Checkpoints =========== There are two main ways to load pretrained checkpoints in NeMo: * Using the :code:`restore_from()` method to load a local checkpoint file (`.nemo`), or * Using the :code:`from_pretrained()` method to download and set up a checkpoint from NGC. See the following sections for instructions and examples for each. Note that these instructions are for loading fully trained checkpoints for evaluation or fine-tuning. For resuming an unfinished training experiment, please use the experiment manager to do so by setting the ``resume_if_exists`` flag to True. Loading Local Checkpoints ------------------------- NeMo will automatically save checkpoints of a model you are training in a `.nemo` format. You can also manually save your models at any point using :code:`model.save_to(.nemo)`. If you have a local ``.nemo`` checkpoint that you'd like to load, simply use the :code:`restore_from()` method: .. code-block:: python import nemo.collections.asr as nemo_asr model = nemo_asr.models..restore_from(restore_path="") Where the model base class is the ASR model class of the original checkpoint, or the general `ASRModel` class. NGC Pretrained Checkpoints -------------------------- The ASR collection has checkpoints of several models trained on various datasets for a variety of tasks. These checkpoints are obtainable via NGC `NeMo Automatic Speech Recognition collection `_. The model cards on NGC contain more information about each of the checkpoints available. The tables below list the ASR models available from NGC, and the models can be accessed via the :code:`from_pretrained()` method inside the ASR Model class. In general, you can load any of these models with code in the following format. .. code-block:: python import nemo.collections.asr as nemo_asr model = nemo_asr.models.ASRModel.from_pretrained(model_name="") Where the model name is the value under "Model Name" entry in the tables below. For example, to load the base English QuartzNet model for speech recognition, run: .. code-block:: python model = nemo_asr.models.ASRModel.from_pretrained(model_name="QuartzNet15x5Base-En") You can also call :code:`from_pretrained()` from the specific model class (such as :code:`EncDecCTCModel` for QuartzNet) if you will need to access specific model functionality. If you would like to programatically list the models available for a particular base class, you can use the :code:`list_available_models()` method. .. code-block:: python nemo_asr.models..list_available_models() Transcribing/Inference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You may perform inference and transcribe a sample of speech after loading the model by using its 'transcribe()' method: .. code-block:: python model.transcribe(paths2audio_files=[list of audio files], batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, logprobs=False) Setting argument 'logprobs' to True would return the log probabilities instead of transcriptions. You may find more detail here: :doc:`./api.html#modules` The audio files should be 16KHz monochannel wav files. Automatic Speech Recognition Models ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :file: data/asr_results.csv :align: left :widths: 30, 30, 40 :header-rows: 1 Speech Recognition (Languages) ------------------------------ English ^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :file: data/benchmark_en.csv :align: left :widths: 40, 10, 50 :header-rows: 1 ----------------------------- Mandarin ^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :file: data/benchmark_zh.csv :align: left :widths: 40, 10, 50 :header-rows: 1 ----------------------------- German ^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :file: data/benchmark_de.csv :align: left :widths: 40, 10, 50 :header-rows: 1 ----------------------------- Polish ^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :file: data/benchmark_pl.csv :align: left :widths: 40, 10, 50 :header-rows: 1 ----------------------------- Italian ^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :file: data/benchmark_it.csv :align: left :widths: 40, 10, 50 :header-rows: 1 ----------------------------- Russian ^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :file: data/benchmark_ru.csv :align: left :widths: 40, 10, 50 :header-rows: 1 ----------------------------- Spanish ^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :file: data/benchmark_es.csv :align: left :widths: 40, 10, 50 :header-rows: 1 ----------------------------- Catalan ^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: :file: data/benchmark_ca.csv :align: left :widths: 40, 10, 50 :header-rows: 1