NppStatus nppsAbs_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqr_8u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal squared, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSubC_64fc_I_Ctx(Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point complex number (64 bit real, 64 bit imaginary) in place signal subtract constan...
NppStatus nppsXorC_32u(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u nValue, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_16u_I(int nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsXor_16u(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_32s16s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubC_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point in place signal subtract constant.
NppStatus nppsSqr_8u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal squared, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsNormalize_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, Npp32f vSub, Npp32f vDiv)
NppStatus nppsExp_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal exponent, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsArctan_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal inverse tangent.
NppStatus nppsSqr_16sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit complex signed short signal squared, scale, then clamp to saturated value. ...
NppStatus nppsAdd_64s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp64s *pSrc1, const Npp64s *pSrc2, Npp64s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit signed integer add signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsDiv_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsCubrt_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqr_64fc_I_Ctx(Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point signal squared.
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_16s_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, int nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal left shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsXor_32u_I(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsLn_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal natural logarithm, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsXorC_16u_I_Ctx(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal exclusive or with constant.
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc1, const Npp64f *pSrc2, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc1, const Npp64fc *pSrc2, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddC_8u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal add constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value ...
NppStatus nppsAdd_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point signal add signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAndC_32u_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u nValue, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned integer signal and with constant.
NppStatus nppsLn_32s_ISfs(Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_16u(const Npp16u *pSrc, int nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_32sc_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex signed integer in place signal times signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated val...
NppStatus nppsDiv_32f_I(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddC_64f_I(Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSumLnGetBufferSize_64f(int nLength, int *hpBufferSize)
NppStatus nppsMulC_16u_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubC_32fc_I(Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDivC_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal divided by constant.
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_16s_I(int nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32f *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal divide signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsExp_64s_Sfs(const Npp64s *pSrc, Npp64s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal square root.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsLn_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16s_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal add signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMul_16u_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal times signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsDivCRev_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point constant divided by signal.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_16u_ISfs(Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqr_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point signal squared.
NppStatus nppsAddC_32f_I(Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
unsigned char Npp8u
8-bit unsigned chars
Definition: nppdefs.h:270
NppStatus nppsMul_32f32fc(const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddC_64f_I_Ctx(Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point, in place signal add constant.
NppStatus nppsMul_32f32fc_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal times 32-bit complex floating point signal with complex 32-bit floating ...
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_16u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal square root, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsDivC_8u_ISfs(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSumLnGetBufferSize_32f_Ctx(int nLength, int *hpBufferSize, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Device scratch buffer size (in bytes) for 32f SumLn.
NppStatus nppsAddC_32fc_I(Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal divide signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value. ...
NppStatus nppsMul_16s32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal times signal, scale, then clamp to 32-bit signed saturated value...
NppStatus nppsDiv_32f_I_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point in place signal divide signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMulC_Low_32f16s(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc1, const Npp64fc *pSrc2, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point signal times signal, then clamp to saturated value. ...
NppStatus nppsSubC_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsXor_32u_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc1, const Npp32u *pSrc2, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned integer signal exclusive or with signal.
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32f *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal add product of source signal times destination signal to destination sig...
NppStatus nppsSub_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point signal subtract signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsNormalize_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, Npp16s vSub, int vDiv, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMulC_16s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal times constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAddC_32sc_ISfs(Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
Complex Number This struct represents an unsigned int complex number.
Definition: nppdefs.h:316
NppStatus nppsSub_16u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal subtract signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsOr_16u_I(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_16u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal subtract from constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsXor_32u_I_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned integer in place signal exclusive or with signal.
NppStatus nppsSubC_16sc_Sfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16s_ISfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqr_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal squared.
NppStatus nppsAddC_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point signal square root.
NppStatus nppsDivCRev_16u(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_32u_I(int nValue, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_16s_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal divide signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsOrC_32u_I(Npp32u nValue, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsExp_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal exponent.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_8u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal square root, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMulC_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal times constant.
NppStatus nppsMul_32s32sc_ISfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal subtract from constant.
NppStatus nppsSumLnGetBufferSize_32f64f(int nLength, int *hpBufferSize)
NppStatus nppsSub_8u_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal subtract signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAdd_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_8u_I_Ctx(int nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal right shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsNormalize_16sc_Sfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, Npp16sc vSub, int vDiv, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddC_16sc_Sfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDiv_8u_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal divide signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsLn_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16sc_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit complex signed short in place signal add signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsNot_32u_I(Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqr_32f_I(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsXorC_32u_I_Ctx(Npp32u nValue, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned signed integer in place signal exclusive or with constant.
