User Interface#
Attribute Editor - AceAnimationPlayer#
Network and Audio#
Information to connect ACE Audio2Face-3D service, and audio file information to request animation.
NVCF Api Key: A valid api key acquired from the page. The authoring feature requires a different key (from NGC) to access the service. Please reach out to your NVIDIA contact or to the NVIDIA support if you don’t have access to NGC.
Network Preset: An option menu to use predefined network settings.
Connect and Send Audio: A button to send audio and receives animation(Streaming) or start a live session(Authoring)
Status Indicator: A color circle that visualizes communication status; green(successful), red(error), and yellow(out-dated)
Client Type: There are two different types of ACE Audio2Face-3D servers that can be used with.
Streaming: Download the entire blendshape weights for each frame at once. The animation can be playback without network delay.
Authoring (Early Access): Interactive exploration of parameters and the output blendshape weights. Whenever the user changes a parameter or updates the timeline, a new grpc request is sent to the server to get the latest result reflecting the new configuration. This allows the user to see the updated blendshape weights in real-time, without having to wait for the entire animation to be processed.
Network Address: A full url with protocol and port number. example:
NVCF Function Id: A valid function id that is specific for the service and an AI model.
Streaming (You can find the latest Function Id from this page)
Mark model:
Claire model:
Authoring (Early Access)
Mark model:
Claire model:
Please ensure to press the “Enter” key after updating the text in the textbox. This will apply the changes made to the text.
Audiofile: A path to an audio file to request animation from the service. It can be also selected from imported audios through the drop down option.
Emotion Parameters#
Parameters to control generated emotion and preferred(manual) emotion. Audio2Face-3D generate animation with the emotion input which includes generated emotion and preferred emotion. Please watch this video to understand how it works.
Emotion Strength: the strength of the overall emotion; the total of auto emotion and preferred(manual) emotion.
emotion = emotion strength * (preferred weight * preferred emotion + (1.0 - preferred weight) * generated emotion)
Preferred Emotion: Enable/disable and the ratio of the user driven emotion in the overall emotion (1.0 = 100% preferred emotion, 0.0 = 100% generated emotion).
Auto Emotion: Parameters to control generated emotion.
Face Parameters#
Parameters to control overal face animation. Please check Audio2Face-3D Microservice documents for the updated information.
Blendshape Multipliers#
Override specific expressions by multiplying the Audio2Face-3D result.
Blendshape Offsets#
Override specific expressions by adding constant values to the Audio2Face-3D result;
each output = (raw result * multipler) + offset