Source code for nemo.core.classes.modelPT

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy
import inspect
import os
import shutil
import tarfile
import tempfile
from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import is_dataclass
from os import path
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import hydra
import torch
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf, open_dict
from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule, Trainer
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only

from nemo.core import optim
from nemo.core.classes.common import Model
from nemo.core.optim import prepare_lr_scheduler
from nemo.utils import logging, model_utils
from nemo.utils.app_state import AppState
from nemo.utils.get_rank import is_global_rank_zero

# Need to set them before EFF import as it is using them.
_MODEL_CONFIG_YAML = "model_config.yaml"
_MODEL_WEIGHTS = "model_weights.ckpt"

__all__ = ['ModelPT']

Internal global flags that determine core functionality of ModelPT.

    This flag determines the context of the model - whether the model is currently being
    restored or not.
    -   When set, it can be assumed that the model's will disable all automatic methods -
        setup_training_data(), setup_validation/test_data() and their multi equivalents.
    -   If a model is being restored from a archive file (tarfile), it can be assumed that
        under this context, the cwd is *inside* the tarfile itself.

    A string path to a a file from which the model is being restored.
    This file can either be a PyTorch Lightning Checkpoint, or a archive (tarfile) that contains
    artifact objects.
    If it is an archive file, during restoration, the cwd will be temporarily moved to inside the
    archive itself.

[docs]class ModelPT(LightningModule, Model): """ Interface for Pytorch-lightning based NeMo models """ def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): """ Base class from which all NeMo models should inherit Args: cfg (DictConfig): configuration object. The cfg object should have (optionally) the following sub-configs: * train_ds - to instantiate training dataset * validation_ds - to instantiate validation dataset * test_ds - to instantiate testing dataset * optim - to instantiate optimizer with learning rate scheduler trainer (Optional): Pytorch Lightning Trainer instance """ if trainer is not None and not isinstance(trainer, Trainer): raise ValueError( f"trainer constructor argument must be either None or pytroch_lightning.Trainer. But got {type(trainer)} instead." ) super().__init__() # Convert config to a DictConfig cfg = model_utils.convert_model_config_to_dict_config(cfg) # Convert config to support Hydra 1.0+ instantiation cfg = model_utils.maybe_update_config_version(cfg) if 'target' not in cfg: # This is for Jarvis service. OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, False) = "{0}.{1}".format(self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) OmegaConf.set_struct(cfg, True) self._cfg = cfg self.save_hyperparameters(self._cfg) self._train_dl = None self._validation_dl = None self._test_dl = None self._optimizer = None self._scheduler = None self._trainer = trainer # Set device_id in AppState if torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.current_device() is not None: app_state = AppState() app_state.device_id = torch.cuda.current_device() if self._cfg is not None and not self._is_model_being_restored(): if 'train_ds' in self._cfg and self._cfg.train_ds is not None: self.setup_training_data(self._cfg.train_ds) if 'validation_ds' in self._cfg and self._cfg.validation_ds is not None: self.setup_multiple_validation_data(val_data_config=None) if 'test_ds' in self._cfg and self._cfg.test_ds is not None: self.setup_multiple_test_data(test_data_config=None) else: if 'train_ds' in self._cfg and self._cfg.train_ds is not None: logging.warning( f"Please call the ModelPT.setup_training_data() method " f"and provide a valid configuration file to setup the train data loader.\n" f"Train config : \n{OmegaConf.to_yaml(self._cfg.train_ds)}" ) if 'validation_ds' in self._cfg and self._cfg.validation_ds is not None: logging.warning( f"Please call the ModelPT.setup_validation_data() or ModelPT.setup_multiple_validation_data() method " f"and provide a valid configuration file to setup the validation data loader(s). \n" f"Validation config : \n{OmegaConf.to_yaml(self._cfg.validation_ds)}" ) if 'test_ds' in self._cfg and self._cfg.test_ds is not None: logging.warning( f"Please call the ModelPT.setup_test_data() or ModelPT.setup_multiple_test_data() method " f"and provide a valid configuration file to setup the test data loader(s).\n" f"Test config : \n{OmegaConf.to_yaml(self._cfg.test_ds)}" ) # ModelPT wrappers over subclass implementations self.training_step = model_utils.wrap_training_step(self.training_step)
