
This cuDNN Developer Guide provides an overview of cuDNN v7.6.3, and details about the types, enums, and routines within the cuDNN library API.

For previously released cuDNN developer documentation, see cuDNN Archives.

1. Overview

NVIDIA® cuDNN is a GPU-accelerated library of primitives for deep neural networks. It provides highly tuned implementations of routines arising frequently in DNN applications:

  • Convolution forward and backward, including cross-correlation
  • Pooling forward and backward
  • Softmax forward and backward
  • Neuron activations forward and backward:
    • Rectified linear (ReLU)
    • Sigmoid
    • Hyperbolic tangent (TANH)
  • Tensor transformation functions
  • LRN, LCN and batch normalization forward and backward

cuDNN's convolution routines aim for a performance that is competitive with the fastest GEMM (matrix multiply)-based implementations of such routines, while using significantly less memory.

cuDNN features include customizable data layouts, supporting flexible dimension ordering, striding, and subregions for the 4D tensors used as inputs and outputs to all of its routines. This flexibility allows easy integration into any neural network implementation, and avoids the input/output transposition steps sometimes necessary with GEMM-based convolutions.

cuDNN offers a context-based API that allows for easy multithreading and (optional) interoperability with CUDA streams.

2. General Description

Basic concepts are described in this section.

2.1. Programming Model

The cuDNN Library exposes a Host API but assumes that for operations using the GPU, the necessary data is directly accessible from the device.

An application using cuDNN must initialize a handle to the library context by calling cudnnCreate(). This handle is explicitly passed to every subsequent library function that operates on GPU data. Once the application finishes using cuDNN, it can release the resources associated with the library handle using cudnnDestroy(). This approach allows the user to explicitly control the library's functioning when using multiple host threads, GPUs and CUDA Streams.

For example, an application can use cudaSetDevice() to associate different devices with different host threads, and in each of those host threads, use a unique cuDNN handle that directs the library calls to the device associated with it. Thus the cuDNN library calls made with different handles will automatically run on different devices.

The device associated with a particular cuDNN context is assumed to remain unchanged between the corresponding cudnnCreate() and cudnnDestroy() calls. In order for the cuDNN library to use a different device within the same host thread, the application must set the new device to be used by calling cudaSetDevice() and then create another cuDNN context, which will be associated with the new device, by calling cudnnCreate().

cuDNN API Compatibility

Beginning in cuDNN 7, the binary compatibility of patch and minor releases is maintained as follows:

  • Any patch release x.y.z is forward- or backward-compatible with applications built against another cuDNN patch release x.y.w (i.e., of the same major and minor version number, but having w!=z)
  • cuDNN minor releases beginning with cuDNN 7 are binary backward-compatible with applications built against the same or earlier patch release (i.e., an app built against cuDNN 7.x is binary compatible with cuDNN library 7.y, where y>=x)
  • Applications compiled with a cuDNN version 7.y are not guaranteed to work with 7.x release when y > x.

2.2. Convolution Formulas

This section describes the various convolution formulas implemented in cuDNN convolution functions.

The convolution terms described in the table below apply to all the convolution formulas that follow.


Term Description
x Input (image) Tensor
w Weight Tensor
y Output Tensor
n Current Batch Size
c Current Input Channel
C Total Input Channels
H Input Image Height
W Input Image Width
k Current Output Channel
K Total Output Channels
p Current Output Height Position
q Current Output Width Position
G Group Count
pad Padding Value
u Vertical Subsample Stride (along Height)
v Horizontal Subsample Stride (along Width)
dil h Vertical Dilation (along Height)
dil w Horizontal Dilation (along Width)
r Current Filter Height
R Total Filter Height
s Current Filter Width
S Total Filter Width
C g C G
K g K G

Normal Convolution (using cross-correlation mode)

y n, k, p, q = c C r R s S x n, c, p+r, q+s × w k,c,r,s

Convolution with Padding

x <0, <0 = 0

x >H, >W = 0

y n, k, p, q = c C r R s S x n, c, p+r-pad, q+s-pad × w k,c,r,s

Convolution with Subsample-Striding

y n, k, p, q = c C r R s S x n, c, (p*u) + r, (q*v) + s × w k,c,r,s

Convolution with Dilation

y n, k, p, q = c C r R s S x n, c, p + (r*dilh), q + (s*dilw) × w k,c,r,s

Convolution using Convolution Mode

y n, k, p, q = c C r R s S x n, c, p + r, q + s × w k, c, R-r-1, S-s-1

Convolution using Grouped Convolution

C g = C G

K g = K G

y n, k, p, q = c C g r R s S x n, Cg*floor(k/Kg)+c, p+r, q+s × w k,c,r,s

2.3. Notation

As of CUDNN v4 we have adopted a mathematicaly-inspired notation for layer inputs and outputs using x,y,dx,dy,b,w for common layer parameters. This was done to improve the readability and ease of understanding of the meaning of the parameters. All layers now follow a uniform convention as below:

During Inference:

y = layerFunction(x, otherParams).

During backpropagation:

(dx, dOtherParams) = layerFunctionGradient(x,y,dy,otherParams)

For convolution the notation is

y = x*w+b

where w is the matrix of filter weights, x is the previous layer's data (during inference), y is the next layer's data, b is the bias and * is the convolution operator.

In backpropagation routines the parameters keep their meanings.

The parameters dx,dy,dw,db always refer to the gradient of the final network error function with respect to a given parameter. So dy in all backpropagation routines always refers to error gradient backpropagated through the network computation graph so far. Similarly other parameters in more specialized layers, such as, for instance, dMeans or dBnBias refer to gradients of the loss function wrt those parameters.

Note:w is used in the API for both the width of the x tensor and convolution filter matrix. To resolve this ambiguity we use w and filter notation interchangeably for convolution filter weight matrix. The meaning is clear from the context since the layer width is always referenced near its height.

2.4. Tensor Descriptor

The cuDNN Library describes data holding images, videos and any other data with contents with a generic n-D tensor defined with the following parameters :

  • a dimension nbDims from 3 to 8
  • a data type (32-bit floating point, 64 bit-floating point, 16 bit floating point...)
  • dimA integer array defining the size of each dimension
  • strideA integer array defining the stride of each dimension (e.g the number of elements to add to reach the next element from the same dimension)

The first dimension of the tensor defines the batch size n, and the second dimension defines the number of features maps c. This tensor definition allows for example to have some dimensions overlapping each others within the same tensor by having the stride of one dimension smaller than the product of the dimension and the stride of the next dimension. In cuDNN, unless specified otherwise, all routines will support tensors with overlapping dimensions for forward pass input tensors, however, dimensions of the output tensors cannot overlap. Even though this tensor format supports negative strides (which can be useful for data mirroring), cuDNN routines do not support tensors with negative strides unless specified otherwise.

2.4.1. WXYZ Tensor Descriptor

Tensor descriptor formats are identified using acronyms, with each letter referencing a corresponding dimension. In this document, the usage of this terminology implies :

  • all the strides are strictly positive
  • the dimensions referenced by the letters are sorted in decreasing order of their respective strides

2.4.2. 4-D Tensor Descriptor

A 4-D Tensor descriptor is used to define the format for batches of 2D images with 4 letters : N,C,H,W for respectively the batch size, the number of feature maps, the height and the width. The letters are sorted in decreasing order of the strides. The commonly used 4-D tensor formats are :

  • NCHW
  • NHWC
  • CHWN

2.4.3. 5-D Tensor Description

A 5-D Tensor descriptor is used to define the format of batch of 3D images with 5 letters : N,C,D,H,W for respectively the batch size, the number of feature maps, the depth, the height and the width. The letters are sorted in descreasing order of the strides. The commonly used 5-D tensor formats are called :


2.4.4. Fully-packed tensors

A tensor is defined as XYZ-fully-packed if and only if :

  • the number of tensor dimensions is equal to the number of letters preceding the fully-packed suffix.
  • the stride of the i-th dimension is equal to the product of the (i+1)-th dimension by the (i+1)-th stride.
  • the stride of the last dimension is 1.

2.4.5. Partially-packed tensors

The partially 'XYZ-packed' terminology only applies in a context of a tensor format described with a superset of the letters used to define a partially-packed tensor. A WXYZ tensor is defined as XYZ-packed if and only if :

  • the strides of all dimensions NOT referenced in the -packed suffix are greater or equal to the product of the next dimension by the next stride.
  • the stride of each dimension referenced in the -packed suffix in position i is equal to the product of the (i+1)-st dimension by the (i+1)-st stride.
  • if last tensor's dimension is present in the -packed suffix, its stride is 1.

For example a NHWC tensor WC-packed means that the c_stride is equal to 1 and w_stride is equal to c_dim x c_stride. In practice, the -packed suffix is usually with slowest changing dimensions of a tensor but it is also possible to refer to a NCHW tensor that is only N-packed.

2.4.6. Spatially packed tensors

Spatially-packed tensors are defined as partially-packed in spatial dimensions.

For example a spatially-packed 4D tensor would mean that the tensor is either NCHW HW-packed or CNHW HW-packed.

2.4.7. Overlapping tensors

A tensor is defined to be overlapping if a iterating over a full range of dimensions produces the same address more than once.

In practice an overlapped tensor will have stride[i-1] < stride[i]*dim[i] for some of the i from [1,nbDims] interval.

2.5. Data Layout Formats

This section describes how cuDNN Tensors are arranged in memory. See cudnnTensorFormat_t for enumerated Tensor format types.

2.5.1. Example

Consider a batch of images in 4D with the following dimensions:
  • N, the batch size, is 1
  • C, the number of feature maps (i.e., number of channels), is 64
  • H, the image height, is 5, and
  • W, the image width, is 4

To keep the example simple, the image pixel elements are expressed as a sequence of integers, 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on. See Figure 1.

Figure 1. Example with N=1, C=64, H=5, W=4.

2.5.2. NCHW Memory Layout

The above 4D Tensor is laid out in the memory in the NCHW format as below:

  1. Beginning with the first channel (c=0), the elements are arranged contiguously in row-major order.
  2. Continue with second and subsequent channels until the elements of all the channels are laid out.

    See Figure 2.

  3. Proceed to the next batch (if N is > 1).
Figure 2. NCHW Memory Layout

2.5.3. NHWC Memory Layout

For the NHWC memory layout, the corresponding elements in all the C channels are laid out first, as below:

  1. Begin with the first element of channel 0, then proceed to the first element of channel 1, and so on, until the first elements of all the C channels are laid out.
  2. Next, select the second element of channel 0, then proceed to the second element of channel 1, and so on, until the second element of all the channels are laid out.
  3. Follow the row-major order in channel 0 and complete all the elements. See Figure 3.
  4. Proceed to the next batch (if N is > 1).
Figure 3. NHWC Memory Layout

2.5.4. NC/32HW32 Memory Layout

The NC/32HW32 is similar to NHWC, with a key difference. For the NC/32HW32 memory layout, the 64 channels are grouped into two groups of 32 channels each—first group consisting of channels c0 through c31, and the second group consisting of channels c32 through c63. Then each group is laid out using the NHWC format. See Figure 4.

Figure 4. NC/32HW32 Memory Layout

For the generalized NC/xHWx layout format, the following observations apply:

  • Only the channel dimension, C, is grouped into x channels each.

  • When x = 1, each group has only one channel. Hence, the elements of one channel (i.e, one group) are arranged contiguously (in the row-major order), before proceeding to the next group (i.e., next channel). This is the same as NCHW format.

  • When x = C, then NC/xHWx is identical to NHWC, i.e., the entire channel depth C is considered as a single group. The case x = C can be thought of as vectorizing entire C dimension as one big vector, laying out all the Cs, followed by the remaining dimensions, just like NHWC.

  • The tensor format CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW_VECT_C can also be interpreted in the following way: The NCHW INT8x32 format is really N x (C/32) x H x W x 32 (32 Cs for every W), just as the NCHW INT8x4 format is N x (C/4) x H x W x 4 (4 Cs for every W). Hence the "VECT_C" name - each W is a vector (4 or 32) of Cs.

2.6. Thread Safety

The library is thread safe and its functions can be called from multiple host threads, as long as threads to do not share the same cuDNN handle simultaneously.

2.7. Reproducibility (determinism)

By design, most of cuDNN's routines from a given version generate the same bit-wise results across runs when executed on GPUs with the same architecture and the same number of SMs. However, bit-wise reproducibility is not guaranteed across versions, as the implementation of a given routine may change. With the current release, the following routines do not guarantee reproducibility because they use atomic operations:

  • cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter when CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_0 or CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_3 is used
  • cudnnConvolutionBackwardData when CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_0 is used
  • cudnnPoolingBackward when CUDNN_POOLING_MAX is used
  • cudnnSpatialTfSamplerBackward

2.8. Scaling Parameters

Many cuDNN routines like cudnnConvolutionForward accept pointers in host memory to scaling factors alpha and beta. These scaling factors are used to blend the computed values with the prior values in the destination tensor as follows (see Figure 5):

dstValue = alpha*computedValue + beta*priorDstValue.

Note: The dstValue is written to after being read.
Figure 5. Scaling Parameters for Convolution

When beta is zero, the output is not read and may contain uninitialized data (including NaN).

These parameters are passed using a host memory pointer. The storage data types for alpha and beta are:

  • float for HALF and FLOAT tensors, and

  • double for DOUBLE tensors.

Note: For improved performance use beta = 0.0. Use a non-zero value for beta only when you need to blend the current output tensor values with the prior values of the output tensor.

Type Conversion

When the data input x, the filter input w and the output y are all in INT8 data type, the function cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward() will perform the type conversion as shown in Figure 6:

Note: Accumulators are 32-bit integers which wrap on overflow.
Figure 6. INT8 for cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward

2.9. Tensor Core Operations

The cuDNN v7 library introduced the acceleration of compute-intensive routines using Tensor Core hardware on supported GPU SM versions. Tensor core operations are supported on the Volta and Turing GPU families.

2.9.1. Basics

Tensor core operations perform parallel floating point accumulation of multiple floating point product terms. Setting the math mode to CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH via the cudnnMathType_t enumerator indicates that the library will use Tensor Core operations. This enumerator specifies the available options to enable the Tensor Core, and should be applied on a per-routine basis.

The default math mode is CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH, which indicates that the Tensor Core operations will be avoided by the library. Because the CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH mode uses the Tensor Cores, it is possible that these two modes generate slightly different numerical results due to different sequencing of the floating point operations.

For example, the result of multiplying two matrices using Tensor Core operations is very close to, but not always identical, the result achieved using a sequence of scalar floating point operations. For this reason, the cuDNN library requires an explicit user opt-in before enabling the use of Tensor Core operations.

However, experiments with training common deep learning models show negligible differences between using Tensor Core operations and scalar floating point paths, as measured by both the final network accuracy and the iteration count to convergence. Consequently, the cuDNN library treats both modes of operation as functionally indistinguishable, and allows for the scalar paths to serve as legitimate fallbacks for cases in which the use of Tensor Core operations is unsuitable.

Kernels using Tensor Core operations are available for both convolutions and RNNs.

See also Training with Mixed Precision.

2.9.2. Convolution Functions Prerequisite

For the supported GPUs, the Tensor Core operations will be triggered for convolution functions only when cudnnSetConvolutionMathType is called on the appropriate convolution descriptor by setting the mathType to CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH or CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION. Supported Algorithms

When the prerequisite is met, the below convolution functions can be run as Tensor Core operations:

See the table below for supported algorithms:

Supported Convolution Function Supported Algos









The cuDNN library may use padding, folding, and NCHW-to-NHWC transformations to call the Tensor Core operations. See Tensor Transformations.

For algorithms other than *_ALGO_WINOGRAD_NONFUSED, when the following requirements are met, the cuDNN library will trigger the Tensor Core operations:

  • Input, filter, and output descriptors (xDesc, yDesc, wDesc, dxDesc, dyDesc and dwDesc as applicable) are of the dataType = CUDNN_DATA_HALF (i.e., FP16). For FP32 dataType see FP32-to-FP16 Conversion.

  • The number of input and output feature maps (i.e., channel dimension C) is a multiple of 8. When the channel dimension is not a multiple of 8, see Padding.

  • The filter is of type CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW or CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC.

  • If using a filter of type CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC, then: the input, filter, and output data pointers (X, Y, W, dX, dY, and dW as applicable) are aligned to 128-bit boundaries.

2.9.3. RNN Functions Prerequisite

Tensor core operations will be triggered for these RNN functions only when cudnnSetRNNMatrixMathType is called on the appropriate RNN descriptor setting mathType to CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH or CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION. Supported Algorithms

When the above prerequisite is met, the RNN functions below can be run as Tensor Core operations:

See the table below for the supported algorithms:

RNN Function Support Algos
All RNN functions that support Tensor Core operations


-CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC (new for cuDNN 7.1) Data and Filter Formats

When the following requirements are met, then the cuDNN library will trigger the Tensor Core operations:

    • The hidden state size, input size and the batch size is a multiple of 8.
    • All user-provided tensors, workspace, and reserve space are aligned to 128 bit boundaries.
    • For FP16 input/output, the CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH or CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION is selected.
    • For FP32 input/output, CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION is selected.
    • The hidden state size and the input size is a multiple of 32.
    • The batch size is a multiple of 8.
    • If the batch size exceeds 96 (for forward training or inference) or 32 (for backward data), then the batch sizes constraints may be stricter, and large power-of-two batch sizes may be needed. (new for 7.1).
    • All user-provided tensors, workspace, and reserve space are aligned to 128 bit boundaries.
    • For FP32 input/output, CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION is selected.

See also Features of RNN Functions.

2.9.4. Tensor Transformations

A few functions in the cuDNN library will perform transformations such as folding, padding, and NCHW-to-NHWC conversion while performing the actual function operation. See below. FP16 Data

Tensor Cores operate on FP16 input data with FP32 accumulation. The FP16 multiply leads to a full-precision result that is accumulated in FP32 operations with the other products in a given dot product for a matrix with m x n x k dimensions. See Figure 7.

Figure 7. Tensor Operation with FP16 Inputs FP32-to-FP16 Conversion

The cuDNN API for allows the user to specify that FP32 input data may be copied and converted to FP16 data internally to use Tensor Core Operations for potentially improved performance. This can be achieved by selecting CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION enum for cudnnMathType_t. In this mode, the FP32 Tensors are internally down-converted to FP16, the Tensor Op math is performed, and finally up-converted to FP32 as outputs. See Figure 8.

Figure 8. Tensor Operation with FP32 Inputs

For Convolutions:

For convolutions, the FP32-to-FP16 conversion can be achieved by passing the CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION enum value to the cudnnSetConvolutionMathType() call. See the below code snippet:

// Set the math type to allow cuDNN to use Tensor Cores:
checkCudnnErr(cudnnSetConvolutionMathType(cudnnConvDesc, CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION));

For RNNs:

For RNNs, the FP32-to-FP16 conversion can be achieved by passing the CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION enum value to the cudnnSetRNNMatrixMathType() call to allow FP32 data to be converted for use in RNNs. See the below code snippet example:

// Set the math type to allow cuDNN to use Tensor Cores:
checkCudnnErr(cudnnSetRNNMatrixMathType(cudnnRnnDesc, CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION)); Padding

For packed NCHW data, when the channel dimension is not a multiple of 8, then the cuDNN library will pad the tensors as needed to enable Tensor Core operations. This padding is automatic for packed NCHW data in both the CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH and the CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION cases.

The padding occurs with a negligible loss of performance. Hence, the NCHW Tensor dimensions such as below are allowed:

// Set NCHW Tensor dimensions, not necessarily as multiples of eight (only the input tensor is shown here):
int dimA[] = {1, 7, 32, 32};
int strideA[] = {7168, 1024, 32, 1}; Folding

In the folding operation the cuDNN library implicitly performs the formatting of input tensors and saves the input tensors in an internal workspace. This can lead to an acceleration of the call to Tensor Cores.

Folding enables the input Tensors to be transformed to a format that the Tensor Cores support (i.e., no strides). Conversion Between NCHW and NHWC

Tensor Cores require that the Tensors be in NHWC data layout. Conversion between NCHW and NHWC is performed when the user requests Tensor Op math. However, as stated in Basics, a request to use Tensor Cores is just that, a request, and Tensor Cores may not be used in some cases. The cuDNN library converts between NCHW and NHWC if and only if Tensor Cores are requested and are actually used.

If your input (and output) are NCHW, then expect a layout change. See also for packed NCHW data.

Non-Tensor Op convolutions will not perform conversions between NCHW and NHWC.

In very rare, and difficult-to-qualify, cases that are a complex function of padding and filter sizes, it is possible that Tensor Ops are not enabled. In such cases, users should pre-pad.

2.9.5. Guidelines for a Deep Learning Compiler

For a deep learning compiler, the following are the key guidelines:

  • Make sure that the convolution operation is eligible for Tensor Cores by avoiding any combinations of large padding and large filters.

  • Transform the inputs and filters to NHWC, pre-pad channel and batch size to be a multiple of 8.

  • Make sure that all user-provided tensors, workspace and reserve space are aligned to 128 bit boundaries.

2.10. GPU and driver requirements

cuDNN v7.0 supports NVIDIA GPUs of compute capability 3.0 and higher. For x86_64 platform, cuDNN v7.0 comes with two deliverables: one requires a NVIDIA Driver compatible with CUDA Toolkit 8.0, the other requires a NVIDIA Driver compatible with CUDA Toolkit 9.0.

If you are using cuDNN with a Volta GPU, version 7 or later is required.

2.11. Backward compatibility and deprecation policy

When changing the API of an existing cuDNN function "foo" (usually to support some new functionality), first, a new routine "foo_v<n>" is created where n represents the cuDNN version where the new API is first introduced, leaving "foo" untouched. This ensures backward compatibility with the version n-1 of cuDNN. At this point, "foo" is considered deprecated, and should be treated as such by users of cuDNN. We gradually eliminate deprecated and suffixed API entries over the course of a few releases of the library per the following policy:

  • In release n+1, the legacy API entry "foo" is remapped to a new API "foo_v<f>" where f is some cuDNN version anterior to n.
  • Also in release n+1, the unsuffixed API entry "foo" is modified to have the same signature as "foo_<n>". "foo_<n>" is retained as-is.
  • The deprecated former API entry with an anterior suffix _v<f> and new API entry with suffix _v<n> are maintained in this release.
  • In release n+2, both suffixed entries of a given entry are removed.

As a rule of thumb, when a routine appears in two forms, one with a suffix and one with no suffix, the non-suffixed entry is to be treated as deprecated. In this case, it is strongly advised that users migrate to the new suffixed API entry to guarantee backwards compatibility in the following cuDNN release. When a routine appears with multiple suffixes, the unsuffixed API entry is mapped to the higher numbered suffix. In that case it is strongly advised to use the non-suffixed API entry to guarantee backward compatibiliy with the following cuDNN release.

2.12. Grouped Convolutions

cuDNN supports grouped convolutions by setting groupCount > 1 for the convolution descriptor convDesc, using cudnnSetConvolutionGroupCount().

Note: By default the convolution descriptor convDesc is set to groupCount of 1.

Basic Idea

Conceptually, in grouped convolutions the input channels and the filter channels are split into groupCount number of independent groups, with each group having a reduced number of channels. Convolution operation is then performed separately on these input and filter groups.

For example, consider the following: if the number of input channels is 4, and the number of filter channels of 12. For a normal, ungrouped convolution, the number of computation operations performed are 12*4.

If the groupCount is set to 2, then there are now two input channel groups of two input channels each, and two filter channel groups of six filter channels each.

As a result, each grouped convolution will now perform 2*6 computation operations, and two such grouped convolutions are performed. Hence the computation savings are 2x: (12*4)/(2*(2*6))

cuDNN Grouped Convolution

  • When using groupCount for grouped convolutions, you must still define all tensor descriptors so that they describe the size of the entire convolution, instead of specifying the sizes per group.
  • Grouped convolutions are supported for all formats that are currently supported by the functions cuDNNConvolutionForward(), cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() and cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter().
  • The tensor stridings that are set for groupCount of 1 are also valid for any group count.
  • By default the convolution descriptor convDesc is set to groupCount of 1.

Note: See Convolution Formulas for the math behind the cuDNN Grouped Convolution.


Below is an example showing the dimensions and strides for grouped convolutions for NCHW format, for 2D convolution.

Note: Note that the symbols "*" and "/" are used to indicate multiplication and division.

xDesc or dxDesc:

  • Dimensions: [batch_size, input_channel, x_height, x_width]
  • Strides: [input_channels*x_height*x_width, x_height*x_width, x_width, 1]

wDesc or dwDesc:

  • Dimensions: [output_channels, input_channels/groupCount, w_height, w_width]
  • Format: NCHW


  • Group Count: groupCount

yDesc or dyDesc:

  • Dimensions: [batch_size, output_channels, y_height, y_width]
  • Strides: [output_channels*y_height*y_width, y_height*y_width, y_width, 1]

2.13. API Logging

cuDNN API logging is a tool that records all input parameters passed into every cuDNN API function call. This functionality is disabled by default, and can be enabled through methods described in this section.

The log output contains variable names, data types, parameter values, device pointers, process ID, thread ID, cuDNN handle, cuda stream ID, and metadata such as time of the function call in microseconds.

When logging is enabled, the log output will be handled by the built-in default callback function. The user may also write their own callback function, and use the cudnnSetCallback to pass in the function pointer of their own callback function. The following is a sample output of the API log.

Function cudnnSetActivationDescriptor() called:
mode: type=cudnnActivationMode_t; val=CUDNN_ACTIVATION_RELU (1);
reluNanOpt: type=cudnnNanPropagation_t; val=CUDNN_NOT_PROPAGATE_NAN (0);
coef: type=double; val=1000.000000;
Time: 2017-11-21T14:14:21.366171 (0d+0h+1m+5s since start)
Process: 21264, Thread: 21264, cudnn_handle: NULL, cudnn_stream: NULL.

There are two methods to enable API logging.

Method 1: Using Environment Variables

To enable API logging using environment variables, follow these steps:
  • Set the environment variable CUDNN_LOGINFO_DBG to “1”, and
  • Set the environment varialbe CUDNN_LOGDEST_DBG to one of the following:
    • stdout, stderr, or a user-desired file path, for example, /home/userName1/log.txt.
  • Include the conversion specifiers in the file name. For example:
    • To include date and time in the file name, use the date and time conversion specificers: log_%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S.txt. The conversion specifiers will be automatically replaced with the date and time when the program is initiated, resulting in log_2017_11_21_09_41_00.txt.
    • To include the process id in the file name, use the %i conversion specifier: log_%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S_%i.txt for the result: log_2017_11_21_09_41_00_21264.txt when the process id is 21264. When you have several processes running, using the process id conversion specifier will prevent these processes writing to the same file at the same time.
    Note: The supported conversion specifiers are similar to the strftime function.

    If the file already exists, the log will overwrite the existing file.

    Note: These environmental variables are only checked once at the initialization. Any subsequent changes in these environmental variables will not be effective in the current run. Also note that these environment settings can be overridden by the Method 2 below.

See also Table 1 for the impact on performance of API logging using environment variables.

Table 1. API Logging Using Environment Variables


- No logging output

- No performance loss

- No logging output

- No performance loss


- No logging output

- No performance loss

- No logging output

- No performance loss

CUDNN_LOGDEST_DBG=stdout or stderr

- No logging output

- No performance loss

- Logging to stdout or stderr

- Some performance loss



- No logging output

- No performance loss

- Logging to filename.txt

- Some performance loss

Method 2

Method 2: To use API function calls to enable API logging, refer to the API description of cudnnSetCallback() and cudnnGetCallback().

2.14. Features of RNN Functions

The RNN functions are:

See the table below for a list of features supported by each RNN function:



Functions Input output layout supported Supports variable sequence length in batch Commonly supported
cudnnRNNForwardInference Only Sequence major, packed (non-padded)


Require input sequences descending sorted according to length

Mode (cell type) supported:



Algo supported* (see the table below for an elaboration on these algorithms):


Math mode supported:



(will automatically fall back if run on pre-Volta or if algo doesn’t support Tensor Cores)

_ALLOW_CONVERSION (may do down conversion to utilize Tensor Cores)

Direction mode supported:



RNN input mode:






Sequence major unpacked,

Batch major unpacked**,

Sequence major packed**


For unpacked layout**, no input sorting required.

For packed layout, require input sequences descending sorted according to length



* Do not mix different algos for different steps of training. It’s also not recommended to mix non-extended and extended API for different steps of training.

** To use unpacked layout, user need to set CUDNN_RNN_PADDED_IO_ENABLED through cudnnSetRNNPaddingMode.

The following table provides the features supported by the algorithms referred in the above table: CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_STANDARD, CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC, and CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC.


Half input

Single accumulation

Half output


Half intermediate storage

Single accumulation

Single input

Single accumulation

Single output


If running on Volta, with CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION!, will down-convert and use half intermediate storage.

Otherwise: Single intermediate storage

Single accumulation

Double input

Double accumulation

Double output


Double intermediate storage

Double accumulation

Not Supported


Double intermediate storage

Double accumulation

LSTM recurrent projection Supported Not Supported Not Supported
LSTM cell clipping Supported
Variable sequence length in batch Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Tensor Cores on Volta/Xavier


For half input/output, acceleration requires setting


Acceleration requires inputSize and hiddenSize to be multiple of 8

For single input/output, acceleration requires setting


Acceleration requires inputSize and hiddenSize to be multiple of 8

Not Supported, will execute normally ignoring CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH! or

Other limitations Max problem size is limited by GPU specifications. Requires real time compilation through NVRTC


2.15. Mixed Precision Numerical Accuracy

When the computation precision and the output precision are not the same, it is possible that the numerical accuracy will vary from one algorithm to the other.

For example, when the computation is performed in FP32 and the output is in FP16, the CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_0 ("ALGO_0") has lower accuracy compared to the CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_1 ("ALGO_1"). This is because ALGO_0 does not use extra workspace, and is forced to accumulate the intermediate results in FP16, i.e., half precision float, and this reduces the accuracy. The ALGO_1, on the other hand, uses additonal workspace to accumulate the intermediate values in FP32, i.e., full precision float.

3. cuDNN Datatypes Reference

This chapter describes all the types and enums of the cuDNN library API.

3.1. cudnnActivationDescriptor_t

cudnnActivationDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of a activation operation. cudnnCreateActivationDescriptor() is used to create one instance, and cudnnSetActivationDescriptor() must be used to initialize this instance.

3.2. cudnnActivationMode_t

cudnnActivationMode_t is an enumerated type used to select the neuron activation function used in cudnnActivationForward(), cudnnActivationBackward() and cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward().



Selects the sigmoid function.


Selects the rectified linear function.


Selects the hyperbolic tangent function.


Selects the clipped rectified linear function.


Selects the exponential linear function.


Selects the identity function, intended for bypassing the activation step in cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward(). (The cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward() function must use CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_​PRECOMP_GEMM.) Does not work with cudnnActivationForward() or cudnnActivationBackward().

3.3. cudnnAttnDescriptor_t

cudnnAttnDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of attention. Use the function cudnnCreateAttnDescriptor to create one instance, and cudnnDestroyAttnDescriptor to destroy a previously created descriptor.

3.4. cudnnAttnQueryMap_t

cudnnAttnQueryMap_t is an enumerated type to select the query mapping type.

Member Description
CUDNN_ATTN_QUERYMAP_ALL_TO_ONE = 0 When beam width > 1, multiple query sequences are mapped to the same key and value sequences.
CUDNN_ATTN_QUERYMAP_ONE_TO_ONE = 1 When beam width > 1, multiple query sequences are mapped to corresponding key and value sequences.

3.5. cudnnBatchNormMode_t

cudnnBatchNormMode_t is an enumerated type used to specify the mode of operation in cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardInference(), cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining(), cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward() and cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor() routines.



Normalization is performed per-activation. This mode is intended to be used after non-convolutional network layers. In this mode the tensor dimensions of bnBias and bnScale, the parameters used in the cudnnBatchNormalization* functions, are 1xCxHxW.


Normalization is performed over N+spatial dimensions. This mode is intended for use after convolutional layers (where spatial invariance is desired). In this mode the bnBias, bnScale tensor dimensions are 1xCx1x1.


This mode is similar to CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL but it can be faster for some tasks.

An optimized path may be selected for CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT and CUDNN_DATA_HALF types, compute capability 6.0 or higher for the following two batch normalization API calls: cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining(), and cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward(). In the case of cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward(), the savedMean and savedInvVariance arguments should not be NULL.

The rest of this section applies for NCHW mode only:

This mode may use a scaled atomic integer reduction that is deterministic but imposes more restrictions on the input data range. When a numerical overflow occurs the algorithm may produce NaN-s or Inf-s (infinity) in output buffers.

When Inf-s/NaN-s are present in the input data, the output in this mode is the same as from a pure floating-point implementation.