NppStatus nppsSqr_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_16u_ISfs(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSub_64fc_I_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point in place signal subtract signal, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsDivC_16sc_ISfs(Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSub_16u_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal subtract signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAddC_16sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit integer complex number (16 bit real, 16 bit imaginary) signal add constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAdd_64f_I_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point in place signal add signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAddC_8u_Sfs(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_16sc_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit complex signed short signal square root, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSumLnGetBufferSize_32f64f_Ctx(int nLength, int *hpBufferSize, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Device scratch buffer size (in bytes) for 32f64f SumLn.
NppStatus nppsSub_8u_ISfs(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64s_ISfs(Npp64s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMulC_Low_32f16s_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal times constant with output converted to 16-bit signed integer...
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_32u(const Npp32u *pSrc, int nValue, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_32sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32sc *pSrc1, const Npp32sc *pSrc2, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed complex integer signal subtract signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_64fc_I_Ctx(Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point complex number (64 bit real, 64 bit imaginary) in place signal subtract from co...
NppStatus nppsMul_32f_I(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAnd_8u_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal and with signal.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_8u_ISfs(Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus npps10Log10_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal 10 times base 10 logarithm, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_8u(const Npp8u *pSrc, int nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp64s *pSrc, Npp64s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit signed integer signal square root, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMulC_16sc_ISfs(Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqr_8u_Sfs(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsNot_8u_I_Ctx(Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place not signal.
NppStatus nppsDivC_16u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal divided by constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsOr_16u_I_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal or with signal.
NppStatus nppsSubC_8u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal subtract constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAnd_16u_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal and with signal.
NppStatus nppsExp_32f64f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc1, const Npp64f *pSrc2, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_16u_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, int nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal left shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMul_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
Error Status Codes.
Definition: nppdefs.h:170
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point in place signal subtract from constant.
NppStatus nppsSubC_64f_I_Ctx(Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point, in place signal subtract constant.
NppStatus nppsMul_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32f *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqr_16s_ISfs(Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddC_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsOr_8u_I(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integersignal subtract from constant and scale.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_32u_I(int nValue, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddC_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point in place signal add constant.
NppStatus nppsAndC_8u_I(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_32fc_I_Ctx(Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) in place signal times constant...
NppStatus nppsMul_16sc_Sfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc1, const Npp16sc *pSrc2, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSub_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMulC_16u_ISfs(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_16s32s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsArctan_64f_I_Ctx(Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal inverse tangent.
NppStatus nppsOr_32u_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc1, const Npp32u *pSrc2, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned integer signal or with signal.
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_16s_I_Ctx(int nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal left shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsDivC_16sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit integer complex number (16 bit real, 16 bit imaginary) signal divided by constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAdd_64s_Sfs(const Npp64s *pSrc1, const Npp64s *pSrc2, Npp64s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_32fc_I(Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDivC_16s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal divided by constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsMul_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal times signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAnd_32u_I_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned integer in place signal and with signal.
NppStatus nppsXor_8u_I_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal exclusive or with signal.
NppStatus nppsCauchyDD2_32f_I(Npp32f *pSrcDst, Npp32f *pD2FVal, int nLength, Npp32f nParam)
NppStatus nppsDivCRev_16u_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal divided by constant, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSumLn_16s32f(const Npp16s *pSrc, int nLength, Npp32f *pDst, Npp8u *pDeviceBuffer)
NppStatus nppsSubC_16u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal subtract constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsExp_64s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp64s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit signed integer signal exponent, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSub_32f_I(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAndC_16u_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal and with constant.
NppStatus nppsAdd_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc1, const Npp64f *pSrc2, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddC_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integersignal add constant and scale.
NppStatus nppsArctan_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal inverse tangent.
NppStatus nppsAndC_8u_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal and with constant.
NppStatus nppsSubC_32f_I(Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubC_16u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal subtract constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsOr_16u(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAnd_16u_I(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsCauchyD_32f_I(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, Npp32f nParam)
NppStatus nppsAdd_8u_ISfs(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16u_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqr_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqr_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_16u_I_Ctx(int nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal right shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsMul_16s32f(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddC_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_8u_I_Ctx(int nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal left shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsSumLn_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, int nLength, Npp64f *pDst, Npp8u *pDeviceBuffer)
NppStatus nppsMul_Low_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal times signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAdd_32f_I_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point in place signal add signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAddC_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_16s32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal add product of source signal1 times source signal2 to 32-bit signed intege...
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp64s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit signed integer signal square root, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsLn_32s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal natural logarithm, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
Complex Number This struct represents a long long complex number.
Definition: nppdefs.h:346
NppStatus nppsSubC_16u_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMul_8u16u_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal times signal with 16-bit unsigned result, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsSqr_32fc_I(Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsExp_16s_ISfs(Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMul_16s_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal times signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSubC_32sc_Sfs(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDiv_Round_8u_ISfs(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMul_32sc_Sfs(const Npp32sc *pSrc1, const Npp32sc *pSrc2, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal square root.