[docs] def register_artifact(self, config_path: str, src: str): """ Register model artifacts with this function. These artifacts (files) will be included inside .nemo file when model.save_to("mymodel.nemo") is called. WARNING: If you specified /example_folder/example.txt but ./example.txt exists, then ./example.txt will be used. Args: config_path: config path where artifact is used src: path to the artifact Returns: path to be used when accessing artifact. If src='' or None then '' or None will be returned """ if not hasattr(self, 'artifacts'): self.artifacts = {} if self.artifacts is None: self.artifacts = {} if src is not None and src.strip() != '': archive_item = model_utils.ArtifactItem() basename_src = os.path.basename(src) # filename exists in current workdir - use it and raise warning # this case is during model restoration or when file is written to cwd. if os.path.exists(basename_src): logging.warning(f"Using {os.path.abspath(basename_src)} instead of {src}.") used_src = basename_src # Case: register_artifact() called inside restoration context if self._is_model_being_restored() and self._is_restore_type_tarfile(): archive_item.path_type = model_utils.ArtifactPathType.TAR_PATH else: archive_item.path_type = model_utils.ArtifactPathType.LOCAL_PATH else: used_src = src archive_item.path_type = model_utils.ArtifactPathType.LOCAL_PATH if not os.path.exists(used_src): # File not found in local path or by basename # Try to locate it inside the .nemo archive (if model was restored) # Case: register_artifact() called outside restoration context if self._is_restore_type_tarfile(): # Get path where the command is executed - the artifacts will be "retrieved" there # (original .nemo behavior) cwd = os.getcwd() try: # Step into the nemo archive to try and find the file with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: self.__unpack_nemo_file(path2file=_MODEL_RESTORE_PATH, out_folder=tmpdir) os.chdir(tmpdir) if os.path.exists(basename_src): logging.warning(f"Using {os.path.abspath(basename_src)} instead of {src}.") used_src = basename_src archive_item.path = used_src archive_item.path_type = model_utils.ArtifactPathType.TAR_PATH else: # No further action can be taken, file not found anywhere raise FileNotFoundError( f"Could not find {used_src} inside " f"tarfile {_MODEL_RESTORE_PATH} or under local" ) finally: # change back working directory os.chdir(cwd) else: # No further action can be taken, file not found anywhere raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find {used_src}") else: # Found filepath archive_item.path = used_src # But disregarding whether you use "local" or "remote" artifact - always store the original path. # This fixes issues raising when finetuning NLP models that create and register tokenizer vocabs. if config_path in self.artifacts: logging.warning( f"Artifact {config_path} with value '{self.artifacts[config_path]}' " f"already exists and will be overwritten with value '{src}'!" ) self.artifacts[config_path] = archive_item return used_src else: return src
def _default_save_to(self, save_path: str): """ Saves model instance (weights and configuration) into .nemo file. You can use "restore_from" method to fully restore instance from .nemo file. .nemo file is an archive (tar.gz) with the following: model_config.yaml - model configuration in .yaml format. You can deserialize this into cfg argument for model's constructor model_wights.chpt - model checkpoint Args: save_path: Path to .nemo file where model instance should be saved """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: config_yaml = path.join(tmpdir, _MODEL_CONFIG_YAML) model_weights = path.join(tmpdir, _MODEL_WEIGHTS) if hasattr(self, 'artifacts') and self.artifacts is not None: for (conf_path, src) in self.artifacts.items(): # type: (str, model_utils.ArtifactItem) try: if src.path_type == model_utils.ArtifactPathType.LOCAL_PATH and os.path.exists(src.path): shutil.copy2(src.path, tmpdir) elif src.path_type == model_utils.ArtifactPathType.TAR_PATH: # Need to step into nemo archive to extract file # Get path where the command is executed - the artifacts will be "retrieved" there # (original .nemo behavior) cwd = os.getcwd() try: # Step into the nemo archive to try and find the file with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as archive_dir: self.__unpack_nemo_file(path2file=_MODEL_RESTORE_PATH, out_folder=archive_dir) os.chdir(archive_dir) shutil.copy2(src.path, tmpdir) finally: # change back working directory os.chdir(cwd) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid ArchivePathType found: {src.path_type}") except Exception: logging.error(f"Could not copy artifact {src} used in {conf_path}") self.to_config_file(path2yaml_file=config_yaml), model_weights) self.