Example VideoReader usage: Video Super-Resolution ================================================= In this example we use DALI with the VideoReader operator to supply data for training a video super-resolution network implemented in `PyTorch `_. We replicate the network described in `End-to-End Learning of Video Super-Resolution with Motion Compensation `_. The network implemented, VSRNet, uses an odd number of successive frames randomly sampled from a video as input. The outer frames are warped to align with the center frame using a pretrained optical flow network FlowNetSD [2]. The warped frames are then passed to a convolutional network that predicts a single higher resolution version of the center frame. We make a number of small modifications to the network that we found improved the convergence rate, e.g. batch normalization, Adam optimizer, cyclic learning rate policy. Single node single-gpu is supported, fp32 and fp16 training are supported. Dataloaders ----------- Two data loader options are provided for comparison: * DALI allows random access to frame sequences directly from .mp4 files and augmentation with DALI operators * A standard PyTorch dataloader loads frames from individual .png files These dataloaders can be found in dataloading/dataloaders.py. Data loader performance ----------------------- We present performance characteristics of DALI, NVVL standalone, and a standard .png data loader for a number of VSRNet training scenarios. In all cases we find that DALI offers reduced CPU load, host memory usage, disk usage and per iteration data loading time. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Data loader - Input resolution - Crop size* - Batch size - Disk space for dataset(GB) - Per iteration data time (ms) * - DALI - 720p - 540p - 3 - 0.961 - 0.28 * - NVVL - 720p - 540p - 3 - 0.961 - 0.28 * - .png - 720p - 540p - 3 - 38 - 2.66 * Random cropping Requirements ------------ The system used to run this project must include two or more Kepler, Pascal, Maxwell or Volta NVIDIA GPUs. Software requirements: * CUDA 9.0+ * PyTorch 0.4+ * FFmpeg=3.4.2 * scikit-image * tensorflow * tensorboard * tensorboardX FlowNet2-SD implementation and pre-trained model ------------------------------------------------ We make use of the FlowNet2-SD PyTorch implementation available `here `_. It is included in this repo as a git submodule. In order to use the pre-trained FlowNet2-SD network run the following from the root directory of this repo: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/flownet2-pytorch.git pushd flownet2-pytorch git checkout 6a0d9e70a5dcc37ef5577366a5163584fd7b4375 popd Training the VSRNet implemented here requires the use of pre-trained weights from the FlowNet2-SD network. We provided a converted Caffe pre-trained model below. Should you use these weights, please adhere to the `license agreement `_\ : `FlowNet2-SD `_\ [173MB] The default location that the training code will look for these weights is ``flownet2-pytorch/networks/FlowNet2-SD_checkpoint.pth.tar``. This location can be changed via the ``--flownet_path`` argument to ``main.py``. Data ---- Following `Makansi et al. `_ we use the `Myanmar 60p video `_ as our raw data source. The raw video is a 60 FPS, 4K resolution cinematic video. In order to prepare the data for training you should run the following steps: #. Create a data folder ```` and download the 4K Myanmar video. #. Run ``prepare_data.sh`` by providing the 4K Myanmar video file as argument. This will create a 5 directories inside of ````\ : * orig * 540p * 720p * 1080p * 4k Each of these diretories contain scenes (short extracts of the origin video) seperated in two directories ``train`` and ``val``. Training -------- Training can be run by running the following command available in :fileref:`docs/examples/video/superres_pytorch/run.sh`: .. code-block:: bash ./run.sh This file allows configuration of a variety of training options - it is expected that you will modify data paths appropriately for your system. Visualization of training data, e.g. loss curves and timings, aswell as sample images is provided through `Tensorboard `_ via the `tensorboardX `_ library. Whilst training is running you can access Tensorboard at ``:6006``. Results on Myanmar validation set --------------------------------- All testing of this project was carried out on an NVIDIA DGX-1 using all 8 V100 GPUs and running CUDA 9.1, PyTorch 0.4.0a0+02b758f, cuDNN v7.0.5 in Ubuntu 16.04 Docker containers. Input image (128x240 - click to see actual size): .. image:: ./data/input.png :target: ./data/input.png :alt: VSRNet prediction (512x960 - click to see actual size): .. image:: ./data/predicted.png :target: ./data/predicted.png :alt: Example training loss (fp16, batch size 7, min_lr=max_lr=0.001): .. image:: ./data/train_loss.png :target: ./data/train_loss.png :alt: Example validation PSNR (fp16, batch size 7, min_lr=max_lr=0.001) .. image:: ./data/val_psnr.png :target: ./data/val_psnr.png :alt: Reference --------- If you find this implementation useful in your work, please acknowledge it appropriately and cite the following papers: .. code-block:: BibTeX @InProceedings{IB17, author = "O. Makansi and E. Ilg and and Thomas Brox", title = "End-to-End Learning of Video Super-Resolution with Motion Compensation", booktitle = "German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) 2017", month = " ", year = "2017", url = "http://lmb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/Publications/2017/IB17" } .. code-block:: BibTeX @InProceedings{IMKDB17, author = "E. Ilg and N. Mayer and T. Saikia and M. Keuper and A. Dosovitskiy and T. Brox", title = "FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks", booktitle = "IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", month = "Jul", year = "2017", url = "http://lmb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de//Publications/2017/IMKDB17" } This example and this README are based on `NVVL's PyTorch example `_.