NVIDIA 2D Image And Signal Performance Primitives (NPP)  Version 22.3.0.*
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The set of arithmetic operations for signal processing available in the library. More...


 Adds a constant value to each sample of a signal.
 Adds product of a constant and each sample of a source signal to the each sample of destination signal.
 Multiplies each sample of a signal by a constant value.
 Subtracts a constant from each sample of a signal.
 Subtracts each sample of a signal from a constant.
 Divides each sample of a signal by a constant.
 Divides a constant by each sample of a signal.
 Sample by sample addition of two signals.
 Adds sample by sample product of two signals to the destination signal.
 Sample by sample multiplication the samples of two signals.
 Sample by sample subtraction of the samples of two signals.
 Sample by sample division of the samples of two signals.
 Sample by sample division of the samples of two signals with rounding.
 Absolute value of each sample of a signal.
 Squares each sample of a signal.
 Square root of each sample of a signal.
 Cube root of each sample of a signal.
 E raised to the power of each sample of a signal.
 Natural logarithm of each sample of a signal.
 Ten times the decimal logarithm of each sample of a signal.
 Sums up the natural logarithm of each sample of a signal.
 Inverse tangent of each sample of a signal.
 Normalize each sample of a real or complex signal using offset and division operations.
 Cauchy, CauchyD, and CauchyDD2
 Determine Cauchy robust error function and its first and second derivatives for each sample of a signal.

Detailed Description

The set of arithmetic operations for signal processing available in the library.

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