__make_nemo_file_from_folder(filename=save_path, source_dir=tmpdir) @rank_zero_only def save_to(self, save_path: str): """ Saves model instance (weights and configuration) into .nemo file You can use "restore_from" method to fully restore instance from .nemo file. .nemo file is an archive (tar.gz) with the following: model_config.yaml - model configuration in .yaml format. You can deserialize this into cfg argument for model's constructor model_wights.chpt - model checkpoint Args: save_path: Path to .nemo file where model instance should be saved """ # Add NeMo rank check as well if not is_global_rank_zero(): return else: self._default_save_to(save_path) @classmethod def _default_restore_from( cls, restore_path: str, override_config_path: Optional[Union[OmegaConf, str]] = None, map_location: Optional[torch.device] = None, strict: bool = False, return_config: bool = False, ): """ Restores model instance (weights and configuration) into .nemo file Args: restore_path: path to .nemo file from which model should be instantiated override_config_path: path to a yaml config that will override the internal config file or an OmegaConf / DictConfig object representing the model config. map_location: Optional torch.device() to map the instantiated model to a device. By default (None), it will select a GPU if available, falling back to CPU otherwise. strict: Passed to load_state_dict. return_config: If set to true, will return just the underlying config of the restored model as an OmegaConf DictConfig object without instantiating the model. Example: ``` model = nemo.collections.asr.models.EncDecCTCModel.restore_from('asr.nemo') assert isinstance(model, nemo.collections.asr.models.EncDecCTCModel) ``` Returns: An instance of type cls or its underlying config (if return_config is set). """ # Get path where the command is executed - the artifacts will be "retrieved" there # (original .nemo behavior) cwd = os.getcwd() if map_location is None: if torch.cuda.is_available(): map_location = torch.device('cuda') else: map_location = torch.device('cpu') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: try: cls._set_model_restore_state(is_being_restored=True) cls.__unpack_nemo_file(path2file=restore_path, out_folder=tmpdir) os.chdir(tmpdir) if override_config_path is None: config_yaml = path.join(tmpdir, _MODEL_CONFIG_YAML) else: # can be str path or OmegaConf / DictConfig object config_yaml = override_config_path if not isinstance(config_yaml, (OmegaConf, DictConfig)): conf = OmegaConf.load(config_yaml) else: conf = config_yaml if override_config_path is not None: # Resolve the override config conf = OmegaConf.to_container(conf, resolve=True) conf = OmegaConf.create(conf) # If override is top level config, extract just `model` from it if 'model' in conf: conf = conf.model if return_config: instance = conf else: model_weights = path.join(tmpdir, _MODEL_WEIGHTS) OmegaConf.set_struct(conf, True) instance = cls.from_config_dict(config=conf) instance = instance.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_weights, map_location=map_location), strict=strict)'Model {cls.__name__} was successfully restored from {restore_path}.') finally: cls._set_model_restore_state(is_being_restored=False) os.chdir(cwd) return instance
[docs] @classmethod def restore_from( cls, restore_path: str, override_config_path: Optional[Union[OmegaConf, str]] = None, map_location: Optional[torch.device] = None, strict: bool = False, return_config: bool = False, ): """ Restores model instance (weights and configuration) from .nemo file. Args: restore_path: path to .nemo file from which model should be instantiated override_config_path: path to a yaml config that will override the internal config file or an OmegaConf / DictConfig object representing the model config. map_location: Optional torch.device() to map the instantiated model to a device. By default (None), it will select a GPU if available, falling back to CPU otherwise. strict: Passed to load_state_dict. return_config: If set to true, will return just the underlying config of the restored model as an OmegaConf DictConfig object without instantiating the model. Example: ``` model = nemo.collections.asr.models.EncDecCTCModel.restore_from('asr.nemo') assert isinstance(model, nemo.collections.asr.models.EncDecCTCModel) ``` Returns: An instance of type cls or its underlying config (if return_config is set). """ if not path.exists(restore_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Can't find {restore_path}") global _MODEL_RESTORE_PATH _MODEL_RESTORE_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(restore_path)) return cls._default_restore_from(restore_path, override_config_path, map_location, strict, return_config)
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_checkpoint( cls, checkpoint_path: str, *args, map_location: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], str, torch.device, int, Callable]] = None, hparams_file: Optional[str] = None, strict: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Loads ModelPT from checkpoint, with some maintenance of restoration. For documentation, please refer to LightningModule.load_from_checkpoin() documentation. """ checkpoint = None try: cls._set_model_restore_state(is_being_restored=True) checkpoint = super().load_from_checkpoint( checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path, *args, map_location=map_location, hparams_file=hparams_file, strict=strict, **kwargs, ) finally: cls._set_model_restore_state(is_being_restored=False) return checkpoint
