1

- name: myservice
  type: ucf.svc.myservice
    timeToSleep: 1200000
    tls-cert: app-tls-cert
    tls-key: app-tls-key
    tls-ca: app-tls-ca


    file: certificates.yaml
    addToHelmChart: true

      certName: self-signed-certificate
      type: certificate
      certName: self-signed-certificate
      type: privateKey
      certName: self-signed-certificate
      type: issuingCA

Same can be achieved in UCS Studio by loading a file containing the Certificate resources from the Certificates Files tab.

UCS Studio - Secrets - Certificates Files

And then selecting Certificate from Type drop down and selecting an applicable Certificate Name and the file to mount Certificate, Private Key or the Issuing CA. If using an externally created Certificate resource, select Is External and then input the Secret Name for the secret resource created for the Certificate.

UCS Studio - Secrets - Certificates

For a Certificate based Secret as the source of secret, it is up to the application deployer to:

  • Make sure a Certificate resource with name <Name-of-Certificate-Resource> is provided to the application via the certificates field.

    • If addToHelmChart is false, the Certificate resource must be deployed manually.

  • Alternatively, if using secretName with isExternal, the Certificate resource with secretName set to <name-of-secret-created-by-cert-manager> is already deployed

When building the application, UCS Application Builder CLI tools will add the appropriate parameters to mount the TLS certificate/private key/issuing CA for Certificate resource named self-signed-certificate at the expected locations in the microservice container.

Application Information - Secrets#

Building an application, generates an application information file in the output directory. This file contains list of secrets added in the application and their details. For more information refer to Application Info.