This document serves as a comprehensive resource for deploying Tokkio Pipeline on a GCP CSP using OneClick scripts. This guide aims to streamline the deployment process by providing detailed instructions from preparing necessary configuration templates to invoking OneClick scripts.
While there are several possible ways to setup Tokkio Pipeline on a GCP, this document covers setting up Tokkio Pipeline on a GCP with necssary infrastructure in it.
Login to the GCP Console#
Log into GCP Console as user with admin access.
Click on Navigation Menu in the left top corner to get to the page listing all products/services.
For all subsequent steps, navigate back to this page to find and create a new resource.
IAM & Admin Setup#
Service Account#
Select the IAM & Admin from the left navigation menu.
Select the Service Accounts.
Click on the Create Service Account button at the top of the Service Accounts page to create new service account.
In the wizard:
Go to section Service account details:
Service account name: Provide an appropriate name. (eg: <my-org>-tokkio-automation)
Service account ID: It will auto populated using service account name.
Service account description: Provide an appropriate description for service account.
Click on Create and Continue button
Go to section Grant this service account access to project * Select a Owner role and click on Continue.
Grant users access to this service account section is optional.
Click on DONE.
You will be automatically taken to the Service accounts pages. If not:
Select the IAM & Admin from the left navigation menu.
Select the Service Accounts from the left menu.
On Service accounts page, it will show all the service accounts available in this projects.
Identify the service account created using Email or Name field.
Click on created Service accounts from list and it will open page showing all details about service account.
Click on KEYS option available in middle of page.
Click on ADD KEY and select Create new key option and select JSON as Key type.
The key file will be automatically downloaded to your local machine. This Key file contains the private key needed to authenticate as the service account with GCP.
Deployment State Storage#
From the Navigation Menu page:
Select the Cloud Storage from the category (on the left).
Click on the +Create button to create a new storage account.
In the wizard:
In the Name your bucket section:
Provide globally unique name for the bucket. (We are creating this bucket to store deployment state.)
Optionally add Labels.
In the Choose where to store your data section: - Select location type as region. - Select appropriate region from drop-down list.
Leave all other sections as is.
Base Domain#
From the Search box:
Search the Cloud DNS and select Cloud DNS product from searched drop-down list.
Click on the +CREATE ZONE button to create a new domain.
In the wizard:
Select Zone Type as Public.
Enter the Zone name.
Provide the DNS name.
Optionally add description.
Leave all other sections as is.
Controller instance#
The Controller instance is where you will launch OneClick scripts from. Here are the necessary steps and requirements:
Operating System: Ensure that the instance is running Ubuntu 22.04.
SSH key Pair: Generate an SSH key pair to be used in later phase of OneClick scripts. You can follow these steps:
Open a terminal on your Controller instance
Run ssh-keygen to generate a new SSH key pair. You can specify the bit size for added security. e.g., ssh-keygen -b 4096 for a 4096-bit key.
Save the keys to the default location (~/.ssh).
Passwordless sudo access: Ensure the user on Control instance is enabled with password less sudo access.
You can test this by running sudo ls /root and this command shouldn’t prompt you for password.
If this is not setup, reach out to the system administrator to setup one.
Access to Tokkio artifacts#
Ensure that you have access to all the artifacts used during bring up of Tokkio Pipeline Application. For e.g. Tokkio Application Helm chart on NGC.
Essential Skills and Background#
Familiarity with Command-Line-Interface (CLI)#
Basic Commands: Users should be comfortable with basic command-line operations, such as navigating directories, executing scripts, and managing files.
Environment Configuration: Understanding how the environment variables and how PATH setup works on Linux will greatly help operating OneClick script.
Scripting Basics: Basic scripting knowledge (e.g., shell scripting) is beneficial for understanding how the OneClick script operates and for troubleshooting any issues that may arise.
Familiarity with YAML#
YAML Syntax and Structure: YAML is often used for configuration files in cloud-native applications due to its readability and flexibility. The Configuration templates used in OneClick scipt uses YAML format. Users should be familiar with YAML syntax and structure.