For finite but very large input values, the algorithm may encounter overflows more frequently due to a lower dynamic range and emit Inf-s/NaN-s while CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL will produce finite results. The user can invoke cudnnQueryRuntimeError() to check if a numerical overflow occurred in this mode.

3.6. cudnnBatchNormOps_t

cudnnBatchNormOps_t is an enumerated type used to specify the mode of operation in cudnnGetBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingExWorkspaceSize(), cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingEx(), cudnnGetBatchNormalizationBackwardExWorkspaceSize(), cudnnBatchNormalizationBackwardEx(), and cudnnGetBatchNormalizationTrainingExReserveSpaceSize() functions.



Only batch normalization is performed, per-activation.


First the batch normalization is performed, and then the activation is performed.


Performs the batch normalization, then element-wise addition, followed by the activation operation.

3.7. cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t

cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t is an enumerated type that exposes the different algorithms available to execute the backward data convolution operation.



This algorithm expresses the convolution as a sum of matrix product without actually explicitly form the matrix that holds the input tensor data. The sum is done using atomic adds operation, thus the results are non-deterministic.


This algorithm expresses the convolution as a matrix product without actually explicitly form the matrix that holds the input tensor data. The results are deterministic.


This algorithm uses a Fast-Fourier Transform approach to compute the convolution. A significant memory workspace is needed to store intermediate results. The results are deterministic.


This algorithm uses the Fast-Fourier Transform approach but splits the inputs into tiles. A significant memory workspace is needed to store intermediate results but less than CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_FFT for large size images. The results are deterministic.


This algorithm uses the Winograd Transform approach to compute the convolution. A reasonably sized workspace is needed to store intermediate results. The results are deterministic.


This algorithm uses the Winograd Transform approach to compute the convolution. Significant workspace may be needed to store intermediate results. The results are deterministic.

3.8. cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgoPerf_t

cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgoPerf_t is a structure containing performance results returned by cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm() or heuristic results returned by cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm_v7().

Data Members

cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t algo

The algorithm run to obtain the associated performance metrics.

cudnnStatus_t status

If any error occurs during the workspace allocation or timing of cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(), this status will represent that error. Otherwise, this status will be the return status of cudnnConvolutionBackwardData().

  • CUDNN_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED if any error occured during workspace allocation or if provided workspace is insufficient.
  • CUDNN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR if any error occured during timing calculations or workspace deallocation.
  • Otherwise, this will be the return status of cudnnConvolutionBackwardData().
float time

The execution time of cudnnConvolutionBackwardData() (in milliseconds).

size_t memory

The workspace size (in bytes).

cudnnDeterminism_t determinism

The determinism of the algorithm.

cudnnMathType_t mathType

The math type provided to the algorithm.

int reserved[3]

Reserved space for future properties.

3.9. cudnnConvolutionBwdDataPreference_t

cudnnConvolutionBwdDataPreference_t is an enumerated type used by cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm() to help the choice of the algorithm used for the backward data convolution.



In this configuration, the routine cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm() is guaranteed to return an algorithm that does not require any extra workspace to be provided by the user.


In this configuration, the routine cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm() will return the fastest algorithm regardless how much workspace is needed to execute it.


In this configuration, the routine cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm() will return the fastest algorithm that fits within the memory limit that the user provided.

3.10. cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t

cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t is an enumerated type that exposes the different algorithms available to execute the backward filter convolution operation.



This algorithm expresses the convolution as a sum of matrix product without actually explicitly form the matrix that holds the input tensor data. The sum is done using atomic adds operation, thus the results are non-deterministic.


This algorithm expresses the convolution as a matrix product without actually explicitly form the matrix that holds the input tensor data. The results are deterministic.


This algorithm uses the Fast-Fourier Transform approach to compute the convolution. Significant workspace is needed to store intermediate results. The results are deterministic.


This algorithm is similar to CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_ALGO_0 but uses some small workspace to precomputes some indices. The results are also non-deterministic.


This algorithm uses the Winograd Transform approach to compute the convolution. Significant workspace may be needed to store intermediate results. The results are deterministic.


This algorithm uses the Fast-Fourier Transform approach to compute the convolution but splits the input tensor into tiles. Significant workspace may be needed to store intermediate results. The results are deterministic.

3.11. cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgoPerf_t

cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgoPerf_t is a structure containing performance results returned by cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm() or heuristic results returned by cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm_v7().

Data Members

cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t algo

The algorithm run to obtain the associated performance metrics.

cudnnStatus_t status

If any error occurs during the workspace allocation or timing of cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter(), this status will represent that error. Otherwise, this status will be the return status of cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter().

  • CUDNN_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED if any error occured during workspace allocation or if provided workspace is insufficient.
  • CUDNN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR if any error occured during timing calculations or workspace deallocation.
  • Otherwise, this will be the return status of cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter().
float time

The execution time of cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter() (in milliseconds).

size_t memory

The workspace size (in bytes).

cudnnDeterminism_t determinism

The determinism of the algorithm.

cudnnMathType_t mathType

The math type provided to the algorithm.

int reserved[3]

Reserved space for future properties.

3.12. cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterPreference_t

cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterPreference_t is an enumerated type used by cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm() to help the choice of the algorithm used for the backward filter convolution.



In this configuration, the routine cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm() is guaranteed to return an algorithm that does not require any extra workspace to be provided by the user.


In this configuration, the routine cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm() will return the fastest algorithm regardless how much workspace is needed to execute it.


In this configuration, the routine cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm() will return the fastest algorithm that fits within the memory limit that the user provided.

3.13. cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t

cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of a convolution operation. cudnnCreateConvolutionDescriptor() is used to create one instance, and cudnnSetConvolutionNdDescriptor() or cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor() must be used to initialize this instance.

3.14. cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t

cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t is an enumerated type that exposes the different algorithms available to execute the forward convolution operation.



This algorithm expresses the convolution as a matrix product without actually explicitly form the matrix that holds the input tensor data.


This algorithm expresses the convolution as a matrix product without actually explicitly form the matrix that holds the input tensor data, but still needs some memory workspace to precompute some indices in order to facilitate the implicit construction of the matrix that holds the input tensor data.


This algorithm expresses the convolution as an explicit matrix product. A significant memory workspace is needed to store the matrix that holds the input tensor data.


This algorithm expresses the convolution as a direct convolution (e.g without implicitly or explicitly doing a matrix multiplication).


This algorithm uses the Fast-Fourier Transform approach to compute the convolution. A significant memory workspace is needed to store intermediate results.


This algorithm uses the Fast-Fourier Transform approach but splits the inputs into tiles. A significant memory workspace is needed to store intermediate results but less than CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_FFT for large size images.


This algorithm uses the Winograd Transform approach to compute the convolution. A reasonably sized workspace is needed to store intermediate results.


This algorithm uses the Winograd Transform approach to compute the convolution. Significant workspace may be needed to store intermediate results.

3.15. cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgoPerf_t

cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgoPerf_t is a structure containing performance results returned by cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithm() or heuristic results returned by cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm_v7().

Data Members

cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t algo

The algorithm run to obtain the associated performance metrics.

cudnnStatus_t status

If any error occurs during the workspace allocation or timing of cudnnConvolutionForward(), this status will represent that error. Otherwise, this status will be the return status of cudnnConvolutionForward().

  • CUDNN_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED if any error occured during workspace allocation or if provided workspace is insufficient.
  • CUDNN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR if any error occured during timing calculations or workspace deallocation.
  • Otherwise, this will be the return status of cudnnConvolutionForward().
float time

The execution time of cudnnConvolutionForward() (in milliseconds).

size_t memory

The workspace size (in bytes).

cudnnDeterminism_t determinism

The determinism of the algorithm.

cudnnMathType_t mathType

The math type provided to the algorithm.

int reserved[3]

Reserved space for future properties.

3.16. cudnnConvolutionFwdPreference_t

cudnnConvolutionFwdPreference_t is an enumerated type used by cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm() to help the choice of the algorithm used for the forward convolution.



In this configuration, the routine cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm() is guaranteed to return an algorithm that does not require any extra workspace to be provided by the user.


In this configuration, the routine cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm() will return the fastest algorithm regardless how much workspace is needed to execute it.


In this configuration, the routine cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm() will return the fastest algorithm that fits within the memory limit that the user provided.

3.17. cudnnConvolutionMode_t

cudnnConvolutionMode_t is an enumerated type used by cudnnSetConvolutionDescriptor() to configure a convolution descriptor. The filter used for the convolution can be applied in two different ways, corresponding mathematically to a convolution or to a cross-correlation. (A cross-correlation is equivalent to a convolution with its filter rotated by 180 degrees.)



In this mode, a convolution operation will be done when applying the filter to the images.


In this mode, a cross-correlation operation will be done when applying the filter to the images.

3.18. cudnnCTCLossAlgo_t

cudnnCTCLossAlgo_t is an enumerated type that exposes the different algorithms available to execute the CTC loss operation.



Results are guaranteed to be reproducible


Results are not guaranteed to be reproducible

3.19. cudnnCTCLossDescriptor_t

cudnnCTCLossDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of a CTC loss operation. cudnnCreateCTCLossDescriptor() is used to create one instance, cudnnSetCTCLossDescriptor() is be used to initialize this instance, cudnnDestroyCTCLossDescriptor() is be used to destroy this instance.

3.20. cudnnDataType_t

cudnnDataType_t is an enumerated type indicating the data type to which a tensor descriptor or filter descriptor refers.



The data is 32-bit single-precision floating point (float).


The data is 64-bit double-precision floating point (double).


The data is 16-bit floating point.


The data is 8-bit signed integer.

CUDNN_DATA_UINT8 (new for 7.1)

The data is 8-bit unsigned integer.


The data is 32-bit signed integer.


The data is 32-bit elements each composed of 4 8-bit signed integer. This data type is only supported with tensor format CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW_VECT_C.


The data is 32-element vectors, each element being 8-bit signed integer. This data type is only supported with the tensor format CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW_VECT_C. Moreover, this data type can only be used with “algo 1,” i.e., CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_​PRECOMP_GEMM. See cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t.

CUDNN_DATA_UINT8x4 (new for 7.1)

The data is 32-bit elements each composed of 4 8-bit unsigned integer. This data type is only supported with tensor format CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW_VECT_C.

3.21. cudnnDeterminism_t

cudnnDeterminism_t is an enumerated type used to indicate if the computed results are deterministic (reproducible). See section 2.5 (Reproducibility) for more details on determinism.



Results are not guaranteed to be reproducible


Results are guaranteed to be reproducible

3.22. cudnnDirectionMode_t

cudnnDirectionMode_t is an enumerated type used to specify the recurrence pattern in the cudnnRNNForwardInference(), cudnnRNNForwardTraining(), cudnnRNNBackwardData() and cudnnRNNBackwardWeights() routines.


The network iterates recurrently from the first input to the last.
Each layer of the the network iterates recurrently from the first input to the last and separately from the last input to the first. The outputs of the two are concatenated at each iteration giving the output of the layer.

3.23. cudnnDivNormMode_t

cudnnDivNormMode_t is an enumerated type used to specify the mode of operation in cudnnDivisiveNormalizationForward() and cudnnDivisiveNormalizationBackward().



The means tensor data pointer is expected to contain means or other kernel convolution values precomputed by the user. The means pointer can also be NULL, in that case it's considered to be filled with zeroes. This is equivalent to spatial LRN. Note that in the backward pass the means are treated as independent inputs and the gradient over means is computed independently. In this mode to yield a net gradient over the entire LCN computational graph the destDiffMeans result should be backpropagated through the user's means layer (which can be impelemented using average pooling) and added to the destDiffData tensor produced by cudnnDivisiveNormalizationBackward.

3.24. cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t

cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of a dropout operation. cudnnCreateDropoutDescriptor() is used to create one instance, cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor() is used to initialize this instance, cudnnDestroyDropoutDescriptor() is used to destroy this instance, cudnnGetDropoutDescriptor() is used to query fields of a previously initialized instance, cudnnRestoreDropoutDescriptor() is used to restore an instance to a previously saved off state.

3.25. cudnnErrQueryMode_t

cudnnErrQueryMode_t is an enumerated type passed to cudnnQueryRuntimeError() to select the remote kernel error query mode.


Read the error storage location regardless of the kernel completion status.
Report if all tasks in the user stream of the cuDNN handle were completed. If that is the case, report the remote kernel error code.
Wait for all tasks to complete in the user stream before reporting the remote kernel error code.

3.26. cudnnFilterDescriptor_t

cudnnFilterDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of a filter dataset. cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor() is used to create one instance, and cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor() or cudnnSetFilterNdDescriptor() must be used to initialize this instance.

3.27. cudnnFoldingDirection_t

cudnnFoldingDirection_t is an enumerated type used to select the folding direction. See also cudnnTensorTransformDescriptor_t.

Member Description
CUDNN_TRANSFORM_FOLD = 0U Selects folding.


Selects unfolding.

3.28. cudnnFusedOps_t

The cudnnFusedOps_t type is an enumerated type to select a specific sequence of computations to perform in the fused operations.

Member Description


On a per channel basis, performs these operations in this order: scale, add bias, activation, convolution, and generate batchnorm statistics.


On a per channel basis, performs these operations in this order: scale, add bias, activation, convolution backward weights, and generate batchnorm statistics.


Computes the equivalent scale and bias from ySum, ySqSum and learned scale, bias.

Optionally update running statistics and generate saved stats


Computes the equivalent scale and bias from the learned running statistics and the learned scale, bias.

CUDNN_FUSED_CONV_SCALE_BIAS_ADD_ACTIVATION = 4 On a per channel basis, performs these operations in this order: convolution, scale, add bias, element-wise addition with another tensor, and activation.
CUDNN_FUSED_SCALE_BIAS_ADD_ACTIVATION_GEN_BITMASK = 5 On a per channel basis, performs these operations in this order: scale and bias on one tensor, scale and bias on a second tensor, element-wise addition of these two tensors, and on the resulting tensor perform activation, and generate activation bit mask.
CUDNN_FUSED_DACTIVATION_FORK_DBATCHNORM = 6 On a per channel basis, performs these operations in this order: backward activation, fork (i.e., write out gradient for the residual branch), and backward batch norm.

3.29. cudnnFusedOpsConstParamLabel_t

The cudnnFusedOpsConstParamLabel_t is an enumerated type for the selection of the type of the cudnnFusedOps descriptor. See also cudnnSetFusedOpsConstParamPackAttribute.

typedef enum {
	CUDNN_PARAM_XDESC                          = 0,
	CUDNN_PARAM_BN_MODE                        = 2,
	CUDNN_PARAM_ACTIVATION_DESC                = 6,
	CUDNN_PARAM_CONV_DESC                      = 7,
	CUDNN_PARAM_WDESC                          = 8,
	CUDNN_PARAM_DWDESC                         = 10,
	CUDNN_PARAM_YDESC                          = 12,
	CUDNN_PARAM_DYDESC                         = 14,
	CUDNN_PARAM_YSTATS_DESC                    = 16,
	CUDNN_PARAM_ZDESC                          = 26,
	CUDNN_PARAM_DXDESC                         = 33,
	CUDNN_PARAM_DZDESC                         = 35,
	} cudnnFusedOpsConstParamLabel_t;
Table 2. Legend For Tables in This Section
Short-form used: Stands for:
Setter cudnnSetFusedOpsConstParamPackAttribute
Getter cudnnGetFusedOpsConstParamPackAttribute
X_PointerPlaceHolder_t cudnnFusedOpsPointerPlaceHolder_t
"X_" prefix in the Attribute column Stands for "CUDNN_PARAM_" in the enumerator name
Attribute Expected Descriptor Type Passed in, in the Setter Description Default Value After Creation
X_XDESC In the setter the *param should be xDesc, a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnTensorDescriptor_t. Tensor descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the x (input) tensor NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether xData pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment * CUDNN_PTR_NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnBatchNormMode_t*.

Describes the mode of operation for the scale, bias and the statistics.

As of cuDNN 7.6.0, only “CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL” and “CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT” are supported, i.e., scale, bias and statistics are all per-channel.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.

Tensor descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the batchNorm equivalent scale and bias tensors. The shapes must match the mode specified in “CUDNN_PARAM_BN_MODE”. If set to NULL, both scale and bias operation will become a NOP. NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether batchnorm equivalent scale pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, then the scale operation becomes a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether batchnorm equivalent bias pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, then the bias operation becomes a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnActivationDescriptor_t*.

Describes the activation operation.

As of 7.6.0, only activation mode of “CUDNN_ACTIVATION_RELU” and “CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY” is supported. If set to NULL or if the activation mode is set to “CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY”, then the activation in the op sequence becomes a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t*.

Describes the convolution operation. NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnFilterDescriptor_t*.

Filter descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the w (filter) tensor. NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether w (filter) tensor pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *. CUDNN_PTR_NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnTensorDescriptor_t*.

Tensor descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the y (output) tensor. NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether y (output) tensor pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *. CUDNN_PTR_NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnTensorDescriptor_t*.

Tensor descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the sum of y and sum of y square tensors. The shapes need to match the mode specified in “CUDNN_PARAM_BN_MODE”.

If set to NULL, the y statistics generation operation will be become a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether sum of y pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, the y statistics generation operation will be become a NOP


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether sum of y square pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, the y statistics generation operation will be become a NOP.

Note: If the corresponding pointer placeholder in ConstParamPack is set to “CUDNN_PTR_NULL”, then the device pointer in the VariantParamPack need to be NULL as well.
Note: If the corresponding pointer placeholder in ConstParamPack is set to “CUDNN_PTR_ELEM_ALIGNED” or “CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED”, then the device pointer in the VariantParamPack may not be NULL and need to be at least element-aligned or 16 bytes-aligned, respectively.
As of cuDNN 7.6.0, if the conditions in the Table 4 are met, then the fully fused fast path will be triggered. Otherwise a slower partially fused path will be triggered.
Table 4. Conditions for Fully Fused Fast Path (Forward)
Parameter Condition
Device compute capability Need to be one of 7.0, 7.2 or 7.5



Tensor is 4 dimensional


Layout is NHWC fully packed

Alignment is CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED

Tensor’s C dimension is a multiple of 8.




If either one of scale and bias operation is not turned into a NOP:

Tensor is 4 dimensional with shape 1xCx1x1


Layout is fully packed

Alignment is CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED




Convolution descriptor’s mode need to be CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION

Convolution descriptor’s dataType need to be CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT

Convolution descriptor’s dilationA is (1,1)

Convolution descriptor’s group count need to be 1

Convolution descriptor’s mathType need to be CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH or CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION

Filter is in NHWC layout

Filter’s data type is CUDNN_DATA_HALF

Filter’s K dimension is a multiple of 32.

Filter size RxS is either 1x1 or 3x3

If filter size RxS is 1x1, convolution descriptor’s padA need to be (0,0) and filterStrideA need to be (1,1)

Filter’s alignment is CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED



Tensor is 4 dimensional


Layout is NHWC fully packed

Alignment is CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED




If the generate statistics operation is not turned into a NOP:

Tensor is 4 dimensional with shape 1xKx1x1


Layout is fully packed

Alignment is CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED

For the attribute CUDNN_FUSED_SCALE_BIAS_ACTIVATION_WGRAD in cudnnFusedOp_t:
Attribute Expected Descriptor Type Passed in, in the Setter Description Default Value After Creation
X_XDESC In the setter the *param should be xDesc, a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnTensorDescriptor_t. Tensor descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the x (input) tensor NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether xData pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment * CUDNN_PTR_NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnBatchNormMode_t*.

Describes the mode of operation for the scale, bias and the statistics.

As of cuDNN 7.6.0, only “CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL” and “CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT” are supported, i.e., scale, bias and statistics are all per-channel.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.

Tensor descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the batchNorm equivalent scale and bias tensors. The shapes must match the mode specified in “CUDNN_PARAM_BN_MODE”. If set to NULL, both scale and bias operation will become a NOP. NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether batchnorm equivalent scale pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, then the scale operation becomes a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether batchnorm equivalent bias pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, then the bias operation becomes a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnActivationDescriptor_t*.

Describes the activation operation.

As of 7.6.0, only activation mode of “CUDNN_ACTIVATION_RELU” and “CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY” is supported. If set to NULL or if the activation mode is set to “CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY”, then the activation in the op sequence becomes a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t*.

Describes the convolution operation. NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnFilterDescriptor_t*.

Filter descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the dw (filter gradient output) tensor. NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether dw (filter gradient output) tensor pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *. CUDNN_PTR_NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnTensorDescriptor_t*.

Tensor descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the dy (gradient input) tensor. NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether dy (gradient input) tensor pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *. CUDNN_PTR_NULL
Note: If the corresponding pointer placeholder in ConstParamPack is set to “CUDNN_PTR_NULL”, then the device pointer in the VariantParamPack need to be NULL as well.
Note: If the corresponding pointer placeholder in ConstParamPack is set to “CUDNN_PTR_ELEM_ALIGNED” or “CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED”, then the device pointer in the VariantParamPack may not be NULL and need to be at least element-aligned or 16 bytes-aligned, respectively.
As of cuDNN 7.6.0, if the conditions in the Table 6 are met, then the fully fused fast path will be triggered. Otherwise a slower partially fused path will be triggered.
Table 6. Conditions for Fully Fused Fast Path (Backward)
Parameter Condition
Device compute capability Need to be one of 7.0, 7.2 or 7.5



Tensor is 4 dimensional


Layout is NHWC fully packed

Alignment is CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED

Tensor’s C dimension is a multiple of 8.




If either one of scale and bias operation is not turned into a NOP:

Tensor is 4 dimensional with shape 1xCx1x1


Layout is fully packed

Alignment is CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED




Convolution descriptor’s mode need to be CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION

Convolution descriptor’s dataType need to be CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT

Convolution descriptor’s dilationA is (1,1)

Convolution descriptor’s group count need to be 1

Convolution descriptor’s mathType need to be CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH or CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION

Filter gradient is in NHWC layout

Filter gradient’s data type is CUDNN_DATA_HALF

Filter gradient’s K dimension is a multiple of 32.

Filter gradient size RxS is either 1x1 or 3x3

If filter gradient size RxS is 1x1, convolution descriptor’s padA need to be (0,0) and filterStrideA need to be (1,1)

Filter gradient’s alignment is CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED



Tensor is 4 dimensional


Layout is NHWC fully packed

Alignment is CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED

Attribute Expected Descriptor Type Passed in, in the Setter Description Default Value After Creation

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnBatchNormMode_t*.

Describes the mode of operation for the scale, bias and the statistics.

As of cuDNN 7.6.0, only “CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL” and “CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT” are supported, i.e., scale, bias and statistics are all per-channel.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnTensorDescriptor_t*.

Tensor descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the sum of y and sum of y square tensors. The shapes need to match the mode specified in “CUDNN_PARAM_BN_MODE”. NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether sum of y pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *. CUDNN_PTR_NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether sum of y square pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *. CUDNN_PTR_NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.

A common tensor descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the batchNorm trained scale, bias and statistics tensors. The shapes need to match the mode specified in “CUDNN_PARAM_BN_MODE” (similar to the bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc field in the cudnnBatchNormalization* API). NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether the batchNorm trained scale pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If the output of “BN_EQSCALE” is not needed, this is not needed and may be NULL.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether the batchNorm trained bias pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If neither output of “BN_EQSCALE” or “BN_EQBIAS” is needed, this is not needed and may be NULL.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether the batchNorm saved mean pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, then the computation for this output becomes a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether the batchNorm saved inverse standard deviation pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, then the computation for this output becomes a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether the batchNorm running mean pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, then the computation for this output becomes a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether the batchNorm running variance pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, then the computation for this output becomes a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnTensorDescriptor_t*.

Tensor descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the batchNorm equivalent scale and bias tensors. The shapes need to match the mode specified in “CUDNN_PARAM_BN_MODE”.

If neither output of “BN_EQSCALE” or “BN_EQBIAS” is needed, this is not needed and may be NULL.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether batchnorm equivalent scale pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, then the computation for this output becomes a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether batchnorm equivalent bias pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, then the computation for this output becomes a NOP.

Attribute Expected Descriptor Type Passed in, in the Setter Description Default Value After Creation

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnBatchNormMode_t*.

Describes the mode of operation for the scale, bias and the statistics.

As of cuDNN 7.6.0, only “CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL” and “CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT” are supported, i.e., scale, bias and statistics are all per-channel.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.

A common tensor descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the batchNorm trained scale, bias and statistics tensors. The shapes need to match the mode specified in “CUDNN_PARAM_BN_MODE” (similar to the bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc field in the cudnnBatchNormalization* API). NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether the batchNorm trained scale pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *. CUDNN_PTR_NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether the batchNorm trained bias pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *. CUDNN_PTR_NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether the batchNorm running mean pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *. CUDNN_PTR_NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether the batchNorm running variance pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *. CUDNN_PTR_NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized cudnnTensorDescriptor_t*.

Tensor descriptor describing the size, layout and datatype of the batchNorm equivalent scale and bias tensors. The shapes need to match the mode specified in “CUDNN_PARAM_BN_MODE”. NULL

In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether batchnorm equivalent scale pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, then the computation for this output becomes a NOP.


In the setter the *param should be a pointer to a previously initialized X_PointerPlaceHolder_t*.

Describes whether batchnorm equivalent bias pointer in the VariantParamPack will be NULL, or if not, user promised pointer alignment *.

If set to CUDNN_PTR_NULL, then the computation for this output becomes a NOP.


3.30. cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t

cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of the cudnnFusedOps constant parameters. Use the function cudnnCreateFusedOpsConstParamPack ​to create one instance of this structure, and the function cudnnDestroyFusedOpsConstParamPack to destroy a previously-created descriptor.

3.31. cudnnFusedOpsPlan_t

cudnnFusedOpsPlan_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of the cudnnFusedOpsPlan. This descriptor contains the plan information, including the problem type and size, which kernels should be run, and the internal workspace partition. Use the function cudnnCreateFusedOpsPlan to create one instance of this structure, and the function cudnnDestroyFusedOpsPlan to destroy a previously-created descriptor.

3.32. cudnnFusedOpsPointerPlaceHolder_t

cudnnFusedOpsPointerPlaceHolder_t is an enumerated type used to select the alignment type of the cudnnFusedOps descriptor pointer.

Member Description
CUDNN_PTR_NULL = 0 Indicates that the pointer to the Tensor in the variantPack will be NULL.
CUDNN_PTR_ELEM_ALIGNED = 1 Indicates that the pointer to the Tensor in the variantPack will not be NULL, and will have element alignment.
CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED = 2 Indicates that the pointer to the Tensor in the variantPack will not be NULL, and will have 16 byte alignment.

3.33. cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamLabel_t

The cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamLabel_t is an enumerated type that is used to set the buffer pointers. These buffer pointers can be changed in each iteration.

typedef enum {
	CUDNN_PTR_XDATA                              = 0,
	CUDNN_PTR_BN_EQSCALE                         = 1,
	CUDNN_PTR_BN_EQBIAS                          = 2,
	CUDNN_PTR_WDATA                              = 3,
	CUDNN_PTR_DWDATA                             = 4,
	CUDNN_PTR_YDATA                              = 5,
	CUDNN_PTR_DYDATA                             = 6,
	CUDNN_PTR_YSUM                               = 7,
	CUDNN_PTR_YSQSUM                             = 8,
	CUDNN_PTR_WORKSPACE                          = 9,
	CUDNN_PTR_BN_SCALE                           = 10,
	CUDNN_PTR_BN_BIAS                            = 11,
	CUDNN_PTR_BN_SAVED_MEAN                      = 12,
	CUDNN_PTR_BN_SAVED_INVSTD                    = 13,
	CUDNN_PTR_BN_RUNNING_MEAN                    = 14,
	CUDNN_PTR_BN_RUNNING_VAR                     = 15,
	CUDNN_PTR_ZDATA                              = 16,
	CUDNN_PTR_BN_Z_EQSCALE                       = 17,
	CUDNN_PTR_BN_Z_EQBIAS                        = 18,
	CUDNN_PTR_ACTIVATION_BITMASK                 = 19,
	CUDNN_PTR_DXDATA                             = 20,
	CUDNN_PTR_DZDATA                             = 21,
	CUDNN_PTR_BN_DSCALE                          = 22,
	CUDNN_PTR_BN_DBIAS                           = 23,
	CUDNN_SCALAR_DOUBLE_BN_EPSILON               = 103,
	} cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamLabel_t;
Table 9. Legend For Tables in This Section
Short-form used: Stands for:
Setter cudnnSetFusedOpsVariantParamPackAttribute
Getter cudnnGetFusedOpsVariantParamPackAttribute
"X_" prefix in the Attribute column Stands for "CUDNN_PTR_" or "CUDNN_SCALAR_" in the enumerator name
Attribute key Expected Descriptor Type Passed in, in the Setter I/O Type Description Default Value
X_XDATA void * input Pointer to x (input) Tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_XDATA_PLACEHOLDER attribute *. NULL
X_BN_EQSCALE void * input Pointer to batchnorm equivalent scale tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_EQSCALE_PLACEHOLDER attribute *. NULL
X_BN_EQBIAS void * input Pointer to batchnorm equivalent bias tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_EQBIAS_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_WDATA void * input Pointer to w (filter) tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_WDATA_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_YDATA void * output Pointer to y (output) tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_YDATA_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_YSUM void * output Pointer to sum of y tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_YSUM_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_YSQSUM void * output Pointer to sum of y square tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_YSQSUM_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_WORKSPACE void * input Pointer to user allocated workspace on device. Can be NULL if the workspace size requested is 0. NULL
X_SIZE_T_WORKSPACE_SIZE_IN_BYTES size_t * input Pointer to a size_t value in host memory describing the user allocated workspace size in bytes. The amount need to be equal or larger than the amount requested in cudnnMakeFusedOpsPlan 0
Note: If the corresponding pointer placeholder in ConstParamPack is set to “CUDNN_PTR_NULL”, then the device pointer in the VariantParamPack need to be NULL as well.
Note: If the corresponding pointer placeholder in ConstParamPack is set to “CUDNN_PTR_ELEM_ALIGNED” or “CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED”, then the device pointer in the VariantParamPack may not be NULL and need to be at least element-aligned or 16 bytes-aligned, respectively.
For the attribute CUDNN_FUSED_SCALE_BIAS_ACTIVATION_WGRAD in cudnnFusedOp_t:
Attribute key Expected Descriptor Type Passed in, in the Setter I/O Type Description Default Value
X_XDATA void * input Pointer to x (input) tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_XDATA_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_EQSCALE void * input Pointer to batchnorm equivalent scale tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_EQSCALE_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_EQBIAS void * input Pointer to batchnorm equivalent bias tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_EQBIAS_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_DWDATA void * output Pointer to dw (filter gradient output) tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_WDATA_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_DYDATA void * input Pointer to dy (gradient input) tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_YDATA_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_WORKSPACE void * input Pointer to user allocated workspace on device. Can be NULL if the workspace size requested is 0. NULL
X_SIZE_T_WORKSPACE_SIZE_IN_BYTES size_t * input Pointer to a size_t value in host memory describing the user allocated workspace size in bytes. The amount need to be equal or larger than the amount requested in cudnnMakeFusedOpsPlan 0
Note: If the corresponding pointer placeholder in ConstParamPack is set to “CUDNN_PTR_NULL”, then the device pointer in the VariantParamPack need to be NULL as well.
Note: If the corresponding pointer placeholder in ConstParamPack is set to “CUDNN_PTR_ELEM_ALIGNED” or “CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED”, then the device pointer in the VariantParamPack may not be NULL and need to be at least element-aligned or 16 bytes-aligned, respectively.
Attribute key Expected Descriptor Type Passed in, in the Setter I/O Type Description Default Value
X_YSUM void * input Pointer to sum of y tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_YSUM_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_YSQSUM void * input Pointer to sum of y square tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_YSQSUM_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_SCALE void * input Pointer to sum of y square tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_SCALE_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_BIAS void * input Pointer to sum of y square tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_BIAS_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_SAVED_MEAN void * output Pointer to sum of y square tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_SAVED_MEAN_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_SAVED_INVSTD void * output Pointer to sum of y square tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_SAVED_INVSTD_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_RUNNING_MEAN void * input/output Pointer to sum of y square tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_RUNNING_MEAN_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_RUNNING_VAR void * input/output Pointer to sum of y square tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_RUNNING_VAR_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_EQSCALE void * output Pointer to batchnorm equivalent scale tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_EQSCALE_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_EQBIAS void * output Pointer to batchnorm equivalent bias tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_EQBIAS_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL

Pointer to a scalar value in int64_t on host memory.

This value should describe the number of tensor elements accumulated in the sum of y and sum of y square tensors.

For example:

In the single GPU use case, and if the mode is CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL or CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT, the value should be equal to N*H*W of the tensor from which the statistics are calculated.

In multi-GPU use case, if all-reduce has been performed on the sum of y and sum of y square tensors, this value should be the sum of the single GPU accumulation count on each of the GPUs.


