
This microservice is a wrapper component that provides UMIM functionality by converting commands and events between the UMIM API and Tokkio-specific components. It implements a UMIM action server that abstracts the technical details of Tokkio for the interaction management component (ACE Agent Chat Engine in our reference workflows). For more on creating bot or avatar experiences using UMIM and Colang, see the Colang 2 Documentation.


What is UMIM?

UMIM is an architectural pattern that defines an asynchronous API (UMIM API) to abstract the complexities of Tokkio behind an interaction-level API. Used with Colang 2 and ACE Agent, it streamlines control over bot-user interactions. For more on UMIM and its architecture, see the UMIM Documentation. To learn how to build bots using Colang 2 and UMIM, check out the Colang 2 Documentation.


The UMIM Action Server for Tokkio supports the following UMIM actions:

Support for UtteranceBotAction and UtteranceUserAction is provided by ACE Agent Chat Controller.