BERT Embedding Models

Sentence-BERT (SBERT) is a modification of the BERT model that is specifically trained to generate semantically meaningful sentence embeddings. The model architecture and pre-training process are detailed in the Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks paper. Similar to BERT, Sentence-BERT utilizes a BERT-based architecture, but it is trained using a Siamese and triplet network structure to derive fixed-sized sentence embeddings that capture semantic information. Sentence-BERT is commonly used to generate high-quality sentence embeddings for various downstream natural language processing tasks, such as semantic textual similarity, clustering, and information retrieval

The fine-tuning data for the Sentence-BERT (SBERT) model should consist of data instances, each comprising a query, a positive document, and a list of negative documents. Negative mining is not supported in NeMo yet; therefore, data preprocessing should be performed offline before training. The dataset should be in JSON format. For instance, the dataset should have the following structure:


[ { "query": "Query", "pos_doc": "Positive", "neg_doc": ["Negative_1", "Negative_2", ..., "Negative_n"] }, { // Next data instance }, ..., { // Subsequent data instance } ]

This format ensures that the fine-tuning data is appropriately structured for training the Sentence-BERT model.

For fine-tuning Sentence-BERT model, you need to initialize the Sentence-BERT model with BERT model checkpoint. To do so, you should either have a .nemo checkpoint or need to convert a HuggingFace BERT checkpoint to NeMo (mcore) using the following:


python NeMo/scripts/nlp_language_modeling/ \ --input_name_or_path "intfloat/e5-large-unsupervised" \ --output_path /path/to/output/nemo/file.nemo \ --mcore True \ --precision 32

Then you can fine-tune the sentence-BERT model using the following script:


#!/bin/bash PROJECT= # wandb project name NAME= # wandb run name export WANDB_API_KEY= # your_wandb_key NUM_DEVICES=1 # number of gpus to train on CONFIG_PATH="/NeMo/examples/nlp/information_retrieval/conf/" CONFIG_NAME="megatron_bert_embedding_config" PATH_TO_NEMO_MODEL= # Path to conveted nemo model from hf TRAIN_DATASET_PATH= # Path to json dataset VALIDATION_DATASET_PATH= # Path to validation dataset SAVE_DIR= # where the checkpoint and logs are saved mkdir -p $SAVE_DIR export NVTE_FLASH_ATTN=0 export NVTE_ALLOW_NONDETERMINISTIC_ALGO=0 export NVTE_FUSED_ATTN=0 python NeMo/examples/nlp/information_retrieval/ \ --config-path=${CONFIG_PATH} \ --config-name=${CONFIG_NAME} \ restore_from_path=${PATH_TO_NEMO_MODEL} \ trainer.devices=${NUM_DEVICES} \ trainer.max_steps=10000 \ trainer.val_check_interval=100 \ trainer.max_epochs=1 \ +trainer.num_sanity_val_steps=0 \ model.mcore_bert=True \ model.post_process=False \ model.global_batch_size=8 \ # should be NUM_DEVICES * model.micro_batch_size model.micro_batch_size=8 \ \ model.optim.sched.min_lr=0.00000001 \ model.optim.sched.warmup_steps=100 \ model.encoder_seq_length=512 \ model.tokenizer.library="huggingface" \ model.tokenizer.type="intfloat/e5-large-unsupervised" \${TRAIN_DATASET_PATH} \${VALIDATION_DATASET_PATH} \ \ exp_manager.explicit_log_dir=${SAVE_DIR} \ exp_manager.create_wandb_logger=True \ exp_manager.resume_if_exists=True \${NAME} \ exp_manager.wandb_logger_kwargs.project=${PROJECT}

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