[docs] @abstractmethod def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Union[DictConfig, Dict]): """ Setups data loader to be used in training Args: train_data_layer_config: training data layer parameters. Returns: """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Union[DictConfig, Dict]): """ Setups data loader to be used in validation Args: val_data_layer_config: validation data layer parameters. Returns: """ pass
[docs] def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Union[DictConfig, Dict]): """ (Optionally) Setups data loader to be used in test Args: test_data_layer_config: test data layer parameters. Returns: """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setup_multiple_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Union[DictConfig, Dict]): """ (Optionally) Setups data loader to be used in validation, with support for multiple data loaders. Args: val_data_layer_config: validation data layer parameters. """ # Set some placeholder overriden by helper method self._val_dl_idx = 0 self._validation_names = None self._validation_dl = None # type: # preserve config self._update_dataset_config(dataset_name='validation', config=val_data_config) try: self._multi_dataset_mode = True model_utils.resolve_validation_dataloaders(model=self) finally: self._multi_dataset_mode = False if self._validation_names is None: if self._validation_dl is not None and type(self._validation_dl) in [list, tuple]: self._validation_names = ['val_{}_'.format(idx) for idx in range(len(self._validation_dl))]
[docs] def setup_multiple_test_data(self, test_data_config: Union[DictConfig, Dict]): """ (Optionally) Setups data loader to be used in test, with support for multiple data loaders. Args: test_data_layer_config: test data layer parameters. """ # Set some placeholder overriden by helper method self._test_dl_idx = 0 self._test_names = None self._test_dl = None # type: # preserve config self._update_dataset_config(dataset_name='test', config=test_data_config) try: self._multi_dataset_mode = True model_utils.resolve_test_dataloaders(model=self) finally: self._multi_dataset_mode = False if self._test_names is None: if self._test_dl is not None and type(self._test_dl) in [list, tuple]: self._test_names = ['test_{}_'.format(idx) for idx in range(len(self._test_dl))]
[docs] def setup_optimization(self, optim_config: Optional[Union[DictConfig, Dict]] = None): """ Prepares an optimizer from a string name and its optional config parameters. Args: optim_config: A dictionary containing the following keys: * "lr": mandatory key for learning rate. Will raise ValueError if not provided. * "optimizer": string name pointing to one of the available optimizers in the registry. \ If not provided, defaults to "adam". * "opt_args": Optional list of strings, in the format "arg_name=arg_value". \ The list of "arg_value" will be parsed and a dictionary of optimizer kwargs \ will be built and supplied to instantiate the optimizer. """ # If config was not explicitly passed to us if optim_config is None: # See if internal config has `optim` namespace if self._cfg is not None and hasattr(self._cfg, 'optim'): optim_config = self._cfg.optim # If config is still None, or internal config has no Optim, return without instantiation if optim_config is None:'No optimizer config provided, therefore no optimizer was created') return else: # Preserve the configuration if not isinstance(optim_config, DictConfig): optim_config = OmegaConf.create(optim_config) # See if internal config has `optim` namespace before preservation if self._cfg is not None and hasattr(self._cfg, 'optim'): if self._cfg.optim is None: self._cfg.optim = copy.deepcopy(optim_config) else: with open_dict(self._cfg.optim): self._cfg.optim = copy.deepcopy(optim_config) # Setup optimizer and scheduler if optim_config is not None and isinstance(optim_config, DictConfig): optim_config = OmegaConf.to_container(optim_config, resolve=True) if 'sched' in optim_config and self._trainer is not None: if not isinstance(self._trainer.accumulate_grad_batches, int): raise ValueError("We do not currently support gradient acculumation that is not an integer.") if self._trainer.max_steps is None: # Store information needed to calculate max_steps optim_config['sched']['t_max_epochs'] = self._trainer.max_epochs optim_config['sched']['t_accumulate_grad_batches'] = self._trainer.accumulate_grad_batches optim_config['sched']['t_limit_train_batches'] = self._trainer.limit_train_batches if self._trainer.distributed_backend is None: optim_config['sched']['t_num_workers'] = self._trainer.num_gpus or 1 elif self._trainer.distributed_backend == "ddp_cpu": optim_config['sched']['t_num_workers'] = self._trainer.num_processes * self._trainer.num_nodes elif self._trainer.distributed_backend == "ddp": optim_config['sched']['t_num_workers'] = self._trainer.num_gpus * self._trainer.num_nodes else: logging.warning( f"The lightning trainer received accelerator: {self._trainer.distributed_backend}. We " "recommend to use 'ddp' instead." ) optim_config['sched']['t_num_workers'] = self._trainer.num_gpus * self._trainer.num_nodes else: optim_config['sched']['max_steps'] = self._trainer.max_steps # Force into DictConfig from nested structure optim_config = OmegaConf.create(optim_config) # Get back nested dict so we its mutable optim_config = OmegaConf.to_container(optim_config, resolve=True) # Extract scheduler config if inside optimizer config if 'sched' in optim_config: scheduler_config = optim_config.pop('sched') else: scheduler_config = None # Check if caller provided optimizer name, default to Adam otherwise optimizer_cls = optim_config.get('_target_', None) if optimizer_cls is None: # Try to get optimizer name for dynamic resolution, defaulting to Adam optimizer_name = optim_config.get('name', 'adam') else: if inspect.isclass(optimizer_cls): optimizer_name = optimizer_cls.