Familiarity with Kubernetes eco system#
Tokkio pipeline is a Cloud native application, and uses concepts like Containerization, Kubernetes, helm etc. Users need to be familiar with these to get the best results from using OneClick scripts and the app.
Kubernetes Basics: Users should have basic understanding of Kubernetes core concepts such as pods, services and deployments
kubectl: Familiarity with the kubectl the command line tool used to interact with Kubernetes clusters including querying the status or logs of Runing application pods etc will.
Helm: Understanding Helm package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies application deployment by managing charts (Collections of pre-configured Kubernetes resource definitions). And how to use helm with override values will help configuring the templates appropriately.
General troubleshooting techniques#
Log analysis & troubleshooting: Users should be able to analyze logs generated by OneClick scripts to identify any errors or warnigns and remediate the issue.
Overall Security considerations#
The security of Tokkio in production environments is the responsibility of the end users deploying it. When deploying in a production environment, please have security experts review any potential risks and threats; define the trust boundaries, secure the communication channels, integrate AuthN & AuthZ with appropriate access controls, keep the deployment including the containers up to date, ensure the containers are secure and free of vulnerabilities.
Infrastructure Layout#
Tokkio Application setup on GCP requires several GCP resources to be created such as Virtual Machines, Network Security Groups, Application Gateways, FrontDoor CDN for hosting UI content ..etc. While there are several patterns that can be followed to bring up infrastructure needed for Tokkio, here is one way we will be working to achieve.
In addition to bringing up GCP resources, we also will have to work on downloading Tokkio application and its dependency artifacts, configure them and install.
These OneClick scripts will help you simplify that by abstracting out the complexity and allowing user to work with majorly 1 file viz., config-template.yml
is an abstraction of infra specification we need for bringing up Tokkio Application. At a high level, we define the infrastructure specifications (e.g. Instance types,CIDR to allow access,etc); then add application specifications(e.g. helm charts,secrets,etc).
Many of the resources in this setup may not fall in Free tier, you can check GCP billing reference pages for understanding cost implications.
Tokkio pipeline installation#
Download Oneclick scripts#
Once you clone ACE Github repo from NVIDIA/ACE.git, navigate to gcp directory.
$ cd workflows/tokkio/scripts/one-click/gcp
You should be able see envbuild.sh file at the root of this directory. We will be using this command to interact with OneClick scripts. General options of this command can be seen by running ./envbuild.sh
$ ./envbuild.sh Usage: ./envbuild.sh (-v|--version) or: ./envbuild.sh (-h|--help) or: ./envbuild.sh (install/uninstall) (-c|--component <component>) [options] or: ./envbuild.sh (info) [options] install/uninstall components: -c, --component one or more of all/infra/platform/app, pass arg multiple times for more than one install/uninstall options: -f, --config-file path to file containing config overrides, defaults to config.yml -i, --skip-infra skip install/uninstall of infra component -p, --skip-platform skip install/uninstall of platform component -a, --skip-app skip install/uninstall of app component -d, --dry-run don't make any changes, instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur -h, --help provide usage information info options: -f, --config-file path to file containing config overrides, defaults to config.yml -h, --help provide usage information
envbuild.sh with –component all option installs infra, platform and app components.
infra component is responsible for
Provisioning of Infra on GCP CSP.
Installation & Configuration of Kubernetes Cluster on App compute machine and Turn Server flavour (Coturn,RP,twilio) on turn compute machine.
platform component is responsible for
Installing local-path-provisioner chart.
Installing metrics and logging related charts.
Installing ingress-controller chart.
app component is responsible for
Installing required kubernetes namespace for tokkio chart.
Installing required kubernetes secrets for tokkio chart.
Installing tokkio chart.
Installing tokkio UI as static website using GCP Cloud CDN and GCP storage bucket.
With help of envbuild.sh you can uninstall and re-install app component using below commands.