Pointer to a scalar value in double on host memory.

Factor used in the moving average computation. See “exponentialAverageFactor” in cudnnBatchNormalization* APIs

X_DOUBLE_BN_EPSILON double * input

Pointer to a scalar value in double on host memory.

A conditioning constant used in the batch normalization formula. Its value should be equal to or greater than the value defined for CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON in cudnn.h

See “exponentialAverageFactor” in cudnnBatchNormalization* APIs

X_WORKSPACE void * input Pointer to user allocated workspace on device. Can be NULL if the workspace size requested is 0. NULL
X_SIZE_T_WORKSPACE_SIZE_IN_BYTES size_t * input Pointer to a size_t value in host memory describing the user allocated workspace size in bytes. The amount need to be equal or larger than the amount requested in cudnnMakeFusedOpsPlan. 0
Note: If the corresponding pointer placeholder in ConstParamPack is set to “CUDNN_PTR_NULL”, then the device pointer in the VariantParamPack need to be NULL as well.
Note: If the corresponding pointer placeholder in ConstParamPack is set to “CUDNN_PTR_ELEM_ALIGNED” or “CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED”, then the device pointer in the VariantParamPack may not be NULL and need to be at least element-aligned or 16 bytes-aligned, respectively.
Attribute key Expected Descriptor Type Passed in, in the Setter I/O Type Description Default Value
X_BN_SCALE void * input Pointer to sum of y square tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_SCALE_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_BIAS void * input Pointer to sum of y square tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_BIAS_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_RUNNING_MEAN void * input/output Pointer to sum of y square tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_RUNNING_MEAN_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_RUNNING_VAR void * input/output Pointer to sum of y square tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_RUNNING_VAR_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_EQSCALE void * output Pointer to batchnorm equivalent scale tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_EQSCALE_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_BN_EQBIAS void * output Pointer to batchnorm equivalent bias tensor on device, need to agree with previously set CUDNN_PARAM_BN_EQBIAS_PLACEHOLDER attribute * NULL
X_DOUBLE_BN_EPSILON double * input

Pointer to a scalar value in double on host memory.

A conditioning constant used in the batch normalization formula. Its value should be equal to or greater than the value defined for CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON in cudnn.h

See “exponentialAverageFactor” in cudnnBatchNormalization* APIs

X_WORKSPACE void * input Pointer to user allocated workspace on device. Can be NULL if the workspace size requested is 0. NULL
X_SIZE_T_WORKSPACE_SIZE_IN_BYTES size_t * input Pointer to a size_t value in host memory describing the user allocated workspace size in bytes. The amount need to be equal or larger than the amount requested in cudnnMakeFusedOpsPlan. 0
Note: If the corresponding pointer placeholder in ConstParamPack is set to “CUDNN_PTR_NULL”, then the device pointer in the VariantParamPack need to be NULL as well.
Note: If the corresponding pointer placeholder in ConstParamPack is set to “CUDNN_PTR_ELEM_ALIGNED” or “CUDNN_PTR_16B_ALIGNED”, then the device pointer in the VariantParamPack may not be NULL and need to be at least element-aligned or 16 bytes-aligned, respectively.

3.34. cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamPack_t

cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamPack_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of the cudnnFusedOps variant parameters. Use the function cudnnCreateFusedOpsVariantParamPack to create one instance of this structure, and the function cudnnDestroyFusedOpsVariantParamPack to destroy a previously-created descriptor.

3.35. cudnnHandle_t

cudnnHandle_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the cuDNN library context. The cuDNN library context must be created using cudnnCreate() and the returned handle must be passed to all subsequent library function calls. The context should be destroyed at the end using cudnnDestroy(). The context is associated with only one GPU device, the current device at the time of the call to cudnnCreate(). However multiple contexts can be created on the same GPU device.

3.36. cudnnIndicesType_t

cudnnIndicesType_t is an enumerated type used to indicate the data type for the indices to be computed by the cudnnReduceTensor() routine. This enumerated type is used as a field for the cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor_t descriptor.



Compute unsigned int indices


Compute unsigned long long indices


Compute unsigned short indices


Compute unsigned char indices

3.37. cudnnLossNormalizationMode_t

cudnnLossNormalizationMode_t is an enumerated type that controls the input normalization mode for a loss function. This type can be used with cudnnSetCTCLossDescriptorEx.



The input probs of cudnnCTCLoss function is expected to be the normalized probabilty, and the output gradients is the gradient of loss with respect to the unnormalized probability.


The input probs of cudnnCTCLoss function is expected to be the unnormalized activation from the previous layer, and the output gradients is the gradient with respect to the activation. Internally the probability is computed by softmax normalization.

3.38. cudnnLRNMode_t

cudnnLRNMode_t is an enumerated type used to specify the mode of operation in cudnnLRNCrossChannelForward() and cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward().



LRN computation is performed across tensor's dimension dimA[1].

3.39. cudnnMathType_t

cudnnMathType_t is an enumerated type used to indicate if the use of Tensor Core Operations is permitted a given library routine.



Tensor Core Operations are not used.


The use of Tensor Core Operations is permitted.


Enables the use of FP32 tensors for both input and output.

3.40. cudnnMultiHeadAttnWeightKind_t

cudnnMultiHeadAttnWeightKind_t is an enumerated type to specify the multi-head weight group.

Member Description
CUDNN_ATTN_Q_WEIGHTS = 0 Selects the multi-head query weight group.
CUDNN_ATTN_K_WEIGHTS = 1 Selects the multi-head key weight group.
CUDNN_ATTN_V_WEIGHTS = 2 Selects the multi-head value weight group.
CUDNN_ATTN_O_WEIGHTS = 3 Selects the multi-head output weight group.

3.41. cudnnNanPropagation_t

cudnnNanPropagation_t is an enumerated type used to indicate if a given routine should propagate Nan numbers. This enumerated type is used as a field for the cudnnActivationDescriptor_t descriptor and cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t descriptor.



Nan numbers are not propagated


Nan numbers are propagated

3.42. cudnnOpTensorDescriptor_t

cudnnOpTensorDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of a Tensor Ccore Operation, used as a parameter to cudnnOpTensor(). cudnnCreateOpTensorDescriptor() is used to create one instance, and cudnnSetOpTensorDescriptor() must be used to initialize this instance.

3.43. cudnnOpTensorOp_t

cudnnOpTensorOp_t is an enumerated type used to indicate the Tensor Core Operation to be used by the cudnnOpTensor() routine. This enumerated type is used as a field for the cudnnOpTensorDescriptor_t descriptor.



The operation to be performed is addition


The operation to be performed is multiplication


The operation to be performed is a minimum comparison


The operation to be performed is a maximum comparison


The operation to be performed is square root, performed on only the A tensor


The operation to be performed is negation, performed on only the A tensor

3.44. cudnnPersistentRNNPlan_t

cudnnPersistentRNNPlan_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding a plan to execute a dynamic persistent RNN. cudnnCreatePersistentRNNPlan() is used to create and initialize one instance.

3.45. cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t

cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of a pooling operation. cudnnCreatePoolingDescriptor() is used to create one instance, and cudnnSetPoolingNdDescriptor() or cudnnSetPooling2dDescriptor() must be used to initialize this instance.

3.46. cudnnPoolingMode_t

cudnnPoolingMode_t is an enumerated type passed to cudnnSetPoolingDescriptor() to select the pooling method to be used by cudnnPoolingForward() and cudnnPoolingBackward().



The maximum value inside the pooling window is used.


Values inside the pooling window are averaged. The number of elements used to calculate the average includes spatial locations falling in the padding region.


Values inside the pooling window are averaged. The number of elements used to calculate the average excludes spatial locations falling in the padding region.


The maximum value inside the pooling window is used. The algorithm used is deterministic.

3.47. cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor_t

cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of a tensor reduction operation, used as a parameter to cudnnReduceTensor(). cudnnCreateReduceTensorDescriptor() is used to create one instance, and cudnnSetReduceTensorDescriptor() must be used to initialize this instance.


cudnnReduceTensorIndices_t is an enumerated type used to indicate whether indices are to be computed by the cudnnReduceTensor() routine. This enumerated type is used as a field for the cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor_t descriptor.



Do not compute indices


Compute indices. The resulting indices are relative, and flattened.

3.49. cudnnReduceTensorOp_t

cudnnReduceTensorOp_t is an enumerated type used to indicate the Tensor Core Operation to be used by the cudnnReduceTensor() routine. This enumerated type is used as a field for the cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor_t descriptor.



The operation to be performed is addition


The operation to be performed is multiplication


The operation to be performed is a minimum comparison


The operation to be performed is a maximum comparison


The operation to be performed is a maximum comparison of absolute values


The operation to be performed is averaging


The operation to be performed is addition of absolute values


The operation to be performed is a square root of sum of squares


The operation to be performed is multiplication, not including elements of value zero

3.50. cudnnReorderType_t

typedef enum {
	} cudnnReorderType_t;		

cudnnReorderType_t is an enumerated type to set the convolution reordering type. The reordering type can be set by cudnnSetConvolutionReorderType and its status can be read by cudnnGetConvolutionReorderType.

3.51. cudnnRNNAlgo_t

cudnnRNNAlgo_t is an enumerated type used to specify the algorithm used in the cudnnRNNForwardInference(), cudnnRNNForwardTraining(), cudnnRNNBackwardData() and cudnnRNNBackwardWeights() routines.


Each RNN layer is executed as a sequence of operations. This algorithm is expected to have robust performance across a wide range of network parameters.

The recurrent parts of the network are executed using a persistent kernel approach. This method is expected to be fast when the first dimension of the input tensor is small (ie. a small minibatch).

CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC is only supported on devices with compute capability >= 6.0.


The recurrent parts of the network are executed using a persistent kernel approach. This method is expected to be fast when the first dimension of the input tensor is small (ie. a small minibatch). When using CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC persistent kernels are prepared at runtime and are able to optimized using the specific parameters of the network and active GPU. As such, when using CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC a one-time plan preparation stage must be executed. These plans can then be reused in repeated calls with the same model parameters.

The limits on the maximum number of hidden units supported when using CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC are significantly higher than the limits when using CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC, however throughput is likely to significantly reduce when exceeding the maximums supported by CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC. In this regime this method will still outperform CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_STANDARD for some cases.

CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC is only supported on devices with compute capability >= 6.0 on Linux machines.

3.52. cudnnRNNBiasMode_t

cudnnRNNBiasMode_t is an enumerated type used to specify the number of bias vectors for RNN functions. See the description of the cudnnRNNMode_t enumerated type for the equations for each cell type based on the bias mode.



Applies RNN cell formulas that do not use biases.


Applies RNN cell formulas that use one input bias vector in the input GEMM.


Applies RNN cell formulas that use two bias vectors.


Applies RNN cell formulas that use one recurrent bias vector in the recurrent GEMM.

3.53. cudnnRNNClipMode_t

cudnnRNNClipMode_t is an enumerated type used to select the LSTM cell clipping mode. It is used with cudnnRNNSetClip(), cudnnRNNGetClip() functions, and internally within LSTM cells.



Disables LSTM cell clipping.


Enables LSTM cell clipping.

3.54. cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t

cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of a RNN data set. The function cudnnCreateRNNDataDescriptor() is used to create one instance, and cudnnSetRNNDataDescriptor() must be used to initialize this instance.

3.55. cudnnRNNDataLayout_t

cudnnRNNDataLayout_t is an enumerated type used to select the RNN data layout. It is used used in the API calls cudnnGetRNNDataDescriptor and cudnnSetRNNDataDescriptor.



Data layout is padded, with outer stride from one time-step to the next.


The sequence length is sorted and packed as in basic RNN API.


Data layout is padded, with outer stride from one batch to the next.

3.56. cudnnRNNDescriptor_t

cudnnRNNDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of an RNN operation. cudnnCreateRNNDescriptor() is used to create one instance, and cudnnSetRNNDescriptor() must be used to initialize this instance.

3.57. cudnnRNNInputMode_t

cudnnRNNInputMode_t is an enumerated type used to specify the behavior of the first layer in the cudnnRNNForwardInference(), cudnnRNNForwardTraining(), cudnnRNNBackwardData() and cudnnRNNBackwardWeights() routines.


A biased matrix multiplication is performed at the input of the first recurrent layer.
No operation is performed at the input of the first recurrent layer. If CUDNN_SKIP_INPUT is used the leading dimension of the input tensor must be equal to the hidden state size of the network.

3.58. cudnnRNNMode_t

cudnnRNNMode_t is an enumerated type used to specify the type of network used in the cudnnRNNForwardInference(), cudnnRNNForwardTraining(), cudnnRNNBackwardData() and cudnnRNNBackwardWeights() routines.



A single-gate recurrent neural network with a ReLU activation function.

In the forward pass, the output ht for a given iteration can be computed from the recurrent input ht-1 and the previous layer input xt, given the matrices W, R and the bias vectors, where ReLU(x) = max(x, 0).

If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS (default mode), then the following equation with biasesbW and bR applies:

ht = ReLU(Wixt + Riht-1 + bWi + bRi)

If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_INP_BIAS or CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_REC_BIAS,then the following equation with bias b applies:

ht = ReLU(Wixt + Riht-1 + bi)

If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_NO_BIAS,then the following equation applies:

ht = ReLU(Wixt + Riht-1)


A single-gate recurrent neural network with a tanh activation function.

In the forward pass, the output ht for a given iteration can be computed from the recurrent input ht-1 and the previous layer input xt, given the matrices W, R and the bias vectors, and where tanh is the hyperbolic tangent function.

If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS (default mode), then the following equation with biasesbW and bR applies:

ht = tanh(Wixt + Riht-1 + bWi + bRi)

If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_INP_BIAS or CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_REC_BIAS,then the following equation with bias b applies:

ht = tanh(Wixt + Riht-1 + bi)

If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_NO_BIAS,then the following equation applies:

ht = tanh(Wixt + Riht-1)

A four-gate Long Short-Term Memory network with no peephole connections.

In the forward pass, the output ht and cell output ct for a given iteration can be computed from the recurrent input ht-1, the cell input ct-1 and the previous layer input xt, given the matrices W, R and the bias vectors.

In addition, the following applies:
  • σ is the sigmoid operator such that: σ(x) = 1 / (1 + e-x),
  • represents a point-wise multiplication,
  • tanh is the hyperbolic tangent function, and
  • it, ft, ot, c't represent the input, forget, output and new gates respectively.

If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS (default mode), then the following equations with biasesbW and bR apply:

it = σ(Wixt + Riht-1 + bWi + bRi)
ft = σ(Wfxt + Rfht-1 + bWf + bRf)
ot = σ(Woxt + Roht-1 + bWo + bRo)
c't = tanh(Wcxt + Rcht-1 + bWc + bRc)
ct = ft ◦ ct-1 + it ◦ c't
ht = ot ◦ tanh(ct)

If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_INP_BIAS or CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_REC_BIAS,then the following equations with bias b apply:

it = σ(Wixt + Riht-1 + bi)
ft = σ(Wfxt + Rfht-1 + bf)
ot = σ(Woxt + Roht-1 + bo)
c't = tanh(Wcxt + Rcht-1 + bc)
ct = ft ◦ ct-1 + it ◦ c't
ht = ot ◦ tanh(ct)

If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_NO_BIAS,then the following equations apply:

it = σ(Wixt + Riht-1)
ft = σ(Wfxt + Rfht-1)
ot = σ(Woxt + Roht-1)
c't = tanh(Wcxt + Rcht-1)
ct = ft ◦ ct-1 + it ◦ c't
ht = ot◦tanh(ct)


A three-gate network consisting of Gated Recurrent Units.

In the forward pass, the output ht for a given iteration can be computed from the recurrent input ht-1 and the previous layer input xt given matrices W, R and the bias vectors.

In addition, σ is the sigmoid operator: σ(x) = 1 / (1 + e-x), represents a point-wise multiplication and tanh is the hyperbolic tangent function. it, rt, h't represent the input, reset, new gates respectively.

If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS (default mode), then the following equations with biasesbW and bR apply:
it = σ(Wixt + Riht-1 + bWi + bRu)
rt = σ(Wrxt + Rrht-1 + bWr + bRr)
h't = tanh(Whxt + rt◦(Rhht-1 + bRh) + bWh)
ht = (1 - it) ◦ h't + it ◦ ht-1

If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_INP_BIAS,then the following equations with bias b apply:

it = σ(Wixt + Riht-1 + bi)
rt = σ(Wrxt + Rrht-1 + br)
h't = tanh(Whxt + rt ◦ (Rhht-1) + bWh)
ht = (1 - it) ◦ h't + it ◦ ht-1
If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_REC_BIAS,then the following equations with bias b apply:
it = σ(Wixt + Riht-1 + bi)
rt = σ(Wrxt + Rrht-1 + br)
h't = tanh(Whxt + rt ◦ (Rhht-1 + bRh))
ht = (1 - it) ◦ h't + it ◦ ht-1

If cudnnRNNBiasMode_t biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_NO_BIAS,then the following equations apply:

it = σ(Wixt + Riht-1)
rt = σ(Wrxt + Rrht-1)
h't = tanh(Whxt + rt ◦ (Rhht-1))
ht = (1 - it) ◦ h't + it ◦ ht-1

3.59. cudnnRNNPaddingMode_t

cudnnRNNPaddingMode_t is an enumerated type used to enable or disable the padded input/output.


Disables the padded input/output.
Enables the padded input/output.

3.60. cudnnSamplerType_t

cudnnSamplerType_t is an enumerated type passed to cudnnSetSpatialTransformerNdDescriptor() to select the sampler type to be used by cudnnSpatialTfSamplerForward() and cudnnSpatialTfSamplerBackward().


Selects the bilinear sampler.

3.61. cudnnSeqDataAxis_t

cudnnSeqDataAxis_t is an enumerated type to specify each supported sequence data axis.

For continued API compatibility, the user is recommended to use these enumerated labels when fetching and storing axes-arrays such as dimA, and axes.

User should:
  1. Specify the dimension of sequence data buffer as follows:
    dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_TIME_DIM] = n_timesteps; 
    dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_BATCH_DIM] = n_batch; 
    dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_BEAM_DIM]] = beam_size; 
    dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_VECT_DIM]] = hidden_size; 
  2. Specify the axes order as follows:
    cudnnSeqDataAxis_t axes[CUDNN_SEQDATA_DIM_COUNT] = 
    The CUDNN_SEQDATA_DIM_COUNT defines the number of supported dimensions or axes for sequential data. This value is currently set to 4.
    Note: The user is advised against using the equivalent integer values for the enumerated labels.
Member Description
CUDNN_SEQDATA_TIME_DIM = 0 Time step index.
CUDNN_SEQDATA_VECT_DIM = 3 Hidden vector index.

3.62. cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t

cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of sequence data. Use the function cudnnCreateSeqDataDescriptor to create one instance, and cudnnDestroySeqDataDescriptor to destroy a previously created descriptor.

3.63. cudnnSoftmaxAlgorithm_t

cudnnSoftmaxAlgorithm_t is used to select an implementation of the softmax function used in cudnnSoftmaxForward() and cudnnSoftmaxBackward().



This implementation applies the straightforward softmax operation.


This implementation scales each point of the softmax input domain by its maximum value to avoid potential floating point overflows in the softmax evaluation.


This entry performs the Log softmax operation, avoiding overflows by scaling each point in the input domain as in CUDNN_SOFTMAX_ACCURATE

3.64. cudnnSoftmaxMode_t

cudnnSoftmaxMode_t is used to select over which data the cudnnSoftmaxForward() and cudnnSoftmaxBackward() are computing their results.



The softmax operation is computed per image (N) across the dimensions C,H,W.


The softmax operation is computed per spatial location (H,W) per image (N) across the dimension C.

3.65. cudnnSpatialTransformerDescriptor_t

cudnnSpatialTransformerDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of a spatial transformation operation. cudnnCreateSpatialTransformerDescriptor() is used to create one instance, cudnnSetSpatialTransformerNdDescriptor() is used to initialize this instance, cudnnDestroySpatialTransformerDescriptor() is used to destroy this instance.

3.66. cudnnStatus_t

cudnnStatus_t is an enumerated type used for function status returns. All cuDNN library functions return their status, which can be one of the following values:



The operation completed successfully.


The cuDNN library was not initialized properly. This error is usually returned when a call to cudnnCreate() fails or when cudnnCreate() has not been called prior to calling another cuDNN routine. In the former case, it is usually due to an error in the CUDA Runtime API called by cudnnCreate() or by an error in the hardware setup.


Resource allocation failed inside the cuDNN library. This is usually caused by an internal cudaMalloc() failure.

To correct: prior to the function call, deallocate previously allocated memory as much as possible.


An incorrect value or parameter was passed to the function.

To correct: ensure that all the parameters being passed have valid values.


The function requires a feature absent from the current GPU device. Note that cuDNN only supports devices with compute capabilities greater than or equal to 3.0.

To correct: compile and run the application on a device with appropriate compute capability.


An access to GPU memory space failed, which is usually caused by a failure to bind a texture.

To correct: prior to the function call, unbind any previously bound textures.

Otherwise, this may indicate an internal error/bug in the library.


The GPU program failed to execute. This is usually caused by a failure to launch some cuDNN kernel on the GPU, which can occur for multiple reasons.

To correct: check that the hardware, an appropriate version of the driver, and the cuDNN library are correctly installed.

Otherwise, this may indicate a internal error/bug in the library.


An internal cuDNN operation failed.


The functionality requested is not presently supported by cuDNN.


The functionality requested requires some license and an error was detected when trying to check the current licensing. This error can happen if the license is not present or is expired or if the environment variable NVIDIA_LICENSE_FILE is not set properly.


Runtime library required by RNN calls (libcuda.so or nvcuda.dll) cannot be found in predefined search paths.


Some tasks in the user stream are not completed.


Numerical overflow occurred during the GPU kernel execution.

3.67. cudnnTensorDescriptor_t

cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor_t is a pointer to an opaque structure holding the description of a generic n-D dataset. cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor() is used to create one instance, and one of the routrines cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptor(), cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor() or cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx() must be used to initialize this instance.

3.68. cudnnTensorFormat_t

cudnnTensorFormat_t is an enumerated type used by cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor() to create a tensor with a pre-defined layout. For a detailed explanation of how these Tensors are arranged in memory, see Data Layout Formats.



This tensor format specifies that the data is laid out in the following order: batch size, feature maps, rows, columns. The strides are implicitly defined in such a way that the data are contiguous in memory with no padding between images, feature maps, rows, and columns; the columns are the inner dimension and the images are the outermost dimension.


This tensor format specifies that the data is laid out in the following order: batch size, rows, columns, feature maps. The strides are implicitly defined in such a way that the data are contiguous in memory with no padding between images, rows, columns, and feature maps; the feature maps are the inner dimension and the images are the outermost dimension.


This tensor format specifies that the data is laid out in the following order: batch size, feature maps, rows, columns. However, each element of the tensor is a vector of multiple feature maps. The length of the vector is carried by the data type of the tensor. The strides are implicitly defined in such a way that the data are contiguous in memory with no padding between images, feature maps, rows, and columns; the columns are the inner dimension and the images are the outermost dimension. This format is only supported with tensor data types CUDNN_DATA_INT8x4, CUDNN_DATA_INT8x32, and CUDNN_DATA_UINT8x4.

The CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW_VECT_C can also be interpreted in the following way: The NCHW INT8x32 format is really N x (C/32) x H x W x 32 (32 Cs for every W), just as the NCHW INT8x4 format is N x (C/4) x H x W x 4 (4 Cs for every W). Hence the "VECT_C" name - each W is a vector (4 or 32) of Cs.

3.69. cudnnTensorTransformDescriptor_t

cudnnTensorTransformDescriptor_t is an opaque structure containing the description of the Tensor transform. Use the cudnnCreateTensorTransformDescriptor function to create an instance of this descriptor, and cudnnDestroyTensorTransformDescriptor function to destroy a previously created instance.

3.70. cudnnWgradMode_t

cudnnWgradMode_t is an enumerated type to select how the weight gradient output buffers should be updated with the partial gradients.

Member Description
CUDNN_WGRAD_MODE_ADD = 0 Adds the partial gradients to the weight gradient output buffers (i.e., weight gradient output buffers = weight gradient output buffers + partial gradients).
CUDNN_WGRAD_MODE_ADD = 1 Replaces the weight gradient output buffer values with the partial gradients (i.e., weight gradient output buffers = partial gradients).

4. cuDNN API Reference

This chapter describes the API of all the routines of the cuDNN library.

4.1. cudnnActivationBackward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnActivationBackward(
    cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
    cudnnActivationDescriptor_t      activationDesc,
    const void                      *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    yDesc,
    const void                      *y,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dyDesc,
    const void                      *dy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    xDesc,
    const void                      *x,
    const void                      *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dxDesc,
    void                            *dx)

This routine computes the gradient of a neuron activation function.

Note: In-place operation is allowed for this routine; i.e. dy and dx pointers may be equal. However, this requires the corresponding tensor descriptors to be identical (particularly, the strides of the input and output must match for in-place operation to be allowed).
Note: All tensor formats are supported for 4 and 5 dimensions, however best performance is obtained when the strides of yDesc and xDesc are equal and HW-packed. For more than 5 dimensions the tensors must have their spatial dimensions packed.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. See cudnnHandle_t.


Input. Activation descriptor. See cudnnActivationDescriptor_t.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor yDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dyDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor xDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output differential tensor descriptor.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor dxDesc.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The strides nStride, cStride, hStride, wStride of the input differential tensor and output differential tensors differ and in-place operation is used.

The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:

  • The dimensions n,c,h,w of the input tensor and output tensors differ.
  • The datatype of the input tensor and output tensors differs.
  • The strides nStride, cStride, hStride, wStride of the input tensor and the input differential tensor differ.
  • The strides nStride, cStride, hStride, wStride of the output tensor and the output differential tensor differ.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.2. cudnnActivationForward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnActivationForward(
    cudnnHandle_t handle,
    cudnnActivationDescriptor_t     activationDesc,
    const void                     *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   xDesc,
    const void                     *x,
    const void                     *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   yDesc,
    void                           *y)

This routine applies a specified neuron activation function element-wise over each input value.

Note: In-place operation is allowed for this routine; i.e., xData and yData pointers may be equal. However, this requires xDesc and yDesc descriptors to be identical (particularly, the strides of the input and output must match for in-place operation to be allowed).
Note: All tensor formats are supported for 4 and 5 dimensions, however best performance is obtained when the strides of xDesc and yDesc are equal and HW-packed. For more than 5 dimensions the tensors must have their spatial dimensions packed.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. See cudnnHandle_t.


Input. Activation descriptor. See cudnnActivationDescriptor_t.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The parameter mode has an invalid enumerant value.
  • The dimensions n,c,h,w of the input tensor and output tensors differ.
  • The datatype of the input tensor and output tensors differs.
  • The strides nStride,cStride,hStride,wStride of the input tensor and output tensors differ and in-place operation is used (i.e., x and y pointers are equal).

The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.3. cudnnAddTensor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnAddTensor(
    cudnnHandle_t                     handle,
    const void                       *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     aDesc,
    const void                       *A,
    const void                       *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     cDesc,
    void                             *C)

This function adds the scaled values of a bias tensor to another tensor. Each dimension of the bias tensor A must match the corresponding dimension of the destination tensor C or must be equal to 1. In the latter case, the same value from the bias tensor for those dimensions will be used to blend into the C tensor.

Note: Up to dimension 5, all tensor formats are supported. Beyond those dimensions, this routine is not supported



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. See cudnnHandle_t.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the source value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*srcValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Pointer to data of the tensor described by the aDesc descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input/Output. Pointer to data of the tensor described by the cDesc descriptor.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function executed successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


The dimensions of the bias tensor refer to an amount of data that is incompatible the output tensor dimensions or the dataType of the two tensor descriptors are different.


The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.4. cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward(
      cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
      cudnnBatchNormMode_t             mode,
      const void                      *alphaDataDiff,
      const void                      *betaDataDiff,
      const void                      *alphaParamDiff,
      const void                      *betaParamDiff,
      const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    xDesc,
      const void                      *x,
      const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dyDesc,
      const void                      *dy,
      const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dxDesc,
      void                            *dx,
      const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    bnScaleBiasDiffDesc,
      const void                      *bnScale,
      void                            *resultBnScaleDiff,
      void                            *resultBnBiasDiff,
      double                           epsilon,
      const void                      *savedMean,
      const void                      *savedInvVariance)

This function performs the backward batch normalization layer computation. This layer is based on the paper Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift, S. Ioffe, C. Szegedy, 2015.

Note: See cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor for the secondary tensor descriptor generation for the parameters using in this function.
Note: Only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.
Note: The epsilon value has to be the same during training, backpropagation and inference.
Note: Higher performance can be obtained when HW-packed tensors are used for all of x, dy, dx.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor. See cudnnHandle_t.


Input. Mode of operation (spatial or per-activation). See cudnnBatchNormMode_t.

*alphaDataDiff, *betaDataDiff

Inputs. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the gradient output dx with a prior value in the destination tensor as follows:

dstValue = alphaDataDiff[0]*resultValue + betaDataDiff[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.

*alphaParamDiff, *betaParamDiff

Inputs. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the gradient outputs resultBnScaleDiff and resultBnBiasDiff with prior values in the destination tensor as follows:

dstValue = alphaParamDiff[0]*resultValue + betaParamDiff[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.

xDesc, dxDesc, dyDesc

Inputs. Handles to the previously initialized tensor descriptors.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xDesc, for the layer’s x data.


Inputs. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dyDesc, for the backpropagated differential dy input.


Inputs. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dxDesc, for the resulting differential output with respect to x.

Input. Shared tensor descriptor for the following five tensors: bnScale, resultBnScaleDiff, resultBnBiasDiff, savedMean, savedInvVariance. The dimensions for this tensor descriptor are dependent on normalization mode. See cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor.
Note: The data type of this tensor descriptor must be 'float' for FP16 and FP32 input tensors, and 'double' for FP64 input tensors.
Input. Pointer in the device memory for the batch normalization scale parameter (in original paper the quantity scale is referred to as gamma).
Note: The bnBias parameter is not needed for this layer's computation.
resultBnScaleDiff, resultBnBiasDiff
Outputs. Pointers in device memory for the resulting scale and bias differentials computed by this routine. Note that these scale and bias gradients are weight gradients specific to this batch normalization operation, and by definition are not backpropagated.

Input. Epsilon value used in batch normalization formula. Its value should be equal to or greater than the value defined for CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON in cudnn.h. Same epsilon value should be used in forward and backward functions.

*savedMean, *savedInvVariance
Inputs. Optional cache parameters containing saved intermediate results that were computed during the forward pass. For this to work correctly, the layer's x and bnScale data has to remain unchanged until this backward function is called.
Note: Both these parameters can be NULL but only at the same time. It is recommended to use this cache since the memory overhead is relatively small.



The computation was performed successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • Any of the pointers alpha, beta, x, dy, dx, bnScale, resultBnScaleDiff, resultBnBiasDiff is NULL.
  • Number of xDesc or yDesc or dxDesc tensor descriptor dimensions is not within the range of [4,5] (only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.)
  • bnScaleBiasDiffDesc dimensions are not 1xCx1x1 for 4D and 1xCx1x1x1 for 5D for spatial, and are not 1xCxHxW for 4D and 1xCxDxHxW for 5D for per-activation mode.
  • Exactly one of savedMean, savedInvVariance pointers is NULL.
  • epsilon value is less than CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON.
  • Dimensions or data types mismatch for any pair of xDesc, dyDesc, dxDesc.

4.5. cudnnBatchNormalizationBackwardEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnBatchNormalizationBackwardEx (
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    cudnnBatchNormMode_t                mode,
    cudnnBatchNormOps_t                 bnOps,
    const void                          *alphaDataDiff,
    const void                          *betaDataDiff,
    const void                          *alphaParamDiff,
    const void                          *betaParamDiff,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       xDesc,
    const void                          *xData,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       yDesc,
    const void                          *yData,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dyDesc,
    const void                          *dyData,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dzDesc,
    void                                *dzData,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dxDesc,
    void                                *dxData,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dBnScaleBiasDesc,
    const void                          *bnScaleData,
    const void                          *bnBiasData,
    void                                *dBnScaleData,
    void                                *dBnBiasData,
    double                              epsilon,
    const void                          *savedMean,
    const void                          *savedInvVariance,
    const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t   activationDesc,
    void                                *workspace,
    size_t                              workSpaceSizeInBytes
    void                                *reserveSpace
    size_t                              reserveSpaceSizeInBytes);

This function is an extension of the cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward() for performing the backward batch normalization layer computation with a fast NHWC semi-persistent kernel. This API will trigger the new semi-persistent NHWC kernel when the below conditions are true:

  • All tensors, namely, x, y, dz, dy, dx must be NHWC-fully packed, and must be of the type CUDNN_DATA_HALF.

  • The tensor C dimension should be a multiple of 4.

  • The input parameter mode must be set to CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT.

  • workspace is not NULL.

