UMIM Action Server for Tokkio

The UMIM Action Server for Tokkio together with ACE Agent Chat Controller provide UMIM compatibility for Tokkio 4.0. UMIM and Colang 2 are new features introduced with Tokkio 4.0 that allow you to have more control over the interaction between bots and avatars. It also simplifies interaction control by abstracting Tokkio 4.0 system specifics from the interaction management.

This microservice is a simple wrapper component that provides UMIM functionality. If you are looking to understand how to create a bot or avatar experience using UMIM and Colang checkout the Colang 2 Documentation.

The UMIM Action Server for Tokkio supports the following UMIM actions:

Support for UtteranceBotAction and UtteranceUserAction is provided by ACE Agent Chat Controller.


What is UMIM?

UMIM is an architectural pattern and defines a Async API (UMIM API) that abstracts the complexities of Tokkio 4.0 behind an interaction level API. UMIM is used together with Colang 2 and ACE Agent to provide you with a more streamlined way to control the interaction between bots and users. To learn more about UMIM and the overall architecture refer to the UMIM Documentation. If you are interested in how you can build your own bots using Colang 2 and UMIM check out the Colang 2 Documentation.