
class cuquantum.cutensornet.experimental.NetworkState(state_mode_extents, *, dtype='complex128', config=None, state_labels=None, options=None)[source]

Create an empty tensor network state.

  • state_mode_extents – A sequence of integers specifying the extents for all state modes.

  • dtype

    A string specifying the datatype for the network state, currently supports the following data types:

    • 'float32'

    • 'float64'

    • 'complex64'

    • 'complex128' (default)

  • config

    The simulation configuration for the state. It can be:

    • A TNConfig object for contraction based tensor network simulation (default).

    • A MPSConfig object for MPS based tensor network simulation.

    • A dict containing the parameters for the TNConfig or MPSConfig constructor.

  • state_labels – Optional, a sequence of different labels corresponding to each state dimension. If provided, users have the option to provide a sequence of these labels as the input arguments for the following APIs including apply_tensor_operator(), apply_mpo(), compute_batched_amplitudes(), compute_reduced_density_matrix() and compute_sampling(). See the docstring for each of these APIs for more details.

  • options – Specify options for the state computation as a NetworkOptions object. Alternatively, a dict containing the parameters for the NetworkOptions constructor can also be provided. If not specified, the value will be set to the default-constructed NetworkOptions object.


  • Currently NetworkState only supports pure state representation.

  • If users wish to use a different device than the default current device, it must be explicitly specified via NetworkOptions.device_id.

  • For MPS simulation, currently only open boundary condition is supported.


In this example, we aim to directly perform simulation on a quantum circuit instance using tensor network contraction method.

>>> from cuquantum.cutensornet.experimental import NetworkState, TNConfig
>>> import cirq

Define a random cirq.Circuit, note that qiskit.QuantumCircuit is supported as well using the same API call

>>> n_qubits = 4
>>> n_moments = 4
>>> op_density = 0.9
>>> circuit = cirq.testing.random_circuit(n_qubits, n_moments, op_density, random_state=2024)

Use tensor network contraction as the simulation method

>>> config = TNConfig(num_hyper_samples=4)

Create the network state object via from_circuit() method:

>>> state = NetworkState.from_circuit(circuit, dtype='complex128', backend='cupy', config=config)

Compute the amplitude for bitstring 0000

>>> amplitude = state.compute_amplitude('0000')

Compute the expectation for a series of Pauli strings with coefficients

>>> pauli_strings = {'IXIX': 0.4, 'IZIZ': 0.1}
>>> expec = state.compute_expectation(pauli_strings)

Compute the reduced density matrix for the first two qubits. Since the backend is specified to cupy, the returned rdm operand will be cupy.ndarray.

>>> where = (0, 1)
>>> rdm = state.compute_reduced_density_matrix(where)
>>> print(f"RDM shape for {where}: {rdm.shape}")
RDM shape for (0, 1): (2, 2, 2, 2)

Draw 1000 samples from the state

>>> shots = 1000
>>> samples = state.compute_sampling(shots)

Finally, free network state resources. If this call isn’t made, it may hinder further operations (especially if the network state is large) since the memory will be released only when the object goes out of scope. (To avoid having to explicitly make this call, it is recommended to use the NetworkState object as a context manager.)


In addition to initializing the state from a circuit instance, users can construct the state by sequentially applying tensor operators with apply_tensor_operator() and matrix product operators (MPOs) with apply_mpo() or apply_network_operator(). Alternatively, simulations can leverage exact or approximate matrix product state (MPS) method by specifing options as an MPSConfig instance. More detailed examples can be found in our NetworkState examples directory.


__init__(state_mode_extents, *, dtype='complex128', config=None, state_labels=None, options=None)[source]
apply_mpo(modes, mpo_tensors, *, immutable=False, adjoint=False, unitary=False, stream=None)[source]

Apply an MPO operator specified by mpo_tensors and modes to the network state.