__name__.lower() else: # resolve the class name (lowercase) from the class path if not provided optimizer_name = optimizer_cls.split(".")[-1].lower() # We are guarenteed to have lr since it is required by the argparser # But maybe user forgot to pass it to this function lr = optim_config.get('lr', None) # Check if caller has optimizer kwargs, default to empty dictionary if 'args' in optim_config: optimizer_args = optim_config.pop('args') optimizer_args = optim.parse_optimizer_args(optimizer_name, optimizer_args) else: optimizer_args = copy.deepcopy(optim_config) # Remove extra parameters from optimizer_args nest # Assume all other parameters are to be passed into optimizer constructor optimizer_args.pop('name', None) optimizer_args.pop('cls', None) optimizer_args.pop('lr', None) # Adaptive schedulers don't need `lr` if lr is not None: optimizer_args['lr'] = lr # Actually instantiate the optimizer if optimizer_cls is not None: if inspect.isclass(optimizer_cls): optimizer = optimizer_cls(self.parameters(), **optimizer_args)"Optimizer config = %s", str(optimizer)) self._optimizer = optimizer else: # Attempt class path resolution try: optimizer_cls = OmegaConf.create({'_target_': optimizer_cls}) if lr is not None: optimizer_config = {'lr': lr} else: optimizer_config = {} optimizer_config.update(optimizer_args) optimizer_instance = hydra.utils.instantiate( optimizer_cls, self.parameters(), **optimizer_config ) # type: DictConfig"Optimizer config = %s", str(optimizer_instance)) self._optimizer = optimizer_instance except Exception as e: logging.error( "Could not instantiate class path - {} with kwargs {}".format( optimizer_cls, str(optimizer_config) ) ) raise e else: optimizer = optim.get_optimizer(optimizer_name) optimizer = optimizer(self.parameters(), **optimizer_args)"Optimizer config = %s", str(optimizer)) self._optimizer = optimizer # Try to instantiate scheduler for optimizer self._scheduler = prepare_lr_scheduler( optimizer=self._optimizer, scheduler_config=scheduler_config, train_dataloader=self._train_dl ) # Return the optimizer with/without scheduler # This return allows multiple optimizers or schedulers to be created return self._optimizer, self._scheduler
[docs] def configure_optimizers(self): self.setup_optimization() if self._scheduler is None: return self._optimizer else: return [self._optimizer], [self._scheduler]
[docs] def train_dataloader(self): if self._train_dl is not None: return self._train_dl
[docs] def val_dataloader(self): if self._validation_dl is not None: return self._validation_dl
[docs] def test_dataloader(self): if self._test_dl is not None: return self._test_dl
[docs] def validation_epoch_end( self, outputs: Union[List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]], List[List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]] ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]: """ Default DataLoader for Validation set which automatically supports multiple data loaders via `multi_validation_epoch_end`. If multi dataset support is not required, override this method entirely in base class. In such a case, there is no need to implement `multi_validation_epoch_end` either. .. note:: If more than one data loader exists, and they all provide `val_loss`, only the `val_loss` of the first data loader will be used by default. This default can be changed by passing the special key `val_dl_idx: int` inside the `validation_ds` config. Args: outputs: Single or nested list of tensor outputs from one or more data loaders. Returns: A dictionary containing the union of all items from individual data_loaders, along with merged logs from all data loaders. """ # Case where we dont provide data loaders if outputs is not None and len(outputs) == 0: return {} # Case where we provide exactly 1 data loader if type(outputs[0]) == dict: output_dict = self.multi_validation_epoch_end(outputs, dataloader_idx=0) if output_dict is not None and 'log' in output_dict: self.log_dict(output_dict.pop('log'), on_epoch=True) return output_dict else: # Case where we provide more than 1 data loader output_dict = {'log': {}} # The output is a list of list of dicts, outer list corresponds to dataloader idx for dataloader_idx, val_outputs in enumerate(outputs): # Get prefix and dispatch call to multi epoch end dataloader_prefix = self.get_validation_dataloader_prefix(dataloader_idx) dataloader_logs = self.multi_validation_epoch_end(val_outputs, dataloader_idx=dataloader_idx) # If result was not