NVIDIA Modulus Core (Latest Release)


Source code for modulus.datapipes.healpix.timeseries_dataset

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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import logging
import time
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import xarray as xr
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
from torch.utils.data import Dataset

from modulus.datapipes.datapipe import Datapipe
from modulus.datapipes.meta import DatapipeMetaData
from modulus.utils.insolation import insolation

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class MetaData(DatapipeMetaData): """Metadata for this datapipe""" name: str = "TimeSeries" # Optimization auto_device: bool = False cuda_graphs: bool = False # Parallel ddp_sharding: bool = False
[docs]class TimeSeriesDataset(Dataset, Datapipe): """ Dataset for sampling from continuous time-series data, compatible with pytorch data loading. """ def __init__( self, dataset: xr.Dataset, scaling: DictConfig = None, input_time_dim: int = 1, output_time_dim: int = 1, data_time_step: Union[int, str] = "3h", time_step: Union[int, str] = "6h", gap: Union[int, str, None] = None, batch_size: int = 32, drop_last: bool = False, add_insolation: bool = False, forecast_init_times: Optional[Sequence] = None, meta: DatapipeMetaData = MetaData(), ): """ Parameters ---------- dataset: xr.Dataset xarray Dataset produced by one of the `open_*` methods herein scaling: DictConfig Dictionary containing scaling parameters for data variables input_time_dim: int, optional Number of time steps in the input array, default 1 output_time_dim: int, optional Number of time steps in the output array, default 1 data_time_step: Union[int, str], optional Either integer hours or a str interpretable by pandas: time between steps in the original data time series, default "3h" time_step: Union[int, str], optional Either integer hours or a str interpretable by pandas: desired time between effective model time steps, default "6h" gap: Union[int, str], optional either integer hours or a str interpretable by pandas: time step between the last input time and the first output time. Defaults to `time_step`. batch_size: int, optional Size of batches to draw from data, default 32 drop_last: bool, optional Whether to drop the last batch if it is smaller than batch_size, it is recommended to set this to true to avoid issues with mismatched sizes, default False add_insolation: bool, optional Option to add prescribed insolation as a decoder input feature, default True forecast_init_times: Sequence, optional A Sequence of pandas Timestamps dictating the specific initialization times to produce inputs for. default None Note that: - providing this parameter configures the data loader to only produce this number of samples, and NOT produce any target array. meta: DatapipeMetaData, optional Data class for storing essential meta data """ Datapipe.__init__( self, meta=meta, ) self.ds = dataset self.scaling = OmegaConf.to_object(scaling) if scaling else None self.input_time_dim = input_time_dim self.output_time_dim = output_time_dim self.data_time_step = self._convert_time_step(data_time_step) self.time_step = self._convert_time_step(time_step) self.gap = self._convert_time_step(gap if gap is not None else time_step) self.batch_size = batch_size self.drop_last = drop_last self.add_insolation = add_insolation self.forecast_init_times = forecast_init_times self.forecast_mode = self.forecast_init_times is not None # Time stepping if (self.time_step % self.data_time_step).total_seconds() != 0: raise ValueError( f"'time_step' must be a multiple of 'data_time_step' " f"(got {self.time_step} and {self.data_time_step}" ) if (self.gap % self.data_time_step).total_seconds() != 0: raise ValueError( f"'gap' must be a multiple of 'data_time_step' " f"(got {self.gap} and {self.data_time_step}" ) self.interval = self.time_step // self.data_time_step # Find indices of init times for forecast mode if self.forecast_mode: if self.batch_size != 1: self.batch_size = 1 warnings.warn( "providing 'forecast_init_times' to TimeSeriesDataset requires `batch_size=1`; " "setting it now" ) self._forecast_init_indices = np.array( [ int(np.where(self.ds["time"] == s)[0]) for s in self.forecast_init_times ], dtype="int", ) - ((self.input_time_dim - 1) * self.interval) else: self._forecast_init_indices = None # Length of the data window needed for one sample. if self.forecast_mode: self._window_length = self.interval * (self.input_time_dim - 1) + 1 else: self._window_length = ( self.interval * (self.input_time_dim - 1) + 1 + (self.gap // self.data_time_step) + self.interval * (self.output_time_dim - 1) # first point is counted by gap ) self._batch_window_length = self.batch_size + self._window_length - 1 self._output_delay = self.interval * (self.input_time_dim - 1) + ( self.gap // self.data_time_step ) # Indices within a batch self._input_indices = [ list(range(n, n + self.interval * self.input_time_dim, self.interval)) for n in range(self.batch_size) ] self._output_indices = [ list( range( n + self._output_delay, n + self.interval * self.output_time_dim + self._output_delay, self.interval, ) ) for n in range(self.batch_size) ] self.spatial_dims = ( self.ds.sizes["face"], self.ds.sizes["height"], self.ds.sizes["width"], ) self.input_scaling = None self.target_scaling = None if self.scaling: self._get_scaling_da()
[docs] def get_constants(self): """Returns the constants used in this dataset Returns ------- np.ndarray: The list of constants, None if there are no constants """ # extract from ds: const = self.ds.constants.values # transpose to match new format: # [C, F, H, W] -> [F, C, H, W] const = np.transpose(const, axes=(1, 0, 2, 3)) return const