NppStatus nppsAddC_16u_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddC_8u_ISfs(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsNot_16u_I_Ctx(Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place not signal.
NppStatus nppsMul_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_16u_ISfs(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsExp_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal exponent.
NppStatus nppsAnd_16u(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsExp_32s_ISfs(Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_16u_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsOrC_8u(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubC_16sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit integer complex number (16 bit real, 16 bit imaginary) signal subtract constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAdd_16s32s_I_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16/32-bit signed short in place signal add signal with 32-bit signed integer results, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_32u_I_Ctx(int nValue, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned signed integer in place signal right shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsMulC_64f64s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp64f nValue, Npp64s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal times constant with in place conversion to 64-bit signed integer and wit...
NppStatus nppsOr_32u(const Npp32u *pSrc1, const Npp32u *pSrc2, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_32f_I(Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_Round_8u_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal divide signal, with scaling, rounding then clamp to saturated val...
NppStatus nppsSumLn_32f64f(const Npp32f *pSrc, int nLength, Npp64f *pDst, Npp8u *pDeviceBuffer)
NppStatus nppsDivC_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_16sc_Sfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32f_I(Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDivC_64fc_I_Ctx(Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point complex number (64 bit real, 64 bit imaginary) in place signal divided by const...
NppStatus nppsXor_16u_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal exclusive or with signal.
NppStatus nppsXor_32u(const Npp32u *pSrc1, const Npp32u *pSrc2, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_16s32f_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal subtract 16-bit signed short signal, then clamp and convert to 32-bit floa...
NppStatus nppsMulC_32f16s_Sfs(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDiv_Round_16u_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsExp_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal exponent.
NppStatus nppsAbs_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsNormalize_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, Npp64f vSub, Npp64f vDiv, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal normalize.
NppStatus nppsMulC_32s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer in place signal times constant and scale.
NppStatus nppsMulC_64fc_I_Ctx(Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point complex number (64 bit real, 64 bit imaginary) in place signal times constant...
NppStatus nppsMul_8u16u(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubC_16u_ISfs(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus npps10Log10_32s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal 10 times base 10 logarithm, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsMul_32s_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer in place signal times signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsSubC_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMul_32fc_I(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_32s16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal divided by 16-bit signed short signal, scale, then clamp to 16-bit signe...
NppStatus nppsAddProductC_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddC_8u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned charvector add constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_32u_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc, int nValue, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned integer signal right shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsMul_16sc_ISfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc1, const Npp64fc *pSrc2, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point signal add signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_16s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal square root, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSubC_8u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal subtract constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value ...
NppStatus nppsAndC_32u_I(Npp32u nValue, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsNormalize_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, Npp32f vSub, Npp32f vDiv, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal normalize.
NppStatus nppsAdd_32s_ISfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAndC_32u_I_Ctx(Npp32u nValue, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned signed integer in place signal and with constant.
NppStatus nppsDiv_Round_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddC_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal add constant.
NppStatus nppsAbs_64f_I_Ctx(Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal absolute value.
NppStatus nppsSqr_16u_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDiv_16u_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSub_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc1, const Npp64f *pSrc2, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal subtract signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsExp_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus npps10Log10_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsNot_32u_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned integer not signal.
NppStatus nppsXor_16u_I(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc1, const Npp16sc *pSrc2, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed complex short add signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_16u_I(int nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAdd_8u16u_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal add signal with 16-bit unsigned result, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsDivC_32fc_I(Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsLn_32f_I(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc1, const Npp64f *pSrc2, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_16u_ISfs(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsLn_16s_ISfs(Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMul_16s32f_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal times signal with 32-bit floating point result, then clamp to saturated va...
NppStatus nppsLn_32s16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal natural logarithm, scale, then clamp to 16-bit signed short saturated va...
NppStatus nppsSub_32f_I_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point in place signal subtract signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point signal square root.
NppStatus nppsSub_32fc_I(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsOrC_32u_I_Ctx(Npp32u nValue, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned signed integer in place signal or with constant.
NppStatus nppsMul_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32f *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal times signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsDivC_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point complex number (64 bit real, 64 bit imaginary) signal divided by constant...
NppStatus nppsSumLnGetBufferSize_16s32f_Ctx(int nLength, int *hpBufferSize, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Device scratch buffer size (in bytes) for 16s32f SumLn.
NppStatus nppsLn_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal natural logarithm.
NppStatus nppsAbs_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal absolute value.
NppStatus nppsSub_16s_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal subtract signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsLn_64f32f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_8u(const Npp8u *pSrc, int nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_64f_I_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point in place signal subtract signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMul_16s32s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSub_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal subtract signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value. ...