provided, generate empty dict dataloader_logs = dataloader_logs or {} # Perform `val_loss` resolution first (if provided outside logs) if 'val_loss' in dataloader_logs: if 'val_loss' not in output_dict and dataloader_idx == self._val_dl_idx: output_dict['val_loss'] = dataloader_logs['val_loss'] # For every item in the result dictionary for k, v in dataloader_logs.items(): # If the key is `log` if k == 'log': # Parse every element of the log, and attach the prefix name of the data loader log_dict = {} for k_log, v_log in v.items(): # If we are logging the metric, but dont provide it at result level, # store it twice - once in log and once in result level. # Also mark log with prefix name to avoid log level clash with other data loaders if k_log not in output_dict['log'] and dataloader_idx == self._val_dl_idx: new_k_log = k_log # Also insert duplicate key with prefix for ease of comparison / avoid name clash log_dict[dataloader_prefix + k_log] = v_log else: # Simply prepend prefix to key and save new_k_log = dataloader_prefix + k_log # Store log value log_dict[new_k_log] = v_log # Update log storage of individual data loader output_logs = output_dict['log'] output_logs.update(log_dict) # Update global log storage output_dict['log'] = output_logs else: # If any values are stored outside 'log', simply prefix name and store new_k = dataloader_prefix + k output_dict[new_k] = v if 'log' in output_dict: self.log_dict(output_dict.pop('log'), on_epoch=True) # return everything else return output_dict
[docs] def test_epoch_end( self, outputs: Union[List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]], List[List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]] ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]: """ Default DataLoader for Test set which automatically supports multiple data loaders via `multi_test_epoch_end`. If multi dataset support is not required, override this method entirely in base class. In such a case, there is no need to implement `multi_test_epoch_end` either. .. note:: If more than one data loader exists, and they all provide `test_loss`, only the `test_loss` of the first data loader will be used by default. This default can be changed by passing the special key `test_dl_idx: int` inside the `test_ds` config. Args: outputs: Single or nested list of tensor outputs from one or more data loaders. Returns: A dictionary containing the union of all items from individual data_loaders, along with merged logs from all data loaders. """ # Case where we dont provide data loaders if outputs is not None and len(outputs) == 0: return {} # Case where we provide exactly 1 data loader if type(outputs[0]) == dict: output_dict = self.multi_test_epoch_end(outputs, dataloader_idx=0) if output_dict is not None and 'log' in output_dict: self.log_dict(output_dict.pop('log'), on_epoch=True) return output_dict else: # Case where we provide more than 1 data loader output_dict = {'log': {}} # The output is a list of list of dicts, outer list corresponds to dataloader idx for dataloader_idx, test_outputs in enumerate(outputs): # Get prefix and dispatch call to multi epoch end dataloader_prefix = self.get_test_dataloader_prefix(dataloader_idx) dataloader_logs = self.multi_test_epoch_end(test_outputs, dataloader_idx=dataloader_idx) # If result was not provided, generate empty dict dataloader_logs = dataloader_logs or {} # Perform `test_loss` resolution first (if provided outside logs) if 'test_loss' in dataloader_logs: if 'test_loss' not in output_dict and dataloader_idx == self._test_dl_idx: output_dict['test_loss'] = dataloader_logs['test_loss'] # For every item in the result dictionary for k, v in dataloader_logs.items(): # If the key is `log` if k == 'log': # Parse every element of the log, and attach the prefix name of the data loader log_dict = {} for k_log, v_log in v.items(): # If we are logging the loss, but dont provide it at result level, # store it twice - once in log and once in result level. # Also mark log with prefix name to avoid log level clash with other data loaders if k_log not in output_dict['log'] and dataloader_idx == self._test_dl_idx: new_k_log = k_log # Also insert duplicate key with prefix for ease of comparison / avoid name clash log_dict[dataloader_prefix + k_log] = v_log else: # Simply prepend prefix to key and save new_k_log = dataloader_prefix + k_log log_dict[new_k_log] = v_log # Update log storage of individual data loader output_logs = output_dict.get('log', {}) output_logs.update(log_dict) # Update global log storage output_dict['log'] = output_logs else: # If any values are stored outside 'log', simply prefix name and store new_k = dataloader_prefix + k output_dict[new_k] = v if 'log' in output_dict: self.log_dict(output_dict.pop('log'), on_epoch=True) # return everything else return output_dict