#Uninstall app component using below command
./envbuild.sh uninstall --component app --config-file ./<my-l40-config.yml>
#Install app component using below command
./envbuild.sh install --component app --config-file ./<my-l40-config.yml>
Prepare config-template file#
Make a copy of config-template.yml of your own choice. e.g. cp config-template.yml my-l40-config.yml You can populate the config file as based on definition of each attribute.
All the attributes of the config-template.yml are explained in below table.
# Parameter name
Config-Template schema version
A unique name to identify the infrastructure resources being created by.
Infrastructure and Application configuration.
spec > infra
Infrastructure configuration.
spec > infra > csp
cloud service provider name, in this case gcp
spec > infra > backend
terraform backend configuration to store state of infrastructure.
spec > infra > backend > bucket
Name of the GCS bucket in which state of the resources provisioned is to be stored.
spec > infra > backend > credentials
Absolute path of the GCP service account key with access to state bucket.
spec > infra > provider
GCP provider configuration.
spec > infra > provider > project
GCP project ID where resources will be provisioned.
spec > infra > provider > credentials
Absolute path of the GCP service account key with access to provision resources.
spec > infra > configs
Additional infrastructure configuration.
spec > infra > configs > cns
Nvidia Cloud Native Stack configuration.More details on Cloud Native Stack can be found here NVIDIA/cloud-native-stack.
spec > infra > configs > cns > version
The version of Nvidia Cloud Native Stack to install on the clusters. Defaults to 12.2.
spec > infra > configs > cns > git_ref
The git commit hash of Nvidia Cloud Native Stack.by default take master branch’s latest commit hash.
spec > infra > configs > cns > override_values
Nvidia Cloud Native Stack values to override while setting up a cluster.
spec > infra > configs > cns > override_values > cns_nvidia_driver
set to yes if want to install nvidia driver using runfile method otherwise no.
spec > infra > configs > cns > override_values > gpu_driver_version
Config to override gpu_driver_version while installing Nvidia Cloud Native Stack.
spec > infra > configs > user_access_cidrs
CIDR ranges from where SSH access should be allowed.
spec > infra > configs > dev_access_cidrs
CIDR ranges from where application UI and API will be allowed access.
spec > infra > configs > region
GCP region where resources of the application will be deployed.
spec > infra > configs > ui_bucket_location
Location & Region details for hosting static UI using bucket.
spec > infra > configs > ui_bucket_location > location
GCP location Code to be used to select regions.
spec > infra > configs > ui_bucket_location > region
Primary region out of dual region to be used for bucket hosting static UI.
spec > infra > configs > ui_bucket_location > alternate_region
Secondary region out of dual region to be used for bucket hosting static UI.
spec > infra > configs > ssh_private_key_path
Absolute path of the private key to be used to SSH the hosts.
spec > infra > configs > ssh_public_key
Absolute path of the public key counterpart of private key used to SSH the hosts.
spec > infra > configs > additional_ssh_public_keys
List of contents of public counterparts to the additional keys that will be used to SSH the hosts.
spec > infra > configs > dns_zone_name
DNS zone name under which applications will registered.
spec > infra > configs > api_sub_domain
Sub-domain of the app API endpoint.
spec > infra > configs > ui_sub_domain
Sub-domain of the app UI endpoint.
spec > infra > configs > elastic_sub_domain
Sub-domain of the Elastic endpoint.
spec > infra > configs > kibana_sub_domain
Sub-domain of the Kibana endpoint.
spec > infra > configs > grafana_sub_domain
Sub-domain of the Grafana endpoint.
spec > infra > configs > cdn_cache_enabled
true if UI needs to be served via a CDN cache. False if UI need not be served from a CDN cache.
spec > infra > configs > turn_server_provider
Either rp or coturn or twilio. Defaults to coturn.