  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is equal or larger than the amount required by cudnnGetBatchNormalizationBackwardExWorkspaceSize().

  • reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is equal or larger than the amount required by cudnnGetBatchNormalizationTrainingExReserveSpaceSize().

  • The content in reserveSpace stored by cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingEx() must be preserved.

If workspace is NULL and workSpaceSizeInBytes of zero is passed in, this API will function exactly like the non-extended function cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward.

This workspace is not required to be clean. Moreover, the workspace does not have to remain unchanged between the forward and backward pass, as it is not used for passing any information.

This extended function can accept a *workspace pointer to the GPU workspace, and workSpaceSizeInBytes, the size of the workspace, from the user.

The bnOps input can be used to set this function to perform either only the batch normalization, or batch normalization followed by activation, or batch normalization followed by element-wise addition and then activation.

Only 4D and 5D tensors are supported. The epsilon value has to be the same during the training, the backpropagation and the inference.

When the tensor layout is NCHW, higher performance can be obtained when HW-packed tensors are used for x, dy, dx.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor. See cudnnHandle_t.


Input. Mode of operation (spatial or per-activation). See cudnnBatchNormMode_t.

Input. Mode of operation for the fast NHWC kernel. See cudnnBatchNormOps_t.. This input can be used to set this function to perform either only the batch normalization, or batch normalization followed by activation, or batch normalization followed by element-wise addition and then activation.
*alphaDataDiff, *betaDataDiff

Inputs. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the gradient output dx with a prior value in the destination tensor as follows:

dstValue = alpha[0]*resultValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.

*alphaParamDiff, *betaParamDiff

Inputs. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the gradient outputs dBnScaleData and dBnBiasData with prior values in the destination tensor as follows:

dstValue = alpha[0]*resultValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.

xDesc, *x,yDesc, *yData, dyDesc, *dyData, dzDesc, *dzData, dxDesc, *dx/dt

Inputs. Tensor descriptors and pointers in the device memory for the layer's x data, back propagated differential dy (inputs), the optional y input data, the optional dz output, and the dx output, which is the resulting differential with respect to x. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Shared tensor descriptor for the following six tensors: bnScaleData, bnBiasData, dBnScaleData, dBnBiasData, savedMean, and savedInvVariance. See cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor.

The dimensions for this tensor descriptor are dependent on normalization mode.
Note: Note: The data type of this tensor descriptor must be 'float' for FP16 and FP32 input tensors, and 'double' for FP64 input tensors.
See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.

Input. Pointer in the device memory for the batch normalization scale parameter (in the original paper the quantity scale is referred to as gamma).

Input. Pointers in the device memory for the batch normalization bias parameter (in the original paper bias is referred to as beta). This parameter is used only when activation should be performed.
*dBnScaleData, dBnBiasData
Inputs. Pointers in the device memory for the gradients of bnScaleData and bnBiasData, respectively.

Input. Epsilon value used in batch normalization formula. Its value should be equal to or greater than the value defined for CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON in cudnn.h. Same epsilon value should be used in forward and backward functions.

*savedMean, *savedInvVariance
Inputs. Optional cache parameters containing saved intermediate results computed during the forward pass. For this to work correctly, the layer's x and bnScaleData, bnBiasData data has to remain unchanged until this backward function is called. Note that both these parameters can be NULL but only at the same time. It is recommended to use this cache since the memory overhead is relatively small.
Input. Tensor descriptor for the activation operation.
Input. Pointer to the GPU workspace. If workspace is NULL and workSpaceSizeInBytes of zero is passed in, then this API will function exactly like the non-extended function cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward().
Input. The size of the workspace. Must be large enough to trigger the fast NHWC semi-persistent kernel by this function.
Input. Pointer to the GPU workspace for the reserveSpace.
Input. The size of the reserveSpace. Must be equal or larger than the amount required by cudnnGetBatchNormalizationTrainingExReserveSpaceSize().



The computation was performed successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • Any of the pointers alphaDataDiff, betaDataDiff, alphaParamDiff, betaParamDiff, x, dy, dx, bnScale, resultBnScaleDiff, resultBnBiasDiff is NULL.
  • Number of xDesc or yDesc or dxDesc tensor descriptor dimensions is not within the range of [4,5] (only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.)
  • dBnScaleBiasDesc dimensions not 1xCx1x1 for 4D and 1xCx1x1x1 for 5D for spatial, and are not 1xCxHxW for 4D and 1xCxDxHxW for 5D for per-activation mode. .
  • Exactly one of savedMean, savedInvVariance pointers is NULL.
  • epsilon value is less than CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON.
  • Dimensions or data types mismatch for any pair of xDesc, dyDesc, dxDesc.

4.6. cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardInference

 cudnnStatus_t cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardInference(
      cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
      cudnnBatchNormMode_t             mode,
      const void                      *alpha,
      const void                      *beta,
      const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    xDesc,
      const void                      *x,
      const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    yDesc,
      void                            *y,
      const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc,
      const void                      *bnScale,
      const void                      *bnBias,
      const void                      *estimatedMean,
      const void                      *estimatedVariance,
      double                           epsilon)

This function performs the forward batch normalization layer computation for the inference phase. This layer is based on the paper Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift, S. Ioffe, C. Szegedy, 2015.

Note: See cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor for the secondary tensor descriptor generation for the parameters using in this function.
Note: Only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.
Note: The input transformation performed by this function is defined as:

y = beta*y + alpha *[bnBias + (bnScale * (x-estimatedMean)/sqrt(epsilon + estimatedVariance)]
Note: The epsilon value has to be the same during training, backpropagation and inference.
Note: For training phase use cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining.
Note: Higher performance can be obtained when HW-packed tensors are used for all of x and dx.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor. See cudnnHandle_t.


Input. Mode of operation (spatial or per-activation). See cudnnBatchNormMode_t.

alpha, beta

Inputs. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the layer output value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows:

dstValue = alpha[0]*resultValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.

xDesc, yDesc

Input. Handles to the previously initialized tensor descriptors.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xDesc, for the layer’s x input data.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor yDesc, for the youtput of the batch normalization layer.

bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc, bnScale, bnBias

Inputs. Tensor descriptor and pointers in device memory for the batch normalization scale and bias parameters (in the original paper bias is referred to as beta and scale as gamma).

estimatedMean, estimatedVariance

Inputs. Mean and variance tensors (these have the same descriptor as the bias and scale). The resultRunningMean and resultRunningVariance, accumulated during the training phase from the cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining() call, should be passed as inputs here.


Input. Epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula. Its value should be equal to or greater than the value defined for CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON in cudnn.h.



The computation was performed successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the pointers alpha, beta, x, y, bnScale, bnBias, estimatedMean, estimatedInvVariance is NULL.
  • Number of xDesc or yDesc tensor descriptor dimensions is not within the range of [4,5] (only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.)
  • bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc dimensions are not 1xCx1x1 for 4D and 1xCx1x1x1 for 5D for spatial, and are not 1xCxHxW for 4D and 1xCxDxHxW for 5D for per-activation mode.
  • epsilon value is less than CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON.
  • Dimensions or data types mismatch for xDesc, yDesc.

4.7. cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining

 cudnnStatus_t cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining(
      cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
      cudnnBatchNormMode_t             mode,
      const void                      *alpha,
      const void                      *beta,
      const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    xDesc,
      const void                      *x,
      const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    yDesc,
      void                            *y,
      const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc,
      const void                      *bnScale,
      const void                      *bnBias,
      double                           exponentialAverageFactor,
      void                            *resultRunningMean,
      void                            *resultRunningVariance,
      double                           epsilon,
      void                            *resultSaveMean,
      void                            *resultSaveInvVariance)

This function performs the forward batch normalization layer computation for the training phase. This layer is based on the paper Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift, S. Ioffe, C. Szegedy, 2015.

Note: See cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor for the secondary tensor descriptor generation for the parameters using in this function.
Note: Only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.
Note: The epsilon value has to be the same during training, backpropagation and inference.
Note: For inference phase use cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardInference.
Note: Higher performance can be obtained when HW-packed tensors are used for both x and y.



Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor. See cudnnHandle_t.


Mode of operation (spatial or per-activation). See cudnnBatchNormMode_t.

alpha, beta

Inputs. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the layer output value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows:

dstValue = alpha[0]*resultValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.

xDesc, yDesc

Tensor descriptors and pointers in device memory for the layer's x and y data. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xDesc, for the layer’s x input data.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor yDesc, for the youtput of the batch normalization layer.


Shared tensor descriptor desc for the secondary tensor that was derived by cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor. The dimensions for this tensor descriptor are dependent on the normalization mode.

bnScale, bnBias
Inputs. Pointers in device memory for the batch normalization scale and bias parameters (in the original paper bias is referred to as beta and scale as gamma). Note that bnBias parameter can replace the previous layer's bias parameter for improved efficiency.
Input. Factor used in the moving average computation as follows:

runningMean = runningMean*(1-factor) + newMean*factor

Use a factor=1/(1+n) at N-th call to the function to get Cumulative Moving Average (CMA) behavior such that:

CMA[n] = (x[1]+...+x[n])/n. This is proved below:

Writing CMA[n+1] = (n*CMA[n]+x[n+1])/(n+1)

= ((n+1)*CMA[n]-CMA[n])/(n+1) + x[n+1]/(n+1)

= CMA[n]*(1-1/(n+1))+x[n+1]*1/(n+1)

= CMA[n]*(1-factor) + x(n+1)*factor.
resultRunningMean, resultRunningVariance

Inputs/Outputs. Running mean and variance tensors (these have the same descriptor as the bias and scale). Both of these pointers can be NULL but only at the same time. The value stored in resultRunningVariance (or passed as an input in inference mode) is the sample variance, and is the moving average of variance[x] where variance is computed either over batch or spatial+batch dimensions depending on the mode. If these pointers are not NULL, the tensors should be initialized to some reasonable values or to 0.


Input. Epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula. Its value should be equal to or greater than the value defined for CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON in cudnn.h. Same epsilon value should be used in forward and backward functions.

resultSaveMean, resultSaveInvVariance
Outputs. Optional cache to save intermediate results computed during the forward pass. These buffers can be used to speed up the backward pass when supplied to the cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward() function. The intermediate results stored in resultSaveMean and resultSaveInvVariance buffers should not be used directly by the user. Depending on the batch normalization mode, the results stored in resultSaveInvVariance may vary. For the cache to work correctly, the input layer data must remain unchanged until the backward function is called. Note that both parameters can be NULL but only at the same time. In such a case intermediate statistics will not be saved, and cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward() will have to re-compute them. It is recommended to use this cache as the memory overhead is relatively small because these tensors have a much lower product of dimensions than the data tensors.



The computation was performed successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the pointers alpha, beta, x, y, bnScale, bnBias is NULL.
  • Number of xDesc or yDesc tensor descriptor dimensions is not within the range of [4,5] (only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.)
  • bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc dimensions are not 1xCx1x1 for 4D and 1xCx1x1x1 for 5D for spatial, and are not 1xCxHxW for 4D and 1xCxDxHxW for 5D for per-activation mode.
  • Exactly one of resultSaveMean, resultSaveInvVariance pointers is NULL.
  • Exactly one of resultRunningMean, resultRunningInvVariance pointers is NULL.
  • epsilon value is less than CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON.
  • Dimensions or data types mismatch for xDesc, yDesc

4.8. cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingEx

 cudnnStatus_t cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingEx(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    cudnnBatchNormMode_t                mode,
    cudnnBatchNormOps_t                 bnOps,
    const void                          *alpha,
    const void                          *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       xDesc,
    const void                          *xData,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       zDesc, 
    const void                          *zData, 
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       yDesc,
    void                                *yData,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc,
    const void                          *bnScaleData,
    const void                          *bnBiasData, 
    double                              exponentialAverageFactor,
    void                                *resultRunningMeanData,
    void                                *resultRunningVarianceData,
    double                              epsilon,
    void                                *saveMean,
    void                                *saveInvVariance,
    const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t   activationDesc, 
    void                                *workspace,
    size_t                              workSpaceSizeInBytes
    void                                *reserveSpace
    size_t                              reserveSpaceSizeInBytes);

This function is an extension of the cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining() for performing the forward batch normalization layer computation.

This API will trigger the new semi-persistent NHWC kernel when the below conditions are true:

  • All tensors, namely, x, y, dz, dy, dx must be NHWC-fully packed, and must be of the type CUDNN_DATA_HALF.

  • The tensor C dimension should be a multiple of 4.

  • The input parameter mode must be set to CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT.

  • workspace is not NULL.

  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is equal or larger than the amount required by cudnnGetBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingExWorkspaceSize().

  • reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is equal or larger than the amount required by cudnnGetBatchNormalizationTrainingExReserveSpaceSize().

  • The content in reserveSpace stored by cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingEx() must be preserved.

If workspace is NULL and workSpaceSizeInBytes of zero is passed in, this API will function exactly like the non-extended function cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining().

This workspace is not required to be clean. Moreover, the workspace does not have to remain unchanged between the forward and backward pass, as it is not used for passing any information.

This extended function can accept a *workspace pointer to the GPU workspace, and workSpaceSizeInBytes, the size of the workspace, from the user.

The bnOps input can be used to set this function to perform either only the batch normalization, or batch normalization followed by activation, or batch normalization followed by element-wise addition and then activation.

Only 4D and 5D tensors are supported. The epsilon value has to be the same during the training, the backpropagation and the inference.

When the tensor layout is NCHW, higher performance can be obtained when HW-packed tensors are used for x, dy, dx.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor. See cudnnHandle_t.


Input. Mode of operation (spatial or per-activation). See cudnnBatchNormMode_t.

Input. Mode of operation for the fast NHWC kernel. See cudnnBatchNormOps_t.. This input can be used to set this function to perform either only the batch normalization, or batch normalization followed by activation, or batch normalization followed by element-wise addition and then activation.
*alpha, *beta

Inputs. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the layer output value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows:

dstValue = alpha[0]*resultValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.

xDesc, *xData, zDesc, *zData, yDesc, *yData

Tensor descriptors and pointers in device memory for the layer's x and y data, and for the optional z tensor input for residual addition to the result of the batch normalization operation, prior to the activation. The optional tensor input z should be exact the same size as x and the final output y. This z input is element-wise added to the output of batch normalization. This addition optionally happens after batch normalization and before the activation. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Shared tensor descriptor desc for the secondary tensor that was derived by cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor(). The dimensions for this tensor descriptor are dependent on the normalization mode.

*bnScaleData, *bnBiasData
Inputs. Pointers in the device memory for the for the batch normalization scale and bias data. In the original paper bias is referred to as beta and scale as gamma. Note that bnBiasData parameter can replace the previous operation’s bias parameter for improved efficiency.
Input. Factor used in the moving average computation as follows:

runningMean = runningMean*(1-factor) + newMean*factor

Use a factor=1/(1+n) at N-th call to the function to get Cumulative Moving Average (CMA) behavior such that:

CMA[n] = (x[1]+...+x[n])/n. This is proved below:

Writing CMA[n+1] = (n*CMA[n]+x[n+1])/(n+1)

= ((n+1)*CMA[n]-CMA[n])/(n+1) + x[n+1]/(n+1)

= CMA[n]*(1-1/(n+1))+x[n+1]*1/(n+1)

= CMA[n]*(1-factor) + x(n+1)*factor.
*resultRunningMeanData, *resultRunningVarianceData

Inputs/Outputs. Pointers to the running mean and running variance data. Both these pointers can be NULL but only at the same time. The value stored in resultRunningVarianceData (or passed as an input in inference mode) is the sample variance, and is the moving average of variance[x] where variance is computed either over batch or spatial+batch dimensions depending on the mode. If these pointers are not NULL, the tensors should be initialized to some reasonable values or to 0.


Input. Epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula. Its value should be equal to or greater than the value defined for CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON in cudnn.h. Same epsilon value should be used in forward and backward functions.

*saveMean, *saveInvVariance
Outputs. Optional cache parameters containing saved intermediate results computed during the forward pass. For this to work correctly, the layer's x and bnScaleData, bnBiasData data has to remain unchanged until this backward function is called. Note that both these parameters can be NULL but only at the same time. It is recommended to use this cache since the memory overhead is relatively small.
Input. Tensor descriptor for the activation operation. When the bnOps input is set to either CUDNN_BATCHNORM_OPS_BN_ACTIVATION or CUDNN_BATCHNORM_OPS_BN_ADD_ACTIVATION then this activation is used.
*workspace, workSpaceSizeInBytes
Inputs. *workspace is a pointer to the GPU workspace, and workSpaceSizeInBytes is the size of the workspace. When the *workspace is not NULL and *workSpaceSizeInBytes is large enough, and the tensor layout is NHWC and the data type configuration is supported, then this function will trigger a new semi-persistent NHWC kernel for batch normalization. The workspace is not required to be clean. Also, the workspace does not need to remain unchanged between the forward and backward passes.
Input. Pointer to the GPU workspace for the reserveSpace.
Input. The size of the reserveSpace. Must be equal or larger than the amount required by cudnnGetBatchNormalizationTrainingExReserveSpaceSize().



The computation was performed successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the pointers alpha, beta, x, y, bnScaleData, bnBiasData is NULL.
  • Number of xDesc or yDesc tensor descriptor dimensions is not within the [4,5] range (only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.).
  • bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc dimensions are not 1xCx1x1 for 4D and 1xCx1x1x1 for 5D for spatial, and are not 1xCxHxW for 4D and 1xCxDxHxW for 5D for per-activation mode.
  • Exactly one of saveMean, saveInvVariance pointers is NULL.
  • Exactly one of resultRunningMeanData, resultRunningInvVarianceData pointers is NULL.
  • epsilon value is less than CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON.
  • Dimensions or data types mismatch for xDesc, yDesc

4.9. cudnnConvolutionBackwardBias

cudnnStatus_t cudnnConvolutionBackwardBias(
    cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
    const void                      *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dyDesc,
    const void                      *dy,
    const void                      *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dbDesc,
    void                            *db)

This function computes the convolution function gradient with respect to the bias, which is the sum of every element belonging to the same feature map across all of the images of the input tensor. Therefore, the number of elements produced is equal to the number of features maps of the input tensor.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. See cudnnHandle_t.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dyDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor dbDesc.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The operation was launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the parameters n,height,width of the output tensor is not 1.
  • The numbers of feature maps of the input tensor and output tensor differ.
  • The dataType of the two tensor descriptors are different.

4.10. cudnnConvolutionBackwardData

cudnnStatus_t cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    const void                         *alpha,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t       wDesc,
    const void                         *w,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dyDesc,
    const void                         *dy,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t  convDesc,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t       algo,
    void                               *workSpace,
    size_t                              workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    const void                         *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dxDesc,
    void                               *dx)

This function computes the convolution data gradient of the tensor dy, where y is the output of the forward convolution in cudnnConvolutionForward(). It uses the specified algo, and returns the results in the output tensor dx. Scaling factors alpha and beta can be used to scale the computed result or accumulate with the current dx.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. See cudnnHandle_t.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor. See cudnnFilterDescriptor_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the input differential tensor descriptor dyDesc.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor. See cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t.


Input. Enumerant that specifies which backward data convolution algorithm shoud be used to compute the results. See cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to a workspace needed to able to execute the specified algorithm. If no workspace is needed for a particular algorithm, that pointer can be nil.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workSpace.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor dxDesc that carries the result.


This function supports the following combinations of data types for wDesc, dyDesc, convDesc, and dxDesc. See the following table for a list of the supported configurations.

Data Type Configurations wDesc's, dyDesc's and dxDesc's Data Type convDesc's Data Type
TRUE_HALF_CONFIG (only supported on architectures with true fp16 support, i.e., compute capability 5.3 and later). CUDNN_DATA_HALF CUDNN_DATA_HALF

Specifying a separate algorithm can cause changes in performance, support and computation determinism. See the following for a list of algorithm options, and their respective supported parameters and deterministic behavior.


The table below shows the list of the supported 2D and 3D convolutions. The 2D convolutions are described first, followed by the 3D convolutions.

For the following terms, the short-form versions shown in the paranthesis are used in the table below, for brevity:



Filter descriptor wDesc: _NHWC. See cudnnTensorFormat_t.

Algo Name

(see below for 3D Convolutions)

Deterministic (Yes or No) Tensor Formats Supported for dyDesc Tensor Formats Supported for dxDesc Data Type Configurations Supported Important
_ALGO_1   NHWC HWC-packed NHWC HWC-packed





Filter descriptor wDesc: _NCHW.

Algo Name Deterministic (Yes or No) Tensor Formats Supported for dyDesc Tensor Formats Supported for dxDesc Data Type Configurations Supported Important
_ALGO_0 No NCHW CHW-packed

All except _NCHW_VECT_C.




- Dilation: greater than 0 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

_ALGO_1 Yes NCHW CHW-packed

_All except _NCHW_VECT_C.





- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

_FFT Yes NCHW CHW-packed

NCHW HW-packed



- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

- dxDesc's feature map height + 2 * convDesc's zero-padding height must equal 256 or less

- dxDesc's feature map width + 2 * convDesc's zero-padding width must equal 256 or less

- convDesc's vertical and horizontal filter stride must equal 1

- wDesc's filter height must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding height

- wDesc's filter width must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding width


NCHW HW-packed



- DOUBLE_CONFIG is also supported when the task can be handled by 1D FFT, ie, one of the filter dimension, width or height is 1.

- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

- When neither of wDesc's filter dimension is 1, the filter width and height must not be larger than 32

- When either of wDesc's filter dimension is 1, the largest filter dimension should not exceed 256

- convDesc's vertical and horizontal filter stride must equal 1 when either the filter width or filter height is 1, otherwise the stride can be 1 or 2

- wDesc's filter height must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding height

- wDesc's filter width must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding width


All except _NCHW_VECT_C.



- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

- convDesc's vertical and horizontal filter stride must equal 1

- wDesc's filter height must be 3

- wDesc's filter width must be 3


All except _NCHW_VECT_C.




- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

- convDesc's vertical and horizontal filter stride must equal 1

- wDesc's filter (height, width) must be (3,3) or (5,5)

- If wDesc's filter (height, width) is (5,5) then the data type config TRUE_HALF_CONFIG is not supported


Filter descriptor wDesc: _NCHW

Algo Name (3D Convolutions) Deterministic (Yes or No) Tensor Formats Supported for dyDesc Tensor Formats Supported for dxDesc Data Type Configurations Support Important
_ALGO_0 Yes NCDHW CDHW-packed

All except _NCDHW_VECT_C.




- Dilation: greater than 0 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

_ALGO_1 Yes NCDHW-fully-packed






- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.


NCDHW DHW-packed




- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

- wDesc's filter height must equal 16 or less

- wDesc's filter width must equal 16 or less

- wDesc's filter depth must equal 16 or less

- convDesc's must have all filter strides equal to 1

- wDesc's filter height must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding height

- wDesc's filter width must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding width

- wDesc's filter depth must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding width



The operation was launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • At least one of the following is NULL: handle, dyDesc, wDesc, convDesc, dxDesc, dy, w, dx, alpha, beta
  • wDesc and dyDesc have a non-matching number of dimensions
  • wDesc and dxDesc have a non-matching number of dimensions
  • wDesc has fewer than three number of dimensions
  • wDesc, dxDesc and dyDesc have a non-matching data type.
  • wDesc and dxDesc have a non-matching number of input feature maps per image (or group in case of Grouped Convolutions).
  • dyDescs's spatial sizes do not match with the expected size as determined by cudnnGetConvolutionNdForwardOutputDim
At least one of the following conditions are met:
  • dyDesc or dxDesc have negative tensor striding
  • dyDesc, wDesc or dxDesc has a number of dimensions that is not 4 or 5
  • The chosen algo does not support the parameters provided; see above for exhaustive list of parameter support for each algo
  • dyDesc or wDesc indicate an output channel count that isn't a multiple of group count (if group count has been set in convDesc).

An error occurs during the texture binding of the filter data or the input differential tensor data


The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.11. cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter

cudnnStatus_t cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    const void                         *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       xDesc,
    const void                         *x,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dyDesc,
    const void                         *dy,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t  convDesc,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t     algo,
    void                               *workSpace,
    size_t                              workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    const void                         *beta,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t       dwDesc,
    void                               *dw)

This function computes the convolution weight (filter) gradient of the tensor dy, where y is the output of the forward convolution in cudnnConvolutionForward(). It uses the specified algo, and returns the results in the output tensor dw. Scaling factors alpha and beta can be used to scale the computed result or accumulate with the current dw.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. See cudnnHandle_t.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the backpropagation gradient tensor descriptor dyDesc.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor. See cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t.


Input. Enumerant that specifies which convolution algorithm shoud be used to compute the results. See cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to a workspace needed to able to execute the specified algorithm. If no workspace is needed for a particular algorithm, that pointer can be nil.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workSpace.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter gradient descriptor. See cudnnFilterDescriptor_t.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter gradient descriptor dwDesc that carries the result.


This function supports the following combinations of data types for xDesc, dyDesc, convDesc, and dwDesc. See the following table for a list of the supported configurations.

Data Type Configurations xDesc's, dyDesc's and dwDesc's Data Type convDesc's Data Type
TRUE_HALF_CONFIG (only supported on architectures with true fp16 support, i.e., compute capability 5.3 and later). CUDNN_DATA_HALF CUDNN_DATA_HALF

Specifying a separate algorithm can cause changes in performance, support and computation determinism. See the following for an exhaustive list of algorithm options and their respective supported parameters and deterministic behavior.


The table below shows the list of the supported 2D and 3D convolutions. The 2D convolutions are described first, followed by the 3D convolutions.

For the following terms, the short-form versions shown in the paranthesis are used in the table below, for brevity:



Filter descriptor dwDesc: _NHWC. See cudnnTensorFormat_t.

Algo Name

(see below for 3D Convolutions)

Deterministic (Yes or No) Tensor Formats Supported for xDesc Tensor Formats Supported for dyDesc Data Type Configurations Supported Important
_ALGO_0, and _ALGO_1   NHWC HWC-packed NHWC HWC-packed




Filter descriptor wDesc: _NCHW.

Algo Name Deterministic (Yes or No) Tensor Formats Supported for xDesc Tensor Formats Supported for dyDesc Data Type Configurations Supported Important
_ALGO_0 No

All except _NCHW_VECT_C.

NCHW CHW-packed




- Dilation: greater than 0 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

- This algo is not supported if output is of type CUDNN_DATA_HALF and the number of elements in dw is odd.

_ALGO_1 Yes


NCHW CHW-packed





- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

_FFT Yes

NCHW CHW-packed

NCHW CHW-packed



- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

- xDesc's feature map height + 2 * convDesc's zero-padding height must equal 256 or less

- xDesc's feature map width + 2 * convDesc's zero-padding width must equal 256 or less

- convDesc's vertical and horizontal filter stride must equal 1

- dwDesc's filter height must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding height

- dwDesc's filter width must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding width

_ALGO_3 Yes

All except _NCHW_VECT_C.

NCHW CHW-packed




- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.


All except _NCHW_VECT_C.

NCHW CHW-packed




- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

- convDesc's vertical and horizontal filter stride must equal 1

- wDesc's filter (height, width) must be (3,3) or (5,5)

- If wDesc's filter (height, width) is (5,5), then the data type config TRUE_HALF_CONFIG is not supported.


NCHW CHW-packed

NCHW CHW-packed




- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

- xDesc's width or height must equal 1

- dyDesc's width or height must equal 1 (the same dimension as in xDesc.) The other dimension must be less than or equal to 256, i.e., the largest 1D tile size currently supported.

- convDesc's vertical and horizontal filter stride must equal 1

- dwDesc's filter height must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding height.

- dwDesc's filter width must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding width.


Filter descriptor wDesc: _NCHW

Algo Name Deterministic (Yes or No) Tensor Formats Supported for xDesc Tensor Formats Supported for dyDesc Data Type Configurations Support Important
_ALGO_0 No

All except _NCDHW_VECT_C.





- Dilation: greater than 0 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.

_ALGO_3 No






- Dilation: 1 for all dimensions

- convDesc Group Count Support: Greater than 0.



The operation was launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • At least one of the following is NULL: handle, xDesc, dyDesc, convDesc, dwDesc, xData, dyData, dwData, alpha, beta
  • xDesc and dyDesc have a non-matching number of dimensions
  • xDesc and dwDesc have a non-matching number of dimensions
  • xDesc has fewer than three number of dimensions
  • xDesc, dyDesc and dwDesc have a non-matching data type.
  • xDesc and dwDesc have a non-matching number of input feature maps per image (or group in case of Grouped Convolutions).
  • yDesc or wDesc indicate an output channel count that isn't a multiple of group count (if group count has been set in convDesc).
At least one of the following conditions are met:
  • xDesc or dyDesc have negative tensor striding
  • xDesc, dyDesc or dwDesc has a number of dimensions that is not 4 or 5
  • The chosen algo does not support the parameters provided; see above for exhaustive list of parameter support for each algo

An error occurs during the texture binding of the filter data.


The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.12. cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    const void                         *alpha1,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       xDesc,
    const void                         *x,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t       wDesc,
    const void                         *w,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t  convDesc,
    cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t           algo,
    void                               *workSpace,
    size_t                              workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    const void                         *alpha2,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       zDesc,
    const void                         *z,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       biasDesc,
    const void                         *bias,
    const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t   activationDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       yDesc,
    void                               *y)

This function applies a bias and then an activation to the convolutions or cross-correlations of cudnnConvolutionForward(), returning results in y. The full computation follows the equation y = act ( alpha1 * conv(x) + alpha2 * z + bias ).

Attention: Using this function with algo set to IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM and dilation > 1 is not supported on Tesla P4, but supported on Turing T4 with CUDA core based kernel.
Note: The routine cudnnGetConvolution2dForwardOutputDim or cudnnGetConvolutionNdForwardOutputDim can be used to determine the proper dimensions of the output tensor descriptor yDesc with respect to xDesc, convDesc and wDesc.
Note: Only the CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_​PRECOMP_GEMM algo is enabled with CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY. In other words, in the cudnnActivationDescriptor_t structure of the input activationDesc, if the mode of the cudnnActivationMode_t field is set to the enum value CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY, then the input cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t of this function cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward() must be set to the enum value CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_​PRECOMP_GEMM. See also the documentation for the function cudnnSetActivationDescriptor().



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. See cudnnHandle_t.

alpha1, alpha2

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as described by the above equation. Please refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xDesc.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor. See cudnnFilterDescriptor_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor. See cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t.


Input. Enumerant that specifies which convolution algorithm should be used to compute the results. See cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to a workspace needed to able to execute the specified algorithm. If no workspace is needed for a particular algorithm, that pointer can be nil.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workSpace.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor zDesc.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor biasDesc.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized activation descriptor. See cudnnActivationDescriptor_t.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor yDesc that carries the result of the convolution.

For the convolution step, this function supports the specific combinations of data types for xDesc, wDesc, convDesc and yDesc as listed in the documentation of cudnnConvolutionForward(). The following table specifies the supported combinations of data types for x, y, z, bias, and alpha1/alpha2.

Table Key: X = CUDNN_DATA

x w y and z bias alpha1/alpha2

In addition to the error values listed by the documentation of cudnnConvolutionForward(), the possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The operation was launched successfully.

At least one of the following conditions are met:
  • At least one of the following is NULL: zDesc, zData, biasDesc, bias, activationDesc.
  • The second dimension of biasDesc and the first dimension of filterDesc are not equal.
  • zDesc and destDesc do not match.
The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:
  • The mode of activationDesc is neither CUDNN_ACTIVATION_RELU or CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY.
  • The reluNanOpt of activationDesc is not CUDNN_NOT_PROPAGATE_NAN.
  • The second stride of biasDesc is not equal to one.
  • The data type of biasDesc does not correspond to the data type of yDesc as listed in the above data types table.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.13. cudnnConvolutionForward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnConvolutionForward(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    const void                         *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       xDesc,
    const void                         *x,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t       wDesc,
    const void                         *w,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t  convDesc,
    cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t           algo,
    void                               *workSpace,
    size_t                              workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    const void                         *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       yDesc,
    void                               *y)

This function executes convolutions or cross-correlations over x using filters specified with w, returning results in y. Scaling factors alpha and beta can be used to scale the input tensor and the output tensor respectively.

Note: The routine cudnnGetConvolution2dForwardOutputDim or cudnnGetConvolutionNdForwardOutputDim can be used to determine the proper dimensions of the output tensor descriptor yDesc with respect to xDesc, convDesc and wDesc.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. See cudnnHandle_t.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xDesc.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor. See cudnnFilterDescriptor_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor. See cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t.


Input. Enumerant that specifies which convolution algorithm shoud be used to compute the results. See cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to a workspace needed to able to execute the specified algorithm. If no workspace is needed for a particular algorithm, that pointer can be nil.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workSpace.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor yDesc that carries the result of the convolution.