[docs] def multi_validation_epoch_end( self, outputs: List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]], dataloader_idx: int = 0 ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]: """ Adds support for multiple validation datasets. Should be overriden by subclass, so as to obtain appropriate logs for each of the dataloaders. Args: outputs: Same as that provided by LightningModule.validation_epoch_end() for a single dataloader. dataloader_idx: int representing the index of the dataloader. Returns: A dictionary of values, optionally containing a sub-dict `log`, such that the values in the log will be pre-pended by the dataloader prefix. """ logging.warning( "Multi data loader support has been enabled, but " "`multi_validation_epoch_end(outputs, dataloader_idx) has not been implemented.\n" "If you require multi data loader support for validation sets, please override this method.\n" "If you do not require multi data loader support, please instead override " "`validation_epoch_end(outputs)." )
[docs] def multi_test_epoch_end( self, outputs: List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]], dataloader_idx: int = 0 ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]: """ Adds support for multiple test datasets. Should be overriden by subclass, so as to obtain appropriate logs for each of the dataloaders. Args: outputs: Same as that provided by LightningModule.validation_epoch_end() for a single dataloader. dataloader_idx: int representing the index of the dataloader. Returns: A dictionary of values, optionally containing a sub-dict `log`, such that the values in the log will be pre-pended by the dataloader prefix. """ logging.warning( "Multi data loader support has been enabled, but " "`multi_test_epoch_end(outputs, dataloader_idx) has not been implemented.\n" "If you require multi data loader support for validation sets, please override this method.\n" "If you do not require multi data loader support, please instead override " "`test_epoch_end(outputs)." )
[docs] def get_validation_dataloader_prefix(self, dataloader_idx: int = 0) -> str: """ Get the name of one or more data loaders, which will be prepended to all logs. Args: dataloader_idx: Index of the data loader. Returns: str name of the data loader at index provided. """ return self._validation_names[dataloader_idx]
[docs] def get_test_dataloader_prefix(self, dataloader_idx: int = 0) -> str: """ Get the name of one or more data loaders, which will be prepended to all logs. Args: dataloader_idx: Index of the data loader. Returns: str name of the data loader at index provided. """ return self._test_names[dataloader_idx]
def teardown(self, stage: str): """ Called at the end of fit and test. Args: stage: either 'fit' or 'test' """ if stage == 'fit': # Update env variable to bypass multi gpu issue after training # This fix affects usage of trainer.test() after trainer.train() # If trainer.train() was done on multiple GPUs, then trainer.test() # will try to do ddp, even if its a new Trainer object with just 1 GPU. # Temporary patch to fix that if 'PL_TRAINER_GPUS' in os.environ: os.environ.pop('PL_TRAINER_GPUS') super().teardown(stage)
[docs] @classmethod def extract_state_dict_from(cls, restore_path: str, save_dir: str, split_by_module: bool = False): """ Extract the state dict(s) from a provided .nemo tarfile and save it to a directory. Args: restore_path: path to .nemo file from which state dict(s) should be extracted save_dir: directory in which the saved state dict(s) should be stored split_by_module: bool flag, which determins whether the output checkpoint should be for the entire Model, or the individual module's that comprise the Model Example: To convert the .nemo tarfile into a single Model level PyTorch checkpoint :: state_dict = nemo.collections.asr.models.EncDecCTCModel.extract_state_dict_from('asr.nemo', './asr_ckpts') To restore a model from a Model level checkpoint :: model = nemo.collections.asr.models.EncDecCTCModel(cfg) # or any other method of restoration model.load_state_dict(torch.load("./asr_ckpts/model_weights.ckpt")) To convert the .nemo tarfile into multiple Module level PyTorch checkpoints :: state_dict = nemo.collections.asr.models.EncDecCTCModel.extract_state_dict_from('asr.nemo', './asr_ckpts', split_by_module=True) To restore a module from a Module level checkpoint :: model = nemo.collections.asr.models.EncDecCTCModel(cfg) # or any other method of restoration # load the individual components model.preprocessor.load_state_dict(torch.load("./asr_ckpts/preprocessor.ckpt")) model.encoder.load_state_dict(torch.load("./asr_ckpts/encoder.ckpt")) model.decoder.load_state_dict(torch.load("./asr_ckpts/decoder.ckpt")) Returns: The state dict that was loaded from the original .nemo checkpoint """ if not path.exists(restore_path): raise FileExistsError(f"Can't find {restore_path}") cwd = os.getcwd() save_dir = os.path.abspath(save_dir) if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: try: cls.__unpack_nemo_file(path2file=restore_path, out_folder=tmpdir) os.chdir(tmpdir) model_weights = path.join(tmpdir, _MODEL_WEIGHTS) state_dict = torch.load(model_weights) if not split_by_module: filepath = os.path.join(save_dir, _MODEL_WEIGHTS), filepath) else: key_set = set([key.split(".")[0] for key in state_dict.keys()]) for primary_key in key_set: inner_keys = [key for key in state_dict.keys() if key.split(".")[0] == primary_key] state_dict_subset = { ".".join(inner_key.split(".")[1:]): state_dict[inner_key] for inner_key in inner_keys } filepath = os.path.join(save_dir, f"{primary_key}.ckpt"), filepath)'Checkpoints from {restore_path} were successfully extracted into {save_dir}.') finally: os.chdir(cwd) return state_dict
