
cuquantum.cutensornet.create_tensor_descriptor(intptr_t handle, int32_t n_modes, extents, strides, modes, int data_type) intptr_t[source]

Create a tensor descriptor.

  • handle (intptr_t) – The library handle.

  • n_modes (int32_t) – The number of modes of the tensor.

  • extents

    The extents of the tensor (on host). It can be

    • an int as the pointer address to the array

    • a Python sequence of int

  • strides

    The strides of the tensor (on host). It can be

    • an int as the pointer address to the array

    • a Python sequence of int

  • modes

    The modes of the tensor (on host). It can be

    • an int as the pointer address to the array

    • a Python sequence of int

  • data_type (cuquantum.cudaDataType) – The data type of the tensor.


An opaque descriptor handle (as Python int).

Return type



If strides is set to 0 (NULL), it means the tensor is in the Fortran layout (F-contiguous).