NVIDIA Modulus Core v0.2.1
Core v0.2.1


Source code for modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import dgl
from dgl import DGLGraph
import torch
from torch import Tensor, testing
import numpy as np
from torch.nn import functional as F
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

[docs]def create_graph( src: List, dst: List, to_bidirected: bool = True, add_self_loop: bool = False, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.int32, ) -> DGLGraph: """ Creates a DGL graph from an adj matrix in COO format. Parameters ---------- src : List List of source nodes dst : List List of destination nodes to_bidirected : bool, optional Whether to make the graph bidirectional, by default True add_self_loop : bool, optional Whether to add self loop to the graph, by default False dtype : torch.dtype, optional Graph index data type, by default torch.int32 Returns ------- DGLGraph The dgl Graph. """ graph = dgl.graph((src, dst), idtype=dtype) if to_bidirected: graph = dgl.to_bidirected(graph) if add_self_loop: graph = dgl.add_self_loop(graph) return graph
[docs]def create_heterograph( src: List, dst: List, labels: str, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.int32 ) -> DGLGraph: """Creates a heterogeneous DGL graph from an adj matrix in COO format. Parameters ---------- src : List List of source nodes dst : List List of destination nodes labels : str Label of the edge type dtype : torch.dtype, optional Graph index data type, by default torch.int32 Returns ------- DGLGraph The dgl Graph. """ graph = dgl.heterograph({labels: ("coo", (src, dst))}, idtype=dtype) return graph
[docs]def add_edge_features(graph: DGLGraph, pos: Tensor, normalize: bool = True) -> DGLGraph: """Adds edge features to the graph. Parameters ---------- graph : DGLGraph The graph to add edge features to. pos : Tensor The node positions. normalize : bool, optional Whether to normalize the edge features, by default True Returns ------- DGLGraph The graph with edge features. """ if isinstance(pos, tuple): src_pos, dst_pos = pos else: src_pos = dst_pos = pos src, dst = graph.edges() src_pos, dst_pos = src_pos[src.long()], dst_pos[dst.long()] dst_latlon = xyz2latlon(dst_pos, unit="rad") dst_lat, dst_lon = dst_latlon[:, 0], dst_latlon[:, 1] # azimuthal & polar rotation theta_azimuthal = azimuthal_angle(dst_lon) theta_polar = polar_angle(dst_lat) src_pos = geospatial_rotation(src_pos, theta=theta_azimuthal, axis="z", unit="rad") dst_pos = geospatial_rotation(dst_pos, theta=theta_azimuthal, axis="z", unit="rad") # y values should be zero try: testing.assert_close(dst_pos[:, 1], torch.zeros_like(dst_pos[:, 1])) except: raise ValueError("Invalid projection of edge nodes to local ccordinate system") src_pos = geospatial_rotation(src_pos, theta=theta_polar, axis="y", unit="rad") dst_pos = geospatial_rotation(dst_pos, theta=theta_polar, axis="y", unit="rad") # x values should be one, y & z values should be zero try: testing.assert_close(dst_pos[:, 0], torch.ones_like(dst_pos[:, 0])) testing.assert_close(dst_pos[:, 1], torch.zeros_like(dst_pos[:, 1])) testing.assert_close(dst_pos[:, 2], torch.zeros_like(dst_pos[:, 2])) except: raise ValueError("Invalid projection of edge nodes to local ccordinate system") # prepare edge features disp = src_pos - dst_pos disp_norm = torch.linalg.norm(disp, dim=-1, keepdim=True) # normalize using the longest edge if normalize: max_disp_norm = torch.max(disp_norm) graph.edata["x"] = torch.cat( (disp / max_disp_norm, disp_norm / max_disp_norm), dim=-1 ) else: graph.edata["x"] = torch.cat((disp, disp_norm), dim=-1) return graph
[docs]def add_node_features(graph: DGLGraph, pos: Tensor) -> DGLGraph: """Adds cosine of latitude, sine and cosine of longitude as the node features to the graph. Parameters ---------- graph : DGLGraph The graph to add node features to. pos : Tensor The node positions. Returns ------- graph : DGLGraph The graph with node features. """ latlon = xyz2latlon(pos) lat, lon = latlon[:, 0], latlon[:, 1] graph.ndata["x"] = torch.stack( (torch.cos(lat), torch.sin(lon), torch.cos(lon)), dim=-1 ) return graph
[docs]def latlon2xyz(latlon: Tensor, radius: float = 1, unit: str = "deg") -> Tensor: """ Converts latlon in degrees to xyz Based on: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1185408 - The x-axis goes through long,lat (0,0); - The y-axis goes through (0,90); - The z-axis goes through the poles. Parameters ---------- latlon : Tensor Tensor of shape (N, 2) containing latitudes and longitudes radius : float, optional Radius of the sphere, by default 1 unit : str, optional Unit of the latlon, by default "deg" Returns ------- Tensor Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing x, y, z coordinates """ if unit == "deg": latlon = deg2rad(latlon) elif unit == "rad": pass else: raise ValueError("Not a valid unit") lat, lon = latlon[:, 0], latlon[:, 1] x = radius * torch.cos(lat) * torch.cos(lon) y = radius * torch.cos(lat) * torch.sin(lon) z = radius * torch.sin(lat) return torch.stack((x, y, z), dim=1)