  • modes – A sequence of integers specifying each mode where the MPO acts on. If state_labels has been provided during initialization, modes can also be provided as a sequence of labels.

  • mpo_tensors – A sequence of tensors (ndarray-like objects) for each MPO operand. The currently supported types are numpy.ndarray, cupy.ndarray, and torch.Tensor. The mode of each operand is expected to follow the order of pknb where p denotes the mode connecting to the previous MPO tensor, n denotes the mode connecting to the next MPO tensor, k denotes the ket mode and b denotes the bra mode. Note that currently only MPO with open boundary condition is supported, therefore p and n mode should not be present in the first and last MPO tensor respectively. Note that the relative order of bra and ket modes here differs from that of operand in apply_tensor_operator().

  • immutable – Whether the full MPO is immutable (default False).

  • adjoint – Whether the full MPO should be applied in its adjoint form (default False).

  • unitary – Whether the full MPO is unitary (default False).

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for appending MPO (this is used to copy the operands to the GPU if they are provided on the CPU). Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.


An integer network_id specifying the location of the MPO.

apply_network_operator(network_operator, *, immutable=False, adjoint=False, unitary=False)[source]

Apply a network operator to the network state.

  • network_operator – A NetworkOperator object for the input network operator. Must contain only one MPO term or one tensor product term.

  • immutable – Whether the network operator is immutable (default False).

  • adjoint – Whether the network operator should be applied in its adjoint form (default False).

  • unitary – Whether the network operator is unitary (default False).


An integer network_id specifying the location of the network operator.

apply_tensor_operator(modes, operand, *, control_modes=None, control_values=None, immutable=False, adjoint=False, unitary=False, stream=None)[source]

Apply a tensor operator to the network state.

  • modes – A sequence of integers denoting the modes where the tensor operator acts on. If state_labels has been provided during initialization, modes can also be provided as a sequence of labels.

  • operand – A ndarray-like object for the tensor operator. The modes of the operand is expected to be ordered as, where ABC... denotes output bra modes and abc... denotes input ket modes corresponding to modes

  • control_modes – A sequence of integers denotes the modes where control operation is acted on (default no control modes). If state_labels has been provided during initialization, control_modes can also be provided as a sequence of labels.

  • control_values – A sequence of integers specifying the control values corresponding to control_modes. If control_modes are specified and control_values are not provided, control values for all control modes will be set as 1.

  • immutable – Whether the operator is immutable (default False).

  • adjoint – Whether the operator should be applied in its adjoint form (default False).

  • unitary – Whether the operator is unitary (default False).

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for applying the tensor operator (this is used to copy the operands to the GPU if they are provided on the CPU). Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.


An integer tensor_id specifying the location of the input operator.


  • For MPS simulation, the size of modes shall be restricted to no larger than 2 (two-body operator).

  • For controlled tensor operators, this method currently only supports immutable operators.

apply_unitary_tensor_channel(modes, operands, probabilities, *, stream=None)[source]

Apply a unitary tensor channel to the network state.

  • modes – A sequence of integers denoting the modes where the tensor operator acts on. If state_labels has been provided during initialization, modes can also be provided as a sequence of labels.

  • operands – A sequence of ndarray-like objects for the unitary tensor operators defining the unitary channel. The modes of the operand is expected to be ordered as, where ABC... denotes output bra modes and abc... denotes input ket modes corresponding to modes

  • probabilities – A sequence of positive floats representing the probabilities of each operand.

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for applying the tensor operator (this is used to copy the operands to the GPU if they are provided on the CPU). Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.


An integer channel_id specifying the location of the unitary channel.


  • For MPS simulation, the size of modes shall be restricted to no larger than 2 (two-body operator).

compute_amplitude(bitstring, *, return_norm=False, stream=None, release_workspace=False)[source]

Compute the probability amplitude of a bitstring.

  • bitstring – A sequence of integers specifying the desired measured state dimension.

