# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Copyright 2017 Johns Hopkins University (Shinji Watanabe)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional, Union
import torch
from nemo.collections.asr.modules import rnnt_abstract
from nemo.collections.asr.parts import rnnt_utils
from nemo.collections.common.parts.rnn import label_collate
from nemo.core.classes import Typing, typecheck
from nemo.core.neural_types import AcousticEncodedRepresentation, HypothesisType, LengthsType, NeuralType
def pack_hypotheses(
hypotheses: List[List[int]], timesteps: List[List[int]], logitlen: torch.Tensor
) -> List[rnnt_utils.Hypothesis]:
logitlen_cpu = logitlen.to("cpu")
return [
y_sequence=torch.tensor(sent, dtype=torch.long), score=-1.0, timestep=timestep, length=length
for sent, timestep, length in zip(hypotheses, timesteps, logitlen_cpu)
class _GreedyRNNTInfer(Typing):
"""A greedy transducer decoder.
Provides a common abstraction for sample level and batch level greedy decoding.
decoder_model: rnnt_utils.AbstractRNNTDecoder implementation.
joint_model: rnnt_utils.AbstractRNNTJoint implementation.
blank_index: int index of the blank token. Can be 0 or len(vocabulary).
max_symbols_per_step: Optional int. The maximum number of symbols that can be added
to a sequence in a single time step; if set to None then there is
no limit.
def input_types(self):
"""Returns definitions of module input ports.
return {
"encoder_output": NeuralType(('B', 'D', 'T'), AcousticEncodedRepresentation()),
"encoded_lengths": NeuralType(tuple('B'), LengthsType()),
def output_types(self):
"""Returns definitions of module output ports.
return {"predictions": [NeuralType(elements_type=HypothesisType())]}
def __init__(
decoder_model: rnnt_abstract.AbstractRNNTDecoder,
joint_model: rnnt_abstract.AbstractRNNTJoint,
blank_index: int,
max_symbols_per_step: Optional[int] = None,
self.decoder = decoder_model
self.joint = joint_model
self._blank_index = blank_index
self._SOS = blank_index # Start of single index
self.max_symbols = max_symbols_per_step
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.forward(*args, **kwargs)
def _pred_step(
label: Union[torch.Tensor, int],
hidden: Optional[torch.Tensor],
add_sos: bool = False,
batch_size: Optional[int] = None,
) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor):
Common prediction step based on the AbstractRNNTDecoder implementation.
label: (int/torch.Tensor): Label or "Start-of-Signal" token.
hidden: (Optional torch.Tensor): RNN State vector
add_sos (bool): Whether to add a zero vector at the begging as "start of sentence" token.
batch_size: Batch size of the output tensor.
g: (B, U, H) if add_sos is false, else (B, U + 1, H)
hid: (h, c) where h is the final sequence hidden state and c is
the final cell state:
h (tensor), shape (L, B, H)
c (tensor), shape (L, B, H)
if isinstance(label, torch.Tensor):
# label: [batch, 1]
if label.dtype != torch.long:
label = label.long()
# Label is an integer
if label == self._SOS:
return self.decoder.predict(None, hidden, add_sos=add_sos, batch_size=batch_size)
label = label_collate([[label]])
# output: [B, 1, K]
return self.decoder.predict(label, hidden, add_sos=add_sos, batch_size=batch_size)
def _joint_step(self, enc, pred, log_normalize: Optional[bool] = None):
Common joint step based on AbstractRNNTJoint implementation.
enc: Output of the Encoder model. A torch.Tensor of shape [B, 1, H1]
pred: Output of the Decoder model. A torch.Tensor of shape [B, 1, H2]
log_normalize: Whether to log normalize or not. None will log normalize only for CPU.
logits of shape (B, T=1, U=1, V + 1)
with torch.no_grad():
logits = self.joint.joint(enc, pred)
if log_normalize is None:
if not logits.is_cuda: # Use log softmax only if on CPU
logits = logits.log_softmax(dim=len(logits.shape) - 1)
if log_normalize:
logits = logits.log_softmax(dim=len(logits.shape) - 1)
return logits
[docs]class GreedyRNNTInfer(_GreedyRNNTInfer):
"""A greedy transducer decoder.
