NVIDIA ACE Unreal Plugin 2.3#

The NVIDIA ACE plugin allows your Unreal application to communicate with external NVIDIA ACE services or run the features locally. The ACE Plugin currently provides these features:

  • Audio2Face: uses the NVIDIA Audio2Face service (minimum v1.0) to animate your character by sending the service voice audio you provide and receiving audio and animation data back.

  • Animation Stream: uses the NVIDIA Animgraph service (minimum v1.0.1) to animate your character by subscribing to a stream of audio and animation data from the service.

  • GPT: supports sending text to a language model and receiving text back, executing locally on the same machine.

Audio2Face and Animation Stream features both provide character animation data in the same format. The character animation setup will be the same for either feature.


NVIDIA Animgraph is different from Unreal AnimGraph. They are unrelated features. Unreal AnimGraph is an Unreal Editor feature from Epic that lets you create animation-specific logic for your character within an Animation Blueprint. NVIDIA Animgraph is a service from NVIDIA that streams character animations and audio to a client.

See the NVIDIA Audio2Face documentation for more details about the Audio2Face service.