This function supports the following combinations of data types for xDesc, wDesc, convDesc, and yDesc. See the following table for a list of the supported configurations.

Data Type Configurations xDesc and wDesc convDesc yDesc
TRUE_HALF_CONFIG (only supported on architectures with true fp16 support, i.e., compute capability 5.3 and later). CUDNN_DATA_HALF CUDNN_DATA_HALF CUDNN_DATA_HALF
INT8_CONFIG (only supported on architectures with DP4A support, i.e., compute capability 6.1 and later). CUDNN_DATA_INT8 CUDNN_DATA_INT32 CUDNN_DATA_INT8
INT8_EXT_CONFIG (only supported on architectures with DP4A support, i.e., compute capability 6.1 and later). CUDNN_DATA_INT8 CUDNN_DATA_INT32 CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT
INT8x4_CONFIG (only supported on architectures with DP4A support, i.e., compute capability 6.1 and later). CUDNN_DATA_INT8x4 CUDNN_DATA_INT32 CUDNN_DATA_INT8x4
INT8x4_EXT_CONFIG (only supported on architectures with DP4A support, i.e., compute capability 6.1 and later). CUDNN_DATA_INT8x4 CUDNN_DATA_INT32 CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT
UINT8x4_CONFIG (new for 7.1) (only supported on architectures with DP4A support, i.e., compute capability 6.1 and later). CUDNN_DATA_UINT8x4 CUDNN_DATA_INT32 CUDNN_DATA_UINT8x4
UINT8x4_EXT_CONFIG (new for 7.1) (only supported on architectures with DP4A support, i.e., compute capability 6.1 and later). CUDNN_DATA_UINT8x4 CUDNN_DATA_INT32 CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT
Note: For this function, all algorithms perform deterministic computations. Specifying a separate algorithm can cause changes in performance and support.


The table below shows the list of the supported 2D and 3D convolutions. The 2D convolutions are described first, followed by the 3D convolutions.

For the following terms, the short-form versions shown in the paranthesis are used in the table below, for brevity:



Filter descriptor wDesc: _NCHW. See cudnnTensorFormat_t.

convDesc Group count support: Greater than 0, for all algos.

Algo Name

(see below for 3D Convolutions)

Tensor Formats Supported for xDesc Tensor Formats Supported for yDesc Data Type Configurations Supported Important
_IMPLICIT_GEMM All except _NCHW_VECT_C. All except _NCHW_VECT_C.




Dilation: Greater than 0 for all dimensions.






Dilation: 1 for all dimensions.





Dilation: 1 for all dimensions.

_FFT NCHW HW-packed NCHW HW-packed



Dilation: 1 for all dimensions.

- xDesc's feature map height + 2 * convDesc's zero-padding height must equal 256 or less

- xDesc's feature map width + 2 * convDesc's zero-padding width must equal 256 or less

- convDesc's vertical and horizontal filter stride must equal 1

- wDesc's filter height must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding height

- wDesc's filter width must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding width




DOUBLE_CONFIG is also supported when the task can be handled by 1D FFT, i.e., one of the filter dimension, width or height is 1.

Dilation: 1 for all dimensions.

- When neither of wDesc's filter dimension is 1, the filter width and height must not be larger than 32

- When either of wDesc's filter dimension is 1, the largest filter dimension should not exceed 256

- convDesc's vertical and horizontal filter stride must equal 1 when either the filter width or filter height is 1, otherwise the stride can be 1 or 2

- wDesc's filter height must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding height

- wDesc's filter width must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding width

_WINOGRAD All except:

All except:




Dilation: 1 for all dimensions.

- convDesc's vertical and horizontal filter stride must equal 1

- wDesc's filter height must be 3

- wDesc's filter width must be 3





Dilation: 1 for all dimensions.

- convDesc's vertical and horizontal filter stride must equal 1

- wDesc's filter (height, width) must be (3,3) or (5,5)

- If wDesc's filter (height, width) is (5,5), then data type config TRUE_HALF_CONFIG is not supported

_DIRECT Currently not implemented in cuDNN.

Filter descriptor wDesc: _NHWC

convDesc Group count support: Greater than 0.

Algo Name xDesc yDesc Data Type Configurations Support Important



Dilation: Greater than 0 for all dimensions.

Filter descriptor wDesc: _NHWC

convDesc Group count support: Greater than 0.

Algo Name xDesc yDesc Data Type Configurations Support Important





- UINT8x4_CONFIG, and


Dilation: 1 for all dimensions.

Input and output features maps must be multiple of 4.


Filter descriptor wDesc: _NCHW

convDesc Group count support: Greater than 0, for all algos.

Algo Name xDesc yDesc Data Type Configurations Support Important
_IMPLICIT_GEMM All except _NCHW_VECT_C. All except _NCHW_VECT_C.




Dilation: Greater than 0 for all dimensions.


Dilation: 1 for all dimensions.





Dilation: 1 for all dimensions.

-wDesc's filter height must equal 16 or less

- wDesc's filter width must equal 16 or less

-wDesc's filter depth must equal 16 or less

- convDesc's must have all filter strides equal to 1

- wDesc's filter height must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding height

- wDesc's filter width must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding width

- wDesc's filter depth must be greater than convDesc's zero-padding width

Note: Tensors can be converted to, and from, CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW_VECT_C with cudnnTransformTensor().



The operation was launched successfully.

At least one of the following conditions are met:
  • At least one of the following is NULL: handle, xDesc, wDesc, convDesc, yDesc, xData, w, yData, alpha, beta
  • xDesc and yDesc have a non-matching number of dimensions
  • xDesc and wDesc have a non-matching number of dimensions
  • xDesc has fewer than three number of dimensions
  • xDesc's number of dimensions is not equal to convDesc's array length + 2
  • xDesc and wDesc have a non-matching number of input feature maps per image (or group in case of Grouped Convolutions)
  • yDesc or wDesc indicate an output channel count that isn't a multiple of group count (if group count has been set in convDesc).
  • xDesc, wDesc and yDesc have a non-matching data type
  • For some spatial dimension, wDesc has a spatial size that is larger than the input spatial size (including zero-padding size)
At least one of the following conditions are met:
  • xDesc or yDesc have negative tensor striding
  • xDesc, wDesc or yDesc has a number of dimensions that is not 4 or 5
  • yDescs's spatial sizes do not match with the expected size as determined by cudnnGetConvolutionNdForwardOutputDim
  • The chosen algo does not support the parameters provided; see above for exhaustive list of parameter support for each algo

An error occured during the texture binding of the filter data.


The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.14. cudnnCreate

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreate(cudnnHandle_t *handle)

This function initializes the cuDNN library and creates a handle to an opaque structure holding the cuDNN library context. It allocates hardware resources on the host and device and must be called prior to making any other cuDNN library calls.

The cuDNN library handle is tied to the current CUDA device (context). To use the library on multiple devices, one cuDNN handle needs to be created for each device.

For a given device, multiple cuDNN handles with different configurations (e.g., different current CUDA streams) may be created. Because cudnnCreate allocates some internal resources, the release of those resources by calling cudnnDestroy will implicitly call cudaDeviceSynchronize; therefore, the recommended best practice is to call cudnnCreate/cudnnDestroy outside of performance-critical code paths.

For multithreaded applications that use the same device from different threads, the recommended programming model is to create one (or a few, as is convenient) cuDNN handle(s) per thread and use that cuDNN handle for the entire life of the thread.



Output. Pointer to pointer where to store the address to the allocated cuDNN handle. See cudnnHandle_t.



Invalid (NULL) input pointer supplied.


No compatible GPU found, CUDA driver not installed or disabled, CUDA runtime API initialization failed.


NVIDIA GPU architecture is too old.


Host memory allocation failed.


CUDA resource allocation failed.


cuDNN license validation failed (only when the feature is enabled).


cuDNN handle was created successfully.

4.15. cudnnCreateActivationDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateActivationDescriptor(
        cudnnActivationDescriptor_t   *activationDesc)

This function creates a activation descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure. See cudnnActivationDescriptor_t.



The object was created successfully.


The resources could not be allocated.

4.16. cudnnCreateAlgorithmDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateAlgorithmDescriptor(
    cudnnAlgorithmDescriptor_t *algoDesc)

(New for 7.1)

This function creates an algorithm descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure.



The object was created successfully.


The resources could not be allocated.

4.17. cudnnCreateAlgorithmPerformance

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateAlgorithmPerformance(
    cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t *algoPerf,
    int                         numberToCreate)

(New for 7.1)

This function creates multiple algorithm performance objects by allocating the memory needed to hold their opaque structures.



The object was created successfully.


The resources could not be allocated.

4.18. cudnnCreateAttnDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateAttnDescriptor(cudnnAttnDescriptor_t *attnDesc);

This function creates an attention descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its structure. Use the cudnnSetAttnDescriptor function to initialize the descriptor, and the cudnnDestroyAttnDescriptor function to destroy the descriptor.


Parameter Input / Output Description
attnDesc Output An uninitialized attention descriptor.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The descriptor object is created successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED The memory allocation failed.

4.19. cudnnCreateConvolutionDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateConvolutionDescriptor(
    cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t *convDesc)

This function creates a convolution descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure. See cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t.



The object was created successfully.


The resources could not be allocated.

4.20. cudnnCreateCTCLossDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateCTCLossDescriptor(
    cudnnCTCLossDescriptor_t* ctcLossDesc)

This function creates a CTC loss function descriptor. .



Output. CTC loss descriptor to be set. See cudnnCTCLossDescriptor_t.



The function returned successfully.


CTC loss descriptor passed to the function is invalid.


Memory allocation for this CTC loss descriptor failed.

4.21. cudnnCreateDropoutDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateDropoutDescriptor(
    cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t    *dropoutDesc)

This function creates a generic dropout descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure. See cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t.



The object was created successfully.


The resources could not be allocated.

4.22. cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor(
    cudnnFilterDescriptor_t *filterDesc)

This function creates a filter descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure. See cudnnFilterDescriptor_t.



The object was created successfully.


The resources could not be allocated.

4.23. cudnnCreateFusedOpsConstParamPack

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateFusedOpsConstParamPack(
	cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t *constPack, 
	cudnnFusedOps_t ops);		

This function creates an opaque structure to store the various problem size information, such as the shape, layout and the type of Tensors, and the descriptors for convolution and activation, for the selected sequence of cudnnFusedOps computations.


Parameter Input / Output Description
constPack Input The opaque structure that is created by this function. See cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t
ops Input The specific sequence of computations to perform in the cudnnFusedOps computations, as defined in the enumerated type cudnnFusedOps_t.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM If either constPack or ops is NULL.
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS If the descriptor is created successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED If the ops enum value is not supported or reserved for future use.

4.24. cudnnCreateFusedOpsPlan

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateFusedOpsPlan(
	cudnnFusedOpsPlan_t *plan, 
	cudnnFusedOps_t ops);		

This function creates the plan descriptor for the cudnnFusedOps computation. This descriptor contains the plan information, including the problem type and size, which kernels should be run, and the internal workspace partition.


Parameter Input / Output Description
plan Input A pointer to the instance of the descriptor created by this function.
ops Input The specific sequence of fused operations computations for which this plan descriptor should be created. See cudnnFusedOps_t.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM If either the input *plan is NULL, or the ops input is not a valid cudnnFusedOp enum.
CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED The ops input provided is not supported.
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The plan descriptor is created successfully.

4.25. cudnnCreateFusedOpsVariantParamPack

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateFusedOpsVariantParamPack(
	cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamPack_t *varPack, 
	cudnnFusedOps_t ops);		

This function creates a descriptor for cudnnFusedOps constant parameters.


Parameter Input / Output Description
varPack Input Pointer to the descriptor created by this function. See cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamPack_t
ops Input The specific sequence of fused operations computations for which this descriptor should be created.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The descriptor is successfully created.
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM If any input is invalid.

4.26. cudnnCreateLRNDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateLRNDescriptor(
            cudnnLRNDescriptor_t    *poolingDesc)

This function allocates the memory needed to hold the data needed for LRN and DivisiveNormalization layers operation and returns a descriptor used with subsequent layer forward and backward calls.



The object was created successfully.


The resources could not be allocated.


cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateOpTensorDescriptor(
    cudnnOpTensorDescriptor_t* 	opTensorDesc)

This function creates a Tensor Pointwise math descriptor. See cudnnOpTensorDescriptor_t.



Output. Pointer to the structure holding the description of the Tensor Pointwise math such as Add, Multiply, and more.



The function returned successfully.


Tensor Pointwise math descriptor passed to the function is invalid.


Memory allocation for this Tensor Pointwise math descriptor failed.

4.28. cudnnCreatePersistentRNNPlan

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreatePersistentRNNPlan(
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t        rnnDesc,
    const int                   minibatch,
    const cudnnDataType_t       dataType,
    cudnnPersistentRNNPlan_t   *plan)

This function creates a plan to execute persistent RNNs when using the CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC algo. This plan is tailored to the current GPU and problem hyperparemeters. This function call is expected to be expensive in terms of runtime, and should be used infrequently. See cudnnRNNDescriptor_t, cudnnDataType_t, and cudnnPersistentRNNPlan_t.



The object was created successfully.


The resources could not be allocated.


A prerequisite runtime library cannot be found.


The current hyperparameters are invalid.

4.29. cudnnCreatePoolingDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreatePoolingDescriptor(
    cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t    *poolingDesc)

This function creates a pooling descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure,



The object was created successfully.


The resources could not be allocated.

4.30. cudnnCreateReduceTensorDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateReduceTensorDescriptor(
	cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor_t*	reduceTensorDesc)

This function creates a reduce tensor descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure.





The object was created successfully.


reduceTensorDesc is a NULL pointer.


The resources could not be allocated.

4.31. cudnnCreateRNNDataDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateRNNDataDescriptor(
    cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t *RNNDataDesc)

This function creates a RNN data descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure.



The RNN data descriptor object was created successfully.


RNNDataDesc is NULL.


The resources could not be allocated.

4.32. cudnnCreateRNNDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateRNNDescriptor(
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t    *rnnDesc)

This function creates a generic RNN descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure.



The object was created successfully.


The resources could not be allocated.

4.33. cudnnCreateSeqDataDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateSeqDataDescriptor(cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t *seqDataDesc);	

This function creates a sequence data descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure. The sequence data is initialized to be all zero. Use the cudnnSetSeqDataDescriptor function to initialize the descriptor created by this function.


Parameter Input / Output Description
seqDataDesc Output A sequence data descriptor whose sequence data is initialized to be all zero.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The descriptor object was created successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED The memory allocation failed.

4.34. cudnnCreateSpatialTransformerDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateSpatialTransformerDescriptor(
    cudnnSpatialTransformerDescriptor_t *stDesc)

This function creates a generic spatial transformer descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure.



The object was created successfully.


The resources could not be allocated.

4.35. cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(
    cudnnTensorDescriptor_t *tensorDesc)

This function creates a generic tensor descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure. The data is initialized to be all zero.



Input. Pointer to pointer where the address to the allocated tensor descriptor object should be stored.



Invalid input argument.


The resources could not be allocated.


The object was created successfully.

4.36. cudnnCreateTensorTransformDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCreateTensorTransformDescriptor(
	cudnnTensorTransformDescriptor_t *transformDesc);

This function creates a Tensor transform descriptor object by allocating the memory needed to hold its opaque structure. The Tensor data is initialized to be all zero. Use the cudnnSetTensorTransformDescriptor function to initialize the descriptor created by this function.


Parameter Input / Output Description
transformDesc Output A pointer to an uninitialized Tensor transform descriptor.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The descriptor object was created successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED The memory allocation failed.

4.37. cudnnCTCLoss

cudnnStatus_t cudnnCTCLoss(
    cudnnHandle_t                        handle,
    const   cudnnTensorDescriptor_t      probsDesc,
    const   void                        *probs,
    const   int                         *labels,
    const   int                         *labelLengths,
    const   int                         *inputLengths,
    void                                *costs,
    const   cudnnTensorDescriptor_t      gradientsDesc,
    const   void                        *gradients,
    cudnnCTCLossAlgo_t                   algo,
    const   cudnnCTCLossDescriptor_t     ctcLossDesc,
    void                                *workspace,
    size_t                              *workSpaceSizeInBytes)
This function returns the ctc costs and gradients, given the probabilities and labels.
Note: This function has an inconsistent interface, i.e., the probs input is probability normalized by softmax, but the gradients output is with respect to the unnormalized activation.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. See cudnnHandle_t.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized probabilities tensor descriptor. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Pointer to a previously initialized probabilities tensor. These input probabilities are normalized by softmax.


Input. Pointer to a previously initialized labels list.


Input. Pointer to a previously initialized lengths list, to walk the above labels list.


Input. Pointer to a previously initialized list of the lengths of the timing steps in each batch.


Output. Pointer to the computed costs of CTC.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized gradients tensor descriptor.


Output. Pointer to the computed gradients of CTC. These computed gradient outputs are with respect to the unnormalized activation.


Input. Enumerant that specifies the chosen CTC loss algorithm. See cudnnCTCLossAlgo_t.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized CTC loss descriptor. See cudnnCTCLossDescriptor_t.


Input. Pointer to GPU memory of a workspace needed to able to execute the specified algorithm.


Input. Amount of GPU memory needed as workspace to be able to execute the CTC loss computation with the specified algo.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The dimensions of probsDesc do not match the dimensions of gradientsDesc.
  • The inputLengths do not agree with the first dimension of probsDesc.
  • The workSpaceSizeInBytes is not sufficient.
  • The labelLengths is greater than 256.

A compute or data type other than FLOAT was chosen, or an unknown algorithm type was chosen.


The function failed to launch on the GPU

4.38. cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor(
    cudnnTensorDescriptor_t         derivedBnDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   xDesc,
    cudnnBatchNormMode_t            mode)

This function derives a secondary tensor descriptor for the batch normalization scale, invVariance, bnBias, bnScale subtensors from the layer's x data descriptor.

Use the tensor descriptor produced by this function as the bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc parameter for the cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardInference and cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining functions, and as the bnScaleBiasDiffDesc parameter in the cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward function.

The resulting dimensions will be 1xCx1x1 for 4D and 1xCx1x1x1 for 5D for BATCHNORM_MODE_SPATIAL, and 1xCxHxW for 4D and 1xCxDxHxW for 5D for BATCHNORM_MODE_PER_ACTIVATION mode.

For HALF input data type the resulting tensor descriptor will have a FLOAT type. For other data types it will have the same type as the input data.

Note: Only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.
Note: The derivedBnDesc should be first created using cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor.
Note:xDesc is the descriptor for the layer's x data and has to be setup with proper dimensions prior to calling this function.



Output. Handle to a previously created tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously created and initialized layer's x data descriptor.


Input. Batch normalization layer mode of operation.



The computation was performed successfully.

Invalid Batch Normalization mode.

4.39. cudnnDestroy

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroy(cudnnHandle_t handle)

This function releases resources used by the cuDNN handle. This function is usually the last call with a particular handle to the cuDNN handle. Because cudnnCreate allocates some internal resources, the release of those resources by calling cudnnDestroy will implicitly call cudaDeviceSynchronize; therefore, the recommended best practice is to call cudnnCreate/cudnnDestroy outside of performance-critical code paths.



Input. Pointer to the cuDNN handle to be destroyed.



The cuDNN context destruction was successful.


Invalid (NULL) pointer supplied.

4.40. cudnnDestroyActivationDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyActivationDescriptor(
        cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc)

This function destroys a previously created activation descriptor object.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.41. cudnnDestroyAlgorithmDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyAlgorithmDescriptor(
        cudnnActivationDescriptor_t algorithmDesc)

(New for 7.1)

This function destroys a previously created algorithm descriptor object.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.42. cudnnDestroyAlgorithmPerformance

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyAlgorithmPerformance(
        cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t     algoPerf)

(New for 7.1)

This function destroys a previously created algorithm descriptor object.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.43. cudnnDestroyAttnDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyAttnDescriptor(
	cudnnAttnDescriptor_t attnDesc);

This function destroys a previously created attention descriptor.


Parameter Input / Output Description
attnDesc Input The attention descriptor to be destroyed.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The descriptor was destroyed successfully.

4.44. cudnnDestroyConvolutionDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyConvolutionDescriptor(
    cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t convDesc)

This function destroys a previously created convolution descriptor object.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.45. cudnnDestroyCTCLossDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyCTCLossDescriptor(
    cudnnCTCLossDescriptor_t 	ctcLossDesc)

This function destroys a CTC loss function descriptor object.



Input. CTC loss function descriptor to be destroyed.



The function returned successfully.

4.46. cudnnDestroyDropoutDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyDropoutDescriptor(
    cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t dropoutDesc)

This function destroys a previously created dropout descriptor object.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.47. cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(
    cudnnFilterDescriptor_t filterDesc)

This function destroys a previously created Tensor4D descriptor object.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.48. cudnnDestroyFusedOpsConstParamPack

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyFusedOpsConstParamPack(
	cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t constPack);		

This function destroys a previously-created cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t structure.


Parameter Input / Output Description
constPack Input The cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t structure that should be destroyed.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS If the descriptor is destroyed successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR If the ops enum value is not supported or invalid.

4.49. cudnnDestroyFusedOpsPlan

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyFusedOpsPlan(
	cudnnFusedOpsPlan_t plan);		

This function destroys the plan descriptor provided.


Parameter Input / Output Description
plan Input The descriptor that should be destroyed by this function.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS If either the plan descriptor is NULL or the descriptor is successfully destroyed.

4.50. cudnnDestroyFusedOpsVariantParamPack

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyFusedOpsVariantParamPack(
	cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamPack_t varPack);		

This function destroys a previously-created descriptor for cudnnFusedOps constant parameters.


Parameter Input / Output Description
varPack Input The descriptor that should be destroyed.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The descriptor is successfully destroyed.

4.51. cudnnDestroyLRNDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyLRNDescriptor(
    cudnnLRNDescriptor_t lrnDesc)

This function destroys a previously created LRN descriptor object.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.52. cudnnDestroyOpTensorDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyOpTensorDescriptor(
    cudnnOpTensorDescriptor_t   opTensorDesc)

This function deletes a Tensor Pointwise math descriptor object.



Input. Pointer to the structure holding the description of the Tensor Pointwise math to be deleted.



The function returned successfully.

4.53. cudnnDestroyPersistentRNNPlan

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyPersistentRNNPlan(
    cudnnPersistentRNNPlan_t plan)

This function destroys a previously created persistent RNN plan object.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.54. cudnnDestroyPoolingDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyPoolingDescriptor(
    cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t poolingDesc)

This function destroys a previously created pooling descriptor object.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.55. cudnnDestroyReduceTensorDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyReduceTensorDescriptor(
    cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor_t   tensorDesc)

This function destroys a previously created reduce tensor descriptor object. When the input pointer is NULL, this function performs no destroy operation.



Input. Pointer to the reduce tensor descriptor object to be destroyed.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.56. cudnnDestroyRNNDataDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyRNNDataDescriptor(
    cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t RNNDataDesc)

This function destroys a previously created RNN data descriptor object.



The RNN data descriptor object was destroyed successfully.

4.57. cudnnDestroyRNNDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyRNNDescriptor(
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t rnnDesc)

This function destroys a previously created RNN descriptor object.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.58. cudnnDestroySeqDataDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroySeqDataDescriptor(cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t seqDataDesc);

Destroys a previously created sequence data descriptor.


Parameter Input / Output Description
seqDataDesc Input The sequence data descriptor to be destroyed.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The descriptor was destroyed successfully.

4.59. cudnnDestroySpatialTransformerDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroySpatialTransformerDescriptor(
    cudnnSpatialTransformerDescriptor_t stDesc)

This function destroys a previously created spatial transformer descriptor object.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.60. cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(cudnnTensorDescriptor_t tensorDesc)

This function destroys a previously created tensor descriptor object. When the input pointer is NULL, this function performs no destroy operation.



Input. Pointer to the tensor descriptor object to be destroyed.



The object was destroyed successfully.

4.61. cudnnDestroyTensorTransformDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDestroyTensorTransformDescriptor(
	cudnnTensorTransformDescriptor_t transformDesc);

Destroys a previously created Tensor transform descriptor.


Parameter Input / Output Description
transformDesc Input The Tensor transform descriptor to be destroyed.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The descriptor was destroyed successfully.

4.62. cudnnDivisiveNormalizationBackward

 cudnnStatus_t cudnnDivisiveNormalizationBackward(
    cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
    cudnnLRNDescriptor_t             normDesc,
    cudnnDivNormMode_t               mode,
    const void                      *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    xDesc,
    const void                      *x,
    const void                      *means,
    const void                      *dy,
    void                            *temp,
    void                            *temp2,
    const void                      *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dxDesc,
    void                            *dx,
    void                            *dMeans)

This function performs the backward DivisiveNormalization layer computation.

Note: Supported tensor formats are NCHW for 4D and NCDHW for 5D with any non-overlapping non-negative strides. Only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously intialized LRN parameter descriptor (this descriptor is used for both LRN and DivisiveNormalization layers).


Input. DivisiveNormalization layer mode of operation. Currently only CUDNN_DIVNORM_PRECOMPUTED_MEANS is implemented. Normalization is performed using the means input tensor that is expected to be precomputed by the user.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the layer output value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*resultValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section for additional details.

xDesc, x, means

Input. Tensor descriptor and pointers in device memory for the layer's x and means data. Note: the means tensor is expected to be precomputed by the user. It can also contain any valid values (not required to be actual means, and can be for instance a result of a convolution with a Gaussian kernel).


Input. Tensor pointer in device memory for the layer's dy cumulative loss differential data (error backpropagation).

temp, temp2

Workspace. Temporary tensors in device memory. These are used for computing intermediate values during the backward pass. These tensors do not have to be preserved from forward to backward pass. Both use xDesc as a descriptor.


Input. Tensor descriptor for dx and dMeans.

dx, dMeans

Output. Tensor pointers (in device memory) for the layer's resulting cumulative gradients dx and dMeans (dLoss/dx and dLoss/dMeans). Both share the same descriptor.

Possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The computation was performed successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the tensor pointers x, dx, temp, tmep2, dy is NULL.
  • Number of any of the input or output tensor dimensions is not within the [4,5] range.
  • Either alpha or beta pointer is NULL.
  • A mismatch in dimensions between xDesc and dxDesc.
  • LRN descriptor parameters are outside of their valid ranges.
  • Any of the tensor strides is negative.

The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:

  • Any of the input and output tensor strides mismatch (for the same dimension).

4.63. cudnnDivisiveNormalizationForward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDivisiveNormalizationForward(
    cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
    cudnnLRNDescriptor_t             normDesc,
    cudnnDivNormMode_t               mode,
    const void                      *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    xDesc,
    const void                      *x,
    const void                      *means,
    void                            *temp,
    void                            *temp2,
    const void                      *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    yDesc,
    void                            *y)

This function performs the forward spatial DivisiveNormalization layer computation. It divides every value in a layer by the standard deviation of its spatial neighbors as described in "What is the Best Multi-Stage Architecture for Object Recognition", Jarrett 2009, Local Contrast Normalization Layer section. Note that Divisive Normalization only implements the x/max(c, sigma_x) portion of the computation, where sigma_x is the variance over the spatial neighborhood of x. The full LCN (Local Contrastive Normalization) computation can be implemented as a two-step process:

x_m = x-mean(x);

y = x_m/max(c, sigma(x_m));

The "x-mean(x)" which is often referred to as "subtractive normalization" portion of the computation can be implemented using cuDNN average pooling layer followed by a call to addTensor.

Note: Supported tensor formats are NCHW for 4D and NCDHW for 5D with any non-overlapping non-negative strides. Only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously intialized LRN parameter descriptor. This descriptor is used for both LRN and DivisiveNormalization layers.


Input. DivisiveNormalization layer mode of operation. Currently only CUDNN_DIVNORM_PRECOMPUTED_MEANS is implemented. Normalization is performed using the means input tensor that is expected to be precomputed by the user.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the layer output value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*resultValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section for additional details.

xDesc, yDesc

Input. Tensor descriptor objects for the input and output tensors. Note that xDesc is shared between x, means, temp and temp2 tensors.


Input. Input tensor data pointer in device memory.


Input. Input means tensor data pointer in device memory. Note that this tensor can be NULL (in that case its values are assumed to be zero during the computation). This tensor also doesn't have to contain means, these can be any values, a frequently used variation is a result of convolution with a normalized positive kernel (such as Gaussian).

temp, temp2

Workspace. Temporary tensors in device memory. These are used for computing intermediate values during the forward pass. These tensors do not have to be preserved as inputs from forward to the backward pass. Both use xDesc as their descriptor.


Output. Pointer in device memory to a tensor for the result of the forward DivisiveNormalization computation.

Possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The computation was performed successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the tensor pointers x, y, temp, temp2 is NULL.
  • Number of input tensor or output tensor dimensions is outside of [4,5] range.
  • A mismatch in dimensions between any two of the input or output tensors.
  • For in-place computation when pointers x == y, a mismatch in strides between the input data and output data tensors.
  • Alpha or beta pointer is NULL.
  • LRN descriptor parameters are outside of their valid ranges.
  • Any of the tensor strides are negative.

The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:

  • Any of the input and output tensor strides mismatch (for the same dimension).

4.64. cudnnDropoutBackward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDropoutBackward(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t  dropoutDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   dydesc,
    const void                     *dy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   dxdesc,
    void                           *dx,
    void                           *reserveSpace,
    size_t                          reserveSpaceSizeInBytes)

This function performs backward dropout operation over dy returning results in dx. If during forward dropout operation value from x was propagated to y then during backward operation value from dy will be propagated to dx, otherwise, dx value will be set to 0.

Note: Better performance is obtained for fully packed tensors



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Previously created dropout descriptor object.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input. Pointer to data of the tensor described by the dyDesc descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Output. Pointer to data of the tensor described by the dxDesc descriptor.


Input. Pointer to user-allocated GPU memory used by this function. It is expected that reserveSpace was populated during a call to cudnnDropoutForward and has not been changed.


Input. Specifies size in bytes of the provided memory for the reserve space

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The call was successful.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The number of elements of input tensor and output tensors differ.
  • The datatype of the input tensor and output tensors differs.
  • The strides of the input tensor and output tensors differ and in-place operation is used (i.e., x and y pointers are equal).
  • The provided reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is less then the value returned by cudnnDropoutGetReserveSpaceSize
  • cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor has not been called on dropoutDesc with the non-NULL states argument

The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.65. cudnnDropoutForward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDropoutForward(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    const cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t      dropoutDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       xdesc,
    const void                         *x,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       ydesc,
    void                               *y,
    void                               *reserveSpace,
    size_t                              reserveSpaceSizeInBytes)

This function performs forward dropout operation over x returning results in y. If dropout was used as a parameter to cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor, the approximately dropout fraction of x values will be replaces by 0, and the rest will be scaled by 1/(1-dropout) This function should not be running concurrently with another cudnnDropoutForward function using the same states.

Note: Better performance is obtained for fully packed tensors
Note: Should not be called during inference



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Previously created dropout descriptor object.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input. Pointer to data of the tensor described by the xDesc descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Output. Pointer to data of the tensor described by the yDesc descriptor.


Output. Pointer to user-allocated GPU memory used by this function. It is expected that contents of reserveSpace doe not change between cudnnDropoutForward and cudnnDropoutBackward calls.


Input. Specifies size in bytes of the provided memory for the reserve space.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The call was successful.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The number of elements of input tensor and output tensors differ.
  • The datatype of the input tensor and output tensors differs.
  • The strides of the input tensor and output tensors differ and in-place operation is used (i.e., x and y pointers are equal).
  • The provided reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is less then the value returned by cudnnDropoutGetReserveSpaceSize.
  • cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor has not been called on dropoutDesc with the non-NULL states argument.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.66. cudnnDropoutGetReserveSpaceSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDropoutGetReserveSpaceSize(
    cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     xDesc,
    size_t                     *sizeInBytes)

This function is used to query the amount of reserve needed to run dropout with the input dimensions given by xDesc. The same reserve space is expected to be passed to cudnnDropoutForward and cudnnDropoutBackward, and its contents is expected to remain unchanged between cudnnDropoutForward and cudnnDropoutBackward calls.



Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor, describing input to a dropout operation.


Output. Amount of GPU memory needed as reserve space to be able to run dropout with an input tensor descriptor specified by xDesc.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.

4.67. cudnnDropoutGetStatesSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnDropoutGetStatesSize(
    cudnnHandle_t       handle,
    size_t             *sizeInBytes)

This function is used to query the amount of space required to store the states of the random number generators used by cudnnDropoutForward function.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Output. Amount of GPU memory needed to store random generator states.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.

4.68. cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm

cudnnStatus_t cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm(
    cudnnHandle_t                          handle,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t          wDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          dyDesc,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t     convDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          dxDesc,
    const int                              requestedAlgoCount,
    int                                   *returnedAlgoCount,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgoPerf_t     *perfResults)

This function attempts all algorithms available for cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(). It will attempt both the provided convDesc's mathType and CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH (assuming the two differ).