Sequence level greedy decoding, performed auto-repressively.
decoder_model: rnnt_utils.AbstractRNNTDecoder implementation.
joint_model: rnnt_utils.AbstractRNNTJoint implementation.
blank_index: int index of the blank token. Can be 0 or len(vocabulary).
max_symbols_per_step: Optional int. The maximum number of symbols that can be added
to a sequence in a single time step; if set to None then there is
no limit.
def __init__(
decoder_model: rnnt_abstract.AbstractRNNTDecoder,
joint_model: rnnt_abstract.AbstractRNNTJoint,
blank_index: int,
max_symbols_per_step: Optional[int] = None,
[docs] @typecheck()
def forward(self, encoder_output: torch.Tensor, encoded_lengths: torch.Tensor):
"""Returns a list of hypotheses given an input batch of the encoder hidden embedding.
Output token is generated auto-repressively.
encoder_output: A tensor of size (batch, features, timesteps).
encoded_lengths: list of int representing the length of each sequence
output sequence.
packed list containing batch number of sentences (Hypotheses).
# Preserve decoder and joint training state
decoder_training_state = self.decoder.training
joint_training_state = self.joint.training
with torch.no_grad():
# Apply optional preprocessing
encoder_output = encoder_output.transpose(1, 2) # (B, T, D)
hypotheses = []
timesteps = []
# Process each sequence independently
with self.decoder.as_frozen(), self.joint.as_frozen():
for batch_idx in range(encoder_output.size(0)):
inseq = encoder_output[batch_idx, :, :].unsqueeze(1) # [T, 1, D]
logitlen = encoded_lengths[batch_idx]
sentence, timestep = self._greedy_decode(inseq, logitlen)
# Pack results into Hypotheses
packed_result = pack_hypotheses(hypotheses, timesteps, encoded_lengths)
return (packed_result,)
def _greedy_decode(self, x: torch.Tensor, out_len: torch.Tensor):
# x: [T, 1, D]
# out_len: [seq_len]
# Initialize blank state and empty label set
hidden = None
label = []
timesteps = []
# For timestep t in X_t
for time_idx in range(out_len):
# Extract encoder embedding at timestep t
# f = x[time_idx, :, :].unsqueeze(0) # [1, 1, D]
f = x.narrow(dim=0, start=time_idx, length=1)
# Setup exit flags and counter
not_blank = True
symbols_added = 0
# While blank is not predicted, or we dont run out of max symbols per timestep
while not_blank and (self.max_symbols is None or symbols_added < self.max_symbols):
# In the first timestep, we initialize the network with RNNT Blank
# In later timesteps, we provide previous predicted label as input.
last_label = self._SOS if label == [] else label[-1]
# Perform prediction network and joint network steps.
g, hidden_prime = self._pred_step(last_label, hidden)
logp = self._joint_step(f, g, log_normalize=None)[0, 0, 0, :]
del g
# torch.max(0) op doesnt exist for FP 16.
if logp.dtype != torch.float32:
logp = logp.float()
# get index k, of max prob
v, k = logp.max(0)
k = k.item() # K is the label at timestep t_s in inner loop, s >= 0.
del logp
# If blank token is predicted, exit inner loop, move onto next timestep t
if k == self._blank_index:
not_blank = False
# Append token to label set, update RNN state.
hidden = hidden_prime
# Increment token counter.
symbols_added += 1
return label, timesteps
[docs]class GreedyBatchedRNNTInfer(_GreedyRNNTInfer):
"""A batch level greedy transducer decoder.
Batch level greedy decoding, performed auto-repressively.
decoder_model: rnnt_utils.AbstractRNNTDecoder implementation.
joint_model: rnnt_utils.AbstractRNNTJoint implementation.
blank_index: int index of the blank token. Can be 0 or len(vocabulary).
max_symbols_per_step: Optional int. The maximum number of symbols that can be added
to a sequence in a single time step; if set to None then there is
no limit.
def __init__(
decoder_model: rnnt_abstract.AbstractRNNTDecoder,
joint_model: rnnt_abstract.AbstractRNNTJoint,
blank_index: int,
max_symbols_per_step: Optional[int] = None,
# Depending on availability of `blank_as_pad` support
# switch between more efficient batch decoding technique
if self.decoder.blank_as_pad:
self._greedy_decode = self._greedy_decode_blank_as_pad
self._greedy_decode = self._greedy_decode_masked
[docs] @typecheck()
def forward(self, encoder_output: torch.Tensor, encoded_lengths: torch.Tensor):
"""Returns a list of hypotheses given an input batch of the encoder hidden embedding.
