Source code for nemo.collections.nlp.modules.common.megatron.megatron_bert

# Copyright 2018 The Google AI Language Team Authors and
# The HuggingFace Inc. team.
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os

import torch
from megatron import get_args, initialize_megatron
from megatron.checkpointing import set_checkpoint_version
from megatron.model import get_language_model
from megatron.model.bert_model import bert_attention_mask_func, bert_extended_attention_mask, bert_position_ids
from megatron.mpu import get_model_parallel_group, model_parallel_is_initialized
from omegaconf import OmegaConf

from nemo.collections.nlp.modules.common.bert_module import BertModule
from nemo.core.classes import typecheck
from nemo.utils import logging
from nemo.utils.app_state import AppState

__all__ = ['MegatronBertEncoder']

def complete_lazy_init(self):
    # finish megatron-lm initialization
    if hasattr(self, "_lazy_init_fn") and self._lazy_init_fn is not None:
        self._lazy_init_fn = None

[docs]class MegatronBertEncoder(BertModule): """ MegatronBERT wraps around the Megatron Language model from Args: config_file (str): path to model configuration file. vocab_file (str): path to vocabulary file. tokenizer_type (str): tokenizer type, currently only 'BertWordPieceLowerCase' supported. """ def __init__(self, model_name, config, vocab_file, model_parallel_size=None, model_parallel_rank=None): super().__init__() self._model_parallel_size = model_parallel_size self._model_parallel_rank = model_parallel_rank self._restore_path = None self._app_state = None self._model_name = model_name if not os.path.exists(vocab_file): raise ValueError(f'Vocab file not found at {vocab_file}') config["vocab_file"] = vocab_file config['tokenizer_type'] = 'BertWordPieceLowerCase' config['lazy_mpu_init'] = True config['onnx_safe'] = True # if 'model_parallel_size' in config: if self._model_parallel_size is not None: app_state = AppState() self._app_state = app_state # must be set for model parallel megatron-lm os.environ["WORLD_SIZE"] = str(app_state.world_size) os.environ["RANK"] = str(self._model_parallel_rank) # used to set model_parallel_size in megatron-lm argparser def _update_model_parallel_arg(parser): parser.set_defaults(model_parallel_size=self._model_parallel_size) return parser extra_args_provider = _update_model_parallel_arg else: extra_args_provider = None # Initialize part of Megatron global state that is needed for its constructor. # We set 'lazy_mpu_init' flag on to make Megatron do only the initialization that does not depend # on ddp be initialized yet (and we don't want Megatron to initialize DDP itself either) # and to return a hook for us to call after PTL has torch.distributed initialized. # (or if no PTL in case of inference - then we'll initialize torch.distributed) # We call and clear this hook on first call to forward() self._lazy_init_fn = initialize_megatron( extra_args_provider=extra_args_provider, args_defaults=config, ignore_unknown_args=True ) # read Megatron arguments back args = get_args()'Megatron-lm argparse args: {args}') self.language_model, self._language_model_key = get_language_model( attention_mask_func=bert_attention_mask_func, num_tokentypes=2, add_pooler=False ) self.config = OmegaConf.create(config) # key used for checkpoints self._hidden_size = self.language_model.hidden_size
[docs] def complete_lazy_init(self): # finish megatron-lm initialization if hasattr(self, "_lazy_init_fn") and self._lazy_init_fn is not None: self._lazy_init_fn() self._lazy_init_fn = None
@property def hidden_size(self): """ Property returning hidden size. Returns: Hidden size. """ return self._hidden_size
[docs] @typecheck() def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids): self.complete_lazy_init() extended_attention_mask = bert_extended_attention_mask(attention_mask) position_ids = bert_position_ids(input_ids) sequence_output = self.language_model( input_ids=input_ids, position_ids=position_ids, attention_mask=extended_attention_mask, tokentype_ids=token_type_ids, ) return sequence_output
def _load_checkpoint(self, filename): """Helper function for loading megatron checkpoints. Args: filename (str): Path to megatron checkpoint. """ state_dict = torch.load(filename, map_location='cpu') if 'checkpoint_version' in state_dict: if state_dict['checkpoint_version'] is not None: set_checkpoint_version(state_dict['checkpoint_version']) else: logging.warning('Megatron-lm checkpoint version not found. Setting checkpoint_version to 0.') set_checkpoint_version(0) # to load from Megatron pretrained checkpoint if 'model' in state_dict: self.language_model.load_state_dict(state_dict['model'][self._language_model_key]) else: self.load_state_dict(state_dict)"Checkpoint loaded from from {filename}")
[docs] def restore_weights(self, restore_path: str): """Restores module/model's weights. For model parallel checkpoints the directory structure should be restore_path/mp_rank_0X/ Args: restore_path (str): restore_path should a file or a directory if using model parallel """ self._restore_path = restore_path if os.path.isfile(restore_path): self._load_checkpoint(restore_path) elif os.path.isdir(restore_path): # need model parallel groups to restore model parallel checkpoints if model_parallel_is_initialized(): model_parallel_rank = torch.distributed.get_rank(group=get_model_parallel_group()) mp_restore_path = f'{restore_path}/mp_rank_{model_parallel_rank:02d}/' self._load_checkpoint(mp_restore_path) else:'torch.distributed not initialized yet. Will not restore model parallel checkpoint') else: logging.error(f'restore_path: {restore_path} must be a file or directory.')