  • return_norm – If true, the squared norm of the state will also be returned.

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for the computation. Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.

  • release_workspace – A value of True specifies that the state object should release workspace memory back to the package memory pool on function return, while a value of False specifies that the state object should retain the memory. This option may be set to True if the application performs other operations that consume a lot of memory between successive calls to the (same or different) execution API such as compute_sampling(), compute_reduced_density_matrix(), compute_amplitude(), compute_batched_amplitudes(), or compute_expectation(), but incurs a small overhead due to obtaining and releasing workspace memory from and to the package memory pool on every call. The default is False.


If return_norm is False, a scalar for the bitstring amplitude; otherwise, a 2-tuple consisting of the bitstring of the amplitude and a scalar for the squared norm of the state, i.e, inner product of bra and ket state.

compute_batched_amplitudes(fixed, *, return_norm=False, stream=None, release_workspace=False)[source]

Compute the batched amplitudes for a given slice.

  • fixed – A dictionary mapping a subset of state dimensions to correponding fixed states. If state_labels has been provided during initialization, fixed can also be provided as a dictionary mapping a subset of labels to corresponding fixed states.

  • return_norm – If true, the squared norm of the state will also be returned.

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for the computation. Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.

  • release_workspace – A value of True specifies that the state object should release workspace memory back to the package memory pool on function return, while a value of False specifies that the state object should retain the memory. This option may be set to True if the application performs other operations that consume a lot of memory between successive calls to the (same or different) execution API such as compute_sampling(), compute_reduced_density_matrix(), compute_amplitude(), compute_batched_amplitudes(), or compute_expectation(), but incurs a small overhead due to obtaining and releasing workspace memory from and to the package memory pool on every call. The default is False.


If return_norm is False, An ndarray-like object as batched amplitudes. The package and storage location of the ndarray will be the same as the operands provided in apply_tensor_operator(), apply_mpo() and set_initial_mps(); otherwise, a 2-tuple consisting of the batched amplitudes and a scalar for the squared norm of the state, i.e, inner product of bra and ket state.

compute_expectation(operators, *, return_norm=False, stream=None, release_workspace=False)[source]

Compute the expectation value (not normalized) for the given tensor network operator.

  • operators

    The NetworkOperator operator object to compute expectation value on. If the underlying state dimensions are all 2 (qubits), it can also be:

    • A single pauli string specifying the pauli operator for each qubit.

    • A dictionary mapping each single pauli string to corresponding coefficient.

  • return_norm – If true, the squared norm of the state will also be returned.

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for the computation. Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.

  • release_workspace – A value of True specifies that the state object should release workspace memory back to the package memory pool on function return, while a value of False specifies that the state object should retain the memory. This option may be set to True if the application performs other operations that consume a lot of memory between successive calls to the (same or different) execution API such as compute_sampling(), compute_reduced_density_matrix(), compute_amplitude(), compute_batched_amplitudes(), or compute_expectation(), but incurs a small overhead due to obtaining and releasing workspace memory from and to the package memory pool on every call. The default is False.


If return_norm is False, a scalar for the total expectation value; otherwise, a 2-tuple consisting of the total expectation value and a scalar for the squared norm of the state, i.e, inner product of bra and ket state.


  • If user wishes to perform expectation value computation on the same operator multiple times, it is recommended to explicitly provide a NetworkOperator object for optimal performance. For detailed examples, please see or variational expectation example.

compute_output_state(*, stream=None, release_workspace=False, release_operators=False)[source]

Compute the final output state for the underlying network state object. This method currently is only valid for MPS based simulation.

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for the computation. Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.

  • release_workspace – A value of True specifies that the state object should release workspace memory back to the package memory pool on function return, while a value of False specifies that the state object should retain the memory. This option may be set to True if the application performs other operations that consume a lot of memory between successive calls to the (same or different) execution API such as compute_sampling(), compute_reduced_density_matrix(), compute_amplitude(), compute_batched_amplitudes(), or compute_expectation(), but incurs a small overhead due to obtaining and releasing workspace memory from and to the package memory pool on every call. The default is False.

