Getting Started#

  • This document is written under Maya-ACE version 1.2.0.



Please find windows packages and source code from the links below.

Get an API Key#

Set an environment variable , NVCF_API_KEY, with a valid API key

  • To get a key, click the green Get API Key text on the right of the page and proceed with instructions.


Set up Maya-ACE module for Maya#

Download the mace package, unzip and copy contents to a Maya module path


Download sample data#

Download the sample maya scene and sample audio files: English(male) or Chinese(female)

Launch Maya#

Launch Maya, load maya_aceclient plugin, and open the sample scene.


Configure Time Slider#

Adjust Time Slider preferences : framerate=30, playback speed=30fps, looping=once


Disable Cached Playback on the Time Slider


Import an audio into the Maya scene and set it to the Time Slider sound


Adjust Time Slider range to fit to the audio length

Set up AceAnimationPlayer with an audio#

  • You may turn off DAG Objects only from the Display menu to see AceAnimationPlayer1 on the outliner window.


Select AceAnimationPlayer1 node and open Attribute Editor

  • To open attribute editor, click menu -> Windows -> General Editors -> Attribute Editor


Click the option menu next to Audiofile attribute, and select the audio imported before.


Request Animation and Play#

Click Connect and Send Audio button. Wait for the Received ### frames message.

Click Maya’s play button. Watch how face is moving


Setting up from Sample Assets#

Get an API Key and Setup Maya-ACE#

Get an API key and setup Maya-ACE for Maya. Follow Quickstart

Download sample data#

Launch Maya and load sample assets#

Launch maya with a new scene. Load maya plugins; maya_aceclient and fbxmaya


Create references of sample fbx files


Configure Time Slider#

Adjust Time Slider preferences : framerate=30, playback speed=30fps, looping=once


Disable Cached Playback on the Time Slider


Import one of the sample audios


Adjust timeslider range to fit to the audio


Create and Attach an AceAnimationPlayer#

Select c_headWatertight_mid of Mark, and click menu->ACE->Attach a new Animation Player

  • (Optional) Tips to optimize the viewport for faces

    • Hide unused groups; such as c_mouth_grp_mid, r_eye_grp_mid, l_eye_grp_mid, root

    • Setup a viewport camera with focal length between 75mm and 150mm looking at the face(s)

    • Change viewport camera’s Near Clip Plane to 10

    • Assign standardSurface1 material to face(s)

Configure AceAnimationPlayer node#

Open Attribute Editor, Select AceAnimationPlayer1 node


Select one on the Network Preset or enter a valid Network Address, an Api Key, and a Function ID on the Attribute Editor.



Please ensure to press the “Enter” key after updating the text in the textbox. This will apply the changes made to the text.

To change audio, Select an option from the AudioFile, and also update Time Slider to use the same audio.


Request Animation and Play#

Click Connect and Send Audio button, and wait for the Received ### frames message.

The circle on the right of the button will change color to green if the communication was successful.


Click Maya’s play button. Check animation on Mark’s face.


Connect the AceAnimationPlayer to a new blendshape#

Select both AceAnimationPlayer1 and c_headWatertight_mid of Claire in order, and click menu->ACE->Connect an existing Animation Player

  • You may turn off DAG Objects only from the Display menu to see AceAnimationPlayer1 on the outliner window.


Click Maya’s play button again. Check animation on both faces.


Connect lower teeth and tongue#

This process guides to setup the lower teeth and the tongue to move with mouth on the sample assets.

  • Unhide c_mouth_grp_mid group if it is hidden.

  • To connect lower teeth, select AceAnimationPlayer1 and lower teeth in order, then click ACE->Connect an existing Animation Player

  • Repeat the process for the tongue mesh. Check the result.

../../../_images/setup_connect_tongue.png ../../../_images/setup_connect_lower_face_done.png

Interactive Editing with the A2F Authoring Service#

A2F Authoring service provides an interactive editing of parameters. It provides immediate result of parameter changes and allows quick approach to the optimal parameter settings.

Using A2F authoring service requires a couple extra steps and has some limitations described below.

  • Updating the Api Key: The authoring feature requires a different key (from NGC) to access the service.

    • Please reach out to your NVIDIA contact or to the NVIDIA support if you don’t have access to NGC.

  • Chose one of the Authoring Network Preset or follow below steps to manually enter network settings.

  • Updating the Client Type: Select Authoring from the dropdown menu.

  • Updating the Function Id: To update the Function Id for authoring service, you might need to unlock the attribute by right-clicking on it and select Unlock Attribute. Once the attribute is unlocked, you can update the Function Id as follows:

    • Mark: be24fd18-4c26-4a38-84ad-c7f88da10835

    • Claire: f33c62b0-96d2-434a-9a4c-e89b7c064be5


Please ensure to press the “Enter” key after updating the text in the textbox. This will apply the changes made to the text.

  • Click Connect and Send Audio button to start interactive session, Check status turns to green.

  • Change parameters and time. Face should be updated interactively.