NppStatus nppsNormalize_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, Npp64f vSub, Npp64f vDiv)
NppStatus nppsSub_8u_Sfs(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16s_I_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal add signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMulC_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal times constant and scale.
NppStatus nppsSub_32s_ISfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDiv_Round_8u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal divide signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSub_16sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc1, const Npp16sc *pSrc2, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed complex short signal subtract signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsSubC_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal subtract constant.
NppStatus nppsNot_8u(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsNot_16u(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDivC_64f_I(Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_8u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal divide signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAbs_64f_I(Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_8u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal subtract signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value. ...
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_32s_I(int nValue, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsCubrt_32s16s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsNot_16u_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short not signal.
NppStatus nppsDiv_Round_16s_ISfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16sc_ISfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64f_I_Ctx(Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal square root.
NppStatus nppsMulC_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAdd_32fc_I_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point in place signal add signal, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_16s_I_Ctx(int nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal right shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsSqr_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point signal squared.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point complex number (64 bit real, 64 bit imaginary) signal subtract from constant...
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_32u_I_Ctx(int nValue, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned signed integer in place signal left shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_64f_I(Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_8u_ISfs(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAnd_32u_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc1, const Npp32u *pSrc2, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned integer signal and with signal.
NppStatus nppsDiv_64fc_I_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point in place signal divide signal, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAdd_32sc_Sfs(const Npp32sc *pSrc1, const Npp32sc *pSrc2, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMul_32f32fc_I_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point in place signal times 32-bit floating point signal, then clamp to 32-bi...
NppStatus nppsDiv_32fc_I_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point in place signal divide signal, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsCauchyD_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, Npp32f nParam, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal Cauchy first derivative.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_16s_ISfs(Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSub_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc1, const Npp64fc *pSrc2, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_32sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit integer complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) signal times constant and scale...
NppStatus nppsDiv_Round_16s_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal divide signal, with scaling, rounding then clamp to saturated val...
NppStatus nppsAdd_32u_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc1, const Npp32u *pSrc2, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned int signal add signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsDiv_Round_16u_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal divide signal, with scaling, rounding then clamp to saturated v...
NppStatus nppsDivC_64fc_I(Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAnd_8u(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32s_ISfs(Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsLn_16s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal natural logarithm, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_64f_I_Ctx(Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point, in place signal subtract from constant.
NppStatus nppsMul_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc1, const Npp64f *pSrc2, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal times signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMul_64f_I_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point in place signal times signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsDiv_16u_ISfs(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDivC_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddC_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating pointsignal add constant.
NppStatus nppsXorC_16u(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSumLnGetBufferSize_16s32f(int nLength, int *hpBufferSize)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16s_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal add signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsMulC_16sc_Sfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMulC_64f_I_Ctx(Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point, in place signal times constant.
NppStatus nppsDiv_16sc_Sfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc1, const Npp16sc *pSrc2, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubC_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64f_I(Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddC_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal add constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsOrC_8u_I(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short add signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSub_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsExp_64s_ISfs(Npp64s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_8u_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, int nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal left shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsAbs_16s_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal absolute value.
NppStatus nppsAbs_16s_I(Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16u_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal add signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAddC_32sc_Sfs(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqr_16sc_ISfs(Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16s(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAdd_64f_I(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc1, const Npp64fc *pSrc2, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_8u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal times constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value ...
long long Npp64s
64-bit signed integers
Definition: nppdefs.h:277
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_8u_I(int nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_64f_I(Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubC_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal subtract constant.
NppStatus nppsSubC_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point complex number (64 bit real, 64 bit imaginary) signal subtract constant...
NppStatus nppsMul_16s_I(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16s32s_I(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_32s(const Npp32s *pSrc, int nValue, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddC_32fc_I_Ctx(Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) in place signal add constant...
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal subtract from constant.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer in place signal subtract from constant and scale.
NppStatus nppsAdd_8u16u(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubC_32s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer in place signal subtract constant and scale.
NppStatus nppsAddC_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point complex number (64 bit real, 64 bit imaginary) signal add constant.
NppStatus nppsSubC_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddProductC_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal add product of signal times constant to destination signal.
NppStatus nppsOrC_32u(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u nValue, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsExp_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus npps10Log10_32s_ISfs(Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
int Npp32s
32-bit signed integers
Definition: nppdefs.h:275
NppStatus nppsDivC_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal divided by constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32sc_ISfs_Ctx(Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit integer complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) in place signal subtract from constant ...
NppStatus nppsSubC_64fc_I(Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_64f_I_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point in place signal divide signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAddC_16s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal add constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_32u(const Npp32u *pSrc, int nValue, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsOr_32u_I(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_32fc_I_Ctx(Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point signal square root.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64s_Sfs(const Npp64s *pSrc, Npp64s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubC_32sc_ISfs_Ctx(Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit integer complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) in place signal subtract constant and s...