[docs] def prepare_test(self, trainer: 'Trainer') -> bool: """ Helper method to check whether the model can safely be tested on a dataset after training (or loading a checkpoint). :: trainer = Trainer() if model.prepare_test(trainer): trainer.test(model) Returns: bool which declares the model safe to test. Provides warnings if it has to return False to guide the user. """ if not hasattr(self._cfg, 'test_ds'):"No `test_ds` config found within the manifest.") return False # Replace ddp multi-gpu until PTL has a fix DDP_WARN = """\n\nDuring testing, it is currently advisable to construct a new Trainer " "with single GPU and no DDP to obtain accurate results. "Following pattern should be used: " "gpu = 1 if cfg.trainer.gpus != 0 else 0" "trainer = Trainer(gpus=gpu)" "if model.prepare_test(trainer):" " trainer.test(model)\n\n""" if trainer is not None: if trainer.num_gpus > 1: logging.warning(DDP_WARN) return False # Assign trainer to the model self.set_trainer(trainer) return True
[docs] def set_trainer(self, trainer: Trainer): """ Set an instance of Trainer object. Args: trainer: PyTorch Lightning Trainer object. """ self._trainer = trainer self.set_world_size(self._trainer)
[docs] def set_world_size(self, trainer: Trainer): """ Determines the world size from the PyTorch Lightning Trainer. And then updates AppState. Args: trainer (Trainer): PyTorch Lightning Trainer object """ # Update AppState with world information from trainer if isinstance(trainer, Trainer): app_state = AppState() if self._trainer.num_gpus and self._trainer.num_nodes: app_state.world_size = self._trainer.num_gpus * self._trainer.num_nodes else: logging.warning(f'World size can only be set by PyTorch Lightning Trainer.')
def _update_dataset_config(self, dataset_name: str, config: Optional[Union[DictConfig, Dict]]): """ Update the config (if not None) of the dataset by given name. Preserves said config after updating. Args: dataset_name: str name of the dataset whose config is being updated. Can be one of `train`, `validation` and `test`. config: Optional DictConfig or dict. If None is passed, this method simply returns. If dict is passed, it is cast into a DictConfig. The internal config is updated with the passed config. """ if hasattr(self, '_multi_dataset_mode') and self._multi_dataset_mode is True: return if config is not None: if not isinstance(config, DictConfig): config = OmegaConf.create(config) if dataset_name in ['train', 'validation', 'test']: OmegaConf.set_struct(self.cfg, False) key_name = dataset_name + "_ds" self.cfg[key_name] = config OmegaConf.set_struct(self.cfg, True) # Update hyper parameters by calling property setter self.cfg = self._cfg else: raise ValueError("`dataset_name` when updating config must be one of [train, validation, test]") @property def num_weights(self): """ Utility property that returns the total number of parameters of the Model. """ return sum(p.numel() for p in self.parameters() if p.requires_grad) @property def cfg(self): """ Property that holds the finalized internal config of the model. Note: Changes to this config are not reflected in the state of the model. Please create a new model using an updated config to properly update the model. """ return self._cfg @cfg.setter def cfg(self, cfg): """ Property that holds the finalized internal config of the model. Note: Changes to this config are not reflected in the state of the model. Please create a new model using an updated config to properly update the model. """ self._cfg = cfg self._set_hparams(self._cfg) self._hparams_initial = copy.deepcopy(self._hparams) @staticmethod def __make_nemo_file_from_folder(filename, source_dir): with, "w:gz") as tar: # tar.add(source_dir, arcname=path.basename(source_dir)) tar.add(source_dir, arcname=".") @staticmethod def __unpack_nemo_file(path2file: str, out_folder: str) -> str: if not path.exists(path2file): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{path2file} does not exist") tar =, "r:gz") tar.extractall(path=out_folder) tar.close() return out_folder @staticmethod def _is_model_being_restored() -> bool: global _MODEL_IS_RESTORED return _MODEL_IS_RESTORED @staticmethod def _set_model_restore_state(is_being_restored: bool): global _MODEL_IS_RESTORED _MODEL_IS_RESTORED = is_being_restored @staticmethod def _is_restore_type_tarfile() -> bool: """ Utility method that checks if the restore path of the underlying Model is a tarfile (can be any valid archive)._MODEL_EFF_SAVE """ global _MODEL_RESTORE_PATH if _MODEL_RESTORE_PATH is None: return False else: if tarfile.is_tarfile(_MODEL_RESTORE_PATH): return True else: return False @staticmethod def set_eff_save(use_eff_save: bool): global _MODEL_EFF_SAVE _MODEL_EFF_SAVE = use_eff_save @staticmethod def use_eff_save() -> bool: global _MODEL_EFF_SAVE return _MODEL_EFF_SAVE