NVIDIA 2D Image And Signal Performance Primitives (NPP)  Version 22.3.0.*
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The set of image processing arithmetic operations available in the library. More...


 Adds a constant value to each pixel of an image.
 Multiplies each pixel of an image by a constant value.
 Multiplies each pixel of an image by a constant value then scales the result by the maximum value for the data bit width.
 Subtracts a constant value from each pixel of an image.
 Divides each pixel of an image by a constant value.
 Determines absolute difference between each pixel of an image and a constant value.
 Pixel by pixel addition of two images.
 Pixel by pixel addition of squared pixels from source image to floating point pixel values of destination image.
 Pixel by pixel addition of product of pixels from two source images to floating point pixel values of destination image.
 Pixel by pixel addition of alpha weighted pixel values from a source image to floating point pixel values of destination image.
 Pixel by pixel multiply of two images.
 Pixel by pixel multiplies each pixel of two images then scales the result by the maximum value for the data bit width.
 Pixel by pixel subtraction of two images.
 Pixel by pixel division of two images.
 Pixel by pixel division of two images using result rounding modes.
 Absolute value of each pixel value in an image.
 Pixel by pixel absolute difference between two images.
 Square each pixel in an image.
 Pixel by pixel square root of each pixel in an image.
 Pixel by pixel natural logarithm of each pixel in an image.
 Exponential value of each pixel in an image.

Detailed Description

The set of image processing arithmetic operations available in the library.

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