Language Modeling

A language model (LM) estimates the joint probability of a given text corpus \((x_1,\dots,x_T)\) by factorizing it with a chain rule \(P(x_1,\dots,x_T) = \prod_{t=1}^T P(x_t|x_1,\dots,x_{t-1})\) and sequentially modeling each conditional term in the product. To simplify modeling, it is often assumed that the context size (a number of preceding words) necessary to predict each word \(x_t\) in the corpus is limited to \(N:\;P(x_t|x_1,\dots,x_{t-1}) \approx P(x_t|x_{t-N},\dots,x_{t-1})\). This approximation is commonly referred to as N-gram LM.

Currently, we mainly support sentence-level LMs which do not consider long-term dependencies and model all sentences independently of each other. Our models are based on the Transformer sequence-to-sequence architecture [nlp-language_modeling2].

An example script on how to train the model can be found here: NeMo/examples/nlp/language_modeling/
The default configuration file for the model can be found at: NeMo/examples/nlp/language_modeling/conf/transformer_lm_config.yaml.

Unsupervised LMs require the corpus which comprises many examples of sentences from a particular domain (Wikipedia, news, Pubmed abstracts, etc). We assume that the data is formatted as a text file where each line corresponds to a separate sentence:

Sentence-level LM coprus

in a silver cake basket as the panins had at their party
let us pretermit that long comparison
poverty contempt and sickness treading on my heels i easily resolve not to be affrighted

It is common practice to apply data cleaning, normalization, and tokenization to the data prior to training LM and NeMo expects already cleaned, normalized, and tokenized data. The only data pre-processing NeMo does is subword tokenization with BPE [nlp-language_modeling1].


If LM is intended to be used in a conjunction with another model (e.g. re-scoring of ASR, shallow fusion with NMT), make sure that the training data is preprocessed accordingly (lower-case no punctuation for ASR, Moses tokenization/normalization for NMT). Otherwise, it might introduce inadequate LM scores.

Our LMs support all tokenizers available in NeMo, but require special beginning-of-string <bos> and end-of-string <eos> tokens.

Below is the example of training YouTokenToMe BPE tokenizer:


import youtokentome as yttm data = # string, path to file with training data model = # string, path to where the trained model will be saved vocab_size = # int, number of tokens in the final vocabulary yttm.BPE.train(data, model, vocab_size)

Given BPE tokenizer and a cleaned sentence-level text corpus, the following steps are applied to create a SentenceDataset object.

  1. Text to IDs - Performs tokenization with the specified tokenizer model on an input sentence and maps it to a sequence of tokens.

  2. Bucketing - Sentences vary in length and when creating minibatches, we’d like sentences in them to have roughly the same length to minimize the number of <pad> tokens and to maximize computational efficiency. This step groups sentences of roughly the same length into buckets.

  3. Batching and padding - Creates minibatches with a maximum number of tokens specified by model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.tokens_in_batch from buckets and pads, so they can be packed into a tensor.

To use SentenceDataset, specify path to the training data in file_name in the experiment config file. Below is the list of all available configuration options:

Parameter Data Type Default Description
model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.file_name str null Path to the file with sentences.
model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.tokens_in_batch int 512 Maximum number of tokens per minibatch.
model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.max_seq_length int 512 Maximum sequence length, to be used with the clean argument below.
model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.clean bool true Whether to clean the dataset by discarding examples that are greater than max_seq_length.
model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.shuffle bool true Whether to shuffle minibatches in the PyTorch DataLoader.
model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.num_samples int -1 Number of samples to use. -1 for the entire dataset.
model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.pin_memory bool false Whether to pin memory in the PyTorch DataLoader.
model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.num_workers int 8 Number of workers for the PyTorch DataLoader.

The overall model consists of an encoder and a classification head with the following configuration options:

Transformer Encoder Network


Data Type



model.encoder.max_sequence_length int 512 Maximum allowed sequence length.
model.encoder.learn_positional_encodings bool false If true, this is a regular learnable embedding layer. If false, fixes position encodings to sinusoidal.
model.encoder.hidden_size int 512 Size of the transformer hidden states.
model.encoder.num_layers int 6 Number of transformer layers.
model.encoder.inner_size int 2048 Size of the hidden states within the feedforward layers.
model.encoder.num_attention_heads int 8 Number of attention heads.
model.encoder.embedding_dropout float 0.1 Dropout probability of the embedding layer.
model.encoder.ffn_dropout float 0.1 Dropout probability within the feedforward layers.
model.encoder.attn_score_dropout float 0.1 Dropout probability of the attention scores before softmax normalization.
model.encoder.attn_layer_dropout float 0.1 Dropout probability of the attention query, key, and value projection activations.
model.encoder.hidden_act str relu Activation function throughout the network.
model.encoder.mask_future bool true Whether to mask future timesteps for attention. Defaults to true for the standard left-to-right LM.
model.encoder.pre_ln bool false Whether to apply layer-normalization before (true) or after (false) a sub-layer.
Head Network (multilayer perceptron)


Data Type



model.head.num_layers int 1 Number of layers in the head network.
model.head.activation str relu Activation function used after each layer.
model.head.log_softmax bool true Whether to apply log_softmax to the final layer output.
model.head.dropout float 0.0 Dropout probability after each layer.

Our pre-trained models are optimized with Adam, with a maximum learning of 0.001, beta of (0.9, 0.98), and inverse square root learning rate schedule from. The model.optim section sets the optimization parameters.

The following script trains 6-layer Transformer LM:


python examples/nlp/language_modeling/ \ -cn transformer_lm_config \ trainer.devices=2 \ trainer.accelerator='gpu' \ +exp_manager.exp_dir=/path/to/store/results \ +exp_manager.create_checkpoint_callback=True \ +exp_manager.checkpoint_callback_params.monitor=val_PPL \ +exp_manager.checkpoint_callback_params.mode=min \ +exp_manager.checkpoint_callback_params.save_top_k=5 \ model.train_ds.file_name=/path/to/train.txt \ model.validation_ds.file_name=/path/to/valid.txt \ model.tokenizer.tokenizer_model=/path/to/yttm_tokenizer_model

The trainer keeps track of the LM perplexity (PPL) on the provided validation set and saves the checkpoints that have the top 5 (by default) PPL. At the end of training, a .nemo file is written to the result directory which allows to run inference on a test set.

When training with DistributedDataParallel, each process has its own copy of the dataset. For large datasets, this may not always fit in CPU memory. Webdatasets circumvents this problem by efficiently iterating over tar files stored on disk. Each tar file can contain hundreds to thousands of pickle files, each containing a single minibatch. We recommend using this method when working with the datasets of more than 5 million sentences.

To use an existing TarredSentenceDataset instead of a non-tarred SentenceDataset, set is_tarred: true in the experiment config file. Then, pass in the path to the metadata file in metadata_file and paths to all of the text tarballs in tar_files, either as a list of filepaths, e.g. ['/data/shard1.tar', '/data/shard2.tar'], or in a single brace-expandable string, e.g. '/data/shard_{1..64}.tar' or '/data/shard__OP_1..64_CL_' (recommended, see note below).


For brace expansion, there may be cases where {x..y} syntax cannot be used due to shell interference. This occurs most commonly inside SLURM scripts. Therefore, we provide a few equivalent replacements. Supported opening braces (equivalent to {) are (, [, < and the special tag _OP_. Supported closing braces (equivalent to }) are ), ], > and the special tag _CL_. For SLURM based tasks, we suggest the use of the special tags for ease of use.

Tarred datasets for sentence-level LMs can be created with the following script:


python examples/nlp/machine_translation/ \ --pkl_file_prefix lm \ --tokenizer_model /path/to/tokenizer_model \ --fname /path/to/training_data \ --out_dir /path/to/tarred_dataset \ --tokens_in_batch 2048 \ --num_batches_per_tarfile 250

For example, if your dataset contains 10000 batches, the script above will create 40 tarballs and the output directory will look similar to the following:


/path/to/tarred_dataset ├── lm-batches.tokens.2048.1.tar ├── lm-batches.tokens.2048.2.tar ├── ... ├── lm-batches.tokens.2048.40.tar └── metadata.json

To train the model on this dataset, the following parameters have to be specified in the model.train_ds section:


use_tarred_dataset: true tar_files: /path/to/tarred_dataset/lm-batches.2048._OP_1..40_CL_ metadata_fiel: /path/to/tarred_dataset/metadata.json

Below is the full list of available configuration options for TarredSentenceDataset:


Data Type



model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.use_tarred_dataset bool false Whether to use tarred datasets.
model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.tar_files str null Path to all tar files. Either a list or a single brace-expandable string.
model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.metadata_file str null Path to JSON metadata file that contains only a single entry for the total number of batches in the dataset.
model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.tar_shuffle_n int 100 How many samples to look ahead and load to be shuffled.
model.{train_ds,validation_ds,test_ds}.shard_strategy str scatter How the shards are distributed between multiple workers. Either scatter (each node gets a unique set of shards) or replicate (each node gets all of the set of shards available in the tarred dataset).

Rico Sennrich, Barry Haddow, and Alexandra Birch. Neural machine translation of rare words with subword units. arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.07909, 2015.

Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N Gomez, Łukasz Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin. Attention is all you need. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 6000–6010. 2017.

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