Output token is generated auto-repressively.
encoder_output: A tensor of size (batch, features, timesteps).
encoded_lengths: list of int representing the length of each sequence
output sequence.
packed list containing batch number of sentences (Hypotheses).
# Preserve decoder and joint training state
decoder_training_state = self.decoder.training
joint_training_state = self.joint.training
with torch.no_grad():
# Apply optional preprocessing
encoder_output = encoder_output.transpose(1, 2) # (B, T, D)
logitlen = encoded_lengths
with self.decoder.as_frozen(), self.joint.as_frozen():
inseq = encoder_output # [B, T, D]
hypotheses, timesteps = self._greedy_decode(inseq, logitlen, device=inseq.device)
# Pack the hypotheses results
packed_result = pack_hypotheses(hypotheses, timesteps, logitlen)
del hypotheses, timesteps
return (packed_result,)
def _greedy_decode_blank_as_pad(self, x: torch.Tensor, out_len: torch.Tensor, device: torch.device):
with torch.no_grad():
# x: [B, T, D]
# out_len: [B]
# device: torch.device
# Initialize state
hidden = None
batchsize = x.shape[0]
# Output string buffer
label = [[] for _ in range(batchsize)]
timesteps = [[] for _ in range(batchsize)]
# Last Label buffer + Last Label without blank buffer
# batch level equivalent of the last_label
last_label = torch.full([batchsize, 1], fill_value=self._blank_index, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
# Mask buffers
blank_mask = torch.full([batchsize], fill_value=0, dtype=torch.bool, device=device)
# Get max sequence length
max_out_len = out_len.max()
for time_idx in range(max_out_len):
f = x.narrow(dim=1, start=time_idx, length=1) # [B, 1, D]
# Prepare t timestamp batch variables
not_blank = True
symbols_added = 0
# Reset blank mask
# Update blank mask with time mask
# Batch: [B, T, D], but Bi may have seq len < max(seq_lens_in_batch)
# Forcibly mask with "blank" tokens, for all sample where current time step T > seq_len
blank_mask = time_idx >= out_len
# Start inner loop
while not_blank and (self.max_symbols is None or symbols_added < self.max_symbols):
# Batch prediction and joint network steps
# If very first prediction step, submit SOS tag (blank) to pred_step.
# This feeds a zero tensor as input to AbstractRNNTDecoder to prime the state
if time_idx == 0 and symbols_added == 0:
g, hidden_prime = self._pred_step(self._SOS, hidden, batch_size=batchsize)
# Perform batch step prediction of decoder, getting new states and scores ("g")
g, hidden_prime = self._pred_step(last_label, hidden, batch_size=batchsize)
# Batched joint step - Output = [B, V + 1]
logp = self._joint_step(f, g, log_normalize=None)[:, 0, 0, :]
if logp.dtype != torch.float32:
logp = logp.float()
# Get index k, of max prob for batch
v, k = logp.max(1)
del v, g, logp
# Update blank mask with current predicted blanks
# This is accumulating blanks over all time steps T and all target steps min(max_symbols, U)
k_is_blank = k == self._blank_index
del k_is_blank
# If all samples predict / have predicted prior blanks, exit loop early
# This is equivalent to if single sample predicted k
if blank_mask.all():
not_blank = False
# Collect batch indices where blanks occurred now/past
blank_indices = []
if hidden is not None:
blank_indices = (blank_mask == 1).nonzero(as_tuple=False)
# Recover prior state for all samples which predicted blank now/past
if hidden is not None:
# LSTM has 2 states
for state_id in range(len(hidden)):
hidden_prime[state_id][:, blank_indices, :] = hidden[state_id][:, blank_indices, :]
# Recover prior predicted label for all samples which predicted blank now/past
k[blank_indices] = last_label[blank_indices, 0]
# Update new label and hidden state for next iteration
last_label = k.clone().view(-1, 1)
