NVIDIA Fleet Command

NVIDIA Fleet Command is a hybrid-cloud platform for securely and remotely deploying, managing, and scaling AI across dozens or up to thousands of servers or edge devices. It is currently released in early access, see the link to apply. Jarvis can be deployed into a Fleet Command environment using the Jarvis Helm Chart located in NGC.

Application Setup

  1. Setup the application within Fleet Command by selecting APPLICATIONS from the Fleet Command UI.

  2. Select Add Application from the top left menu.

  3. Fill out the modal popup:

    1. Display Name: Jarvis Speech

    2. Description: Jarvis Fleet Command deployment

    3. Helm Name: jarvis-api

    4. Helm version: 1.2.1-beta

    5. Helm URL: https://catalog.ngc.nvidia.com/orgs/nvidia/teams/riva/helm-charts/riva-api

  4. Select Add.

Deployment Setup

  1. Create the deployment within Fleet Command by selecting Deployments > Create Deployment from the UI.

  2. Fill out the Name, Display Name, and select the location to deploy.

  3. Select from the application drop-down box the name from**Display Name** from Application Setup. For example, “Jarvis Speech”.

  4. Create secrets. At any bash shell, create the model deployment key. Fleet Command should already be configured with modelpullsecret and imagepullsecret.

    For the model key, run:

    echo -n tlt_encode | base64 -w0
  5. Copy and paste the following into the Application Configuration dialog box (execute the shell snippet next to the password to create your encoded password). This will deploy all three services with the default models. The nodeport value needs to be a value betwen 30000-32767, and will be the port on which all the services are exposed.

      modelDeployKey: dGx0X2VuY29kZQ==
          path: /opt/data/jarvis
          path: /opt/data/jarvis
      type: NodePort
      nodeport: 32222

    To install just one type of service, add the following and adjust as needed.

        asr: true
        tts: false
        nlp: false
  6. Check the box I understand…

  7. Click the Deploy button in the top right of the page. Based on the models and services to be deployed, the installation can take more than 60 minutes.

  8. If the deployment does not show as green, consult the Fleet Command documentation for how to pull logs and perform troubleshooting of helm deploys.