Image Threshold And Compare Operations Functions
Methods for pixel-wise threshold and compare operations.
These functions can be found in the nppitc library. Linking to only the sub-libraries that you use can significantly save link time, application load time, and CUDA runtime startup time when using dynamic libraries.
Image Threshold Operations
Threshold Operations
Threshold image pixels.
Common parameters for nppiThreshold non-inplace and inplace functions include:
Supported data types include NPP_8U, NPP_16U, NPP_16S, NPP_32F. Supported channel counts include NPP_CH_1, NPP_CH_3, NPP_CH_A4.
- param eSrcDstType
- param eSrcDstChannels
- param pSrcDst
In-Place Image Pointer for inplace functions.
- param nSrcDstStep
In-Place-Image Line Step for inplace functions.
- param pSrc
Source-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nSrcStep
Source-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param pDst
Destination-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nDstStep
Destination-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param oSizeROI
- param pThreshold
Host memory pointer to the threshold value(s) of the same data type.
- param eComparisonOperation
The type of comparison operation to be used. The only valid values are: NPP_CMP_LESS and NPP_CMP_GREATER.
- param nppStreamCtx
- return
Image Data Related Error Codes, ROI Related Error Codes, or NPP_NOT_SUPPORTED_MODE_ERROR if an invalid comparison operation type is specified.
NppStatus nppiThreshold_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, const void *pSrc, int nSrcStep, void *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, NppCmpOp eComparisonOperation, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Image threshold.
If for a comparison operations OP the predicate (sourcePixel OP pThreshold) is true, the pixel is set to pThreshold, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
NppStatus nppiThreshold_I_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, void *pSrcDst, int nSrcDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, NppCmpOp eComparisonOperation, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
In place image threshold.
If for a comparison operations OP the predicate (sourcePixel OP pThreshold) is true, the pixel is set to pThreshold, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
Image Threshold Greater Than Operations
Threshold Greater Than Operations
Threshold greater than image pixels.
Common parameters for nppiThreshold_GT non-inplace and inplace functions include:
Supported data types include NPP_8U, NPP_16U, NPP_16S, NPP_32F. Supported channel counts include NPP_CH_1, NPP_CH_3, NPP_CH_A4.
- param eSrcDstType
- param eSrcDstChannels
- param pSrcDst
In-Place Image Pointer for inplace functions.
- param nSrcDstStep
In-Place-Image Line Step for inplace functions.
- param pSrc
Source-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nSrcStep
Source-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param pDst
Destination-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nDstStep
Destination-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param oSizeROI
- param pThreshold
The threshold value.
- param nppStreamCtx
- return
NppStatus nppiThreshold_GT_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, const void *pSrc, int nSrcStep, void *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Image greater than threshold.
If for a comparison operations sourcePixel is greater than pThreshold is true, the pixel is set to pThreshold, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold_GT non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
NppStatus nppiThreshold_GT_I_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, void *pSrcDst, int nSrcDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
In place image greater than threshold.
If for a comparison operations sourcePixel is greater than pThreshold is true, the pixel is set to pThreshold, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold_GT non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
Image Threshold Less Than Operations
Threshold Less Than Operations
Threshold less than image pixels.
Common parameters for nppiThreshold_LT non-inplace and inplace functions include:
Supported data types include NPP_8U, NPP_16U, NPP_16S, NPP_32F. Supported channel counts include NPP_CH_1, NPP_CH_3, NPP_CH_A4.
- param eSrcDstType
- param eSrcDstChannels
- param pSrcDst
In-Place Image Pointer for inplace functions.
- param nSrcDstStep
In-Place-Image Line Step for inplace functions.
- param pSrc
Source-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nSrcStep
Source-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param pDst
Destination-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nDstStep
Destination-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param oSizeROI
- param pThreshold
The threshold value.
- param nppStreamCtx
- return
NppStatus nppiThreshold_LT_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, const void *pSrc, int nSrcStep, void *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Image less than threshold.
If for a comparison operations sourcePixel is less than pThreshold is true, the pixel is set to pThreshold, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold_LT non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
NppStatus nppiThreshold_LT_I_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, void *pSrcDst, int nSrcDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
In place image less than threshold.
If for a comparison operations sourcePixel is less than pThreshold is true, the pixel is set to pThreshold, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold_LT non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
Image Threshold Value Operations
Threshold Value Operations
Replace thresholded image pixels with a value.
Common parameters for nppiThreshold_Val non-inplace and inplace functions include:
Supported data types include NPP_8U, NPP_16U, NPP_16S, NPP_32F. Supported channel counts include NPP_CH_1, NPP_CH_3, NPP_CH_A4.