hidden = hidden_prime
# Update predicted labels, accounting for time mask
# If blank was predicted even once, now or in the past,
# Force the current predicted label to also be blank
# This ensures that blanks propogate across all timesteps
# once they have occured (normally stopping condition of sample level loop).
for kidx, ki in enumerate(k):
if blank_mask[kidx] == 0:
symbols_added += 1
return label, timesteps
def _greedy_decode_masked(self, x: torch.Tensor, out_len: torch.Tensor, device: torch.device):
# x: [B, T, D]
# out_len: [B]
# device: torch.device
# Initialize state
hidden = None
batchsize = x.shape[0]
# Output string buffer
label = [[] for _ in range(batchsize)]
timesteps = [[] for _ in range(batchsize)]
# Last Label buffer + Last Label without blank buffer
# batch level equivalent of the last_label
last_label = torch.full([batchsize, 1], fill_value=self._blank_index, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
last_label_without_blank = last_label.clone()
# Mask buffers
blank_mask = torch.full([batchsize], fill_value=0, dtype=torch.bool, device=device)
# Get max sequence length
max_out_len = out_len.max()
for time_idx in range(max_out_len):
f = x.narrow(dim=1, start=time_idx, length=1) # [B, 1, D]
# Prepare t timestamp batch variables
not_blank = True
symbols_added = 0
# Reset blank mask
# Update blank mask with time mask
# Batch: [B, T, D], but Bi may have seq len < max(seq_lens_in_batch)
# Forcibly mask with "blank" tokens, for all sample where current time step T > seq_len
blank_mask = time_idx >= out_len
# Start inner loop
while not_blank and (self.max_symbols is None or symbols_added < self.max_symbols):
# Batch prediction and joint network steps
# If very first prediction step, submit SOS tag (blank) to pred_step.
# This feeds a zero tensor as input to AbstractRNNTDecoder to prime the state
if time_idx == 0 and symbols_added == 0:
g, hidden_prime = self._pred_step(self._SOS, hidden, batch_size=batchsize)
# Set a dummy label for the blank value
# This value will be overwritten by "blank" again the last label update below
# This is done as vocabulary of prediction network does not contain "blank" token of RNNT
last_label_without_blank_mask = last_label == self._blank_index
last_label_without_blank[last_label_without_blank_mask] = 0 # temp change of label
last_label_without_blank[~last_label_without_blank_mask] = last_label[
# Perform batch step prediction of decoder, getting new states and scores ("g")
g, hidden_prime = self._pred_step(last_label_without_blank, hidden, batch_size=batchsize)
# Batched joint step - Output = [B, V + 1]
logp = self._joint_step(f, g, log_normalize=None)[:, 0, 0, :]
if logp.dtype != torch.float32:
logp = logp.float()
# Get index k, of max prob for batch
v, k = logp.max(1)
del v, g, logp
# Update blank mask with current predicted blanks
# This is accumulating blanks over all time steps T and all target steps min(max_symbols, U)
k_is_blank = k == self._blank_index
# If all samples predict / have predicted prior blanks, exit loop early
# This is equivalent to if single sample predicted k
if blank_mask.all():
not_blank = False
# Collect batch indices where blanks occurred now/past
blank_indices = []
if hidden is not None:
blank_indices = (blank_mask == 1).nonzero(as_tuple=False)
# Recover prior state for all samples which predicted blank now/past
if hidden is not None:
# LSTM has 2 states
for state_id in range(len(hidden)):
hidden_prime[state_id][:, blank_indices, :] = hidden[state_id][:, blank_indices, :]
# Recover prior predicted label for all samples which predicted blank now/past
k[blank_indices] = last_label[blank_indices, 0]
# Update new label and hidden state for next iteration
last_label = k.view(-1, 1)
hidden = hidden_prime
# Update predicted labels, accounting for time mask
# If blank was predicted even once, now or in the past,
# Force the current predicted label to also be blank
# This ensures that blanks propogate across all timesteps
# once they have occured (normally stopping condition of sample level loop).
for kidx, ki in enumerate(k):
if blank_mask[kidx] == 0:
symbols_added += 1
return label, timesteps
class GreedyRNNTInferConfig:
max_symbols_per_step: Optional[int] = None
class GreedyBatchedRNNTInferConfig:
max_symbols_per_step: Optional[int] = None