# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import abc
from abc import ABC
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
from nemo.core.neural_types.comparison import NeuralTypeComparisonResult
__all__ = [
[docs]class ElementType(ABC):
"""Abstract class defining semantics of the tensor elements.
We are relying on Python for inheritance checking"""
def __str__(self):
return self.__doc__
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
def type_parameters(self) -> Dict:
"""Override this property to parametrize your type. For example, you can specify 'storage' type such as
float, int, bool with 'dtype' keyword. Another example, is if you want to represent a signal with a
particular property (say, sample frequency), then you can put sample_freq->value in there.
When two types are compared their type_parameters must match."""
return {}
def fields(self) -> Optional[Tuple]:
"""This should be used to logically represent tuples/structures. For example, if you want to represent a
bounding box (x, y, width, height) you can put a tuple with names ('x', y', 'w', 'h') in here.
Under the hood this should be converted to the last tesnor dimension of fixed size = len(fields).
When two types are compared their fields must match."""
return None
[docs] def compare(self, second) -> NeuralTypeComparisonResult:
# First, check general compatibility
first_t = type(self)
second_t = type(second)
if first_t == second_t:
result = NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
elif issubclass(first_t, second_t):
result = NeuralTypeComparisonResult.LESS
elif issubclass(second_t, first_t):
result = NeuralTypeComparisonResult.GREATER
result = NeuralTypeComparisonResult.INCOMPATIBLE
if result != NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME:
return result
# now check that all parameters match
check_params = set(self.type_parameters.keys()) == set(second.type_parameters.keys())
if check_params is False:
return NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMS
for k1, v1 in self.type_parameters.items():
if v1 is None or second.type_parameters[k1] is None:
# Treat None as Void
if v1 != second.type_parameters[k1]:
return NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMS
# check that all fields match
if self.fields == second.fields:
return NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
return NeuralTypeComparisonResult.INCOMPATIBLE
class VoidType(ElementType):
"""Void-like type which is compatible with everything.
It is a good practice to use this type only as necessary.
For example, when you need template-like functionality.
def compare(cls, second: abc.ABCMeta) -> NeuralTypeComparisonResult:
return NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
# TODO: Consider moving these files elsewhere
class ChannelType(ElementType):
"""Element to represent convolutional input/output channel.
class EmbeddedTextType(ChannelType):
"""Element to represent output on word/text embedding layers
class LogitsType(ElementType):
"""Element type to represent logits"""
class LogprobsType(ElementType):
"""Element type to represent log-probabilities. For example, outputs of softmax layers."""
class LabelsType(ElementType):
"""Element type to represent some sort of labels. This is often used as a base class to create
a more concrete types such as RegressionValuesType, etc."""
class HypothesisType(LabelsType):
"""Element type to represent some decoded hypothesis, which may further be processed to obtain
a concrete label."""
class LengthsType(ElementType):
"""Element type representing lengths of something"""
class LossType(ElementType):
"""Element type to represent outputs of Loss modules"""
class EncodedRepresentation(ChannelType):
"""Element type to represent encoded representation, for example, encoder's output"""
class AcousticEncodedRepresentation(EncodedRepresentation):
"""Element type to represent encoded representation returned by the acoustic encoder model"""
class AudioSignal(ElementType):
"""Element type to represent encoded representation returned by the acoustic encoder model
freq (int): sampling frequency of a signal. Note that two signals will only be the same if their
freq is the same.
def __init__(self, freq: int = None):
self._params = {}
self._params['freq'] = freq
def type_parameters(self):
return self._params
class SpectrogramType(ChannelType):
"""Element type to represent generic spectrogram signal"""
class MelSpectrogramType(SpectrogramType):
"""Element type to represent mel spectrogram signal"""
class MFCCSpectrogramType(SpectrogramType):
"""Element type to represent MFCC spectrogram signal"""
class PredictionsType(LabelsType):
"""Element type to represent some sort of predictions returned by model"""
class RegressionValuesType(PredictionsType):
"""Element type to represent labels for regression task"""
class CategoricalValuesType(PredictionsType):
"""Element type to represent labels for categorical classification task"""
class MaskType(PredictionsType):
"""Element type to represent a boolean mask"""
class Index(ElementType):
"""Type representing an element being an index of the sample."""
class Target(ElementType):
Type representing an element being a target value.
class ClassificationTarget(Target):
Type representing an element being target value in the classification task, i.e. identifier of a desired class.
class ImageValue(ElementType):
Type representing an element/value of a single image channel,
e.g. a single element (R) of RGB image.
class NormalizedImageValue(ImageValue):
Type representing an element/value of a single image channel normalized to <0-1> range,
e.g. a single element (R) of normalized RGB image.
class ImageFeatureValue(ImageValue):
"""Type representing an element (single value) of a (image) feature maps."""
class StringType(ElementType):
"""Element type representing a single string"""
class StringLabel(StringType):
Type representing an label being a string with class name (e.g. the "hamster" class in CIFAR100).
class BoolType(ElementType):
"""Element type representing a single integer"""
class IntType(ElementType):
"""Element type representing a single integer"""
class FloatType(ElementType):
"""Element type representing a single float"""
class TokenIndex(IntType):
"""Type representing an element being index of a token in some kind of a vocabulary."""
class Length(IntType):
"""Type representing an element storing a "length" (e.g. length of a list)."""
class ProbabilityDistributionSamplesType(ElementType):
"""Element to represent tensors that meant to be sampled from a valid probability distribution
class NormalDistributionSamplesType(ProbabilityDistributionSamplesType):
"""Element to represent tensors that meant to be sampled from a valid normal distribution
class SequenceToSequenceAlignmentType(ElementType):
"""Class to represent the alignment from seq-to-seq attention outputs. Generally a mapping from endcoder time steps
to decoder time steps."""
class NormalDistributionMeanType(ElementType):
"""Element to represent the mean of a normal distribution"""
class NormalDistributionLogVarianceType(ElementType):
"""Element to represent the log variance of a normal distribution"""
class TokenLogDurationType(ElementType):
"""Element for representing the log-duration of a token"""
class LogDeterminantType(ElementType):
"""Element for representing log determinants usually used in flow models"""