Note: Algorithms without the CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH availability will only be tried with CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH, and returned as such.

Memory is allocated via cudaMalloc(). The performance metrics are returned in the user-allocated array of cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgoPerf_t. These metrics are written in a sorted fashion where the first element has the lowest compute time. The total number of resulting algorithms can be queried through the API cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithmMaxCount().

Note: This function is host blocking.
Note: It is recommend to run this function prior to allocating layer data; doing otherwise may needlessly inhibit some algorithm options due to resource usage.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • handle is not allocated properly.
  • wDesc, dyDesc or dxDesc is not allocated properly.
  • wDesc, dyDesc or dxDesc has fewer than 1 dimension.
  • Either returnedCount or perfResults is nil.
  • requestedCount is less than 1.

This function was unable to allocate memory to store sample input, filters and output.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The function was unable to allocate neccesary timing objects.
  • The function was unable to deallocate neccesary timing objects.
  • The function was unable to deallocate sample input, filters and output.

4.69. cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithmEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithmEx(
    cudnnHandle_t                          handle,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t          wDesc,
    const void                            *w,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          dyDesc,
    const void                            *dy,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t     convDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          dxDesc,
    void                                  *dx,
    const int                              requestedAlgoCount,
    int                                   *returnedAlgoCount,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgoPerf_t     *perfResults,
    void                                  *workSpace,
    size_t                                 workSpaceSizeInBytes)

This function attempts all algorithms available for cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(). It will attempt both the provided convDesc's mathType and CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH (assuming the two differ).

Note: Algorithms without the CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH availability will only be tried with CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH, and returned as such.

Memory is allocated via cudaMalloc(). The performance metrics are returned in the user-allocated array of cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgoPerf_t. These metrics are written in a sorted fashion where the first element has the lowest compute time. The total number of resulting algorithms can be queried through the API cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithmMaxCount().

Note: This function is host blocking.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor dyDesc.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dxDesc. The content of this tensor will be overwritten with arbitary values.


Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory that is a necessary workspace for some algorithms. The size of this workspace will determine the availabilty of algorithms. A nil pointer is considered a workSpace of 0 bytes.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workSpace

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • handle is not allocated properly.
  • wDesc, dyDesc or dxDesc is not allocated properly.
  • wDesc, dyDesc or dxDesc has fewer than 1 dimension.
  • w, dy or dx is nil.
  • Either returnedCount or perfResults is nil.
  • requestedCount is less than 1.

At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The function was unable to allocate neccesary timing objects.
  • The function was unable to deallocate neccesary timing objects.
  • The function was unable to deallocate sample input, filters and output.

4.70. cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm

cudnnStatus_t cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm(
cudnnHandle_t                          handle,
const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          xDesc,
const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          dyDesc,
const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t     convDesc,
const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t          dwDesc,
const int                              requestedAlgoCount,
int                                   *returnedAlgoCount,
cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgoPerf_t   *perfResults)

This function attempts all algorithms available for cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter(). It will attempt both the provided convDesc's mathType and CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH (assuming the two differ).

Note: Algorithms without the CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH availability will only be tried with CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH, and returned as such.

Memory is allocated via cudaMalloc(). The performance metrics are returned in the user-allocated array of cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgoPerf_t. These metrics are written in a sorted fashion where the first element has the lowest compute time. The total number of resulting algorithms can be queried through the API cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithmMaxCount().

Note: This function is host blocking.
Note: It is recommend to run this function prior to allocating layer data; doing otherwise may needlessly inhibit some algorithm options due to resource usage.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • handle is not allocated properly.
  • xDesc, dyDesc or dwDesc is not allocated properly.
  • xDesc, dyDesc or dwDesc has fewer than 1 dimension.
  • Either returnedCount or perfResults is nil.
  • requestedCount is less than 1.

This function was unable to allocate memory to store sample input, filters and output.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The function was unable to allocate neccesary timing objects.
  • The function was unable to deallocate neccesary timing objects.
  • The function was unable to deallocate sample input, filters and output.

4.71. cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithmEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithmEx(
    cudnnHandle_t                          handle,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          xDesc,
    const void                            *x,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          dyDesc,
    const void                            *dy,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t     convDesc,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t          dwDesc,
    void                                  *dw,
    const int                              requestedAlgoCount,
    int                                   *returnedAlgoCount,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgoPerf_t   *perfResults,
    void                                  *workSpace,
    size_t                                 workSpaceSizeInBytes)

This function attempts all algorithms available for cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter(). It will attempt both the provided convDesc's mathType and CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH (assuming the two differ).

Note: Algorithms without the CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH availability will only be tried with CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH, and returned as such.

Memory is allocated via cudaMalloc(). The performance metrics are returned in the user-allocated array of cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgoPerf_t. These metrics are written in a sorted fashion where the first element has the lowest compute time. The total number of resulting algorithms can be queried through the API cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithmMaxCount().

Note: This function is host blocking.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor xDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dyDesc.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor dwDesc. The content of this tensor will be overwritten with arbitary values.


Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory that is a necessary workspace for some algorithms. The size of this workspace will determine the availabilty of algorithms. A nil pointer is considered a workSpace of 0 bytes.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workSpace

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • handle is not allocated properly.
  • xDesc, dyDesc or dwDesc is not allocated properly.
  • xDesc, dyDesc or dwDesc has fewer than 1 dimension.
  • x, dy or dw is nil.
  • Either returnedCount or perfResults is nil.
  • requestedCount is less than 1.

At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The function was unable to allocate neccesary timing objects.
  • The function was unable to deallocate neccesary timing objects.
  • The function was unable to deallocate sample input, filters and output.

4.72. cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithm

cudnnStatus_t cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithm(
    cudnnHandle_t                      handle,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t      xDesc,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t      wDesc,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t convDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t      yDesc,
    const int                          requestedAlgoCount,
    int                               *returnedAlgoCount,
    cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgoPerf_t     *perfResults)

This function attempts all algorithms available for cudnnConvolutionForward(). It will attempt both the provided convDesc's mathType and CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH (assuming the two differ).

Note: Algorithms without the CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH availability will only be tried with CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH, and returned as such.

Memory is allocated via cudaMalloc(). The performance metrics are returned in the user-allocated array of cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgoPerf_t. These metrics are written in a sorted fashion where the first element has the lowest compute time. The total number of resulting algorithms can be queried through the API cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithmMaxCount().

Note: This function is host blocking.
Note: It is recommend to run this function prior to allocating layer data; doing otherwise may needlessly inhibit some algorithm options due to resource usage.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • handle is not allocated properly.
  • xDesc, wDesc or yDesc is not allocated properly.
  • xDesc, wDesc or yDesc has fewer than 1 dimension.
  • Either returnedCount or perfResults is nil.
  • requestedCount is less than 1.

This function was unable to allocate memory to store sample input, filters and output.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The function was unable to allocate neccesary timing objects.
  • The function was unable to deallocate neccesary timing objects.
  • The function was unable to deallocate sample input, filters and output.

4.73. cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithmEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithmEx(
    cudnnHandle_t                      handle,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t      xDesc,
    const void                        *x,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t      wDesc,
    const void                        *w,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t convDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t      yDesc,
    void                              *y,
    const int                          requestedAlgoCount,
    int                               *returnedAlgoCount,
    cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgoPerf_t     *perfResults,
    void                              *workSpace,
    size_t                             workSpaceSizeInBytes)

This function attempts all algorithms available for cudnnConvolutionForward(). It will attempt both the provided convDesc's mathType and CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH (assuming the two differ).

Note: Algorithms without the CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH availability will only be tried with CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH, and returned as such.

Memory is allocated via cudaMalloc(). The performance metrics are returned in the user-allocated array of cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgoPerf_t. These metrics are written in a sorted fashion where the first element has the lowest compute time. The total number of resulting algorithms can be queried through the API cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithmMaxCount().

Note: This function is host blocking.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xDesc.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor yDesc. The content of this tensor will be overwritten with arbitary values.


Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory that is a necessary workspace for some algorithms. The size of this workspace will determine the availability of algorithms. A nil pointer is considered a workSpace of 0 bytes.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workSpace.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • handle is not allocated properly.
  • xDesc, wDesc or yDesc is not allocated properly.
  • xDesc, wDesc or yDesc has fewer than 1 dimension.
  • x, w or y is nil.
  • Either returnedCount or perfResults is nil.
  • requestedCount is less than 1.

At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The function was unable to allocate neccesary timing objects.
  • The function was unable to deallocate neccesary timing objects.
  • The function was unable to deallocate sample input, filters and output.

4.74. cudnnFindRNNBackwardDataAlgorithmEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnFindRNNBackwardDataAlgorithmEx(
    cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t       rnnDesc,
    const int                        seqLength,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    *yDesc,
    const void                       *y,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    *dyDesc,
    const void                       *dy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dhyDesc,
    const void                       *dhy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dcyDesc,
    const void                       *dcy,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t    wDesc,
    const void                       *w,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    hxDesc,
    const void                       *hx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    cxDesc,
    const void                       *cx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    *dxDesc,
    void                             *dx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dhxDesc,
    void                             *dhx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dcxDesc,
    void                             *dcx,
    const float                      findIntensity,
    const int                        requestedAlgoCount,
    int                              *returnedAlgoCount,
    cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t      *perfResults,
    void                             *workspace,
    size_t                           workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    const void                       *reserveSpace,
    size_t                           reserveSpaceSizeInBytes)

(New for 7.1)

This function attempts all available cuDNN algorithms for cudnnRNNBackwardData, using user-allocated GPU memory. It outputs the parameters that influence the performance of the algorithm to a user-allocated array of cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t. These parameter metrics are written in sorted fashion where the first element has the lowest compute time.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. Number of iterations to unroll over. The value of this seqLength must not exceed the value that was used in cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize() function for querying the workspace size required to execute the RNN.

Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the output from each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The second dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match double the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The first dimension of the tensor n must match the first dimension of the tensor n in dyDesc.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc.

Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the gradient at the output from each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The second dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match double the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The first dimension of the tensor n must match the second dimension of the tensor n in dxDesc.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptors in the array dyDesc.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradients at the final hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in dxDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dhyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradients at the final hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradients at the final cell state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in dxDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dcyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradients at the final cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in dxDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial cell state for LSTM networks. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in dxDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.


Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the gradient at the input of each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The first dimension (batch size) of the tensors may decrease from element n to element n+1 but may not increase. Each tensor descriptor must have the same second dimension (vector length).


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptors in the array dxDesc.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradient at the initial hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in dxDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dhxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradient at the hidden input of the network will not be set.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradient at the initial cell state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in dxDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dcxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradient at the cell input of the network will not be set.


Input.This input was previously unused in versions prior to 7.2.0. It is used in cuDNN 7.2.0 and later versions to control the overall runtime of the RNN find algorithms, by selecting the percentage of a large Cartesian product space to be searched.

  • Setting findIntensity within the range (0,1.] will set a percentage of the entire RNN search space to search. When findIntensity is set to 1.0, a full search is performed over all RNN parameters.
  • When findIntensity is set to 0.0f, a quick, minimal search is performed. This setting has the best runtime. However, in this case the parameters returned by this function will not correspond to the best performance of the algorithm; a longer search might discover better parameters. This option will execute up to three instances of the configured RNN problem. Runtime will vary proportionally to RNN problem size, as it will in the other cases, hence no guarantee of an explicit time bound can be given.
  • Setting findIntensity within the range [-1.,0) sets a percentage of a reduced Cartesian product space to be searched. This reduced searched space has been heuristically selected to have good performance. The setting of -1.0 represents a full search over this reduced search space.
  • Values outside the range [-1,1] are truncated to the range [-1,1], and then interpreted as per the above.
  • Setting findIntensity to 1.0 in cuDNN 7.2 and later versions is equivalent to the behavior of this function in versions prior to cuDNN 7.2.0.
  • This function times the single RNN executions over large parameter spaces--one execution per parameter combination. The times returned by this function are latencies.

Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a workspace for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workspace.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a reserve space for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided reserveSpace.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors dhxDesc, wDesc, hxDesc, cxDesc, dcxDesc, dhyDesc, dcyDesc or one of the descriptors in yDesc, dxdesc, dydesc is invalid.
  • The descriptors in one of yDesc, dxDesc, dyDesc, dhxDesc, wDesc, hxDesc, cxDesc, dcxDesc, dhyDesc, dcyDesc has incorrect strides or dimensions.
  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.
  • reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.


The function was unable to allocate memory.

4.75. cudnnFindRNNBackwardWeightsAlgorithmEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnFindRNNBackwardWeightsAlgorithmEx(
    cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t       rnnDesc,
    const int                        seqLength,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    *xDesc,
    const void                       *x,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    hxDesc,
    const void                       *hx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    *yDesc,
    const void                       *y,
    const float                      findIntensity,
    const int                        requestedAlgoCount,
    int                              *returnedAlgoCount,
    cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t      *perfResults,
    const void                       *workspace,
    size_t                           workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t    dwDesc,
    void                             *dw,
    const void                       *reserveSpace,
    size_t                           reserveSpaceSizeInBytes)

(New for 7.1)

This function attempts all available cuDNN algorithms for cudnnRNNBackwardWeights, using user-allocated GPU memory. It outputs the parameters that influence the performance of the algorithm to a user-allocated array of cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t. These parameter metrics are written in sorted fashion where the first element has the lowest compute time.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. Number of iterations to unroll over. The value of this seqLength must not exceed the value that was used in cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize() function for querying the workspace size required to execute the RNN.


Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the input to each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The first dimension (batch size) of the tensors may decrease from element n to element n+1 but may not increase. Each tensor descriptor must have the same second dimension (vector length).


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptors in the array xDesc.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.

Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the output from each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The second dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match double the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The first dimension of the tensor n must match the first dimension of the tensor n in dyDesc.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc.


Input.This input was previously unused in versions prior to 7.2.0. It is used in cuDNN 7.2.0 and later versions to control the overall runtime of the RNN find algorithms, by selecting the percentage of a large Cartesian product space to be searched.

  • Setting findIntensity within the range (0,1.] will set a percentage of the entire RNN search space to search. When findIntensity is set to 1.0, a full search is performed over all RNN parameters.
  • When findIntensity is set to 0.0f, a quick, minimal search is performed. This setting has the best runtime. However, in this case the parameters returned by this function will not correspond to the best performance of the algorithm; a longer search might discover better parameters. This option will execute up to three instances of the configured RNN problem. Runtime will vary proportionally to RNN problem size, as it will in the other cases, hence no guarantee of an explicit time bound can be given.
  • Setting findIntensity within the range [-1.,0) sets a percentage of a reduced Cartesian product space to be searched. This reduced searched space has been heuristically selected to have good performance. The setting of -1.0 represents a full search over this reduced search space.
  • Values outside the range [-1,1] are truncated to the range [-1,1], and then interpreted as per the above.
  • Setting findIntensity to 1.0 in cuDNN 7.2 and later versions is equivalent to the behavior of this function in versions prior to cuDNN 7.2.0.
  • This function times the single RNN executions over large parameter spaces--one execution per parameter combination. The times returned by this function are latencies.

Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a workspace for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workspace.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the gradients of the weights for the RNN.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor dwDesc.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a reserve space for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided reserveSpace

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors hxDesc, dwDesc or one of the descriptors in xDesc, yDesc is invalid.
  • The descriptors in one of xDesc, hxDesc, yDesc, dwDesc has incorrect strides or dimensions.
  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.
  • reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.


The function was unable to allocate memory.

4.76. cudnnFindRNNForwardInferenceAlgorithmEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnFindRNNForwardInferenceAlgorithmEx(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t      rnnDesc,
    const int                       seqLength,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *xDesc,
    const void                     *x,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   hxDesc,
    const void                     *hx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   cxDesc,
    const void                     *cx,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t   wDesc,
    const void                     *w,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   *yDesc,
    void                           *y,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   hyDesc,
    void                           *hy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   cyDesc,
    void                           *cy,
    const float                    findIntensity,
    const int                      requestedAlgoCount,
    int                            *returnedAlgoCount,
    cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t    *perfResults,
    void                           *workspace,
    size_t                          workSpaceSizeInBytes)

(New for 7.1)

This function attempts all available cuDNN algorithms for cudnnRNNForwardInference, using user-allocated GPU memory. It outputs the parameters that influence the performance of the algorithm to a user-allocated array of cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t. These parameter metrics are written in sorted fashion where the first element has the lowest compute time.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. Number of iterations to unroll over. The value of this seqLength must not exceed the value that was used in cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize() function for querying the workspace size required to execute the RNN.


Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the input to each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The first dimension (batch size) of the tensors may decrease from element n to element n+1 but may not increase. Each tensor descriptor must have the same second dimension (vector length).


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptors in the array xDesc. The data are expected to be packed contiguously with the first element of iteration n+1 following directly from the last element of iteration n.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial cell state for LSTM networks. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.

Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the output from each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The second dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match double the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The first dimension of the tensor n must match the first dimension of the tensor n in xDesc.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc. The data are expected to be packed contiguously with the first element of iteration n+1 following directly from the last element of iteration n.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final hidden state of the network will not be saved.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final cell state for LSTM networks. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final cell state of the network will be not be saved.


Input.This input was previously unused in versions prior to 7.2.0. It is used in cuDNN 7.2.0 and later versions to control the overall runtime of the RNN find algorithms, by selecting the percentage of a large Cartesian product space to be searched.

  • Setting findIntensity within the range (0,1.] will set a percentage of the entire RNN search space to search. When findIntensity is set to 1.0, a full search is performed over all RNN parameters.
  • When findIntensity is set to 0.0f, a quick, minimal search is performed. This setting has the best runtime. However, in this case the parameters returned by this function will not correspond to the best performance of the algorithm; a longer search might discover better parameters. This option will execute up to three instances of the configured RNN problem. Runtime will vary proportionally to RNN problem size, as it will in the other cases, hence no guarantee of an explicit time bound can be given.
  • Setting findIntensity within the range [-1.,0) sets a percentage of a reduced Cartesian product space to be searched. This reduced searched space has been heuristically selected to have good performance. The setting of -1.0 represents a full search over this reduced search space.
  • Values outside the range [-1,1] are truncated to the range [-1,1], and then interpreted as per the above.
  • Setting findIntensity to 1.0 in cuDNN 7.2 and later versions is equivalent to the behavior of this function in versions prior to cuDNN 7.2.0.
  • This function times the single RNN executions over large parameter spaces--one execution per parameter combination. The times returned by this function are latencies.

Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a workspace for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workspace.



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors hxDesc, cxDesc, wDesc, hyDesc, cyDesc or one of the descriptors in xDesc, yDesc is invalid.
  • The descriptors in one of xDesc, hxDesc, cxDesc, wDesc, yDesc, hyDesc, cyDesc have incorrect strides or dimensions.
  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.


The function was unable to allocate memory.

4.77. cudnnFindRNNForwardTrainingAlgorithmEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnFindRNNForwardTrainingAlgorithmEx(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t      rnnDesc,
    const int                       seqLength,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *xDesc,
    const void                     *x,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   hxDesc,
    const void                     *hx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   cxDesc,
    const void                     *cx,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t   wDesc,
    const void                     *w,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *yDesc,
    void                           *y,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   hyDesc,
    void                           *hy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   cyDesc,
    void                           *cy,
    const float                    findIntensity,
    const int                      requestedAlgoCount,
    int                            *returnedAlgoCount,
    cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t    *perfResults,
    void                           *workspace,
    size_t                          workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    void                           *reserveSpace,
    size_t                          reserveSpaceSizeInBytes)

(New for 7.1)

This function attempts all available cuDNN algorithms for cudnnRNNForwardTraining, using user-allocated GPU memory. It outputs the parameters that influence the performance of the algorithm to a user-allocated array of cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t. These parameter metrics are written in sorted fashion where the first element has the lowest compute time.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the input to each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The first dimension (batch size) of the tensors may decrease from element n to element n+1 but may not increase. Each tensor descriptor must have the same second dimension (vector length).


Input. Number of iterations to unroll over. The value of this seqLength must not exceed the value that was used in cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize() function for querying the workspace size required to execute the RNN.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptors in the array xDesc.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial cell state for LSTM networks. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.

Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the output from each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The second dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match double the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The first dimension of the tensor n must match the first dimension of the tensor n in xDesc.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final hidden state of the network will not be saved.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final cell state for LSTM networks. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final cell state of the network will be not be saved.


Input.This input was previously unused in versions prior to 7.2.0. It is used in cuDNN 7.2.0 and later versions to control the overall runtime of the RNN find algorithms, by selecting the percentage of a large Cartesian product space to be searched.

  • Setting findIntensity within the range (0,1.] will set a percentage of the entire RNN search space to search. When findIntensity is set to 1.0, a full search is performed over all RNN parameters.
  • When findIntensity is set to 0.0f, a quick, minimal search is performed. This setting has the best runtime. However, in this case the parameters returned by this function will not correspond to the best performance of the algorithm; a longer search might discover better parameters. This option will execute up to three instances of the configured RNN problem. Runtime will vary proportionally to RNN problem size, as it will in the other cases, hence no guarantee of an explicit time bound can be given.
  • Setting findIntensity within the range [-1.,0) sets a percentage of a reduced Cartesian product space to be searched. This reduced searched space has been heuristically selected to have good performance. The setting of -1.0 represents a full search over this reduced search space.
  • Values outside the range [-1,1] are truncated to the range [-1,1], and then interpreted as per the above.
  • Setting findIntensity to 1.0 in cuDNN 7.2 and later versions is equivalent to the behavior of this function in versions prior to cuDNN 7.2.0.
  • This function times the single RNN executions over large parameter spaces--one execution per parameter combination. The times returned by this function are latencies.

Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a workspace for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workspace.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a reserve space for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided reserveSpace

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors hxDesc, cxDesc, wDesc, hyDesc, cyDesc or one of the descriptors in xDesc, yDesc is invalid.
  • The descriptors in one of xDesc, hxDesc, cxDesc, wDesc, yDesc, hyDesc, cyDesc have incorrect strides or dimensions.
  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.
  • reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.


The function was unable to allocate memory.

4.78. cudnnFusedOpsExecute

cudnnStatus_t cudnnFusedOpsExecute(
	cudnnHandle_t handle, 
	const cudnnFusedOpsPlan_t plan, 
	cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamPack_t varPack);		

This function executes the sequence of cudnnFusedOps operations.


Parameter Input / Output Description
handle Input Pointer to the cuDNN library context.
plan Input Pointer to a previously-created and initialized plan descriptor.
varPack Input Pointer to the descriptor to the variant parameters pack.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM If the type of cudnnFusedOps_t in the plan descriptor is unsupported.

4.79. cudnnGetActivationDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetActivationDescriptor(
        const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t   activationDesc,
        cudnnActivationMode_t              *mode,
        cudnnNanPropagation_t              *reluNanOpt,
        double                             *coef)

This function queries a previously initialized generic activation descriptor object.



Input. Handle to a previously created activation descriptor.


Output. Enumerant to specify the activation mode.


Output. Enumerant to specify the Nan propagation mode.


Output. Floating point number to specify the clipping threashod when the activation mode is set to CUDNN_ACTIVATION_CLIPPED_RELU or to specify the alpha coefficient when the activation mode is set to CUDNN_ACTIVATION_ELU.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was queried successfully.

4.80. cudnnGetAlgorithmDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetAlgorithmDescriptor(        
        const cudnnAlgorithmDescriptor_t    algoDesc,
        cudnnAlgorithm_t                    *algorithm)

(New for 7.1)

This function queries a previously initialized generic algorithm descriptor object.



Input. Handle to a previously created algorithm descriptor.


Input. Struct to specify the algorithm.



The object was queried successfully.

4.81. cudnnGetAlgorithmPerformance

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetAlgorithmPerformance(
        const cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t   algoPerf,
        cudnnAlgorithmDescriptor_t*         algoDesc,
        cudnnStatus_t*                      status,
        float*                              time,
        size_t*                             memory)

(New for 7.1)

This function queries a previously initialized generic algorithm performance object.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created algorithm performance object.


Output. The algorithm descriptor which the performance results describe.


Output. The cudnn status returned from running the algoDesc algorithm.


Output. The GPU time spent running the algoDesc algorithm.


Output. The GPU memory needed to run the algoDesc algorithm.



The object was queried successfully.

4.82. cudnnGetAlgorithmSpaceSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetAlgorithmSpaceSize(    
    cudnnHandle_t               handle,
    cudnnAlgorithmDescriptor_t  algoDesc,
    size_t*                     algoSpaceSizeInBytes)

(New for 7.1)

This function queries for the amount of host memory needed to call cudnnSaveAlgorithm, much like the “get workspace size” functions query for the amount of device memory needed.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously created algorithm descriptor.


Ouptut. Amount of host memory needed as workspace to be able to save the metadata from the specified algoDesc.



The function launched successfully.


At least one of the arguments is null.

4.83. cudnnGetAttnDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetAttnDescriptor(
	cudnnAttnDescriptor_t attnDesc,
	cudnnAttnQueryMap_t *queryMap,
	int *nHeads,
	double *smScaler,
	cudnnDataType_t *dataType,
	cudnnDataType_t *computePrec,
	cudnnMathType_t *mathType,
	cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t *attnDropoutDesc,
	cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t *postDropoutDesc,
	int *qSize,
	int *kSize,
	int *vSize,
	int *qProjSize,
	int *kProjSize,
	int *vProjSize,
	int *oProjSize,
	int *qoMaxSeqLength,
	int *kvMaxSeqLength,
	int *maxBatchSize,
	int *maxBeamSize);

This function retrieves the values from a previously initialized attention descriptor.


Parameter Input / Output Description
attnDesc Input Attention descriptor whose values are to be retrieved.
queryMap Output Query mapping mode.
nHeads Output Number of attention heads.
smScaler Output Softmax smoothing, or sharpening, coefficient.
dataType Output Data type for Q,K,V inputs, weights, and the output.
computePrec Output Compute data type (precision).
mathType Output The Tensor Core Operations settings.
attnDropoutDesc Output Dropout descriptor for the dropout at the attention layer.
postDropoutDesc Output Dropout descriptor for the dropout at the output.
qSize, kSize, vSize Output Hidden size of Q, K, and V input sequence data.
qProjSize, kProjSize, vProjSize Output Hidden size of projected Q, K and V sequence data; 0 if no projection.
oProjSize Output Output projection size.
qoMaxSeqLength Output Largest sequence length allowed in sequence data Q and O.
kvMaxSeqLength Output Largest sequence length allowed in sequence data K and V.
maxBatchSize Output Largest batch size allowed in sequence data.
maxBeamSize Output Largest beam size allowed in sequence data.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM attDesc is a NULL pointer.
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The attention descriptor structure values are retrieved successfully.


cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetBatchNormalizationBackwardExWorkspaceSize(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    cudnnBatchNormMode_t                mode,
    cudnnBatchNormOps_t                 bnOps,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       xDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       yDesc, 
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dyDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dzDesc, 
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dxDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dBnScaleBiasDesc,
    const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t   activationDesc, 
    size_t                              *sizeInBytes);

This function returns the amount of GPU memory workspace the user should allocate to be able to call cudnnGetBatchNormalizationBackwardEx() function for the specified bnOps input setting. The workspace allocated will then be passed to the function cudnnGetBatchNormalizationBackwardEx().



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor. See cudnnHandle_t.


Input. Mode of operation (spatial or per-activation). See cudnnBatchNormMode_t.


Input. Mode of operation for the fast NHWC kernel. See cudnnBatchNormOps_t. This input can be used to set this function to perform either only the batch normalization, or batch normalization followed by activation, or batch normalization followed by element-wise addition and then activation.

xDesc, yDesc, dyDesc, dzDesc, dxDesc

Tensor descriptors and pointers in the device memory for the layer's x data, back propagated differential dy (inputs), the optional y input data, the optional dz output, and the dx output, which is the resulting differential with respect to x. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Shared tensor descriptor for the following six tensors: bnScaleData, bnBiasData, dBnScaleData, dBnBiasData, savedMean, and savedInvVariance. This is the shared tensor descriptor desc for the secondary tensor that was derived by cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor(). The dimensions for this tensor descriptor are dependent on normalization mode. Note: The data type of this tensor descriptor must be 'float' for FP16 and FP32 input tensors, and 'double' for FP64 input tensors.

Input. Tensor descriptor for the activation operation.

Output. Amount of GPU memory required for the workspace, as determined by this function, to be able to execute the cudnnGetBatchNormalizationBackwardEx() function with the specified bnOps input setting.

Possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The computation was performed successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • Number of xDesc or yDesc or dxDesc tensor descriptor dimensions is not within the range of [4,5] (only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.)
  • dBnScaleBiasDesc dimensions not 1xCx1x1 for 4D and 1xCx1x1x1 for 5D for spatial, and are not 1xCxHxW for 4D and 1xCxDxHxW for 5D for per-activation mode.
  • Dimensions or data types mismatch for any pair of xDesc, dyDesc, dxDesc


 cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingExWorkspaceSize(
    cudnnHandle_t                           handle,
    cudnnBatchNormMode_t                    mode,
    cudnnBatchNormOps_t                     bnOps,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t           xDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t           zDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t           yDesc, 
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t           bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc,
    const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t       activationDesc, 
    size_t                                  *sizeInBytes);

This function returns the amount of GPU memory workspace the user should allocate to be able to call cudnnGetBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingEx() function for the specified bnOps input setting. The workspace allocated should then be passed by the user to the function cudnnGetBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingEx().



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor. See cudnnHandle_t.


Input. Mode of operation (spatial or per-activation). See cudnnBatchNormMode_t.

Input. Mode of operation for the fast NHWC kernel. See cudnnBatchNormOps_t.. This input can be used to set this function to perform either only the batch normalization, or batch normalization followed by activation, or batch normalization followed by element-wise addition and then activation.
xDesc, zDesc, yDesc

Tensor descriptors and pointers in the device memory for the layer's x data, the optional z input data, and the y output. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Shared tensor descriptor for the following six tensors: bnScaleData, bnBiasData, dBnScaleData, dBnBiasData, savedMean, and savedInvVariance. This is the shared tensor descriptor desc for the secondary tensor that was derived by cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor(). The dimensions for this tensor descriptor are dependent on normalization mode. Note: The data type of this tensor descriptor must be 'float' for FP16 and FP32 input tensors, and 'double' for FP64 input tensors.

Input. Tensor descriptor for the activation operation. When the bnOps input is set to either CUDNN_BATCHNORM_OPS_BN_ACTIVATION or CUDNN_BATCHNORM_OPS_BN_ADD_ACTIVATION then this activation is used.
Output. Amount of GPU memory required for the workspace, as determined by this function, to be able to execute the cudnnGetBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingEx() function with the specified bnOps input setting.



The computation was performed successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • Number of xDesc or yDesc or dxDesc tensor descriptor dimensions is not within the range of [4,5] (only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.)
  • dBnScaleBiasDesc dimensions not 1xCx1x1 for 4D and 1xCx1x1x1 for 5D for spatial, and are not 1xCxHxW for 4D and 1xCxDxHxW for 5D for per-activation mode.
  • Dimensions or data types mismatch for xDesc, yDesc.

4.86. cudnnGetBatchNormalizationTrainingExReserveSpaceSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetBatchNormalizationTrainingExReserveSpaceSize(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    cudnnBatchNormMode_t                mode,
    cudnnBatchNormOps_t                 bnOps,
    const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t   activationDesc, 
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       xDesc, 
    size_t                              *sizeInBytes);

This function returns the amount of reserve GPU memory workspace the user should allocate for the batch normalization operation, for the specified bnOps input setting. In contrast to the workspace, the reserved space should be preserved between the forward and backward calls, and the data should not be altered.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor. See cudnnHandle_t.


Input. Mode of operation (spatial or per-activation). See cudnnBatchNormMode_t.

Input. Mode of operation for the fast NHWC kernel. See cudnnBatchNormOps_t.. This input can be used to set this function to perform either only the batch normalization, or batch normalization followed by activation, or batch normalization followed by element-wise addition and then activation.

Tensor descriptors for the layer's x data. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.

Input. Tensor descriptor for the activation operation.
Output. Amount of GPU memory reserved.

Possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The computation was performed successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The xDesc tensor descriptor dimension is not within the [4,5] range (only 4D and 5D tensors are supported.)

4.87. cudnnGetCallback

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetCallback(
        unsigned            mask,
        void                **udata,
        cudnnCallback_t     fptr)

(New for 7.1)

This function queries the internal states of cuDNN error reporting functionality.



Output. Pointer to the address where the current internal error reporting message bit mask will be outputted.


Output. Pointer to the address where the current internally stored udata address will be stored.


Output. Pointer to the address where the current internally stored callback function pointer will be stored. When the built-in default callback function is used, NULL will be outputted.



The function launched successfully.


If any of the input parameters are NULL.

