Source code for nemo.collections.asr.modules.conv_asr

# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from collections import OrderedDict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Optional

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from omegaconf import MISSING, ListConfig, OmegaConf

from import (
from nemo.core.classes.common import typecheck
from nemo.core.classes.exportable import Exportable
from nemo.core.classes.module import NeuralModule
from nemo.core.neural_types import (
from nemo.utils import logging

__all__ = ['ConvASRDecoder', 'ConvASREncoder', 'ConvASRDecoderClassification']

[docs]class ConvASREncoder(NeuralModule, Exportable): """ Convolutional encoder for ASR models. With this class you can implement JasperNet and QuartzNet models. Based on these papers: """ def _prepare_for_export(self): m_count = 0 for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, MaskedConv1d): m.use_mask = False m_count += 1 logging.warning(f"Turned off {m_count} masked convolutions")
[docs] def input_example(self): """ Generates input examples for tracing etc. Returns: A tuple of input examples. """ input_example = torch.randn(16, self._feat_in, 256).to(next(self.parameters()).device) return tuple([input_example])
@property def disabled_deployment_input_names(self): """Implement this method to return a set of input names disabled for export""" return set(["length"]) @property def disabled_deployment_output_names(self): """Implement this method to return a set of output names disabled for export""" return set(["encoded_lengths"])
[docs] def save_to(self, save_path: str): pass
[docs] @classmethod def restore_from(cls, restore_path: str): pass
@property def input_types(self): """Returns definitions of module input ports. """ return OrderedDict( { "audio_signal": NeuralType(('B', 'D', 'T'), SpectrogramType()), "length": NeuralType(tuple('B'), LengthsType()), } ) @property def output_types(self): """Returns definitions of module output ports. """ return OrderedDict( { "outputs": NeuralType(('B', 'D', 'T'), AcousticEncodedRepresentation()), "encoded_lengths": NeuralType(tuple('B'), LengthsType()), } ) def __init__( self, jasper, activation: str, feat_in: int, normalization_mode: str = "batch", residual_mode: str = "add", norm_groups: int = -1, conv_mask: bool = True, frame_splicing: int = 1, init_mode: Optional[str] = 'xavier_uniform', quantize: bool = False, ): super().__init__() if isinstance(jasper, ListConfig): jasper = OmegaConf.to_container(jasper) activation = jasper_activations[activation]() feat_in = feat_in * frame_splicing self._feat_in = feat_in residual_panes = [] encoder_layers = [] self.dense_residual = False for lcfg in jasper: dense_res = [] if lcfg.get('residual_dense', False): residual_panes.append(feat_in) dense_res = residual_panes self.dense_residual = True groups = lcfg.get('groups', 1) separable = lcfg.get('separable', False) heads = lcfg.get('heads', -1) residual_mode = lcfg.get('residual_mode', residual_mode) se = lcfg.get('se', False) se_reduction_ratio = lcfg.get('se_reduction_ratio', 8) se_context_window = lcfg.get('se_context_size', -1) se_interpolation_mode = lcfg.get('se_interpolation_mode', 'nearest') kernel_size_factor = lcfg.get('kernel_size_factor', 1.0) stride_last = lcfg.get('stride_last', False) encoder_layers.append( JasperBlock( feat_in, lcfg['filters'], repeat=lcfg['repeat'], kernel_size=lcfg['kernel'], stride=lcfg['stride'], dilation=lcfg['dilation'], dropout=lcfg['dropout'], residual=lcfg['residual'], groups=groups, separable=separable, heads=heads, residual_mode=residual_mode, normalization=normalization_mode, norm_groups=norm_groups, activation=activation, residual_panes=dense_res, conv_mask=conv_mask, se=se, se_reduction_ratio=se_reduction_ratio, se_context_window=se_context_window, se_interpolation_mode=se_interpolation_mode, kernel_size_factor=kernel_size_factor, stride_last=stride_last, quantize=quantize, ) ) feat_in = lcfg['filters'] self._feat_out = feat_in self.encoder = torch.nn.Sequential(*encoder_layers) self.apply(lambda x: init_weights(x, mode=init_mode))