spec > infra > configs > clusters
Definition of clusters to be created.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > app
Definition of App cluster to be created.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > app > private_instance
Always true as app instance to be created is private.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > app > master
Definitions of the master node of the app cluster.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > app > master > type
GCP compute engine instance type for the app master node.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > app > master > guest_accelerators
Configuration to specify GPU & GPU count.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > app > master > guest_accelerators > type
Configuration to change to add guest_accelerators type
spec > infra > configs > clusters > app > master > guest_accelerators > count
Configuration to change add guest_accelerators gpu count
spec > infra > configs > clusters > app > features
Definitions of features flag of the app cluster.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > app > features > cns
cns feature flag is always true as used to install Nvidia Cloud Native Stack.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > app > features > app
app feature flag is always true as used to install tokkio app & other components.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > turn
Definition of master node of turn cluster.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > turn > private_instance
Always false as turn instance to be created is public.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > turn > master
Definitions of the master node of the turn cluster.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > turn > master > type
GCP compute engine instance type for the turn master node.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > turn > master > guest_accelerators
Set to empty list as turn server is not GPU based.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > turn > features
Definitions of features flag of the turn cluster.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > turn > features > cns
true when turn_server_provider = rp otherwise false.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > turn > features > rp
true when turn_server_provider = rp otherwise false.
spec > infra > configs > clusters > turn > features > coturn
true when turn_server_provider = coturn otherwise false.
spec > platform
Configuration to change the default foundational config to be used.
spec > platform > configs
Foundational configuration.
spec > platform > configs > k8s_namespace
Kubernetes namespace for foundational charts to be deployed,defaults to platform
spec > platform > configs > k8s_secrets
List of kubernetes secrets needed for foundational chart.
spec > platform > secrets > ngc_cli_api_key
NGC cli_api_key used to download helm chart to be used.
spec > app > configs > app_settings
Configuration to change the default App setting to be used.
spec > app > configs > app_settings > k8s_namespace
Kubernetes namespace for app chart to be deployed, defaults to app.
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart
Helm chart config for app chart to be deployed.
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart > repo
Configuration of remote repo used for app helm chart to be deployed.
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart > repo > enable
Flag to use app helm chart from remote repo, defaults to true.
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart > repo > repo_url
Repo_url for app helm chart to be deployed,defaults to https://helm.ngc.nvidia.com/nvidia/ace.
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart > repo > chart_name
App helm chart name to be fetched from remote repo, defaults to ucs-tokkio-app-base-3-stream-llm-rag-3d-ov.
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart > repo > chart_version
App helm chart version to be fetched from remote repo,defaults to 4.1.4.
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart > repo > release_name
Release name for app to be deployed using helm chart, defaults to tokkio-app.
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart > repo > user_value_override_files
Absolute path of user override values.yml to be used for app chart deployment
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart > local
Configuration to change app helm chart deployment using locally present chart.
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart > local > enable
true if want to use locally present app helm chart.
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart > local > path
Absolute path of helm chart present locally
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart > local > release_name
Release name for app to be deployed using helm chart, defaults to tokkio-app.
spec > app > configs > app_settings > helm_chart > local > user_value_override_files
Absolute path of user override values.yml to be used for app chart deployment
spec > app > configs > app_settings > k8s_secrets
List of kubernetes secrets to be deployed.
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings
Configuration to change to setup turn server to be used for app.
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > rp
Configuration of rp as turn server to be used for app.
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > rp > k8s_namespace
Kubernetes namespace to be used for rp chart deployment,defaults to rp
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > rp > helm_chart
Helm chart config for rp chart to be deployed.
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > rp > helm_chart > repo
Configuration of remote repo used for rp helm chart to be deployed.
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > rp > helm_chart > repo_url
Repo_url for rp helm chart to be deployed,defaults to https://helm.ngc.nvidia.com/nvidia/ace.
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > rp > helm_chart > chart_name
RP helm chart name to be fetched from remote repo, defaults to rproxy.
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > rp > helm_chart > chart_version
RP helm chart version to be fetched from remote repo,defaults to 0.0.8.
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > rp > helm_chart > release_name
Release name for rp to be deployed using helm chart, defaults to rp.
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > rp > k8s_secrets
List of kubernetes secrets to be deployed.