NppStatus nppsOrC_16u_I_Ctx(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal or with constant.
NppStatus nppsXor_8u_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal exclusive or with signal.
NppStatus nppsMulC_64fc_I(Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_32s_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer in place signal subtract signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsExp_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal exponent, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMul_16sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc1, const Npp16sc *pSrc2, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed complex short signal times signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsNot_8u_I(Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqr_16u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal squared, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsExp_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubC_64f_I(Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal times constant.
NppStatus nppsSqr_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal squared, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsDiv_16sc_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit complex signed short in place signal divide signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated valu...
NppStatus nppsDivCRev_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSumLn_32f64f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, int nLength, Npp64f *pDst, Npp8u *pDeviceBuffer, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit flaoting point input, 64-bit floating point output signal sum natural logarithm.
NppStatus nppsAdd_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer add signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsDivC_16s_ISfs(Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSub_16sc_Sfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc1, const Npp16sc *pSrc2, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSub_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc1, const Npp64fc *pSrc2, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point signal subtract signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAdd_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc1, const Npp64fc *pSrc2, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDivC_32f_I(Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAdd_8u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char add signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMulC_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point in place signal times constant.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_16sc_Sfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64fc_I_Ctx(Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point signal square root.
NppStatus nppsSub_16u_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqr_16s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal squared, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAdd_16sc_Sfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc1, const Npp16sc *pSrc2, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMulC_16s_ISfs(Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMul_32s_ISfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsLn_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal natural logarithm.
NppStatus nppsMul_32f_I_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point in place signal times signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsDivC_16u_ISfs(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAndC_16u_I_Ctx(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal and with constant.
NppStatus nppsAdd_32s_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer in place signal add signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsDivC_8u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal divided by constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value ...
NppStatus nppsAbs_32s(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsLn_64f_I(Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_8u_Sfs(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsCauchy_32f_I(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, Npp32f nParam)
NppStatus nppsMulC_32fc_I(Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDivC_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_8u_Sfs(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddC_16sc_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit integer complex number (16 bit real, 16 bit imaginary)signal add constant, scale...
NppStatus nppsDiv_64fc_I(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubC_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal subtract constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSumLnGetBufferSize_32f(int nLength, int *hpBufferSize)
NppStatus nppsAddC_64fc_I(Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddC_32sc_ISfs_Ctx(Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit integer complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) in place signal add constant and scale...
NppStatus nppsSubC_16s_ISfs(Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMulC_16sc_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit integer complex number (16 bit real, 16 bit imaginary)signal times constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsDivC_16sc_Sfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsXorC_8u(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsExp_32f64f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal exponent with 64-bit floating point result.
NppStatus nppsDivC_16u_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsExp_16s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal exponent, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMul_16sc_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit complex signed short in place signal times signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsMul_32sc_ISfs(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMulC_8u_Sfs(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_16s_I(int nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength)
Definition: nppdefs.h:310
NppStatus nppsAddC_16u_ISfs(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDiv_8u_Sfs(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDiv_32s_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer in place signal divide signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_32s_I_Ctx(int nValue, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed signed integer in place signal left shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsDiv_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc1, const Npp64f *pSrc2, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal divide signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSub_16s_I(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal times constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMul_32sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32sc *pSrc1, const Npp32sc *pSrc2, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed complex integer signal times signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAdd_16u_ISfs(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_32f_I(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc1, const Npp64f *pSrc2, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal add product of source signal times destination signal to destination sig...
NppStatus nppsDiv_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point signal divide signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAddC_16u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal add constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAdd_64fc_I_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point in place signal add signal, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAddC_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_16u_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSumLn_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, int nLength, Npp32f *pDst, Npp8u *pDeviceBuffer)
NppStatus nppsMul_32f32fc_I(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
unsigned short Npp16u
16-bit unsigned integers
Definition: nppdefs.h:272
NppStatus nppsMulC_32sc_ISfs_Ctx(Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit integer complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) in place signal times constant and scal...
NppStatus nppsAndC_16u(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsOrC_16u_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal or with constant.
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_16s_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, int nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal right shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsDiv_32s_ISfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddC_32sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit integer complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) signal add constant and scale...
NppStatus nppsExp_64f_I(Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsXorC_8u_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal exclusive or with constant.
NppStatus nppsCauchy_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, Npp32f nParam, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal Cauchy error calculation.
NppStatus nppsAdd_16s32f(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point complex number (64 bit real, 64 bit imaginary) signal times constant...
NPP stream context structure must be filled in by application.
Definition: nppdefs.h:612
Rounding Modes.
Definition: nppdefs.h:460
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_16u_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, int nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal right shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsExp_64f_I_Ctx(Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal exponent.