[docs] @typecheck() def forward(self, audio_signal, length=None): s_input, length = self.encoder(([audio_signal], length)) if length is None: return s_input[-1] return s_input[-1], length
[docs]class ConvASRDecoder(NeuralModule, Exportable): """Simple ASR Decoder for use with CTC-based models such as JasperNet and QuartzNet Based on these papers: """
[docs] def save_to(self, save_path: str): pass
[docs] @classmethod def restore_from(cls, restore_path: str): pass
@property def input_types(self): return OrderedDict({"encoder_output": NeuralType(('B', 'D', 'T'), AcousticEncodedRepresentation())}) @property def output_types(self): return OrderedDict({"logprobs": NeuralType(('B', 'T', 'D'), LogprobsType())}) def __init__(self, feat_in, num_classes, init_mode="xavier_uniform", vocabulary=None): super().__init__() if vocabulary is not None: if num_classes != len(vocabulary): raise ValueError( f"If vocabulary is specified, it's length should be equal to the num_classes. Instead got: num_classes={num_classes} and len(vocabulary)={len(vocabulary)}" ) self.__vocabulary = vocabulary self._feat_in = feat_in # Add 1 for blank char self._num_classes = num_classes + 1 self.decoder_layers = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv1d(self._feat_in, self._num_classes, kernel_size=1, bias=True) ) self.apply(lambda x: init_weights(x, mode=init_mode))
[docs] @typecheck() def forward(self, encoder_output): return torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(self.decoder_layers(encoder_output).transpose(1, 2), dim=-1)
[docs] def input_example(self): """ Generates input examples for tracing etc. Returns: A tuple of input examples. """ bs = 8 seq = 64 input_example = torch.randn(bs, self._feat_in, seq).to(next(self.parameters()).device) return tuple([input_example])
def _prepare_for_export(self): m_count = 0 for m in self.modules(): if type(m).__name__ == "MaskedConv1d": m.use_mask = False m_count += 1 if m_count > 0: logging.warning(f"Turned off {m_count} masked convolutions") Exportable._prepare_for_export(self) @property def vocabulary(self): return self.__vocabulary @property def num_classes_with_blank(self): return self._num_classes
[docs]class ConvASRDecoderClassification(NeuralModule, Exportable): """Simple ASR Decoder for use with classification models such as JasperNet and QuartzNet Based on these papers: """
[docs] def input_example(self): """ Generates input examples for tracing etc. Returns: A tuple of input examples. """ input_example = torch.randn(16, self._feat_in, 128).to(next(self.parameters()).device) return tuple([input_example])
@property def input_types(self): return OrderedDict({"encoder_output": NeuralType(('B', 'D', 'T'), AcousticEncodedRepresentation())}) @property def output_types(self): return OrderedDict({"logits": NeuralType(('B', 'D'), LogitsType())}) def __init__( self, feat_in: int, num_classes: int, init_mode: Optional[str] = "xavier_uniform", return_logits: bool = True, pooling_type='avg', ): super().__init__() self._feat_in = feat_in self._return_logits = return_logits self._num_classes = num_classes if pooling_type == 'avg': self.pooling = torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool1d(1) elif pooling_type == 'max': self.pooling = torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool1d(1) else: raise ValueError('Pooling type chosen is not valid. Must be either `avg` or `max`') self.decoder_layers = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(self._feat_in, self._num_classes, bias=True)) self.apply(lambda x: init_weights(x, mode=init_mode))
[docs] @typecheck() def forward(self, encoder_output): batch, in_channels, timesteps = encoder_output.size() encoder_output = self.pooling(encoder_output).view(batch, in_channels) # [B, C] logits = self.decoder_layers(encoder_output) # [B, num_classes] if self._return_logits: return logits return torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
@property def num_classes(self): return self._num_classes