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > coturn
Configuration details of coturn as turn server to be used for app.
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > coturn > username
Coturn server username used while setting up coturn,defaults to foo
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > coturn > password
Coturn server password used while setting up coturn,defaults to bar
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > coturn > realm
Realm name for coturn server,defaults to mydummyt.org
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > twilio
Configuration details of twilio as turn server to be used for app.
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > twilio > account_sid
account_sid from twilio account,defaults to empty string
spec > app > configs > turn_server_settings > twilio > auth_token
auth_token from twilio account,defaults to empty string
spec > app > configs > ui_settings
Configuration to change to override default UI
spec > app > configs > ui_settings > resource
Configuration for UI resource to be used
spec > app > configs > ui_settings > resource > ngc
Configuration of NGC to download UI resource from
spec > app > configs > ui_settings > resource > ngc > org
NGC Organization of the UI resource to be used.
spec > app > configs > ui_settings > resource > ngc > team
NGC Team of the UI resource to be used.
spec > app > configs > ui_settings > resource > ngc > name
NGC Resource Name of the UI resource to be used.
spec > app > configs > ui_settings > resource > ngc > version
NGC Resource Version of the UI resource to be used.
spec > app > configs > ui_settings > resource > ngc > file
NGC Resource File Name of the UI resource to be used.
spec > app > configs > ui_settings > user_env_vars
Configuration to override default UI settings
spec > app > secrets > ngc_cli_api_key
NGC cli_api_key used to download UI resource and helm chart to be used.
It is recommended to set spec > infra > configs > cns > override_values > cns_nvidia_driver to yes to support installation of Nvidia driver with all latest kernel version.
You can refer sample examples of config-template.yml from folder dist/config-template-examples
Prepare environment variables#
The config template yml file contains several inputs about the infrastructure and application’s needs. For ease of use, some of these are wired to lookup environment varialbes. For example {{ lookup(‘env’, ‘NGC_CLI_API_KEY’) }} are doing lookup of environment to using lookup function. What this means is, we can set an environment variable for NGC_CLI_API_KEY with its value and OneClick Script can access it automatically.
Prepare a file to hold these environment variables and their values by vi my-env-file.env and populate them with actual values. Example shown below. config-template.yml
cat my-env-file.env export OPENAI_API_KEY="<replace-with-actual-value>" export NGC_CLI_API_KEY="<replace-with-actual-value>" export NVIDIA_API_KEY="<replace-with-actual-value>" export CLOUDSDK_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_FILE_OVERRIDE="<replace-with-absolute-path-where-service-account-key-json-file-stored>" export CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT="<replace-with-gcp-project-id>"
Use the source command to load these variables into your current shell session. The source command reads and executes commands from the specified file in the current shell environment, making the variables defined in the file available in the shell.
If you modify your <my-env-file.env> file or started a new shell, you will have to run source <my-env-file.env> again before running ./envbuild.sh command.
Running OneClick script
./envbuild.sh install --component all --config-file ./<my-l40-config.yml>
Once the script installation completes, capture the access_urls section for future refernce. This specifies various URLs that have been configured as part of installation. Example output is shown below.
access_urls: api_endpoint: "https://<api_sub_domain>.<base_domain>" elasticsearch_endpoint: "https://elastic-<name>.<base_domain>" grafana_endpoint: "https://grafana-<name>..<base_domain>" kibana_endpoint: "https://kibana-<name>..<base_domain>" ui_endpoint: "https://<ui_sub_domain>.<base_domain>" ssh_command: app: bastion: ssh -i /home/my-user/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null <username>@<bastion-instance-ip-address> master: ssh -i /home/my-user/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i /home/my-user/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -W %h:%p <username>@<bastion-instance-ip-address>" <username>@<app-instance-ip-address> turn: master: ssh -i /home/my-user/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null <username>@<turn-instance-ip-address>
Verifiying installation: Once the installation steps complete, it may take several munutes (~60 mins) depending on Model initialization and other Application specific initialization activites and network speed. Use the below steps to check if the application is up before accessing the UI. On Application instance, run kubectl get pods -n <application-namespace>. Example output of this command is shown below.