NppStatus nppsAdd_8u_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal add signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAbs_32s_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal absolute value.
NppStatus nppsSubC_16sc_ISfs(Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMul_32s32sc_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex signed integer in place signal times 32-bit signed integer signal, with scaling...
NppStatus nppsMulC_8u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal times constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsDivC_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal divided by constant.
NppStatus nppsAdd_16u(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_32sc_ISfs(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDiv_64f_I(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_Round_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal divide signal, scale, round, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMulC_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubC_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDivC_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsXorC_8u_I_Ctx(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal exclusive or with constant.
NppStatus nppsMulC_64f64s_ISfs(Npp64f nValue, Npp64s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMul_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point signal times signal, then clamp to saturated value. ...
NppStatus nppsAddC_16u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short vector add constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSub_16s_I_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal subtract signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsLn_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal natural logarithm, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMul_8u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal times signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAdd_64fc_I(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsOrC_8u_I_Ctx(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal or with constant.
NppStatus nppsOrC_16u_I(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsCauchyDD2_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f *pSrcDst, Npp32f *pD2FVal, int nLength, Npp32f nParam, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal Cauchy first and second derivatives.
NppStatus nppsAdd_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32f *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal add signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAbs_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal absolute value.
NppStatus nppsDivCRev_32f_I(Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_32fc_I_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point in place signal times signal, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsDiv_32fc_I(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubC_32fc_I_Ctx(Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) in place signal subtract constan...
short Npp16s
16-bit signed integers
Definition: nppdefs.h:273
unsigned int Npp32u
32-bit unsigned integers
Definition: nppdefs.h:274
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64s16s_Sfs(const Npp64s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_32s_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, int nValue, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal right shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsSub_16s32f(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAdd_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsExp_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_16u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal subtract from constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsSqrt_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal square root, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAbs_32s_I(Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsExp_64s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp64s *pSrc, Npp64s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit signed integer signal exponent, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSub_32sc_Sfs(const Npp32sc *pSrc1, const Npp32sc *pSrc2, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc1, const Npp64f *pSrc2, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal add signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsXor_8u_I(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32fc_I_Ctx(Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) in place signal subtract from co...
NppStatus nppsNormalize_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, Npp64fc vSub, Npp64f vDiv)
NppStatus nppsAdd_32sc_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex signed integer in place signal add signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_32u_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc, int nValue, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned integer signal left shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsAbs_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal absolute value.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) signal subtract from constant...
NppStatus nppsXorC_8u_I(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDivCRev_16u_I(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqr_8u_ISfs(Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSub_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32f *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal subtract signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_32s_I(int nValue, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSumLn_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, int nLength, Npp32f *pDst, Npp8u *pDeviceBuffer, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal sum natural logarithm.
NppStatus nppsDiv_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc1, const Npp64fc *pSrc2, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point signal divide signal, then clamp to saturated value.
double Npp64f
64-bit floating-point numbers
Definition: nppdefs.h:279
NppStatus nppsDiv_8u_ISfs(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqr_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal squared.
NppStatus nppsOr_8u_I_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal or with signal.
NppStatus nppsSqr_16sc_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit complex signed short signal squared, scale, then clamp to saturated value. ...
NppStatus nppsAddC_16sc_ISfs(Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMulC_16u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal times constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsMulC_32s_ISfs(Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal add product of source signal1 times source signal2 to destination signal...
NppStatus nppsSumLn_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, int nLength, Npp64f *pDst, Npp8u *pDeviceBuffer, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal sum natural logarithm.
NppStatus nppsSqr_64fc_I(Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDivC_64f_I_Ctx(Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point in place signal divided by constant.
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_8u_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, int nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal right shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsNormalize_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, Npp16s vSub, int vDiv, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal normalize, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_32f_I(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal divide signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSub_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDivC_16sc_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit integer complex number (16 bit real, 16 bit imaginary)signal divided by constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsArctan_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal times signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsArctan_32f_I(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsNormalize_16sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, Npp16sc vSub, int vDiv, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit complex signed short signal normalize, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsOr_32u_I_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned integer in place signal or with signal.
NppStatus nppsAdd_16s_I(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsXor_8u(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsCubrt_32f_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal cube root.
NppStatus nppsCubrt_32s16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal cube root, scale, then clamp to 16-bit signed integer saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAddC_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_16s(const Npp16s *pSrc, int nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsNot_16u_I(Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_16u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal divide signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value. ...
NppStatus nppsMulC_32f16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal times constant with output converted to 16-bit signed integer with scali...
NppStatus nppsSub_16sc_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit complex signed short in place signal subtract signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated va...
