Installation ============ DALI and NGC ------------ DALI is preinstalled in the `NVIDIA GPU Cloud `_ TensorFlow, PyTorch, and MXNet containers in versions 18.07 and later. ---- Installing prebuilt DALI packages --------------------------------- Prerequisites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. |driver link| replace:: **NVIDIA Driver** .. _driver link: .. |cuda link| replace:: **NVIDIA CUDA 9.0** .. _cuda link: .. |mxnet link| replace:: **MXNet 1.3** .. _mxnet link: .. |pytorch link| replace:: **PyTorch 0.4** .. _pytorch link: .. |tf link| replace:: **TensorFlow 1.7** .. _tf link: 1. Linux x64. 2. |driver link|_ supporting `CUDA 9.0 `__ or later (i.e., 384.xx or later driver releases). 3. One or more of the following deep learning frameworks: - |mxnet link|_ ``mxnet-cu90`` or later. - |pytorch link|_ or later. - |tf link|_ or later. Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Execute the below command CUDA 9.0 based build: .. code-block:: bash pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-dali Starting DALI 0.8.0 for CUDA 10.0 based build use: .. code-block:: bash pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-dali .. note:: The ``nvidia-dali`` package contains prebuilt versions of the DALI TensorFlow plugin for several versions of TensorFlow. Starting DALI 0.6.1 you can also install DALI TensorFlow plugin for the currently installed version of TensorFlow, thus allowing forward compatibility: .. code-block:: bash pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-dali-tf-plugin Starting DALI 0.8.0 for CUDA 10.0 based build execute: .. code-block:: bash pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-dali-tf-plugin Installing this package will install ``nvidia-dali`` and its dependencies, if these dependencies are not already installed. The package ``tensorflow-gpu`` must be installed before attempting to install ``nvidia-dali-tf-plugin``. .. note:: The package ``nvidia-dali-tf-plugin`` has a strict requirement with ``nvidia-dali`` as its exact same version. Thus, installing ``nvidia-dali-tf-plugin`` at its latest version will replace any older ``nvidia-dali`` versions already installed with the latest. To work with older versions of DALI, provide the version explicitly to the ``pip install`` command. .. code-block:: bash OLDER_VERSION=0.6.1 pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-dali-tf-plugin==$OLDER_VERSION Nightly and weekly release channels """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. note:: While binaries available to download from nightly and weekly builds include most recent changes available in the GitHub some functionalities may not work or provide inferior performance comparing to the official releases. Those builds are meant for the early adopters seeking for the most recent version available and being ready to boldly go where no man has gone before. .. note:: It is recommended to uninstall regular DALI and TensorFlow plugin before installing nvidia-dali-nightly or nvidia-dali-weekly as they are installed in the same path Nightly builds ************** To access most recent nightly builds please use flowing release channel: * for CUDA9 .. code-block:: bash pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-dali-nightly pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-dali-tf-plugin-nightly * for CUDA10 .. code-block:: bash pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-dali-nightly pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-dali-tf-plugin-nightly Weekly builds ************** Also, there is a weekly release channel with more thorough testing (only CUDA10 builds are provided there): .. code-block:: bash pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-dali-weekly pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-dali-tf-plugin-weekly