[docs]def xyz2latlon(xyz: Tensor, radius: float = 1, unit: str = "deg") -> Tensor: """ Converts xyz to latlon in degrees Based on: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1185408 - The x-axis goes through long,lat (0,0); - The y-axis goes through (0,90); - The z-axis goes through the poles. Parameters ---------- xyz : Tensor Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing x, y, z coordinates radius : float, optional Radius of the sphere, by default 1 unit : str, optional Unit of the latlon, by default "deg" Returns ------- Tensor Tensor of shape (N, 2) containing latitudes and longitudes """ lat = torch.arcsin(xyz[:, 2] / radius) lon = torch.arctan2(xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 0]) if unit == "deg": return torch.stack((rad2deg(lat), rad2deg(lon)), dim=1) elif unit == "rad": return torch.stack((lat, lon), dim=1) else: raise ValueError("Not a valid unit")
[docs]def geospatial_rotation( invar: Tensor, theta: Tensor, axis: str, unit: str = "rad" ) -> Tensor: """Rotation using right hand rule Parameters ---------- invar : Tensor Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing x, y, z coordinates theta : Tensor Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the rotation angle axis : str Axis of rotation unit : str, optional Unit of the theta, by default "rad" Returns ------- Tensor Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing the rotated x, y, z coordinates """ # get the right unit if unit == "deg": invar = rad2deg(invar) elif unit == "rad": pass else: raise ValueError("Not a valid unit") invar = torch.unsqueeze(invar, -1) rotation = torch.zeros((theta.size(0), 3, 3)) cos = torch.cos(theta) sin = torch.sin(theta) if axis == "x": rotation[:, 0, 0] += 1.0 rotation[:, 1, 1] += cos rotation[:, 1, 2] -= sin rotation[:, 2, 1] += sin rotation[:, 2, 2] += cos elif axis == "y": rotation[:, 0, 0] += cos rotation[:, 0, 2] += sin rotation[:, 1, 1] += 1.0 rotation[:, 2, 0] -= sin rotation[:, 2, 2] += cos elif axis == "z": rotation[:, 0, 0] += cos rotation[:, 0, 1] -= sin rotation[:, 1, 0] += sin rotation[:, 1, 1] += cos rotation[:, 2, 2] += 1.0 else: raise ValueError("Invalid axis") outvar = torch.matmul(rotation, invar) outvar = outvar.squeeze() return outvar
[docs]def azimuthal_angle(lon: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Gives the azimuthal angle of a point on the sphere Parameters ---------- lon : Tensor Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the longitude of the point Returns ------- Tensor Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the azimuthal angle """ angle = torch.where(lon >= 0.0, 2 * np.pi - lon, -lon) return angle
[docs]def polar_angle(lat: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Gives the polar angle of a point on the sphere Parameters ---------- lat : Tensor Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the latitude of the point Returns ------- Tensor Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the polar angle """ angle = torch.where(lat >= 0.0, lat, 2 * np.pi + lat) return angle
[docs]def deg2rad(deg: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Converts degrees to radians Parameters ---------- deg : Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the degrees Returns ------- Tensor Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the radians """ return deg * np.pi / 180
[docs]def rad2deg(rad): """Converts radians to degrees Parameters ---------- rad : Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the radians Returns ------- Tensor Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the degrees """ return rad * 180 / np.pi
[docs]def get_edge_len(edge_src: Tensor, edge_dst: Tensor, axis: int = 1): """returns the length of the edge Parameters ---------- edge_src : Tensor Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing the source of the edge edge_dst : Tensor Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing the destination of the edge axis : int, optional Axis along which the norm is computed, by default 1 Returns ------- Tensor Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the length of the edge """ return np.linalg.norm(edge_src - edge_dst, axis=axis)
[docs]def cell_to_adj(cells: List[List[int]]): """creates adjancy matrix in COO format from mesh cells Parameters ---------- cells : List[List[int]] List of cells, each cell is a list of 3 vertices Returns ------- src, dst : List[int], List[int] List of source and destination vertices """ num_cells = np.shape(cells)[0] src = [cells[i][indx] for i in range(num_cells) for indx in [0, 1, 2]] dst = [cells[i][indx] for i in range(num_cells) for indx in [1, 2, 0]] return src, dst
© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Sep 21, 2023.