4.88. cudnnGetConvolution2dDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolution2dDescriptor(
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t  convDesc,
    int                                *pad_h,
    int                                *pad_w,
    int                                *u,
    int                                *v,
    int                                *dilation_h,
    int                                *dilation_w,
    cudnnConvolutionMode_t             *mode,
    cudnnDataType_t                    *computeType)

This function queries a previously initialized 2D convolution descriptor object.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created convolution descriptor.


Output. zero-padding height: number of rows of zeros implicitly concatenated onto the top and onto the bottom of input images.


Output. zero-padding width: number of columns of zeros implicitly concatenated onto the left and onto the right of input images.


Output. Vertical filter stride.


Output. Horizontal filter stride.


Output. Filter height dilation.


Output. Filter width dilation.


Output. Convolution mode.


Output. Compute precision.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The operation was successful.


The parameter convDesc is nil.

4.89. cudnnGetConvolution2dForwardOutputDim

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolution2dForwardOutputDim(
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t  convDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       inputTensorDesc,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t       filterDesc,
    int                                *n,
    int                                *c,
    int                                *h,
    int                                *w)

This function returns the dimensions of the resulting 4D tensor of a 2D convolution, given the convolution descriptor, the input tensor descriptor and the filter descriptor This function can help to setup the output tensor and allocate the proper amount of memory prior to launch the actual convolution.

Each dimension h and w of the output images is computed as followed:

    outputDim = 1 + ( inputDim + 2*pad - (((filterDim-1)*dilation)+1) )/convolutionStride;
Note: The dimensions provided by this routine must be strictly respected when calling cudnnConvolutionForward() or cudnnConvolutionBackwardBias(). Providing a smaller or larger output tensor is not supported by the convolution routines.



Input. Handle to a previously created convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Output. Number of output images.


Output. Number of output feature maps per image.


Output. Height of each output feature map.


Output. Width of each output feature map.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



One or more of the descriptors has not been created correctly or there is a mismatch between the feature maps of inputTensorDesc and filterDesc.


The object was set successfully.

4.90. cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm(
    cudnnHandle_t                          handle,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t          wDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          dyDesc,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t     convDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          dxDesc,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdDataPreference_t    preference,
    size_t                                 memoryLimitInBytes,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t         *algo)

This function serves as a heuristic for obtaining the best suited algorithm for cudnnConvolutionBackwardData for the given layer specifications. Based on the input preference, this function will either return the fastest algorithm or the fastest algorithm within a given memory limit. For an exhaustive search for the fastest algorithm, please use cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Input. Enumerant to express the preference criteria in terms of memory requirement and speed.


Input. It is to specify the maximum amount of GPU memory the user is willing to use as a workspace. This is currently a placeholder and is not used.


Output. Enumerant that specifies which convolution algorithm should be used to compute the results according to the specified preference

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The numbers of feature maps of the input tensor and output tensor differ.
  • The dataType of the two tensor descriptors or the filter are different.

4.91. cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm_v7

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm_v7(
    cudnnHandle_t                          handle,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t          wDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          dyDesc,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t     convDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          dxDesc,
    const int                              requestedAlgoCount,
    int                                   *returnedAlgoCount,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgoPerf_t     *perfResults)

This function serves as a heuristic for obtaining the best suited algorithm for cudnnConvolutionBackwardData for the given layer specifications. This function will return all algorithms (including CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH and CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH versions of algorithms where CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH may be available) sorted by expected (based on internal heuristic) relative performance with fastest being index 0 of perfResults. For an exhaustive search for the fastest algorithm, please use cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm. The total number of resulting algorithms can be queried through the API cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardMaxCount().



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the parameters handle, wDesc, dyDesc, convDesc, dxDesc, perfResults, returnedAlgoCount is NULL.
  • The numbers of feature maps of the input tensor and output tensor differ.
  • The dataType of the two tensor descriptors or the filter are different.
  • requestedAlgoCount is less than or equal to 0.

4.92. cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithmMaxCount

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithmMaxCount(
    cudnnHandle_t       handle,
    int                 *count)

This function returns the maximum number of algorithms which can be returned from cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm() and cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm_v7(). This is the sum of all algorithms plus the sum of all algorithms with Tensor Core operations supported for the current device.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Output. The resulting maximum number of algorithms.



The function was successful.


The provided handle is not allocated properly.

4.93. cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataWorkspaceSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataWorkspaceSize(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t       wDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dyDesc,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t  convDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dxDesc,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t       algo,
    size_t                             *sizeInBytes)

This function returns the amount of GPU memory workspace the user needs to allocate to be able to call cudnnConvolutionBackwardData with the specified algorithm. The workspace allocated will then be passed to the routine cudnnConvolutionBackwardData. The specified algorithm can be the result of the call to cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm or can be chosen arbitrarily by the user. Note that not every algorithm is available for every configuration of the input tensor and/or every configuration of the convolution descriptor.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Input. Enumerant that specifies the chosen convolution algorithm


Output. Amount of GPU memory needed as workspace to be able to execute a forward convolution with the specified algo

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The numbers of feature maps of the input tensor and output tensor differ.
  • The dataType of the two tensor descriptors or the filter are different.

The combination of the tensor descriptors, filter descriptor and convolution descriptor is not supported for the specified algorithm.

4.94. cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm(
    cudnnHandle_t                          handle,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          xDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          dyDesc,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t     convDesc,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t          dwDesc,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterPreference_t  preference,
    size_t                                 memoryLimitInBytes,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t       *algo)

This function serves as a heuristic for obtaining the best suited algorithm for cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter for the given layer specifications. Based on the input preference, this function will either return the fastest algorithm or the fastest algorithm within a given memory limit. For an exhaustive search for the fastest algorithm, please use cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Enumerant to express the preference criteria in terms of memory requirement and speed.


Input. It is to specify the maximum amount of GPU memory the user is willing to use as a workspace. This is currently a placeholder and is not used.


Output. Enumerant that specifies which convolution algorithm should be used to compute the results according to the specified preference.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The numbers of feature maps of the input tensor and output tensor differ.
  • The dataType of the two tensor descriptors or the filter are different.

4.95. cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm_v7

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm_v7(
    cudnnHandle_t                          handle,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          xDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t          dyDesc,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t     convDesc,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t          dwDesc,
    const int                              requestedAlgoCount,
    int                                   *returnedAlgoCount,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgoPerf_t   *perfResults)

This function serves as a heuristic for obtaining the best suited algorithm for cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter for the given layer specifications. This function will return all algorithms (including CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH and CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH versions of algorithms where CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH may be available) sorted by expected (based on internal heuristic) relative performance with fastest being index 0 of perfResults. For an exhaustive search for the fastest algorithm, please use cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm. The total number of resulting algorithms can be queried through the API cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardMaxCount().



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the parameters handle, xDesc, dyDesc, convDesc, dwDesc, perfResults, returnedAlgoCount is NULL.
  • The numbers of feature maps of the input tensor and output tensor differ.
  • The dataType of the two tensor descriptors or the filter are different.
  • requestedAlgoCount is less than or equal to 0.

4.96. cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithmMaxCount

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithmMaxCount(
    cudnnHandle_t       handle,
    int                 *count)

This function returns the maximum number of algorithms which can be returned from cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm() and cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm_v7(). This is the sum of all algorithms plus the sum of all algorithms with Tensor Core operations supported for the current device.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Output. The resulting maximum count of algorithms.



The function was successful.


The provided handle is not allocated properly.

4.97. cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       xDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dyDesc,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t  convDesc,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t       dwDesc,
    cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t     algo,
    size_t                             *sizeInBytes)

This function returns the amount of GPU memory workspace the user needs to allocate to be able to call cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter with the specified algorithm. The workspace allocated will then be passed to the routine cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter. The specified algorithm can be the result of the call to cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm or can be chosen arbitrarily by the user. Note that not every algorithm is available for every configuration of the input tensor and/or every configuration of the convolution descriptor.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Enumerant that specifies the chosen convolution algorithm.


Output. Amount of GPU memory needed as workspace to be able to execute a forward convolution with the specified algo.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The numbers of feature maps of the input tensor and output tensor differ.
  • The dataType of the two tensor descriptors or the filter are different.

The combination of the tensor descriptors, filter descriptor and convolution descriptor is not supported for the specified algorithm.

4.98. cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm(
    cudnnHandle_t                      handle,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t      xDesc,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t      wDesc,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t convDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t      yDesc,
    cudnnConvolutionFwdPreference_t    preference,
    size_t                             memoryLimitInBytes,
    cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t         *algo)

This function serves as a heuristic for obtaining the best suited algorithm for cudnnConvolutionForward for the given layer specifications. Based on the input preference, this function will either return the fastest algorithm or the fastest algorithm within a given memory limit. For an exhaustive search for the fastest algorithm, please use cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithm.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized convolution filter descriptor.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Input. Enumerant to express the preference criteria in terms of memory requirement and speed.


Input. It is used when enumerant preference is set to CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_SPECIFY_WORKSPACE_LIMIT to specify the maximum amount of GPU memory the user is willing to use as a workspace


Output. Enumerant that specifies which convolution algorithm should be used to compute the results according to the specified preference

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the parameters handle, xDesc, wDesc, convDesc, yDesc is NULL.
  • Either yDesc or wDesc have different dimensions from xDesc.
  • The data types of tensors xDesc, yDesc or wDesc are not all the same.
  • The number of feature maps in xDesc and wDesc differs.
  • The tensor xDesc has a dimension smaller than 3.

4.99. cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm_v7

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm_v7(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       xDesc,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t       wDesc,
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t  convDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       yDesc,
    const int                           requestedAlgoCount,
    int                                *returnedAlgoCount,
    cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgoPerf_t      *perfResults)

This function serves as a heuristic for obtaining the best suited algorithm for cudnnConvolutionForward for the given layer specifications. This function will return all algorithms (including CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH and CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH versions of algorithms where CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH may be available) sorted by expected (based on internal heuristic) relative performance with fastest being index 0 of perfResults. For an exhaustive search for the fastest algorithm, please use cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithm. The total number of resulting algorithms can be queried through the API cudnnGetConvolutionForwardMaxCount().



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized convolution filter descriptor.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Input. The maximum number of elements to be stored in perfResults.


Output. The number of output elements stored in perfResults.


Output. A user-allocated array to store performance metrics sorted ascending by compute time.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the parameters handle, xDesc, wDesc, convDesc, yDesc, perfResults, returnedAlgoCount is NULL.
  • Either yDesc or wDesc have different dimensions from xDesc.
  • The data types of tensors xDesc, yDesc or wDesc are not all the same.
  • The number of feature maps in xDesc and wDesc differs.
  • The tensor xDesc has a dimension smaller than 3.
  • requestedAlgoCount is less than or equal to 0.

4.100. cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithmMaxCount

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithmMaxCount(
    cudnnHandle_t   handle,
    int             *count)

This function returns the maximum number of algorithms which can be returned from cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithm() and cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm_v7(). This is the sum of all algorithms plus the sum of all algorithms with Tensor Core operations supported for the current device.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Output. The resulting maximum number of algorithms.



The function was successful.


The provided handle is not allocated properly.

4.101. cudnnGetConvolutionForwardWorkspaceSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionForwardWorkspaceSize(
    cudnnHandle_t   handle,
    const   cudnnTensorDescriptor_t         xDesc,
    const   cudnnFilterDescriptor_t         wDesc,
    const   cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t    convDesc,
    const   cudnnTensorDescriptor_t         yDesc,
    cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t               algo,
    size_t                                 *sizeInBytes)

This function returns the amount of GPU memory workspace the user needs to allocate to be able to call cudnnConvolutionForward with the specified algorithm. The workspace allocated will then be passed to the routine cudnnConvolutionForward. The specified algorithm can be the result of the call to cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm or can be chosen arbitrarily by the user. Note that not every algorithm is available for every configuration of the input tensor and/or every configuration of the convolution descriptor.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized x tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized y tensor descriptor.


Input. Enumerant that specifies the chosen convolution algorithm


Output. Amount of GPU memory needed as workspace to be able to execute a forward convolution with the specified algo

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the parameters handle, xDesc, wDesc, convDesc, yDesc is NULL.
  • The tensor yDesc or wDesc are not of the same dimension as xDesc.
  • The tensor xDesc, yDesc or wDesc are not of the same data type.
  • The numbers of feature maps of the tensor xDesc and wDesc differ.
  • The tensor xDesc has a dimension smaller than 3.

The combination of the tensor descriptors, filter descriptor and convolution descriptor is not supported for the specified algorithm.

4.102. cudnnGetConvolutionGroupCount

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionGroupCount(
    cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t    convDesc,
    int                            *groupCount)

This function returns the group count specified in the given convolution descriptor.



The group count was returned successfully.


An invalid convolution descriptor was provided.

4.103. cudnnGetConvolutionMathType

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionMathType(
    cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t    convDesc,
    cudnnMathType_t                *mathType)

This function returns the math type specified in a given convolution descriptor.



The math type was returned successfully.


An invalid convolution descriptor was provided.

4.104. cudnnGetConvolutionNdDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionNdDescriptor(
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t  convDesc,
    int                                 arrayLengthRequested,
    int                                *arrayLength,
    int                                 padA[],
    int                                 filterStrideA[],
    int                                 dilationA[],
    cudnnConvolutionMode_t             *mode,
    cudnnDataType_t                    *dataType)

This function queries a previously initialized convolution descriptor object.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created convolution descriptor.


Input. Dimension of the expected convolution descriptor. It is also the minimum size of the arrays padA, filterStrideA and dilationA in order to be able to hold the results


Output. Actual dimension of the convolution descriptor.


Output. Array of dimension of at least arrayLengthRequested that will be filled with the padding parameters from the provided convolution descriptor.


Output. Array of dimension of at least arrayLengthRequested that will be filled with the filter stride from the provided convolution descriptor.


Output. Array of dimension of at least arrayLengthRequested that will be filled with the dilation parameters from the provided convolution descriptor.


Output. Convolution mode of the provided descriptor.


Output. Datatype of the provided descriptor.



The query was successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor convDesc is nil.
  • The arrayLengthRequest is negative.

The arrayLengthRequested is greater than CUDNN_DIM_MAX-2.

4.105. cudnnGetConvolutionNdForwardOutputDim

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionNdForwardOutputDim(
    const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t  convDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       inputTensorDesc,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t       filterDesc,
    int                                 nbDims,
    int                                 tensorOuputDimA[])

This function returns the dimensions of the resulting n-D tensor of a nbDims-2-D convolution, given the convolution descriptor, the input tensor descriptor and the filter descriptor This function can help to setup the output tensor and allocate the proper amount of memory prior to launch the actual convolution.

Each dimension of the (nbDims-2)-D images of the output tensor is computed as followed:

    outputDim = 1 + ( inputDim + 2*pad - (((filterDim-1)*dilation)+1) )/convolutionStride;
Note: The dimensions provided by this routine must be strictly respected when calling cudnnConvolutionForward() or cudnnConvolutionBackwardBias(). Providing a smaller or larger output tensor is not supported by the convolution routines.



Input. Handle to a previously created convolution descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Dimension of the output tensor


Output. Array of dimensions nbDims that contains on exit of this routine the sizes of the output tensor

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the parameters convDesc, inputTensorDesc, and filterDesc, is nil
  • The dimension of the filter descriptor filterDesc is different from the dimension of input tensor descriptor inputTensorDesc.
  • The dimension of the convolution descriptor is different from the dimension of input tensor descriptor inputTensorDesc -2 .
  • The features map of the filter descriptor filterDesc is different from the one of input tensor descriptor inputTensorDesc.
  • The size of the dilated filter filterDesc is larger than the padded sizes of the input tensor.
  • The dimension nbDims of the output array is negative or greater than the dimension of input tensor descriptor inputTensorDesc.

The routine exits successfully.

4.106. cudnnGetConvolutionReorderType

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetConvolutionReorderType(
	cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t convDesc,
	cudnnReorderType_t *reorderType);		

This function retrieves the convolution reorder type from the given convolution descriptor.


Parameter Input / Output Description
convDesc Input The convolution descriptor from which the reorder type should be retrieved.
reorderType Output The retrieved reorder type. See cudnnReorderType_t.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM One of the inputs to this function is not valid.
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The reorder type is retrieved successfully.

4.107. cudnnGetCTCLossDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetCTCLossDescriptor(
    cudnnCTCLossDescriptor_t         ctcLossDesc,
    cudnnDataType_t*                 compType)

This function returns configuration of the passed CTC loss function descriptor.



Input. CTC loss function descriptor passed, from which to retrieve the configuration.


Output. Compute type associated with this CTC loss function descriptor.



The function returned successfully.


Input OpTensor descriptor passed is invalid.

4.108. cudnnGetCTCLossWorkspaceSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetCTCLossWorkspaceSize(
    cudnnHandle_t                        handle,
    const   cudnnTensorDescriptor_t      probsDesc,
    const   cudnnTensorDescriptor_t      gradientsDesc,
    const   int                         *labels,
    const   int                         *labelLengths,
    const   int                         *inputLengths,
    cudnnCTCLossAlgo_t                   algo,
    const   cudnnCTCLossDescriptor_t     ctcLossDesc,
    size_t                              *sizeInBytes)

This function returns the amount of GPU memory workspace the user needs to allocate to be able to call cudnnCTCLoss with the specified algorithm. The workspace allocated will then be passed to the routine cudnnCTCLoss.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized probabilities tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized gradients tensor descriptor.


Input. Pointer to a previously initialized labels list.


Input. Pointer to a previously initialized lengths list, to walk the above labels list.


Input. Pointer to a previously initialized list of the lengths of the timing steps in each batch.


Input. Enumerant that specifies the chosen CTC loss algorithm


Input. Handle to the previously initialized CTC loss descriptor.


Output. Amount of GPU memory needed as workspace to be able to execute the CTC loss computation with the specified algo.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The dimensions of probsDesc do not match the dimensions of gradientsDesc.
  • The inputLengths do not agree with the first dimension of probsDesc.
  • The workSpaceSizeInBytes is not sufficient.
  • The labelLengths is greater than 256.

A compute or data type other than FLOAT was chosen, or an unknown algorithm type was chosen.

4.109. cudnnGetCudartVersion

size_t cudnnGetCudartVersion()

The same version of a given cuDNN library can be compiled against different CUDA Toolkit versions. This routine returns the CUDA Toolkit version that the currently used cuDNN library has been compiled against.

4.110. cudnnGetDropoutDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetDropoutDescriptor(
    cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t    dropoutDesc,
    cudnnHandle_t               handle,
    float                      *dropout,
    void                       **states,
    unsigned long long         *seed)

This function queries the fields of a previously initialized dropout descriptor.



Input. Previously initialized dropout descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Output. The probability with which the value from input is set to 0 during the dropout layer.


Output. Pointer to user-allocated GPU memory that holds random number generator states.


Output. Seed used to initialize random number generator states.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The call was successful.


One or more of the arguments was an invalid pointer.

4.111. cudnnGetErrorString

const char * cudnnGetErrorString(cudnnStatus_t status)

This function converts the cuDNN status code to a NUL terminated (ASCIIZ) static string. For example, when the input argument is CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS, the returned string is "CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS". When an invalid status value is passed to the function, the returned string is "CUDNN_UNKNOWN_STATUS".



Input. cuDNN enumerated status code.


Pointer to a static, NUL terminated string with the status name.

4.112. cudnnGetFilter4dDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetFilter4dDescriptor(
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t     filterDesc,
    cudnnDataType_t            *dataType,
    cudnnTensorFormat_t        *format,
    int                        *k,
    int                        *c,
    int                        *h,
    int                        *w)

This function queries the parameters of the previouly initialized filter descriptor object.



Input. Handle to a previously created filter descriptor.


Output. Data type.


Output. Type of format.


Output. Number of output feature maps.


Output. Number of input feature maps.


Output. Height of each filter.


Output. Width of each filter.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.

4.113. cudnnGetFilterNdDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetFilterNdDescriptor(
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t   wDesc,
    int                             nbDimsRequested,
    cudnnDataType_t                *dataType,
    cudnnTensorFormat_t            *format,
    int                            *nbDims,
    int                             filterDimA[])

This function queries a previously initialized filter descriptor object.



Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Dimension of the expected filter descriptor. It is also the minimum size of the arrays filterDimA in order to be able to hold the results


Output. Data type.


Output. Type of format.


Output. Actual dimension of the filter.


Output. Array of dimension of at least nbDimsRequested that will be filled with the filter parameters from the provided filter descriptor.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


The parameter nbDimsRequested is negative.

4.114. cudnnGetFusedOpsConstParamPackAttribute

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetFusedOpsConstParamPackAttribute(
	const cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t constPack,
	cudnnFusedOpsConstParamLabel_t paramLabel,
	void *param,
	int *isNULL);		

This function retrieves the values of the descriptor pointed to by the param pointer input. The type of the descriptor is indicated by the enum value of paramLabel input.


Parameter Input / Output Description
constPack Input The opaque cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t structure that contains the various problem size information, such as the shape, layout and the type of Tensors, and the descriptors for convolution and activation, for the selected sequence of cudnnFusedOps computations.
paramLabel Input Several types of descriptors can be retrieved by this getter function. The param input points to the descriptor itself, and this input indicates the type of the descriptor pointed to by the param input. The cudnnFusedOpsConstParamLabel_t enumerated type enables the selection of the type of the descriptor. See the param description below.
param Input

Data pointer to the host memory associated with the descriptor that should be retrieved. The type of this descriptor depends on the value of paramLabel. For the given paramLabel, if the associated value inside the constPack is set to NULL or by default NULL, then cuDNN will copy the value or the opaque structure in the constPack to the host memory buffer pointed to by param. See the table in cudnnFusedOpsConstParamLabel_t.

isNULL Input/Output User must pass a pointer to an integer in the host memory in this field. If the value in the constPack associated with the given paramLabel is by default NULL or previously set by the user to NULL, then cuDNN will write a non-zero value to the location pointed by isNULL.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The descriptor values are retrieved successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM If either constPack or param or isNULL is NULL; or if paramLabel is invalid.

4.115. cudnnGetFusedOpsVariantParamPackAttribute

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetFusedOpsVariantParamPackAttribute(
	const cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamPack_t varPack,
	cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamLabel_t paramLabel,
	void *ptr);		

This function retrieves the settings of the variable parameter pack descriptor.


Parameter Input / Output Description
varPack Input Pointer to the cudnnFusedOps variant parameter pack (varPack) descriptor.
paramLabel Input Type of the buffer pointer parameter (in the varPack descriptor). See cudnnFusedOpsConstParamLabel_t. The retrieved descriptor values vary according to this type.
ptr Output Pointer to the host or device memory where the retrieved value is written by this function. The data type of the pointer, and the host/device memory location, depend on the paramLabel input selection. See cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamLabel_t.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The descriptor values are retrieved successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM If either varPack or ptr is NULL, or if paramLabel is set to invalid value.

4.116. cudnnGetLRNDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetLRNDescriptor(
    cudnnLRNDescriptor_t    normDesc,
    unsigned               *lrnN,
    double                 *lrnAlpha,
    double                 *lrnBeta,
    double                 *lrnK)

This function retrieves values stored in the previously initialized LRN descriptor object.



Output. Handle to a previously created LRN descriptor.

lrnN, lrnAlpha, lrnBeta, lrnK

Output. Pointers to receive values of parameters stored in the descriptor object. See cudnnSetLRNDescriptor for more details. Any of these pointers can be NULL (no value is returned for the corresponding parameter).

Possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



Function completed successfully.

4.117. cudnnGetMultiHeadAttnBuffers

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetMultiHeadAttnBuffers(
	cudnnHandle_t handle,
	const cudnnAttnDescriptor_t attnDesc,
	size_t *weightSizeInBytes,
	size_t *workSpaceSizeInBytes,
	size_t *reserveSpaceSizeInBytes);

This function obtains workspace and reserve space sizes for the multihead attention. When only the workspace size is requested with NULL value for reserveSpaceSizeInBytes, it is assumed that the user intention is to invoke cudnnMultiHeadAttnForward in the "inference" mode.


Parameter Input / Output Description
handle Input cuDNN handle.
attnDesc Input Pointer to a previously initialized multi-head attention descriptor.
weightSizeInBytes Output Size required to store various projection weights.
workSpaceSizeInBytes Output Size required for workspace.
reserveSpaceSizeInBytes Output Size required for the reserve space in training mode.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The requested spaces values are evaluated successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM Either invalid values in attnDesc or workSpaceSizeInBytes is NULL.

4.118. cudnnGetMultiHeadAttnWeights

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetMultiHeadAttnWeights(
	cudnnHandle_t handle,
	const cudnnAttnDescriptor_t attnDesc,
	cudnnMultiHeadAttnWeightKind_t wKind,
	size_t weightSizeInBytes,
	const void *w,
	cudnnTensorDescriptor_t wDesc,
	void **wAddr);

This function obtains the tensor descriptors and pointers to project weight of a particular kind in the weight buffer w of size weightSizeInBytes. There are four kinds of weights, enumerated in the type cudnnMultiHeadAttnWeightKind_t.


Parameter Input / Output Description
handle Input A cuDNN context handle.
attnDesc Input A previously initialized multi-head attention descriptor.
wKind Input The specific weight group (Q, K, V, or O) whose attention weights should be retrieved.
weightSizeInBytes Input Pointer to a location, in host memory, where the attention weight sizes (in bytes) are stored.
w Input Pointer to weight buffer in device memory.
wDesc Output

Tensor descriptor for the attention weights.

- wDesc.dimA are all [nHeads, projected size, input size]

- wDesc.strideA describe how the buffer is packed, depending on the projection weight kind.

wAddr Output

Pointer to a location, in device memory, of the requested weight tensor. Weight tensor is three dimensional whose dimensions and layout are also returned in tensor descriptor wDesc.

If any of queries, keys, values, or output projection size is zero in the attention descriptor, then wAddr is set to NULL. Check for this before applying the weights.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS When weight tensor descriptor and address in the device memory are successfully determined.
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM Invalid or inconsistent value is found. For example when wKind does not have a valid value or when weightSizeInBytes is not equal to the weight buffer size as computed by cudnnGetMultiHeadAttnBuffers.

4.119. cudnnGetOpTensorDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetOpTensorDescriptor(
    const cudnnOpTensorDescriptor_t opTensorDesc,
    cudnnOpTensorOp_t               *opTensorOp,
    cudnnDataType_t                 *opTensorCompType,
    cudnnNanPropagation_t           *opTensorNanOpt)

This function returns configuration of the passed Tensor Pointwise math descriptor.



Input. Tensor Pointwise math descriptor passed, to get the configuration from.


Output. Pointer to the Tensor Pointwise math operation type, associated with this Tensor Pointwise math descriptor.


Output. Pointer to the cuDNN data-type associated with this Tensor Pointwise math descriptor.


Output. Pointer to the NAN propagation option associated with this Tensor Pointwise math descriptor.



The function returned successfully.


Input Tensor Pointwise math descriptor passed is invalid.

4.120. cudnnGetPooling2dDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetPooling2dDescriptor(
    const cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t      poolingDesc,
    cudnnPoolingMode_t                 *mode,
    cudnnNanPropagation_t              *maxpoolingNanOpt,
    int                                *windowHeight,
    int                                *windowWidth,
    int                                *verticalPadding,
    int                                *horizontalPadding,
    int                                *verticalStride,
    int                                *horizontalStride)

This function queries a previously created 2D pooling descriptor object.



Input. Handle to a previously created pooling descriptor.


Output. Enumerant to specify the pooling mode.


Output. Enumerant to specify the Nan propagation mode.


Output. Height of the pooling window.


Output. Width of the pooling window.


Output. Size of vertical padding.


Output. Size of horizontal padding.


Output. Pooling vertical stride.


Output. Pooling horizontal stride.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.

4.121. cudnnGetPooling2dForwardOutputDim

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetPooling2dForwardOutputDim(
    const cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t      poolingDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       inputDesc,
    int                                *outN,
    int                                *outC,
    int                                *outH,
    int                                *outW)

This function provides the output dimensions of a tensor after 2d pooling has been applied

Each dimension h and w of the output images is computed as followed:

    outputDim = 1 + (inputDim + 2*padding - windowDim)/poolingStride;



Input. Handle to a previously inititalized pooling descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Output. Number of images in the output.


Output. Number of channels in the output.


Output. Height of images in the output.


Output. Width of images in the output.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • poolingDesc has not been initialized.
  • poolingDesc or inputDesc has an invalid number of dimensions (2 and 4 respectively are required).

4.122. cudnnGetPoolingNdDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetPoolingNdDescriptor(
const cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t      poolingDesc,
int                                 nbDimsRequested,
cudnnPoolingMode_t                 *mode,
cudnnNanPropagation_t              *maxpoolingNanOpt,
int                                *nbDims,
int                                 windowDimA[],
int                                 paddingA[],
int                                 strideA[])

This function queries a previously initialized generic pooling descriptor object.



Input. Handle to a previously created pooling descriptor.


Input. Dimension of the expected pooling descriptor. It is also the minimum size of the arrays windowDimA, paddingA and strideA in order to be able to hold the results.


Output. Enumerant to specify the pooling mode.


Input. Enumerant to specify the Nan propagation mode.


Output. Actual dimension of the pooling descriptor.


Output. Array of dimension of at least nbDimsRequested that will be filled with the window parameters from the provided pooling descriptor.


Output. Array of dimension of at least nbDimsRequested that will be filled with the padding parameters from the provided pooling descriptor.


Output. Array of dimension at least nbDimsRequested that will be filled with the stride parameters from the provided pooling descriptor.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was queried successfully.


The parameter nbDimsRequested is greater than CUDNN_DIM_MAX.

4.123. cudnnGetPoolingNdForwardOutputDim

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetPoolingNdForwardOutputDim(
    const cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t  poolingDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   inputDesc,
    int                             nbDims,
    int                             outDimA[])

This function provides the output dimensions of a tensor after Nd pooling has been applied

Each dimension of the (nbDims-2)-D images of the output tensor is computed as followed:

    outputDim = 1 + (inputDim + 2*padding - windowDim)/poolingStride;



Input. Handle to a previously inititalized pooling descriptor.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Number of dimensions in which pooling is to be applied.


Output. Array of nbDims output dimensions.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • poolingDesc has not been initialized.
  • The value of nbDims is inconsistent with the dimensionality of poolingDesc and inputDesc.

4.124. cudnnGetProperty

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetProperty(
    libraryPropertyType     type,
    int                    *value)

This function writes a specific part of the cuDNN library version number into the provided host storage.



Input. Enumerated type that instructs the function to report the numerical value of the cuDNN major version, minor version, or the patch level.


Output. Host pointer where the version information should be written.



Invalid value of the type argument.


Version information was stored successfully at the provided address.

4.125. cudnnGetReduceTensorDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetReduceTensorDescriptor(
    const cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor_t reduceTensorDesc,
    cudnnReduceTensorOp_t               *reduceTensorOp,
    cudnnDataType_t                     *reduceTensorCompType,
    cudnnNanPropagation_t               *reduceTensorNanOpt,
    cudnnReduceTensorIndices_t          *reduceTensorIndices,
    cudnnIndicesType_t                  *reduceTensorIndicesType)

This function queries a previously initialized reduce tensor descriptor object.



Input. Pointer to a previously initialized reduce tensor descriptor object.


Output. Enumerant to specify the reduce tensor operation.


Output. Enumerant to specify the computation datatype of the reduction.


Input. Enumerant to specify the Nan propagation mode.


Output. Enumerant to specify the reduce tensor indices.


Output. Enumerant to specify the reduce tensor indices type.



The object was queried successfully.


reduceTensorDesc is NULL.

4.126. cudnnGetReductionIndicesSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetReductionIndicesSize(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    const cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor_t reduceDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       aDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       cDesc,
    size_t                              *sizeInBytes)

This is a helper function to return the minimum size of the index space to be passed to the reduction given the input and output tensors.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. Pointer to a previously initialized reduce tensor descriptor object.


Input. Pointer to the input tensor descriptor.


Input. Pointer to the output tensor descriptor.


Output. Minimum size of the index space to be passed to the reduction.



The index space size is returned successfully.

4.127. cudnnGetReductionWorkspaceSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetReductionWorkspaceSize(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    const cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor_t reduceDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       aDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       cDesc,
    size_t                              *sizeInBytes)

This is a helper function to return the minimum size of the workspace to be passed to the reduction given the input and output tensors.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. Pointer to a previously initialized reduce tensor descriptor object.


Input. Pointer to the input tensor descriptor.


Input. Pointer to the output tensor descriptor.


Output. Minimum size of the index space to be passed to the reduction.



The workspace size is returned successfully.

4.128. cudnnGetRNNBiasMode

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetRNNBiasMode(
   cudnnRNNDescriptor_t   rnnDesc,
   cudnnRNNBiasMode_t     *biasMode)

This function retrieves the RNN bias mode that was configured by cudnnSetRNNBiasMode(). The default value of biasMode in rnnDesc after cudnnCreateRNNDescriptor()is CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS.