  • release_operators – A value of True will release the reference of all underlying tensor operators and NetworkOperator objects. The previous tensor_id returned by apply_tensor_operator(), apply_network_operator() and apply_mpo() will be invalid. If the output state has already been computed, which is an intermediate step in other compute_xxx methods, the output state will be cached and returned directly. Thus passing release_operators=True can be used to reset the underlying NetworkState object.


When MPS simulation when is specified using the options argument during object initialization, a sequence of operands representing the underlying MPS state will be returned. The modes of each MPS operand are expected to follow the order of pkn where p denotes the mode connecting to the previous MPS tensor, k denotes the ket mode and n denotes the mode connecting to the next MPS tensor. Note that p and n mode should not be present in the first and last MPS tensor respectively.

compute_reduced_density_matrix(where, *, fixed=mappingproxy({}), stream=None, release_workspace=False)[source]

Compute the reduced density matrix for the given marginal and fixed modes.

  • where – A sequence of integers for the target modes. If state_labels has been provided during initialization, where can also be provided as a sequence of labels.

  • fixed – A dictionary mapping a subset of fixed modes to the fixed value. If state_labels has been provided during initialization, fixed can also be provided as a dictionary mapping labels to the corresponding fixed values.

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for the computation. Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.

  • release_workspace – A value of True specifies that the state object should release workspace memory back to the package memory pool on function return, while a value of False specifies that the state object should retain the memory. This option may be set to True if the application performs other operations that consume a lot of memory between successive calls to the (same or different) execution API such as compute_sampling(), compute_reduced_density_matrix(), compute_amplitude(), compute_batched_amplitudes(), or compute_expectation(), but incurs a small overhead due to obtaining and releasing workspace memory from and to the package memory pool on every call. The default is False.


An ndarray-like object as the reduced density matrix. The tensor will follow the modes of AB...ab... where AB... and ab... represents the corresponding output and input marginal modes.

compute_sampling(nshots, *, modes=None, seed=None, stream=None, release_workspace=False)[source]

Perform sampling on the given modes.

  • nshots – The number of samples to collect.

  • modes – The target modes to sample on. If not provided, will sample all modes. If state_labels has been provided during initialization, modes can also be provided as a sequence of labels.

  • seed – A positive integer denoting the random seed to use for generating the samples. If not provided, the generator will continue from the previous seed state or from an unseeded state if no seed was previously set.

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for the computation. Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.

  • release_workspace – A value of True specifies that the state object should release workspace memory back to the package memory pool on function return, while a value of False specifies that the state object should retain the memory. This option may be set to True if the application performs other operations that consume a lot of memory between successive calls to the (same or different) execution API such as compute_sampling(), compute_reduced_density_matrix(), compute_amplitude(), compute_batched_amplitudes(), or compute_expectation(), but incurs a small overhead due to obtaining and releasing workspace memory from and to the package memory pool on every call. The default is False.


A dictionary mapping the bitstring to the corresponding count.

compute_state_vector(*, return_norm=False, stream=None, release_workspace=False)[source]

Compute the state vector.

  • return_norm – If true, the squared norm of the state will also be returned.

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for the computation. Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.

  • release_workspace – A value of True specifies that the state object should release workspace memory back to the package memory pool on function return, while a value of False specifies that the state object should retain the memory. This option may be set to True if the application performs other operations that consume a lot of memory between successive calls to the (same or different) execution API such as compute_sampling(), compute_reduced_density_matrix(), compute_amplitude(), compute_batched_amplitudes(), or compute_expectation(), but incurs a small overhead due to obtaining and releasing workspace memory from and to the package memory pool on every call. The default is False.


