NVIDIA Modulus Core (Latest Release)


Source code for modulus.models.fengwu.fengwu

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import math
from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy as np
import torch

from ..layers import (
from ..meta import ModelMetaData
from ..module import Module

[docs]@dataclass class MetaData(ModelMetaData): name: str = "Fengwu" # Optimization jit: bool = False # ONNX Ops Conflict cuda_graphs: bool = True amp: bool = True # Inference onnx_cpu: bool = False # No FFT op on CPU onnx_gpu: bool = True onnx_runtime: bool = True # Physics informed var_dim: int = 1 func_torch: bool = False auto_grad: bool = False
[docs]class Fengwu(Module): """ FengWu PyTorch impl of: `FengWu: Pushing the Skillful Global Medium-range Weather Forecast beyond 10 Days Lead` - https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.02948.pdf Args: img_size: Image size(Lat, Lon). Default: (721,1440) pressure_level: Number of pressure_level. Default: 37 embed_dim (int): Patch embedding dimension. Default: 192 patch_size (tuple[int]): Patch token size. Default: (4,4) num_heads (tuple[int]): Number of attention heads in different layers. window_size (tuple[int]): Window size. """ def __init__( self, img_size=(721, 1440), pressure_level=37, embed_dim=192, patch_size=(4, 4), num_heads=(6, 12, 12, 6), window_size=(2, 6, 12), ): super().__init__(meta=MetaData()) drop_path = np.linspace(0, 0.2, 8).tolist() drop_path_fuser = [0.2] * 6 resolution_down1 = ( math.ceil(img_size[0] / patch_size[0]), math.ceil(img_size[1] / patch_size[1]), ) resolution_down2 = ( math.ceil(resolution_down1[0] / 2), math.ceil(resolution_down1[1] / 2), ) resolution = (resolution_down1, resolution_down2) self.encoder_surface = EncoderLayer( img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, in_chans=4, dim=embed_dim, input_resolution=resolution[0], middle_resolution=resolution[1], depth=2, depth_middle=6, num_heads=num_heads[:2], window_size=window_size[1:], drop_path=drop_path, ) self.encoder_z = EncoderLayer( img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, in_chans=pressure_level, dim=embed_dim, input_resolution=resolution[0], middle_resolution=resolution[1], depth=2, depth_middle=6, num_heads=num_heads[:2], window_size=window_size[1:], drop_path=drop_path, ) self.encoder_r = EncoderLayer( img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, in_chans=pressure_level, dim=embed_dim, input_resolution=resolution[0], middle_resolution=resolution[1], depth=2, depth_middle=6, num_heads=num_heads[:2], window_size=window_size[1:], drop_path=drop_path, ) self.encoder_u = EncoderLayer( img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, in_chans=pressure_level, dim=embed_dim, input_resolution=resolution[0], middle_resolution=resolution[1], depth=2, depth_middle=6, num_heads=num_heads[:2], window_size=window_size[1:], drop_path=drop_path, ) self.encoder_v = EncoderLayer( img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, in_chans=pressure_level, dim=embed_dim, input_resolution=resolution[0], middle_resolution=resolution[1], depth=2, depth_middle=6, num_heads=num_heads[:2], window_size=window_size[1:], drop_path=drop_path, ) self.encoder_t = EncoderLayer( img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, in_chans=pressure_level, dim=embed_dim, input_resolution=resolution[0], middle_resolution=resolution[1], depth=2, depth_middle=6, num_heads=num_heads[:2], window_size=window_size[1:], drop_path=drop_path, ) self.fuser = FuserLayer( dim=embed_dim * 2, input_resolution=(6, resolution[1][0], resolution[1][1]), depth=6, num_heads=num_heads[1], window_size=window_size, drop_path=drop_path_fuser, ) self.decoder_surface = DecoderLayer( img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, out_chans=4, dim=embed_dim, output_resolution=resolution[0], middle_resolution=resolution[1], depth=2, depth_middle=6, num_heads=num_heads[:2], window_size=window_size[1:], drop_path=drop_path, ) self.decoder_z = DecoderLayer( img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, out_chans=pressure_level, dim=embed_dim, output_resolution=resolution[0], middle_resolution=resolution[1], depth=2, depth_middle=6, num_heads=num_heads[:2], window_size=window_size[1:], drop_path=drop_path, ) self.decoder_r = DecoderLayer( img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, out_chans=pressure_level, dim=embed_dim, output_resolution=resolution[0], middle_resolution=resolution[1], depth=2, depth_middle=6, num_heads=num_heads[:2], window_size=window_size[1:], drop_path=drop_path, ) self.decoder_u = DecoderLayer( img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, out_chans=pressure_level, dim=embed_dim, output_resolution=resolution[0], middle_resolution=resolution[1], depth=2, depth_middle=6, num_heads=num_heads[:2], window_size=window_size[1:], drop_path=drop_path, ) self.decoder_v = DecoderLayer( img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, out_chans=pressure_level, dim=embed_dim, output_resolution=resolution[0], middle_resolution=resolution[1], depth=2, depth_middle=6, num_heads=num_heads[:2], window_size=window_size[1:], drop_path=drop_path, ) self.decoder_t = DecoderLayer( img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, out_chans=pressure_level, dim=embed_dim, output_resolution=resolution[0], middle_resolution=resolution[1], depth=2, depth_middle=6, num_heads=num_heads[:2], window_size=window_size[1:], drop_path=drop_path, )
[docs] def prepare_input(self, surface, z, r, u, v, t): """Prepares the input to the model in the required shape. Args: surface (torch.Tensor): 2D n_lat=721, n_lon=1440, chans=4. z (torch.Tensor): 2D n_lat=721, n_lon=1440, chans=37. r (torch.Tensor): 2D n_lat=721, n_lon=1440, chans=37. u (torch.Tensor): 2D n_lat=721, n_lon=1440, chans=37. v (torch.Tensor): 2D n_lat=721, n_lon=1440, chans=37. t (torch.Tensor): 2D n_lat=721, n_lon=1440, chans=37. """ return torch.concat([surface, z, r, u, v, t], dim=1)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Args: surface (torch.Tensor): 2D n_lat=721, n_lon=1440, chans=4. z (torch.Tensor): 2D n_lat=721, n_lon=1440, chans=37. r (torch.Tensor): 2D n_lat=721, n_lon=1440, chans=37. u (torch.Tensor): 2D n_lat=721, n_lon=1440, chans=37. v (torch.Tensor): 2D n_lat=721, n_lon=1440, chans=37. t (torch.Tensor): 2D n_lat=721, n_lon=1440, chans=37. """ surface = x[:, :4, :, :] z = x[:, 4:41, :, :] r = x[:, 41:78, :, :] u = x[:, 78:115, :, :] v = x[:, 115:152, :, :] t = x[:, 152:189, :, :] surface, skip_surface = self.encoder_surface(surface) z, skip_z = self.encoder_z(z) r, skip_r = self.encoder_r(r) u, skip_u = self.encoder_u(u) v, skip_v = self.encoder_v(v) t, skip_t = self.encoder_t(t) x = torch.concat( [ surface.unsqueeze(1), z.unsqueeze(1), r.unsqueeze(1), u.unsqueeze(1), v.unsqueeze(1), t.unsqueeze(1), ], dim=1, ) B, PL, L_SIZE, C = x.shape x = x.reshape(B, -1, C) x = self.fuser(x) x = x.reshape(B, PL, L_SIZE, C) surface, z, r, u, v, t = ( x[:, 0, :, :], x[:, 1, :, :], x[:, 2, :, :], x[:, 3, :, :], x[:, 4, :, :], x[:, 5, :, :], ) surface = self.decoder_surface(surface, skip_surface) z = self.decoder_z(z, skip_z) r = self.decoder_r(r, skip_r) u = self.decoder_u(u, skip_u) v = self.decoder_v(v, skip_v) t = self.decoder_t(t, skip_t) return surface, z, r, u, v, t
© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Nov 27, 2024.