$ kubectl get po -n app NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE a2f-a2f-deployment-98c7fb777-lnp6w 1/1 Running 0 164m ace-agent-chat-controller-deployment-0 1/1 Running 0 164m ace-agent-chat-engine-deployment-5f8db599f6-6mkh9 1/1 Running 0 164m ace-agent-plugin-server-deployment-645cf865b5-vvcvw 1/1 Running 0 164m anim-graph-sdr-envoy-sdr-deployment-5b7cc55b6b-cbbz6 3/3 Running 0 164m catalog-rag-deployment-67547fd54-lrcf2 1/1 Running 0 164m chat-controller-sdr-envoy-sdr-deployment-78b54b7f86-fnvql 3/3 Running 0 164m ds-sdr-envoy-sdr-deployment-85bbfdb4c4-lbksh 3/3 Running 0 164m ds-visionai-ds-visionai-deployment-0 1/1 Running 0 164m ia-animation-graph-microservice-deployment-0 1/1 Running 0 164m ia-omniverse-renderer-microservice-deployment-0 1/1 Running 0 164m ia-omniverse-renderer-microservice-deployment-1 1/1 Running 0 164m ia-omniverse-renderer-microservice-deployment-2 1/1 Running 0 164m mongodb-mongodb-666765487c-tzxxw 1/1 Running 0 164m occupancy-alerts-api-app-84576db5c9-qb7dr 1/1 Running 0 164m occupancy-alerts-app-5cfcc9f75-b84xb 1/1 Running 0 164m redis-redis-79c99cdd97-kl77x 1/1 Running 0 164m redis-timeseries-redis-timeseries-69bb884965-fnn44 1/1 Running 0 164m renderer-sdr-envoy-sdr-deployment-55df9ccc6f-v66rr 3/3 Running 0 163m riva-speech-547fb9b8c5-7w8h4 1/1 Running 0 164m tokkio-cart-manager-deployment-65d8547cbc-vplnq 1/1 Running 0 164m tokkio-ingress-mgr-deployment-65dfdc79f6-4pvcg 3/3 Running 0 164m tokkio-ui-server-deployment-79c9749686-ztxrq 1/1 Running 0 164m tokkio-umim-action-server-deployment-674cccc898-qgz26 1/1 Running 0 164m triton0-bbd77d78f-rz62w 1/1 Running 0 164m vms-vms-67876bcb9b-q655s 1/1 Running 0 164m
- Access the app: Once all the pods have come to Ready status, state, try accessing the UI with the help of URL printed in output attribute
. When you try your URL on browser, you should be able to see Tokkio application coming up at this point. Granting permissions to browser. For the first time, browser should prompt permissions such as Mic, Speaker or Camera necessary for UI to operate. Upon accepting the permissions, UI should load.
- Access the app: Once all the pods have come to Ready status, state, try accessing the UI with the help of URL printed in output attribute
In case if you choose to uninstall the Application and UI the OneClick script has installed, you may choose to run the uninstall command with appropriate options. Example shown below to uninstall all components.
./envbuild.sh uninstall --component all --config-file ./my-l40-config.yml
If you are setting spec.app.configs.app_settings.k8s_namespace = default, uninstallation of app component using envbuild.sh throws below error.
fatal: [app-master]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "error": 403, "msg": "Namespace default: Failed to delete object: b'{\"kind\":\"Status\",\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"metadata\":{},\"status\":\"Failure\",\"message\":\"namespaces \\\\\"default\\\\\" is forbidden: this namespace may not be deleted\",\"reason\":\"Forbidden\",\"details\":{\"name\":\"default\",\"kind\":\"namespaces\"},\"code\":403}\\n'", "reason": "Forbidden", "status": 403}
To prevent this, avoid using default kubernetes namespace for spec.app.configs.app_settings.k8s_namespace