NVIDIA Performance Primitives (NPP)  Version 9.1
Data Exchange and Initialization

Functions for initializting, copying and converting image data. More...


 Image Set Operations
 Functions for setting all pixels within the ROI to a specific value.
 Image Copy Operations
 Functions for copying image pixels.
 Convert Bit Depth
 Functions for converting bit depth without scaling.
 Scale Bit Depth
 Functions for scaling bit depth up or down.
 Duplicate Channel
 Functions for duplicating a single channel image in a multiple channel image.
 Functions for transposing images of various types.
 Swap Channels
 Functions for swapping and duplicating channels in multiple channel images.

Detailed Description

Functions for initializting, copying and converting image data.

These functions can be found in the nppidei library. Linking to only the sub-libraries that you use can significantly save link time, application load time, and CUDA runtime startup time when using dynamic libraries.

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