- param eSrcDstType
- param eSrcDstChannels
- param pSrcDst
In-Place Image Pointer for inplace functions.
- param nSrcDstStep
In-Place-Image Line Step for inplace functions.
- param pSrc
Source-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nSrcStep
Source-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param pDst
Destination-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nDstStep
Destination-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param oSizeROI
- param pThreshold
Host memory pointer to the threshold value(s) of the same data type.
- param pValue
Host memory pointer to the threshold replacement value(s) of the same data type.
- param eComparisonOperation
The type of comparison operation to be used. The only valid values are: NPP_CMP_LESS and NPP_CMP_GREATER.
- param nppStreamCtx
- return
Image Data Related Error Codes, ROI Related Error Codes, or NPP_NOT_SUPPORTED_MODE_ERROR if an invalid comparison operation type is specified.
NppStatus nppiThreshold_Val_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, const void *pSrc, int nSrcStep, void *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, const void *pvalue, NppCmpOp eComparisonOperation, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Image threshold value.
If for a comparison operations OP the predicate (sourcePixel OP pThreshold) is true, the pixel is set to pValue, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold_Val non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
NppStatus nppiThreshold_Val_I_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, void *SrcpDst, int nSrcDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, const void *pvalue, NppCmpOp eComparisonOperation, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
In place image threshold value.
If for a comparison operations OP the predicate (sourcePixel OP pThreshold) is true, the pixel is set to pValue, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold_Val non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
Image Threshold Greater Than Value Operations
Threshold Greater Than Value Operations
Replace image pixels greater than threshold with a value.
Common parameters for nppiThreshold_GTVal non-inplace and inplace functions include:
Supported data types include NPP_8U, NPP_16U, NPP_16S, NPP_32F. Supported channel counts include NPP_CH_1, NPP_CH_3, NPP_CH_A4.
- param eSrcDstType
- param eSrcDstChannels
- param pSrcDst
In-Place Image Pointer for inplace functions.
- param nSrcDstStep
In-Place-Image Line Step for inplace functions.
- param pSrc
Source-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nSrcStep
Source-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param pDst
Destination-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nDstStep
Destination-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param oSizeROI
- param pThreshold
The threshold value.
- param pValue
The threshold replacement value.
- param nppStreamCtx
- return
NppStatus nppiThreshold_GTVal_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, const void *pSrc, int nSrcStep, void *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, const void *pvalue, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Image greater than threshold value.
If for a comparison operations sourcePixel is greater than pThreshold is true, the pixel is set to pValue, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold_GTVal non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
NppStatus nppiThreshold_GTVal_I_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, void *pSrcDst, int nSrcDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, const void *pvalue, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
In place image greater than threshold value.
If for a comparison operations sourcePixel is greater than pThreshold is true, the pixel is set to pValue, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold_GTVal non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
Image Threshold Less Than Value Operations
Threshold Less Than Value Operations
Replace image pixels less than threshold with a value.
Common parameters for nppiThreshold_LTVal non-inplace and inplace functions include:
Supported data types include NPP_8U, NPP_16U, NPP_16S, NPP_32F. Supported channel counts include NPP_CH_1, NPP_CH_3, NPP_CH_A4.
- param eSrcDstType
- param eSrcDstChannels
- param pSrcDst
In-Place Image Pointer for inplace functions.
- param nSrcDstStep
In-Place-Image Line Step for inplace functions.
- param pSrc
Source-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nSrcStep
Source-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param pDst
Destination-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nDstStep
Destination-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param oSizeROI
- param pThreshold
The threshold value.
- param pValue
The threshold replacement value.
- param nppStreamCtx
- return
NppStatus nppiThreshold_LTVal_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, const void *pSrc, int nSrcStep, void *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, const void *pvalue, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Image threshold less than value.
If for a comparison operations sourcePixel is less than pThreshold is true, the pixel is set to pValue, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold_LTVal non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
NppStatus nppiThreshold_LTVal_I_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, void *pSrcDst, int nSrcDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, const void *pvalue, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
In place image threshold less than value.
If for a comparison operations sourcePixel is less than pThreshold is true, the pixel is set to pValue, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold_LTVal non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
Image Fused AbsDiff Threshold Greater Than Value Operations
Fused AbsDiff Threshold Greater Than Value Operations
Replace image pixels greater than threshold with a value.
Supported data types include NPP_8U, NPP_16U, NPP_16S, NPP_32F. Supported channel counts include NPP_CH_1, NPP_CH_3, NPP_CH_A4.
