NVIDIA 2D Image And Signal Performance Primitives (NPP)  Version 22.3.0.*
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Functions for copying image pixels. More...


 Copy pixels from one image to another.
 Masked Copy
 The masked copy primitives have an additional "mask image" input.
 Channel Copy
 The channel copy primitives copy a single color channel from a multi-channel source image to any other color channel in a multi-channel destination image.
 Extract Channel Copy
 The channel extract primitives copy a single color channel from a multi-channel source image to singl-channel destination image.
 Insert Channel Copy
 The channel insert primitives copy a single-channel source image into one of the color channels in a multi-channel destination image.
 Packed To Planar Channel Copy
 Split a packed multi-channel image into multiple single channel planes.
 Planar To Packed Channel Copy
 Combine multiple image planes into a packed multi-channel image.
 Copy Constant Border
 Methods for copying images and padding borders with a constant, user-specifiable color.
 Copy Replicate Border
 Methods for copying images and padding borders with a replicates of the nearest source image pixel color.
 Copy Wrap Border
 Methods for copying images and padding borders with wrapped replications of the source image pixel colors.
 Copy Sub-Pixel
 Functions for copying linearly interpolated images using source image subpixel coordinates.

Detailed Description

Functions for copying image pixels.

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