NVIDIA 2D Image And Signal Performance Primitives (NPP)  Version 22.3.0.*
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Logical And Shift Operations

The set of logical and shift operations for signal processing available in the library. More...


 Bitwise AND of a constant and each sample of a signal.
 Sample by sample bitwise AND of samples from two signals.
 Bitwise OR of a constant and each sample of a signal.
 Sample by sample bitwise OR of the samples from two signals.
 Bitwise XOR of a constant and each sample of a signal.
 Sample by sample bitwise XOR of the samples from two signals.
 Bitwise NOT of each sample of a signal.
 Left shifts the bits of each sample of a signal by a constant amount.
 Right shifts the bits of each sample of a signal by a constant amount.

Detailed Description

The set of logical and shift operations for signal processing available in the library.

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