- param eSrcDstType
- param eSrcDstChannels
- param pSrcDst
In-Place Image Pointer for inplace functions.
- param nSrcDstStep
In-Place-Image Line Step for inplace functions.
- param pSrc1
Source-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nSrc1Step
Source-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param pSrc2
Source-Image Pointer to second source image for non-inplace functions.
- param nSrc2Step
Source-Image Line Step of second source image for non-inplace functions.
- param pDst
Destination-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nDstStep
Destination-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param oSizeROI
- param pThreshold
The threshold value.
- param pValue
The threshold replacement value.
- param nppStreamCtx
- return
NppStatus nppiFusedAbsDiff_Threshold_GTVal_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, const void *pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, const void *pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, void *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, const void *pvalue, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Image fused absdiff and greater than threshold value.
If for a comparison operations absdiff of sourcePixels is greater than pThreshold is true, the output pixel is set to pValue, otherwise it is set to absdiff of sourcePixels.
NppStatus nppiFusedAbsDiff_Threshold_GTVal_I_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, void *pSrcDst, int nSrcDstStep, const void *pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThreshold, const void *pvalue, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
In place fused absdiff image greater than threshold value.
If for a comparison operations absdiff of sourcePixels is greater than pThreshold is true, the output pixel is set to pValue, otherwise it is set to absdiff of sourcePixels.
Image Threshold Less Than Value Greater Than Value Operations
Threshold Less Than Value Or Greater Than Value Operations
Replace image pixels less than thresholdLT or greater than thresholdGT with with valueLT or valueGT respectively.
Common parameters for nppiThreshold_LTValGTVal non-inplace and inplace functions include:
Supported data types include NPP_8U, NPP_16U, NPP_16S, NPP_32F. Supported channel counts include NPP_CH_1, NPP_CH_3, NPP_CH_A4.
- param eSrcDstType
- param eSrcDstChannels
- param pSrcDst
In-Place Image Pointer for inplace functions.
- param nSrcDstStep
In-Place-Image Line Step for inplace functions.
- param pSrc
Source-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nSrcStep
Source-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param pDst
Destination-Image Pointer for non-inplace functions.
- param nDstStep
Destination-Image Line Step for non-inplace functions.
- param oSizeROI
- param pThresholdLT
Host memory pointer to the thresholdLT value(s) of the same data type.
- param pValueLT
Host memory pointer to the thresholdLT replacement value(s) of the same data type.
- param pThresholdGT
Host memory pointer to the thresholdGT value(s) of the same data type.
- param pValueGT
Host memory pointer to the thresholdGT replacement value(s) of the same data type.
- param nppStreamCtx
- return
NppStatus nppiThreshold_LTValGTVal_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, const void *pSrc, int nSrcStep, void *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThresholdLT, const void *pvalueLT, const void *pThresholdGT, const void *pvalueGT, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Image threshold less than low value and greater than high value.
If for a comparison operations sourcePixel is less than pThresholdLT is true, the pixel is set to pValueLT, else if sourcePixel is greater than pThresholdGT the pixel is set to pValueGT, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold_LTValGTVal non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
NppStatus nppiThreshold_LTValGTVal_I_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcDstType, NppiChannels eSrcDstChannels, void *pSrcDst, int nSrcDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, const void *pThresholdLT, const void *pvalueLT, const void *pThresholdGT, const void *pvalueGT, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
In place image threshold less than low value and greater than high value.
If for a comparison operations sourcePixel is less than pThresholdLT is true, the pixel is set to pValueLT, else if sourcePixel is greater than pThresholdGT the pixel is set to pValueGT, otherwise it is set to sourcePixel.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiThreshold_LTValGTVal non-inplace and inplace functions include:.
Image Comparison Operations
Comparison Operations
Compare the pixels of two images or one image and a constant value and create a binary result image. In case of multi-channel image types, the condition must be fulfilled for all channels, otherwise the comparison is considered false. The “binary” result image is of type NPP_8U, NPP_CH_1. False is represented by 0, true by NPP_MAX_8U.
Compare Images Operations
Compare Images Operations
Compare the pixels of two images and create a binary result image. In case of multi-channel image types, the condition must be fulfilled for all channels, otherwise the comparison is considered false. The “binary” result image is of type NPP_8U, NPP_CH_1. False is represented by 0, true by NPP_MAX_8U.
Common parameters for nppiCompare functions include:
Supported data types include NPP_8U, NPP_16U, NPP_16S, NPP_32F. Supported channel counts include NPP_CH_1, NPP_CH_3, NPP_CH_4, NPP_CH_A4.