@staticmethod def _convert_time_step(dt): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """convert time step to Timedelta Parameters ---------- dt: int or sequence Timestep as tuple or int Returns ------- pd.Timedelta The dt as a Timedelta """ return pd.Timedelta(hours=dt) if isinstance(dt, int) else pd.Timedelta(dt) def _get_scaling_da(self): """Setup the scaling values for this dataset""" scaling_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.scaling).T scaling_df.loc["zeros"] = {"mean": 0.0, "std": 1.0} scaling_da = scaling_df.to_xarray().astype("float32") # REMARK: we remove the xarray overhead from these try: self.input_scaling = scaling_da.sel(index=self.ds.channel_in.values).rename( {"index": "channel_in"} ) self.input_scaling = { "mean": np.expand_dims( self.input_scaling["mean"].to_numpy(), (0, 2, 3, 4) ), "std": np.expand_dims( self.input_scaling["std"].to_numpy(), (0, 2, 3, 4) ), } except (ValueError, KeyError): raise KeyError( f"one or more of the input data variables f{list(self.ds.channel_in)} not found in the " f"scaling config dict data.scaling ({list(self.scaling.keys())})" ) try: self.target_scaling = scaling_da.sel( index=self.ds.channel_out.values ).rename({"index": "channel_out"}) self.target_scaling = { "mean": np.expand_dims( self.target_scaling["mean"].to_numpy(), (0, 2, 3, 4) ), "std": np.expand_dims( self.target_scaling["std"].to_numpy(), (0, 2, 3, 4) ), } except (ValueError, KeyError): raise KeyError( f"one or more of the target data variables f{list(self.ds.channel_out)} not found in the " f"scaling config dict data.scaling ({list(self.scaling.keys())})" ) def __len__(self): """Get number of samples in the dataset Returns ------- int Number of samples available """ if self.forecast_mode: return len(self._forecast_init_indices) length = (self.ds.sizes["time"] - self._window_length + 1) / self.batch_size if self.drop_last: return int(np.floor(length)) return int(np.ceil(length)) def _get_time_index(self, item): """Get the indices for the specified sample Parameters ---------- item: int The smaple number for which indices are requested Returns ------- tuple[tuple[int, int], int] """ start_index = ( self._forecast_init_indices[item] if self.forecast_mode else item * self.batch_size ) # TODO: I think this should be -1 and still work (currently missing the last sample in last batch) max_index = ( start_index + self._window_length if self.forecast_mode else (item + 1) * self.batch_size + self._window_length ) if not self.drop_last and max_index > self.ds.sizes["time"]: batch_size = self.batch_size - (max_index - self.ds.sizes["time"]) else: batch_size = self.batch_size return (start_index, max_index), batch_size def _get_forecast_sol_times(self, item): """Get the inoslation time for a specified sample Parameters ---------- item: int The sample # for which to calculate insolation time Returns ------- np.array The list of times for the specified sample """ item time_index, _ = self._get_time_index(item) if self.forecast_mode: timedeltas = ( np.array(self._input_indices[0] + self._output_indices[0]) * self.data_time_step ) return self.ds.time[time_index[0]].values + timedeltas return self.ds.time[slice(*time_index)].values def __getitem__(self, item): """Returns the requested sample Parameters ---------- item: int The sample number Returns ------- torch.Tensor or tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor] The requsted sample If in forecast mode only a target tensor is returned If in training mode an input and target tensor are returned """ # start range torch.cuda.nvtx.range_push("TimeSeriesDataset:__getitem__") if item < 0: item = len(self) + item if item < 0 or item > len(self): raise IndexError( f"index {item} out of range for dataset with length {len(self)}" ) # remark: load first then normalize torch.cuda.nvtx.range_push("TimeSeriesDataset:__getitem__:load_batch") time_index, this_batch = self._get_time_index(item) batch = {"time": slice(*time_index)} load_time = time.time() input_array = self.ds["inputs"].isel(**batch).to_numpy() input_array = (input_array - self.input_scaling["mean"]) / self.input_scaling[ "std" ] if not self.forecast_mode: target_array = self.ds["targets"].isel(**batch).to_numpy() target_array = ( target_array - self.target_scaling["mean"] ) / self.target_scaling["std"] logger.log(5, "loaded batch data in %0.2f s", time.time() - load_time) torch.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() torch.cuda.nvtx.range_push("TimeSeriesDataset:__getitem__:process_batch") compute_time = time.time() # Insolation if self.add_insolation: sol = insolation( self._get_forecast_sol_times(item), self.ds.lat.values, self.ds.lon.values, )[:, None] decoder_inputs = np.empty( (this_batch, self.input_time_dim + self.output_time_dim, 1) + self.spatial_dims, dtype="float32", ) # Get buffers for the batches, which we'll fill in iteratively. inputs = np.empty( (this_batch, self.input_time_dim, self.ds.sizes["channel_in"]) + self.spatial_dims, dtype="float32", ) if not self.forecast_mode: targets = np.empty( (this_batch, self.output_time_dim, self.ds.sizes["channel_out"]) + self.spatial_dims, dtype="float32", ) # Iterate over valid sample windows for sample in range(this_batch): inputs[sample] = input_array[self._input_indices[sample]] if not self.forecast_mode: targets[sample] = target_array[self._output_indices[sample]] if self.add_insolation: decoder_inputs[sample] = ( sol if self.forecast_mode else sol[self._input_indices[sample] + self._output_indices[sample]] ) inputs_result = [inputs] if self.add_insolation: inputs_result.append(decoder_inputs) # we need to transpose channels and data: # [B, T, C, F, H, W] -> [B, F, T, C, H, W] inputs_result = [ np.transpose(x, axes=(0, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5)) for x in inputs_result ] if "constants" in self.ds.data_vars: # Add the constants as [F, C, H, W] inputs_result.append(np.swapaxes(self.ds.constants.values, 0, 1)) logger.log(5, "computed batch in %0.2f s", time.time() - compute_time) torch.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() # finish range torch.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() if self.forecast_mode: return inputs_result # we also need to transpose targets targets = np.transpose(targets, axes=(0, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5)) return inputs_result, targets

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Nov 27, 2024.