
Running cuNumeric programs#

Using cuNumeric as a replacement for NumPy is simple. Replace your NumPy import statement with cuNumeric:

import numpy as np


import cunumeric as np

Then, run the application like you usually do. For example, if you had a script written in NumPy that adds two vectors,

import numpy as np
x = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
y = np.array([4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0])
z = x + y

change the import statement to use cuNumeric like below,

import cunumeric as np
x = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
y = np.array([4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0])
z = x + y

And run the program, like this


By default, this command will use 4 CPUs to run the program, but is configurable through the LEGATE_CONFIG environment variable. For example, to use 2 GPUs instead, run the following

LEGATE_CONFIG="--gpus 2" python

For more information on how resources can be allocated using this environment variable, see Using LEGATE_CONFIG.


Usage of standard Python is intended as a quick on-ramp for users to try out cuNumeric more easily. Several legate command line configuration options, especially for multi-node execution, are not available when running programs with standard Python. See the output of legate --help for more details.

To fully utilize the power of cuNumeric and overcome these restrictions, we recommend requesting resource allocation using Legate.

Resource allocation#

Legate allows you to prescribe the resources required to successfully execute your application. Applications can be run on three different types of processors, also known as task variants: CPU, OMP, and GPU. The OMP variant will use OpenMP threads to parallelize your application while the CPU variant will use individual processes per processor. In addition to the number or processors, you can also specify the amount of memory required for your application on each of these processors.

Check the relevant command line arguments to legate and their default values before using them. In summary, if you want to change the number of processors, make sure to check out the following arguments in the documentation for legate: --cpus, --omps, --ompthreads, and --gpus. Similarly, if you need to change the amount of memory required for your application, check the following arguments: --sysmem, --numamem, and --fbmem.

Legate reserves a fraction of the requested memory, denoted by --eager-alloc-percentage, to be used eagerly, with the rest used for deferred allocations. Reducing this typically helps you run larger problems.

If you encounter errors related to resource allocation, check out our Frequently Asked Questions to debug them.

Using legate launcher#

To run the above program using four OpenMP threads using the Legate launcher, run the following command

legate --omps 1 --ompthreads 4 --sysmem 40000 --eager-alloc-percentage 10 ./ < options>

This will use one OpenMP group and two OpenMP threads to parallelize the application. We defer discussions on changing the OpenMP group to a later section.

To run on 8 CPUs and use 40GB of system memory with 10% of that memory reserved for eager allocations, use the following command:

legate --cpus 8 --sysmem 40000 --eager-alloc-percentage 10 ./ < options>

To run on multiple GPUs and use 40GB of framebuffer memory per GPU with 10% of that memory reserved for eager allocations, use the following command:

legate --gpus 2 --fbmem 40000 --eager-alloc-percentage 10 ./ < options>


All of the above commands can also be passed through the environment variable LEGATE_CONFIG as shown below:

LEGATE_CONFIG="--omps 1 --ompthreads 4 --sysmem 40000 --eager-alloc-percentage 10" legate < options>
LEGATE_CONFIG="--cpus 8 --sysmem 40000 --eager-alloc-percentage 10" legate < options>
LEGATE_CONFIG="--gpus 2 --fbmem 40000 --eager-alloc-percentage 10" legate < options>

Using the environment variable might be useful for users using the same set of resources for their runs where they can just set the environment variable once and use legate for all subsequent runs.