- param eSrcType
- param eSrcChannels
- param pSrc1
- param nSrc1Step
- param pSrc2
- param nSrc2Step
- param pDst
- param nDstStep
- param oSizeROI
- param eComparisonOperation
Specifies the comparison operation to be used in the pixel comparison.
- param nppStreamCtx
- return
NppStatus nppiCompare_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcType, NppiChannels eSrcChannels, const void *pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, const void *pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppCmpOp eComparisonOperation, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Imaage compare.
Compare pSrc1’s pixels with corresponding pixels in pSrc2.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiCompare functions include:.
Compare Image With Constant Operations
Compare Image With Constant Operations
Compare the pixels of an image with a constant value and create a binary result image. In case of multi-channel image types, the condition must be fulfilled for all channels, otherwise the comparison is considered false. The “binary” result image is of type NPP_8U, NPP_CH_1. False is represented by 0, true by NPP_MAX_8U.
Common parameters for nppiCompareC functions include:
Supported data types include NPP_8U, NPP_16U, NPP_16S, NPP_32F. Supported channel counts include NPP_CH_1, NPP_CH_3, NPP_CH_4, NPP_CH_A4.
- param eSrcType
- param eSrcChannels
- param pSrc
- param nSrcStep
- param pConstant
Host memory pointer to constant value(s) of the same data type, one per color channel for multi-channel functions.
- param pDst
- param nDstStep
- param oSizeROI
- param eComparisonOperation
Specifies the comparison operation to be used in the pixel comparison.
- param nppStreamCtx
- return
NppStatus nppiCompareC_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcType, NppiChannels eSrcChannels, const void *pSrc, int nSrcStep, void *pConstant, Npp8u *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppCmpOp eComparisonOperation, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
Image compare with constant value.
Compare pSrc’s pixels with constant value.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiCompareC functions include:.
Compare Image Differences With Epsilon Operations
Compare Image Differences With Epsilon Operations
Compare the pixels value differences of two images with an epsilon value and create a binary result image. In case of multi-channel image types, the condition must be fulfilled for all channels, otherwise the comparison is considered false. The “binary” result image is of type NPP_8U, NPP_CH_1. False is represented by 0, true by NPP_MAX_8U.
Common parameters for nppiCompareEqualEps functions include:
Supported data types include NPP_32F. Supported channel counts include NPP_CH_1, NPP_CH_3, NPP_CH_4, NPP_CH_A4.
- param eSrcType
- param eSrcChannels
- param pSrc1
- param nSrc1Step
- param pSrc2
- param nSrc2Step
- param pDst
- param nDstStep
- param oSizeROI
- param nEpsilon
epsilon tolerance value to compare to pixel absolute differences
- param nppStreamCtx
- return
NppStatus nppiCompareEqualEps_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcType, NppiChannels eSrcChannels, const void *pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, const void *pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32f nEpsilon, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point image compare whether two images are equal within epsilon.
Compare pSrc1’s pixels with corresponding pixels in pSrc2 to determine whether they are equal with a difference of epsilon.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiCompareEqualEps functions include:.
Compare Image Difference To Constant With Epsilon Operations
Compare Image Difference With Constant Within Epsilon Operations
Compare differences between image pixels and constant within an epsilon value and create a binary result image. In case of multi-channel image types, the condition must be fulfilled for all channels, otherwise the comparison is considered false. The “binary” result image is of type NPP_8U, NPP_CH_1. False is represented by 0, true by NPP_MAX_8U.
Common parameters for nppiCompareEqualEpsC functions include:
Supported data types include NPP_32F. Supported channel counts include NPP_CH_1, NPP_CH_3, NPP_CH_4, NPP_CH_A4.
- param eSrcType
- param eSrcChannels
- param pSrc
- param nSrcStep
- param pConstants
Host memory pointer to constant value(s) of the same data type, one per color channel for multi-channel image functions.
- param pDst
- param nDstStep
- param oSizeROI
- param nEpsilon
epsilon tolerance value to compare to per color channel pixel absolute differences
- param nppStreamCtx
- return
NppStatus nppiCompareEqualEpsC_Ctx(NppDataType eSrcType, NppiChannels eSrcChannels, const void *pSrc, int nSrcStep, void *pConstant, Npp8u *pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32f nEpsilon, NppStreamContext nppStreamCtx)
32-bit floating point image compare whether image and constant are equal within epsilon.
Compare pSrc’s pixels with constant value to determine whether they are equal within a difference of epsilon.
For common parameter descriptions, see Common parameters for nppiCompareEqualEpsC functions include:.