If return_norm is False, An ndarray-like object as the state vector. The package and storage location of the ndarray will be the same as the operands provided in apply_tensor_operator(), apply_mpo() and set_initial_mps(); otherwise, a 2-tuple consisting of the state vector and a scalar for the squared norm of the state, i.e, inner product of bra and ket state.


Free state resources.

It is recommended that the NetworkState object can be used within a context, but if it is not possible then this method must be called explicitly to ensure that the state resources are properly cleaned up.

classmethod from_circuit(circuit, *, dtype='complex128', backend='cupy', config=None, options=None, stream=None)[source]

Create a state object from the given circuit.

  • circuit – A fully parameterized cirq.Circuit or qiskit.QuantumCircuit object.

  • dtype

    A string specifying the datatype for the tensor network, currently supports the following data types:

    • 'complex64'

    • 'complex128' (default)

  • backend – The backend for all output tensor operands. If not specified, cupy is used.

  • config

    The simulation configuration for the state. It can be:

    • A TNConfig object for contraction based tensor network simulation (default).

    • A MPSConfig object for MPS based tensor network simulation.

    • A dict containing the parameters for the TNConfig or MPSConfig constructor.

  • options – Specify options for the computation as a NetworkOptions object. Alternatively, a dict containing the parameters for the NetworkOptions constructor can also be provided. If not specified, the value will be set to the default-constructed NetworkOptions object.

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for state initialization, which is needed for stream-ordered operations such as allocating memory. Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.


  • When parsing gates from the circuit object, all gate operands are assumed to be unitary. In the rare case where the target circuit object contains customized non-unitary gates, users are encouraged to use apply_tensor_operator() to construct the NetworkState object.

classmethod from_converter(converter, *, config=None, options=None, stream=None)[source]

Create a NetworkState object from the given cuquantum.CircuitToEinsum converter.

  • converter – A cuquantum.CircuitToEinsum object.

  • config

    The simulation configuration for the state simulator. It can be:

    • A TNConfig object for contraction based tensor network simulation (default).

    • A MPSConfig object for MPS based tensor network simulation.

    • A dict containing the parameters for the TNConfig or MPSConfig constructor.

  • options – Specify options for the state computation as a NetworkOptions object. Alternatively, a dict containing the parameters for the NetworkOptions constructor can also be provided. If not specified, the value will be set to the default-constructed NetworkOptions object.

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for state initialization, which is needed for stream-ordered operations such as allocating memory. Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.

set_initial_mps(mps_tensors, *, stream=None)[source]

Set the initial state to a non-vacuum state in the MPS form.

  • mps_tensors – A sequence of tensors (ndarray-like objects) for each MPS operand. The currently supported types are numpy.ndarray, cupy.ndarray, and torch.Tensor. The modes of each operand are expected to follow the order of pkn where p denotes the mode connecting to the previous MPS tensor, k denotes the ket mode and n denotes the mode connecting to the next MPS tensor. Note that this method currently only support open boundary condition, and p and n mode should thus be dropped in the first and last MPS tensor respectively.

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for setting the initial state to the specified MPS (this is used to copy the operands to the GPU if they are provided on the CPU). Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.


  • This API simply sets the initial state to the provided MPS and does not alter the nature of the simulation method, which is provided via the options parameter during initialization.

update_tensor_operator(tensor_id, operand, *, unitary=False, stream=None)[source]

Update a tensor operator in the state.

  • tensor_id – An integer specifing the tensor id assigned in NetworkState.apply_tensor_operator().

  • operand – A ndarray-like object for the tensor operator. The operand is expected to follow the same mode ordering, data type and strides as the original operand.

  • unitary – Whether the operator is unitary (default False).

  • stream – Provide the CUDA stream to use for updating tensor operand (this is used to copy the operands to the GPU if they are provided on the CPU). Acceptable inputs include cudaStream_t (as Python int), cupy.cuda.Stream, and torch.cuda.Stream. If a stream is not provided, the current stream will be used.