Ensure you are familiar with the following known issues and useful debugging strategies.
NCCL calls may return a variety of return codes. Ensure that the return codes are always equal to ncclSuccess. If any call fails and returns a value different from ncclSuccess, setting NCCL_DEBUG to “WARN” will make NCCL print an explicit warning message before returning the error.
Errors are grouped into different categories. * ncclUnhandledCudaError and ncclSystemError indicate that a call to an external library failed. * ncclInvalidArgument and ncclInvalidUsage indicates there was a programming error in the application using NCCL.
In either case, refer to the NCCL warning message to understand how to resolve the problem.
Networking issues¶
IP Network Interfaces¶
NCCL auto-detects which network interfaces to use for inter-node communication. If some interfaces are in state up, however are not able to communicate between nodes, NCCL may try to use them anyway and therefore fail during the init functions or even hang.
For information about how to specify which interfaces to use, see NCCL Knobs section, particularly the NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME knob.
Before running NCCL on InfiniBand, running low-level InfiniBand tests (and in particular the ib_write_bw test) can help verify which nodes are able to communicate properly.
Known Issues¶
Ensure you are familiar with the following known issues:
Sharing Data¶
In order to share data between ranks, NCCL may require shared system memory for IPC and pinned (page-locked) system memory resources. The operating system’s limits on these resources may need to be increased accordingly. Please see your system’s documentation for details. In particular, Docker containers default to limited shared and pinned memory resources. When using NCCL inside a container, it is recommended that you increase these resources by issuing:
–shm-size=1g –ulimit memlock=-1
in the command line to nvidia-docker run.
Concurrency between NCCL and CUDA calls (NCCL up to 2.0.5 or CUDA 8)¶
NCCL uses CUDA kernels to perform inter-GPU communication. The NCCL kernels synchronize with each other, therefore, each kernel requires other kernels on other GPUs to be also executed in order to complete. The application should therefore make sure that nothing prevents the NCCL kernels from being executed concurrently on the different devices of a NCCL communicator.
For example, let’s say you have a process managing multiple CUDA devices, and, also features a thread which calls CUDA functions asynchronously. In this case, CUDA calls could be executed between the enqueuing of two NCCL kernels. The CUDA call may wait for the first NCCL kernel to complete and prevent the second one from being launched, causing a deadlock since the first kernel will not complete until the second one is executed. To avoid this issue, one solution is to have a lock around the NCCL launch on multiple devices (around ncclGroupStart and ncclGroupEnd when using a single thread, around the NCCL launch when using multiple threads, using thread synchronization if necessary) and take this lock when calling CUDA from the asynchronous thread.
Starting with NCCL 2.1.0, this issue is no longer present when using CUDA 9, unless Cooperative Group Launch is disabled in the NCCL_LAUNCH_MODE=PARALLEL setting.