Customizing NVIDIA GPU Driver Parameters during Installation

The NVIDIA Driver kernel modules accept a number of parameters which can be used to customize the behavior of the driver. Most of the parameters are documented in the NVIDIA Driver README. By default, the GPU Operator loads the kernel modules with default values. Starting with v1.10, the GPU Operator provides the ability to pass custom parameters to the kernel modules that get loaded as part of the NVIDIA Driver installation (e.g. nvidia, nvidia-modeset, nvidia-uvm, and nvidia-peermem).

To pass custom parameters, execute the following steps.

Create a configuration file named <module>.conf, where <module> is the name of the kernel module the parameters are for. The file should contain parameters as key-value pairs – one parameter per line. In the below example, we are passing one parameter to the nvidia module, which is disabling the use of GSP firmware.

$ cat nvidia.conf

Create a ConfigMap for the configuration file. If multiple modules are being configured, pass multiple files when creating the ConfigMap.

$ kubectl create configmap kernel-module-params -n gpu-operator --from-file=nvidia.conf=./nvidia.conf

Install the GPU Operator and set to the name of the ConfigMap containing the kernel module parameters.

$ helm install --wait --generate-name \
     -n gpu-operator --create-namespace \
     nvidia/gpu-operator \