NppStatus nppsMul_32s32sc_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32sc *pSrc2, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSub_16s_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal subtract signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSqr_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_16u16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal times 16-bit signed short signal, scale, then clamp to 16-bit signed sat...
NppStatus nppsDiv_16sc_ISfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_16u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal square root, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSubC_32sc_ISfs(Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_32fc_I(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_8u_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal times signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsArctan_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsNormalize_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, Npp64fc vSub, Npp64f vDiv, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point signal normalize.
NppStatus nppsMulC_32sc_Sfs(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMul_64f_I(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAndC_8u(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_16s_ISfs(Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_16u_I_Ctx(int nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal left shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_64fc_I(Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDivC_8u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal divided by constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAnd_8u_I(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsXorC_32u_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u nValue, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned integer signal exclusive or with constant.
NppStatus nppsMulC_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32sc_ISfs(Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAbs_32f_I(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsOrC_8u_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal or with constant.
NppStatus nppsDivC_32fc_I_Ctx(Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) in place signal divided by const...
NppStatus nppsOrC_16u(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_32s_I_Ctx(int nValue, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed signed integer in place signal right shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsLn_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubC_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) signal subtract constant...
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32fc_I(Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_16s(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_Round_16u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal divide signal, scale, round, then clamp to saturated value...
float Npp32f
32-bit (IEEE) floating-point numbers
Definition: nppdefs.h:278
NppStatus nppsNot_32u_I_Ctx(Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned signed integer in place not signal.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_16u_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAbs_32s_I_Ctx(Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal absolute value.
NppStatus nppsOr_8u_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal or with signal.
NppStatus nppsAddC_64fc_I_Ctx(Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point complex number (64 bit real, 64 bit imaginary) in place signal add constant...
NppStatus nppsXorC_32u_I(Npp32u nValue, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsXorC_16u_I(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAddC_32s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer in place signal add constant and scale.
NppStatus nppsAdd_32sc_ISfs(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsLn_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_64fc_I_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point in place signal times signal, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAdd_8u_Sfs(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_8u_ISfs(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_64fc_Ctx(const Npp64fc *pSrc1, const Npp64fc *pSrc2, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit complex floating point signal add product of source signal times destination signal to destina...
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_32s(const Npp32s *pSrc, int nValue, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_64fc_I(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsNot_8u_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char not signal.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64fc_I(Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubC_8u_ISfs(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSub_32fc_I_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point in place signal subtract signal, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_16sc_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit integer complex number (16 bit real, 16 bit imaginary) signal subtract from constant...
NppStatus nppsSqr_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal squared.
NppStatus nppsMul_16u16s_Sfs(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_32u(const Npp32u *pSrc1, const Npp32u *pSrc2, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_8u_Sfs(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed short signal add product of source signal1 times source signal2 to destination signal...
NppStatus nppsDiv_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32f *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_32s32sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32sc *pSrc2, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal times 32-bit complex signed integer signal, scale, then clamp to 32-bit ...
NppStatus nppsNormalize_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, Npp32fc vSub, Npp32f vDiv, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point signal normalize.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_64s16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp64s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit signed integer signal square root, scale, then clamp to 16-bit signed integer saturated value...
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_16sc_ISfs(Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAnd_32u_I(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_8u_ISfs(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDivC_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point in place signal divided by constant.
NppStatus nppsSqr_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_16s_ISfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDivC_8u_Sfs(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAnd_8u_I_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal and with signal.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_16s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal subtract from constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_8u_I(int nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsOr_16u_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal or with signal.
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_32s_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, int nValue, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal left shift with constant.
NppStatus nppsSubC_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal subtract constant and scale.
NppStatus nppsSub_16sc_ISfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDiv_16s_ISfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubC_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAddC_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) signal add constant.
NppStatus nppsAdd_16s32f_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal add signal with 32-bit floating point result, then clamp to saturated valu...
NppStatus nppsAdd_16u_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal add signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAddC_16s_ISfs(Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32sc_Sfs(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_32sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32sc *pSrc1, const Npp32sc *pSrc2, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed complex integer add signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMul_16s_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal times signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsSub_32sc_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex signed integer in place signal subtract signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated ...
NppStatus nppsSubC_8u_Sfs(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAnd_32u(const Npp32u *pSrc1, const Npp32u *pSrc2, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsLn_64f32f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal natural logarithm with 32-bit floating point result. ...
NppStatus nppsMul_64f(const Npp64f *pSrc1, const Npp64f *pSrc2, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqr_64f_I_Ctx(Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal squared.
NppStatus nppsRShiftC_16u(const Npp16u *pSrc, int nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAbs_16s_I_Ctx(Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal absolute value.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short signal subtract from constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAndC_32u(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u nValue, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsExp_32s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal exponent, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_16sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit integer complex number (16 bit real, 16 bit imaginary) signal subtract from constant...
