
The UMIM Action Server for Tokkio is pre-configured to work with the microservices from Tokkio 4.0 out of the box. If you are developing a custom setup the parameters and advance configuration below allow you customize the setup.

If you are looking to make your own microservice or web service compatible with UMIM checkout the UMIM API. Any component that supports this API can be easily integrated.

MS Parameters

The UMIM Action Server for Tokkio microservice provides only few explicit parameters, since most of the UMIM action events provide parameters that control how specific actions are executed.

Parameter overview of the UMIM Action Server for Tokkio microservice.

Parameter Name



UCF Default Value


Name of the UMIM system event stream where Pipeline information is published (PipelineAcquired, PipelineReleased)




Animation Graph API version. Only currently supported value is “1.0”



Secret overview of the UMIM Action Server for Tokkio microservice.

Secret Name


Format / How to setup secret


Optional and experimental feature. You only need to set this if you want to use image retrieval using the Pexels API for VisualInformation and VisualChoice actions

kubectl create secret generic pexels-api-key –from-literal=PEXELS_API_KEY=<PEXELS_API_KEY>