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Overview of Integrations

Integrations are external systems and services that you can connect to AI Workbench to enable or expand functionality. Connecting an integration typically means you are authenticating with the service or system.

There are two types of integrations:

Default integrations

These are ready to be used and don’t require any configuration. Typically these are SaaS products like or

Custom integrations

These require configuration to be added. Typically these are self-hosted services like a self-hosted Gitlab server.

The primary actions you perform with integrations in AI Workbench are “Connect” and “Disconnect”. When you connect an integration, you complete an authorization process, such as an OAuth2 flow or adding a Personal Access Token. This allows AI Workbench to authenticate with the integrated service and enable its functionality.

Disconnecting an integration simply deletes the credentials AI Workbench has stored for the connection, deactivating its functionality. This can be useful if you want to revoke access to a service or if you no longer need to use the integration.

Adding Custom Integrations

Before you can connect a Custom Integration, you must first “Add” it to AI Workbench. This involves providing AI Workbench with the information it needs to understand and connect to the service. For example, if it’s a self-hosted Gitlab server, you would provide the URL to the server.

Once you’ve added an integration, it will then be available to “Connect” like a Default integration.

  • Integrations can be found in the AI Workbench Settings Window

  • Depending on your operating system you can find this window in different ways

  • macOS - Click on “NVIDIA AI Workbench” in the macOS menu bar at the top of your screen and click “Settings”. Or right click on the AI Workbench icon in the Dock and select “Settings”. Or right click on the small icon in the status menu and select Settings. Or use the Command+1 keyboard shortcut.

  • windows - Right click on the AI Workbench icon in the taskbar and select “Settings”. Right click on the AI Workbench icon in the system tray and select “Settings”. Or use the Control+1 keyboard shortcut.

  • linux - Right click on the AI Workbench icon in the system tray and select “Settings”. Or use the Control+1 keyboard shortcut.

Integrations can be found in the AI Workbench Settings Window

Depending on your operating system, you can find this window in different ways:

  • Click on “NVIDIA AI Workbench” in the macOS menu bar at the top of your screen and click “Settings”.

  • Right-click on the AI Workbench icon in the Dock and select “Settings”.

  • Right-click on the small icon in the status menu and select Settings.

  • Use the Command+1 keyboard shortcut.

  • Right-click on the AI Workbench icon in the taskbar and select “Settings”.

  • Right-click on the AI Workbench icon in the system tray and select “Settings”.

  • Right-click on the AI Workbench icon in the system tray and select “Settings”.

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