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32f *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_16sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc1, const Npp16sc *pSrc2, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed complex short signal divide signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_64fc(const Npp64fc *pSrc1, const Npp64fc *pSrc2, Npp64fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32f *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubC_32s_ISfs(Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDivC_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) signal divided by constant...
NppStatus nppsSqr_32fc_I_Ctx(Npp32fc *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point signal squared.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_32s16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal square root, scale, then clamp to 16-bit signed integer saturated value...
NppStatus nppsSqrt_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point signal square root.
NppStatus nppsSqr_16sc_Sfs(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc1, const Npp32f *pSrc2, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSqr_16u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal squared, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsLShiftC_16s(const Npp16s *pSrc, int nValue, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsAbs_16s(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_8u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal subtract from constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value ...
NppStatus nppsAndC_16u_I(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsLn_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal natural logarithm.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_8u_ISfs_Ctx(Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal square root, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_16sc_ISfs(Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqrt_16sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit complex signed short signal square root, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsArctan_64f_Ctx(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal inverse tangent.
NppStatus nppsSumLnGetBufferSize_64f_Ctx(int nLength, int *hpBufferSize, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Device scratch buffer size (in bytes) for 64f SumLn.
NppStatus nppsSumLn_16s32f_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, int nLength, Npp32f *pDst, Npp8u *pDeviceBuffer, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short integer input, 32-bit floating point output signal sum natural logarithm...
NppStatus nppsDiv_16u_ISfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal divide signal, with scaling, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsDiv_32s16s_Sfs(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsMulC_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) signal times constant...
NppStatus nppsLn_64f_I_Ctx(Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
64-bit floating point signal natural logarithm.
NppStatus nppsMul_64fc_I(const Npp64fc *pSrc, Npp64fc *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMulC_16u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal times constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAndC_8u_I_Ctx(Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char in place signal and with constant.
NppStatus nppsSqrt_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_16s(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsExp_32f_I(Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSub_32s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit signed integer signal subtract signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMulC_32sc_ISfs(Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsArctan_64f_I(Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_16s_ISfs(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSubC_16sc_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit integer complex number (16 bit real, 16 bit imaginary) signal subtract constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsMulC_16sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16sc *pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit integer complex number (16 bit real, 16 bit imaginary)signal times constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsXor_16u_I_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal exclusive or with signal.
NppStatus nppsDivCRev_32f_I_Ctx(Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point in place constant divided by signal.
NppStatus nppsMul_16u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc1, const Npp16u *pSrc2, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal time signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsAddProduct_32fc_Ctx(const Npp32fc *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit complex floating point signal add product of source signal times destination signal to destina...
NppStatus nppsDiv_Round_8u_Sfs(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDiv_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc1, const Npp32fc *pSrc2, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsOrC_32u_Ctx(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u nValue, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit unsigned integer signal or with constant.
NppStatus nppsDivC_16u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal divided by constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsDivC_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_8u_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp8u *pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
8-bit unsigned char signal subtract from constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsNormalize_32fc(const Npp32fc *pSrc, Npp32fc *pDst, int nLength, Npp32fc vSub, Npp32f vDiv)
NppStatus nppsAnd_16u_I_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place signal and with signal.
NppStatus nppsSubC_32sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit integer complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary)signal subtract constant and scale...
NppStatus nppsMul_Low_32s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc1, const Npp32s *pSrc2, Npp32s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsSqr_64f_I(Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubC_16s_ISfs_Ctx(Npp16s nValue, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal subtract constant, scale, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsXorC_16u_Ctx(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short signal exclusive or with constant.
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32sc_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp32sc *pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit integer complex number (32 bit real, 32 bit imaginary) signal subtract from constant and scale...
NppStatus nppsSub_64f_I(const Npp64f *pSrc, Npp64f *pSrcDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsMul_16s_I_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc, Npp16s *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short in place signal times signal, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsSqr_16u_ISfs(Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsAdd_16s_Sfs_Ctx(const Npp16s *pSrc1, const Npp16s *pSrc2, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit signed short add signal, scale, then clamp to saturated value.
NppStatus nppsNot_32u(const Npp32u *pSrc, Npp32u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsSubCRev_32f(const Npp32f *pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsOr_8u(const Npp8u *pSrc1, const Npp8u *pSrc2, Npp8u *pDst, int nLength)
NppStatus nppsDiv_Round_16u_ISfs(const Npp16u *pSrc, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsDivCRev_16u_I_Ctx(Npp16u nValue, Npp16u *pSrcDst, int nLength, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
16-bit unsigned short in place constant divided by signal, then clamp to saturated value...
NppStatus nppsAddC_32s_ISfs(Npp32s nValue, Npp32s *pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)
NppStatus nppsLn_32s16s_Sfs(const Npp32s *pSrc, Npp16s *pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor)