Deploy to Production with C++ backend


TN/ITN transitioned from NVIDIA/NeMo repository to a standalone NVIDIA/NeMo-text-processing repository. All updates and discussions/issues should go to the new repository.

NeMo-text-processing provides tools to deploy TN and ITN for production [TEXTPROCESSING-DEPLOYMENT2]. It uses Sparrowhawk [TEXTPROCESSING-DEPLOYMENT1] – an open-source C++ framework by Google. The grammars written with NeMo-text-processing can be exported into an OpenFST Archive File (FAR) and dropped into Sparrowhawk.

Deployment pipeline


Quick Start

Examples how to run:

# export English TN grammars and return prompt inside docker container
cd NeMo-text-processing/tools/text_processing_deployment
bash --GRAMMARS=tn_grammars --LANGUAGE=en --INPUT_CASE=cased

# export English ITN grammars and return prompt inside docker container
cd NeMo-text-processing/tools/text_processing_deployment
bash --GRAMMARS=itn_grammars --LANGUAGE=en


  • GRAMMARS - tn_grammars or itn_grammars to export either TN or ITN grammars.

  • LANGUAGE - en for English. Click here for full list of languages.

  • INPUT_CASE - cased or lower_cased (ITN has no differentiation between these two, only used for TN).

  • MODE - By default export which returns prompt inside the docker. If --MODE=test runs NeMo-text-processing pytests inside container.

  • OVERWRITE_CACHE - Whether to re-export grammars or load from cache. By default True.

  • FORCE_REBUILD - Whether to rebuild docker image in cased of updated dependencies. By default False.

Detailed pipeline runs the following steps in sequence:

Go to script folder:

cd NeMo-text-processing/tools/text_processing_deployment
  1. Grammars written in Python are exported to OpenFST archive files (FAR). Specifically, grammars ClassifyFst and VerbalizeFst from nemo_text_processing are exported and saved to ./LANGUAGE/classify/tokenize_and_classify.far and ./LANGUAGE/verbalize/verbalize.far respectively.

python <--output_dir .> <--grammars GRAMMARS> <--input_case INPUT_CASE> <--language LANGUAGE>


TN and ITN grammars are saved to the same file by default.

  1. Docker image is built with dependencies, including Thrax and Sparrowhawk.

bash docker/
  1. Plugs in grammars into production backend by mounting grammar directory LANGUAGE/classify/ and LANGUAGE/verbalize/ inside docker. Returns docker prompt.

# launch container with the exported grammars
bash docker/
  1. Runs system in docker container.

echo "ITN result: two dollars fifty. TN result: $2.50" | ../../src/bin/normalizer_main --config=sparrowhawk_configuration.ascii_proto

This returns “ITN result: $2.50. TN result: two dollars fifty cents”

See WFST Resources for more details.



Alexander Gutkin, Linne Ha, Martin Jansche, Knot Pipatsrisawat, and Richard Sproat. Tts for low resource languages: a bangla synthesizer. In 10th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. 2016.


Yang Zhang, Evelina Bakhturina, Kyle Gorman, and Boris Ginsburg. Nemo inverse text normalization: from development to production. 2021. arXiv:2104.05055.