Python objects

Context API

WorkStream(device_id, stream, memory_limit, ...)

A data class containing the library handle, stream, workspace and configuration parameters.

Operator API

DenseOperator(data[, callback])

Dense elementary operator from data buffer and optional callback.

MultidiagonalOperator(data, offsets[, callback])

Multidiagonal single-mode operator from data buffer, offsets and optional callback.


Operator term consisting of tensor products of elementary operators.

Operator(hilbert_space_dims, *terms)

Operator representing a collection of OperatorTerm objects.

OperatorAction(ctx, operators)

Operator action representing the action of a set of Operator objects on a set of input states, accumulated into a single output state.

State API

DensePureState(ctx, hilbert_space_dims, ...)

Pure state in dense (state-vector) representation.

DenseMixedState(ctx, hilbert_space_dims, ...)

Mixed state in dense (density-matrix) representation.

Python functions

Operator Utility API

tensor_product(*operands[, coeff, dtype])

Return an OperatorTerm from a tensor product of elementary operators.