[docs]class SpeakerDecoder(NeuralModule, Exportable): """ Speaker Decoder creates the final neural layers that maps from the outputs of Jasper Encoder to the embedding layer followed by speaker based softmax loss. Args: feat_in (int): Number of channels being input to this module num_classes (int): Number of unique speakers in dataset emb_sizes (list) : shapes of intermediate embedding layers (we consider speaker embbeddings from 1st of this layers) Defaults to [1024,1024] pool_mode (str) : Pooling stratergy type. options are 'gram','xvector','superVector'. Defaults to 'xvector' init_mode (str): Describes how neural network parameters are initialized. Options are ['xavier_uniform', 'xavier_normal', 'kaiming_uniform','kaiming_normal']. Defaults to "xavier_uniform". """
[docs] def input_example(self): """ Generates input examples for tracing etc. Returns: A tuple of input examples. """ input_example = torch.randn(16, self.input_feat_in, 256).to(next(self.parameters()).device) return tuple([input_example])
@property def input_types(self): return OrderedDict({"encoder_output": NeuralType(('B', 'D', 'T'), AcousticEncodedRepresentation())}) @property def output_types(self): return OrderedDict( { "logits": NeuralType(('B', 'D'), LogitsType()), "embs": NeuralType(('B', 'D'), AcousticEncodedRepresentation()), } ) def __init__( self, feat_in, num_classes, emb_sizes=None, pool_mode='xvector', angular=False, init_mode="xavier_uniform", ): super().__init__() self.angular = angular self.emb_id = 2 if self.angular: bias = False else: bias = True if type(emb_sizes) is str: emb_sizes = emb_sizes.split(',') elif type(emb_sizes) is int: emb_sizes = [emb_sizes] else: emb_sizes = [512, 512] self.input_feat_in = feat_in self._num_classes = num_classes self._pooling = StatsPoolLayer(feat_in=feat_in, pool_mode=pool_mode) self._feat_in = self._pooling.feat_in shapes = [self._feat_in] for size in emb_sizes: shapes.append(int(size)) emb_layers = [] for shape_in, shape_out in zip(shapes[:-1], shapes[1:]): layer = self.affineLayer(shape_in, shape_out, learn_mean=False) emb_layers.append(layer) self.emb_layers = nn.ModuleList(emb_layers) = nn.Linear(shapes[-1], self._num_classes, bias=bias) self.apply(lambda x: init_weights(x, mode=init_mode))
[docs] def affineLayer(self, inp_shape, out_shape, learn_mean=True): layer = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(inp_shape, out_shape), nn.BatchNorm1d(out_shape, affine=learn_mean, track_running_stats=True), nn.ReLU(), ) return layer
[docs] @typecheck() def forward(self, encoder_output): pool = self._pooling(encoder_output) embs = [] for layer in self.emb_layers: pool, emb = layer(pool), layer[: self.emb_id](pool) embs.append(emb) if self.angular: for W in W = F.normalize(W, p=2, dim=1) pool = F.normalize(pool, p=2, dim=1) out = return out, embs[-1]
@dataclass class JasperEncoderConfig: filters: int = MISSING repeat: int = MISSING kernel: List[int] = MISSING stride: List[int] = MISSING dilation: List[int] = MISSING dropout: float = MISSING residual: bool = MISSING # Optional arguments groups: int = 1 separable: bool = False heads: int = -1 residual_mode: str = "add" residual_dense: bool = False se: bool = False se_reduction_ratio: int = 8 se_context_size: int = -1 se_interpolation_mode: str = 'nearest' kernel_size_factor: float = 1.0 stride_last: bool = False @dataclass class ConvASREncoderConfig: _target_: str = 'nemo.collections.asr.modules.ConvASREncoder' jasper: Optional[JasperEncoderConfig] = field(default_factory=list) activation: str = MISSING feat_in: int = MISSING normalization_mode: str = "batch" residual_mode: str = "add" norm_groups: int = -1 conv_mask: bool = True frame_splicing: int = 1 init_mode: Optional[str] = "xavier_uniform" @dataclass class ConvASRDecoderConfig: _target_: str = 'nemo.collections.asr.modules.ConvASRDecoder' feat_in: int = MISSING num_classes: int = MISSING init_mode: Optional[str] = "xavier_uniform" vocabulary: Optional[List[str]] = field(default_factory=list) @dataclass class ConvASRDecoderClassificationConfig: _target_: str = 'nemo.collections.asr.modules.ConvASRDecoderClassification' feat_in: int = MISSING num_classes: int = MISSING init_mode: Optional[str] = "xavier_uniform" return_logits: bool = True pooling_type: str = 'avg'