Input. A previously created RNN descriptor.

Input. Pointer where RNN bias mode should be saved.



Either the rnnDesc or *biasMode is NULL.


The biasMode parameter was retrieved set successfully.

4.129. cudnnGetRNNDataDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetRNNDataDescriptor(
    cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t       RNNDataDesc,
    cudnnDataType_t                *dataType,
    cudnnRNNDataLayout_t           *layout,
    int                            *maxSeqLength,
    int                            *batchSize,
    int                            *vectorSize,
    int                            arrayLengthRequested,
    int                            seqLengthArray[],
    void                           *paddingFill);

This function retrieves a previously created RNN data descriptor object.



Input. A previously created and initialized RNN descriptor.


Output. Pointer to the host memory location to store the datatype of the RNN data tensor.


Output. Pointer to the host memory location to store the memory layout of the RNN data tensor.


Output. The maximum sequence length within this RNN data tensor, including the padding vectors.


Output. The number of sequences within the mini-batch.


Output. The vector length (i.e. embedding size) of the input or output tensor at each timestep.


Input. The number of elements that the user requested for seqLengthArray.


Output. Pointer to the host memory location to store the integer array describing the length (i.e. number of timesteps) of each sequence. This is allowed to be a NULL pointer if arrayLengthRequested is zero.


Output. Pointer to the host memory location to store the user defined symbol. The symbol should be interpreted as the same data type as the RNN data tensor.



The parameters are fetched successfully.


Any one of these have occurred:

  • Any of RNNDataDesc, dataType, layout, maxSeqLength, batchSize, vectorSize, paddingFill is NULL.
  • seqLengthArray is NULL while arrayLengthRequested is greater than zero.
  • arrayLengthRequested is less than zero.

4.130. cudnnGetRNNDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetRNNDescriptor(
    cudnnHandle_t               handle,
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t        rnnDesc,
    int *                       hiddenSize,
    int *                       numLayers,
    cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t *  dropoutDesc,
    cudnnRNNInputMode_t *       inputMode,
    cudnnDirectionMode_t *      direction,
    cudnnRNNMode_t *            mode,
    cudnnRNNAlgo_t *            algo,
    cudnnDataType_t *           dataType)

This function retrieves RNN network parameters that were configured by cudnnSetRNNDescriptor(). All pointers passed to the function should be not-NULL or CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM is reported. The function does not check the validity of retrieved network parameters. The parameters are verified when they are written to the RNN descriptor.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. A previously created and initialized RNN descriptor.


Output. Pointer where the size of the hidden state should be stored (the same value is used in every layer).


Output. Pointer where the number of RNN layers should be stored.


Output. Pointer where the handle to a previously configured dropout descriptor should be stored.


Output. Pointer where the mode of the first RNN layer should be saved.


Output. Pointer where RNN uni-directional/bi-directional mode should be saved.


Output. Pointer where RNN cell type should be saved.


Output. Pointer where RNN algorithm type should be stored.


Output. Pointer where the data type of RNN weights/biases should be stored.



RNN parameters were successfully retrieved from the RNN descriptor.


At least one pointer passed to the cudnnGetRNNDescriptor() function is NULL.

4.131. cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t      rnnDesc,
    const int                       pseudoLayer,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   xDesc,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t   wDesc,
    const void                     *w,
    const int                       linLayerID,
    cudnnFilterDescriptor_t         linLayerBiasDesc,
    void                           **linLayerBias)

This function is used to obtain a pointer and a descriptor of every RNN bias column vector in each pseudo-layer within the recurrent network defined by rnnDesc and its input width specified in xDesc.

Note: The cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams() function was changed in cuDNN version 7.1.1 to match the behavior of cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams().

The cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams() function returns the RNN bias vector size in two dimensions: rows and columns.

Due to historical reasons, the minimum number of dimensions in the filter descriptor is three. In previous versions of the cuDNN library, the function returned the total number of vector elements in linLayerBiasDesc as follows:
(see the description of the cudnnGetFilterNdDescriptor() function).
In v7.1.1, the format was changed to:
filterDimA[2]=1 (number of columns). 
In both cases, the "format" field of the filter descriptor should be ignored when retrieved by cudnnGetFilterNdDescriptor().

Note that the RNN implementation in cuDNN uses two bias vectors before the cell non-linear function (see equations in Chapter 3 describing the cudnnRNNMode_t enumerated type).

Note that the RNN implementation in cuDNN depends on the number of bias vectors before the cell non-linear function. See the equations in the cudnnRNNMode_t description, for the enumerated type based on the value of cudnnRNNBiasMode_tbiasMode in rnnDesc. If nonexistent biases are referenced by linLayerID, then this function sets linLayerBiasDesc to a zeroed filter descriptor where:
filterDimA[1]=0, and 
and sets linLayerBias to NULL. See the details for function parameter linLayerID to determine the relevant values of linLayerID based on biasMode.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. The pseudo-layer to query. In uni-directional RNN-s, a pseudo-layer is the same as a "physical" layer (pseudoLayer=0 is the RNN input layer, pseudoLayer=1 is the first hidden layer). In bi-directional RNN-s there are twice as many pseudo-layers in comparison to "physical" layers (pseudoLayer=0 and pseudoLayer=1 are both input layers; pseudoLayer=0 refers to the forward part and pseudoLayer=1 refers to the backward part of the "physical" input layer; pseudoLayer=2 is the forward part of the first hidden layer, and so on).


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the input to one recurrent iteration (to retrieve the RNN input width).


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.

Input. The linear layer to obtain information about:
    • If mode in rnnDesc was set to CUDNN_RNN_RELU or CUDNN_RNN_TANH:
      • Value 0 references the bias applied to the input from the previous layer (relevant if biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_INP_BIAS or CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS).
      • Value 1 references the bias applied to the recurrent input (relevant if biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS or CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_REC_BIAS).
    • If mode in rnnDesc was set to CUDNN_LSTM,
      • Values of 0, 1, 2 and 3 reference bias applied to the input from the previous layer (relevant if biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_INP_BIAS or CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS).
      • Values of 4, 5, 6 and 7 reference bias applied to the recurrent input (relevant if biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS or CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_REC_BIAS).
      • Values and their associated gates:
        • Values 0 and 4 reference the input gate.
        • Values 1 and 5 reference the forget gate.
        • Values 2 and 6 reference the new memory gate.
        • Values 3 and 7 reference the output gate.
    • If mode in rnnDesc was set to CUDNN_GRU,
      • Values of 0, 1 and 2 reference bias applied to the input from the previous layer (relevant if biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_INP_BIAS or CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS).
      • Values of 3, 4 and 5 reference bias applied to the recurrent input (relevant if biasMode in rnnDesc is CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS or CUDNN_RNN_SINGLE_REC_BIAS).
      • Values and their associated gates:
        • Values 0 and 3 reference the reset gate.
        • Values 1 and 4 reference the update gate.
        • Values 2 and 5 reference the new memory gate.
Also refer to cudnnRNNMode_t for additional details on modes and bias modes.

Output. Handle to a previously created filter descriptor.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor linLayerBiasDesc.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


The function does not support the provided configuration.

At least one of the following conditions are met:
  • One of the following arguments is NULL: handle, rnnDesc, xDesc, wDesc, linLayerBiasDesc, linLayerBias.
  • A data type mismatch was detected between rnnDesc and other descriptors.
  • Minimum requirement for the 'w' pointer alignment is not satisfied.
  • The value of pseudoLayer or linLayerID is out of range.

Some elements of the linLayerBias vector are be outside the 'w' buffer boundaries as specified by the wDesc descriptor.

4.132. cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams(
cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t      rnnDesc,
const int                       pseudoLayer,
const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   xDesc,
const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t   wDesc,
const void                     *w,
const int                       linLayerID,
cudnnFilterDescriptor_t         linLayerMatDesc,
void                           **linLayerMat)

This function is used to obtain a pointer and a descriptor of every RNN weight matrix in each pseudo-layer within the recurrent network defined by rnnDesc and its input width specified in xDesc.

Note: The cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams() function was enhanced in cuDNN version 7.1.1 without changing its prototype. Instead of reporting the total number of elements in each weight matrix in the “linLayerMatDesc” filter descriptor, the function returns the matrix size as two dimensions: rows and columns. Moreover, when a weight matrix does not exist, e.g due to CUDNN_SKIP_INPUT mode, the function returns NULL in linLayerMat and all fields of linLayerMatDesc are zero.

The cudnnGetRNNLinLayerMatrixParams() function returns the RNN matrix size in two dimensions: rows and columns. This allows the user to easily print and initialize RNN weight matrices. Elements in each weight matrix are arranged in the row-major order. Due to historical reasons, the minimum number of dimensions in the filter descriptor is three. In previous versions of the cuDNN library, the function returned the total number of weights in linLayerMatDesc as follows: filterDimA[0]=total_size, filterDimA[1]=1, filterDimA[2]=1 (see the description of the cudnnGetFilterNdDescriptor() function). In v7.1.1, the format was changed to: filterDimA[0]=1, filterDimA[1]=rows, filterDimA[2]=columns. In both cases, the "format" field of the filter descriptor should be ignored when retrieved by cudnnGetFilterNdDescriptor().



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. The pseudo-layer to query. In uni-directional RNN-s, a pseudo-layer is the same as a "physical" layer (pseudoLayer=0 is the RNN input layer, pseudoLayer=1 is the first hidden layer). In bi-directional RNN-s there are twice as many pseudo-layers in comparison to "physical" layers (pseudoLayer=0 and pseudoLayer=1 are both input layers; pseudoLayer=0 refers to the forward part and pseudoLayer=1 refers to the backward part of the "physical" input layer; pseudoLayer=2 is the forward part of the first hidden layer, and so on).


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the input to one recurrent iteration (to retrieve the RNN input width).


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.

Input. The linear layer to obtain information about:
  • If mode in rnnDesc was set to CUDNN_RNN_RELU or CUDNN_RNN_TANH a value of 0 references the matrix multiplication applied to the input from the previous layer, a value of 1 references the matrix multiplication applied to the recurrent input.
  • If mode in rnnDesc was set to CUDNN_LSTM values of 0-3 reference matrix multiplications applied to the input from the previous layer, value of 4-7 reference matrix multiplications applied to the recurrent input.
    • Values 0 and 4 reference the input gate.
    • Values 1 and 5 reference the forget gate.
    • Values 2 and 6 reference the new memory gate.
    • Values 3 and 7 reference the output gate.
    • Value 8 references the "recurrent" projection matrix when enabled by the cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers() function.
  • If mode in rnnDesc was set to CUDNN_GRU values of 0-2 reference matrix multiplications applied to the input from the previous layer, value of 3-5 reference matrix multiplications applied to the recurrent input.
    • Values 0 and 3 reference the reset gate.
    • Values 1 and 4 reference the update gate.
    • Values 2 and 5 reference the new memory gate.
Please refer to Chapter 3 for additional details on modes.

Output. Handle to a previously created filter descriptor. When the weight matrix does not exist, the returned filer descriptor has all fields set to zero.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor linLayerMatDesc. When the weight matrix does not exist, the returned pointer is NULL.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


The function does not support the provided configuration.

At least one of the following conditions are met:
  • One of the following arguments is NULL: handle, rnnDesc, xDesc, wDesc, linLayerMatDesc, linLayerMat.
  • A data type mismatch was detected between rnnDesc and other descriptors.
  • Minimum requirement for the 'w' pointer alignment is not satisfied.
  • The value of pseudoLayer or linLayerID is out of range.

Some elements of the linLayerMat vector are be outside the 'w' buffer boundaries as specified by the wDesc descriptor.

4.133. cudnnGetRNNPaddingMode

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetRNNPaddingMode(
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t        rnnDesc,
    cudnnRNNPaddingMode_t       *paddingMode)

This function retrieves the RNN padding mode from the RNN descriptor.



Input/Output. A previously created RNN descriptor.


Input. Pointer to the host memory where the RNN padding mode is saved.



The RNN padding mode parameter was retrieved successfully.


Either the rnnDesc or *paddingMode is NULL.

4.134. cudnnGetRNNParamsSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetRNNParamsSize(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t      rnnDesc,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   xDesc,
    size_t                         *sizeInBytes,
    cudnnDataType_t                 dataType)

This function is used to query the amount of parameter space required to execute the RNN described by rnnDesc with inputs dimensions defined by xDesc.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the input to one recurrent iteration.


Output. Minimum amount of GPU memory needed as parameter space to be able to execute an RNN with the specified descriptor and input tensors.


Input. The data type of the parameters.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.

At least one of the following conditions are met:
  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • The descriptor xDesc is invalid.
  • The descriptor xDesc is not fully packed.
  • The combination of dataType and tensor descriptor data type is invalid.

The combination of the RNN descriptor and tensor descriptors is not supported.

4.135. cudnnGetRNNProjectionLayers

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetRNNProjectionLayers(
    cudnnHandle_t           handle,
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t    rnnDesc,
    int                     *recProjSize,
    int                     *outProjSize)

(New for 7.1)

This function retrieves the current RNN “projection” parameters. By default the projection feature is disabled so invoking this function immediately after cudnnSetRNNDescriptor() will yield recProjSize equal to hiddenSize and outProjSize set to zero. The cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers() method enables the RNN projection.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. A previously created and initialized RNN descriptor.


Output. Pointer where the “recurrent” projection size should be stored.


Output. Pointer where the “output” projection size should be stored.



RNN projection parameters were retrieved successfully.


A NULL pointer was passed to the function.

4.136. cudnnGetRNNTrainingReserveSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetRNNTrainingReserveSize(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t      rnnDesc,
    const int                       seqLength,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *xDesc,
    size_t                         *sizeInBytes)

This function is used to query the amount of reserved space required for training the RNN described by rnnDesc with inputs dimensions defined by xDesc. The same reserved space buffer must be passed to cudnnRNNForwardTraining, cudnnRNNBackwardData and cudnnRNNBackwardWeights. Each of these calls overwrites the contents of the reserved space, however it can safely be backed up and restored between calls if reuse of the memory is desired.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. Number of iterations to unroll over. The value of this seqLength must not exceed the value that was used in cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize() function for querying the workspace size required to execute the RNN.


Input. An array of tensor descriptors describing the input to each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The first dimension (batch size) of the tensors may decrease from element n to element n+1 but may not increase. Each tensor descriptor must have the same second dimension (vector length).


Output. Minimum amount of GPU memory needed as reserve space to be able to train an RNN with the specified descriptor and input tensors.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.

At least one of the following conditions are met:
  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors in xDesc is invalid.
  • The descriptors in xDesc have inconsistent second dimensions, strides or data types.
  • The descriptors in xDesc have increasing first dimensions.
  • The descriptors in xDesc is not fully packed.

The the data types in tensors described by xDesc is not supported.

4.137. cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t      rnnDesc,
    const int                       seqLength,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *xDesc,
    size_t                         *sizeInBytes)

This function is used to query the amount of work space required to execute the RNN described by rnnDesc with inputs dimensions defined by xDesc.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. Number of iterations to unroll over. Workspace that is allocated, based on the size this function provides, cannot be used for sequences longer than seqLength.


Input. An array of tensor descriptors describing the input to each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The first dimension (batch size) of the tensors may decrease from element n to element n+1 but may not increase. For example, if you have multiple time series in a batch, they can be different lengths. This dimension is the batch size for the particular iteration of the sequence, and so it should decrease when a sequence in the batch has terminated.

Each tensor descriptor must have the same second dimension (vector length).


Output. Minimum amount of GPU memory needed as workspace to be able to execute an RNN with the specified descriptor and input tensors.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The query was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors in xDesc is invalid.
  • The descriptors in xDesc have inconsistent second dimensions, strides or data types.
  • The descriptors in xDesc have increasing first dimensions.
  • The descriptors in xDesc is not fully packed.

The data types in tensors described by xDesc is not supported.

4.138. cudnnGetSeqDataDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetSeqDataDescriptor(
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t seqDataDesc,
	cudnnDataType_t *dataType,
	int *nbDims,
	int nbDimsRequested,
	int dimA[],
	cudnnSeqDataAxis_t axes[],
	size_t *seqLengthArraySize,
	size_t seqLengthSizeRequsted,
	int seqLengthArray[],
	void *paddingFill);

This function returns the current values stored in a previously initialized sequence data descriptor.


Parameter Input / Output Description
seqDataDesc Input A sequence data descriptor whose present value is requested.
dataType Output The data type of the sequence data.
nbDims Output Number of dimensions.
nbDimsRequested Input Number of elements of dimA (the axes array) requested. Only the first nbDimsRequested elements or nbDims elements, whichever is smaller, is reported.
dimA[] Output Size of the axes dimensions.
axes[] Output Axes, in the order of outermost to innermost dimension.
seqLengthArraySize Output Length of seqLengthArray.
seqLengthSizeRequested Input Number of elements of seqLengthArray requested. Only the first seqLengthArraySize elements, or seqLengthSizeRequsted elements, whichever is smaller, is reported.
seqLengthArray[] Output Length of each sequence.
paddingFill Output Value used for filling the padding elements in the buffer.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The requested values were obtained successfully.

Any of the below is true for the input arguments:

-seqDataDesc is NULL.

-nbDimsRequested is not positive.

-seqLengthSizeRequsted is larger than seqLengthArraySize dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_BATCH_DIM] * dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_BEAM_DIM]

CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED A value not supported is encountered. For example, the nbDimsRequested is larger than CUDNN_SEQDATA_DIM_COUNT. See cudnnSeqDataAxis_t.
CUDNN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR Encountered an invalid field value in seqDataDesc.

4.139. cudnnGetStream

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetStream(
    cudnnHandle_t   handle,
    cudaStream_t   *streamId)

This function retrieves the user CUDA stream programmed in the cuDNN handle. When the user's CUDA stream was not set in the cuDNN handle, this function reports the null-stream.



Input. Pointer to the cuDNN handle.


Output. Pointer where the current CUDA stream from the cuDNN handle should be stored.



Invalid (NULL) handle.


The stream identifier was retrieved successfully.

4.140. cudnnGetTensor4dDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetTensor4dDescriptor(
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  tensorDesc,
    cudnnDataType_t         *dataType,
    int                     *n,
    int                     *c,
    int                     *h,
    int                     *w,
    int                     *nStride,
    int                     *cStride,
    int                     *hStride,
    int                     *wStride)

This function queries the parameters of the previouly initialized Tensor4D descriptor object.



Input. Handle to a previously insitialized tensor descriptor.


Output. Data type.


Output. Number of images.


Output. Number of feature maps per image.


Output. Height of each feature map.


Output. Width of each feature map.


Output. Stride between two consecutive images.


Output. Stride between two consecutive feature maps.


Output. Stride between two consecutive rows.


Output. Stride between two consecutive columns.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The operation succeeded.

4.141. cudnnGetTensorNdDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetTensorNdDescriptor(
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   tensorDesc,
    int                             nbDimsRequested,
    cudnnDataType_t                *dataType,
    int                            *nbDims,
    int                             dimA[],
    int                             strideA[])

This function retrieves values stored in a previously initialized Tensor descriptor object.



Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input. Number of dimensions to extract from a given tensor descriptor. It is also the minimum size of the arrays dimA and strideA. If this number is greater than the resulting nbDims[0], only nbDims[0] dimensions will be returned.


Output. Data type.


Output. Actual number of dimensions of the tensor will be returned in nbDims[0].


Output. Array of dimension of at least nbDimsRequested that will be filled with the dimensions from the provided tensor descriptor.


Input. Array of dimension of at least nbDimsRequested that will be filled with the strides from the provided tensor descriptor.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The results were returned successfully.


Either tensorDesc or nbDims pointer is NULL.

4.142. cudnnGetTensorSizeInBytes

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetTensorSizeInBytes(
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   tensorDesc,
    size_t                         *size)

This function returns the size of the tensor in memory in respect to the given descriptor. This function can be used to know the amount of GPU memory to be allocated to hold that tensor.



Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Output. Size in bytes needed to hold the tensor in GPU memory.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The results were returned successfully.

4.143. cudnnGetTensorTransformDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnGetTensorTransformDescriptor(
	cudnnTensorTransformDescriptor_t transformDesc,
	uint32_t nbDimsRequested,
	cudnnTensorFormat_t *destFormat,
	int32_t padBeforeA[],
	int32_t padAfterA[],
	uint32_t foldA[],
	cudnnFoldingDirection_t *direction);

This function returns the values stored in a previously initialized Tensor transform descriptor.


Parameter Input / Output Description
transformDesc Input A previously initialized Tensor transform descriptor.
nbDimsRequested Input The number of dimensions to consider. See also https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/sdk/cudnn-developer-guide/index.html#tensor-descriptor
destFormat Output The transform format that will be returned.
padBeforeA[] Output An array filled with the amount of padding to add before each dimension. The dimension of this padBeforeA[] parameter equal to nbDimsRequested.
padAfterA[] Output An array filled with the amount of padding to add after each dimension. The dimension of this padBeforeA[] parameter is equal to nbDimsRequested.
foldA[] Output An array that was filled with the folding parameters for each spatial dimension. The dimension of this foldA[] array is nbDimsRequested - 2.
direction Output The setting that selects folding or unfolding. See cudnnFoldingDirection_t.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The results were obtained successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM If transformDesc is NULL, or if nbDimsRequested is less than 3 or greater than CUDNN_DIM_MAX.

4.144. cudnnGetVersion

size_t cudnnGetVersion()

This function returns the version number of the cuDNN Library. It returns the CUDNN_VERSION define present in the cudnn.h header file. Starting with release R2, the routine can be used to identify dynamically the current cuDNN Library used by the application. The define CUDNN_VERSION can be used to have the same application linked against different cuDNN versions using conditional compilation statements.

4.145. cudnnIm2Col

cudnnStatus_t cudnnIm2Col(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    cudnnTensorDescriptor_t         srcDesc,
    const void                      *srcData,
    cudnnFilterDescriptor_t         filterDesc,   
    cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t    convDesc,
    void                            *colBuffer)

This function constructs the A matrix necessary to perform a forward pass of GEMM convolution. This A matrix has a height of batch_size*y_height*y_width and width of input_channels*filter_height*filter_width, where batch_size is xDesc's first dimension, y_height/y_width are computed from cudnnGetConvolutionNdForwardOutputDim(), input_channels is xDesc's second dimension, filter_height/filter_width are wDesc's third and fourth dimension. The A matrix is stored in format HW-fully-packed in GPU memory.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the input tensor descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized convolution descriptor.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory storing the output matrix.



srcData or colBuffer is NULL.


Any of srcDesc, filterDesc, convDesc has dataType of CUDNN_DATA_INT8, CUDNN_DATA_INT8x4, CUDNN_DATA_INT8, or CUDNN_DATA_INT8x4 convDesc has groupCount larger than 1.


The cuda kernel execution was unsuccessful.


The output data array is successfully generated.

4.146. cudnnInitTransformDest

cudnnStatus_t cudnnInitTransformDest(
	const cudnnTensorTransformDescriptor_t transformDesc,
	const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t srcDesc,
	cudnnTensorDescriptor_t destDesc,
	size_t *destSizeInBytes);
This function initializes and returns a destination Tensor descriptor destDesc for Tensor transform operations. The initialization is done with the desired parameters described in the transform descriptor cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.
Note: The returned Tensor descriptor will be packed.


Parameter Input / Output Description
transformDesc Input Handle to a previously initialized Tensor transform descriptor.
srcDesc Input Handle to a previously initialized Tensor descriptor.
destDesc Output Handle of the Tensor descriptor that will be initialized and returned.
destSizeInBytes Output A pointer to hold the size, in bytes, of the new Tensor.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The Tensor descriptor was initialized successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM If either srcDesc or destDesc is NULL, or if the Tensor descriptor’s nbDims is incorrect.
CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED If the provided configuration is not 4D.
CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED Function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.147. cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward(
    cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
    cudnnLRNDescriptor_t             normDesc,
    cudnnLRNMode_t                   lrnMode,
    const void                      *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    yDesc,
    const void                      *y,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dyDesc,
    const void                      *dy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    xDesc,
    const void                      *x,
    const void                      *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dxDesc,
    void                            *dx)

This function performs the backward LRN layer computation.

Note: Supported formats are: positive-strided, NCHW for 4D x and y, and only NCDHW DHW-packed for 5D (for both x and y). Only non-overlapping 4D and 5D tensors are supported.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously intialized LRN parameter descriptor.


Input. LRN layer mode of operation. Currently only CUDNN_LRN_CROSS_CHANNEL_DIM1 is implemented. Normalization is performed along the tensor's dimA[1].

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the layer output value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*resultValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section for additional details.

yDesc, y

Input. Tensor descriptor and pointer in device memory for the layer's y data.

dyDesc, dy

Input. Tensor descriptor and pointer in device memory for the layer's input cumulative loss differential data dy (including error backpropagation).

xDesc, x

Input. Tensor descriptor and pointer in device memory for the layer's x data. Note that these values are not modified during backpropagation.

dxDesc, dx

Output. Tensor descriptor and pointer in device memory for the layer's resulting cumulative loss differential data dx (including error backpropagation).

Possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The computation was performed successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the tensor pointers x, y is NULL.
  • Number of input tensor dimensions is 2 or less.
  • LRN descriptor parameters are outside of their valid ranges.
  • One of tensor parameters is 5D but is not in NCDHW DHW-packed format.

The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:

  • Any of the input tensor datatypes is not the same as any of the output tensor datatype.
  • Any pairwise tensor dimensions mismatch for x,y,dx,dy.
  • Any tensor parameters strides are negative.

4.148. cudnnLRNCrossChannelForward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnLRNCrossChannelForward(
    cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
    cudnnLRNDescriptor_t             normDesc,
    cudnnLRNMode_t                   lrnMode,
    const void                      *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    xDesc,
    const void                      *x,
    const void                      *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    yDesc,
    void                            *y)

This function performs the forward LRN layer computation.

Note: Supported formats are: positive-strided, NCHW for 4D x and y, and only NCDHW DHW-packed for 5D (for both x and y). Only non-overlapping 4D and 5D tensors are supported.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously intialized LRN parameter descriptor.


Input. LRN layer mode of operation. Currently only CUDNN_LRN_CROSS_CHANNEL_DIM1 is implemented. Normalization is performed along the tensor's dimA[1].

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the layer output value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*resultValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section for additional details.

xDesc, yDesc

Input. Tensor descriptor objects for the input and output tensors.


Input. Input tensor data pointer in device memory.


Output. Output tensor data pointer in device memory.

Possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The computation was performed successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • One of the tensor pointers x, y is NULL.
  • Number of input tensor dimensions is 2 or less.
  • LRN descriptor parameters are outside of their valid ranges.
  • One of tensor parameters is 5D but is not in NCDHW DHW-packed format.

The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:

  • Any of the input tensor datatypes is not the same as any of the output tensor datatype.
  • x and y tensor dimensions mismatch.
  • Any tensor parameters strides are negative.

4.149. cudnnMakeFusedOpsPlan

cudnnStatus_t cudnnMakeFusedOpsPlan(
	cudnnHandle_t handle,
	cudnnFusedOpsPlan_t plan,
	const cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t constPack,
	size_t *workspaceSizeInBytes); 		

This function determines the optimum kernel to execute, and the workspace size the user should allocate, prior to the actual execution of the fused operations by cudnnFusedOpsExecute.


Parameter Input / Output Description
handle Input Pointer to the cuDNN library context.
plan Input Pointer to a previously-created and initialized plan descriptor.
constPack Input Pointer to the descriptor to the const parameters pack.
workspaceSizeInBytes Output The amount of workspace size the user should allocate for the execution of this plan.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM If any of the inputs is NULL, or if the type of cudnnFusedOps_t in the constPack descriptor is unsupported.
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The function executed successfully.

4.150. cudnnMultiHeadAttnBackwardData

cudnnStatus_t cudnnMultiHeadAttnBackwardData(
	cudnnHandle_t handle,
	const cudnnAttnDescriptor_t attnDesc,
	const int *loWinIdx,
	const int *hiWinIdx,
	const int *seqLengthArrayDQDO,
	const int *seqLengthArrayDKDV,
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t doDesc,
	const void *dout,
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t dqDesc,
	void *dqueries,
	const void *queries,
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t dkDesc,
	void *dkeys,
	const void *keys,
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t dvDesc,
	void *dvalues,
	const void *values,
	size_t weightSizeInBytes,
	const void *w,
	size_t workSpaceSizeInBytes,
	void *workSpace,
	size_t reserveSpaceSizeInBytes,
	void *reserveSpace);

This function computes the data gradients with backpropagation.


Parameter Input / Output Description
handle Input A cuDNN context handle.
attnDesc Input A previously initialized multi-head attention descriptor.
loWinIdx, hiWinIdx Input An array of lower (inclusive) and upper (exclusive) key and value time steps windows.
seqLengthArrayDQDO Input Sequence lengths of queries and output sequences data.
seqLengthArrayDKDV Input Sequence lengths of keys and values sequences data.
doDesc Input Descriptor for output gradient sequence data.
dout Input Output gradient data in device memory.
dqDesc Input Descriptor for queries sequence data.
dqueries Output Queries gradient data in device memory.
queries Input Queries data in device memory.
dkDesc Input Descriptor for the keys vectors.
dkeys Output Keys gradient data in device memory.
keys Input Keys data in device memory.
dvDesc Input Descriptor for the values vectors.
dvalues Output Values gradient data in device memory.
values Input Values data in device memory.
weightSizeInBytes Input Pointer to a location, in host memory, where the attention weight sizes (in bytes) are stored.
w Input Weight data in device memory.
workSpaceSizeInBytes Input Pointer to a location, in host memory, of the workspace size (in bytes). For inference and training.
workSpace Input Workspace data in device memory.
reserveSpaceSizeInBytes Input Pointer to a location, in host memory, of the reserve space size (in bytes). For training.
reserveSpace Input/Output Reserve space data in device memory.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The forward calculation is successful.
CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED Failed to launch the kernel, or other kernel errors.

4.151. cudnnMultiHeadAttnBackwardWeights

cudnnStatus_t cudnnMultiHeadAttnBackwardWeights(
	cudnnHandle_t handle,
	const cudnnAttnDescriptor_t attnDesc,
	cudnnWgradMode_t addGrad,
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t qDesc,
	const void *queries,
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t kDesc,
	const void *keys,
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t vDesc,
	const void *values,
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t doDesc,
	const void *dout,
	size_t weightSizeInBytes,
	const void *w,
	void *dw,
	size_t workSpaceSizeInBytes,
	void *workSpace,
	size_t reserveSpaceSizeInBytes,
	void *reserveSpace);

This function computes the weight gradients with backpropagation.


Parameter Input / Output Description
handle Input A cuDNN context handle.
attnDesc Input A previously initialized multi-head attention descriptor.
addGrad Input Weight gradient output mode. See cudnnWgradMode_t <link>.
qDesc Input Descriptor of the query sequence data.
queries Input Query data in device memory.
kDesc Input Descriptor for the keys sequence data.
keys Input Keys data in device memory.
vDesc Input Descriptor for the values sequence data.
values Input Values data in device memory.
doDesc Input Descriptor for the output gradient sequence data.
dout Input Output gradient data in device memory.
weightSizeInBytes Input Pointer to a location, in host memory, where the attention weight sizes (in bytes) are stored.
w Input Pointer to the weight buffer address.
dw Output Weight gradient data in device memory.
workSpaceSizeInBytes Input Pointer to a location, in host memory, of the workspace size (in bytes). For inference and training.
workSpace Input Workspace data in device memory.
reserveSpaceSizeInBytes Input Pointer to a location, in host memory, of the reserve space size (in bytes). For training.
reserveSpace Input Reserve space data in device memory.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The forward calculation is successful.
CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED Failed to launch the kernel, or other kernel errors.

4.152. cudnnMultiHeadAttnForward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnMultiHeadAttnForward(
	cudnnHandle_t handle,
	const cudnnAttnDescriptor_t attnDesc,
	int currIdx,
	const int *loWinIdx,
	const int *hiWinIdx,
	const int *seqLengthArrayQRO,
	const int *seqLengthArrayKV,
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t qDesc,
	const void *queries,
	const void *residuals,
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t kDesc,
	const void *keys,
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t vDesc,
	const void *values,
	const cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t oDesc,
	void *out,
	size_t weightSizeInBytes,
	const void *w,
	size_t workSpaceSizeInBytes,
	void *workSpace,
	size_t reserveSpaceSizeInBytes,
	void *reserveSpace);

The function cudnnMultiHeadAttnForward() performs the multi-head attention response computation, as described in the paper Attention Is All You Need.


Parameter Input / Output Description
handle Input A cuDNN context handle.
attnDesc Input A previously initialized multi-head attention descriptor.
currIdx Input Output timestep(s) to compute. < 0 for the training mode, and >=0 for the inference mode.
loWinIdx, hiWinIdx Input An array of lower (inclusive) and upper (exclusive) key and value time steps windows.
seqLengthArrayQRO Input Length of each sequence of the query, residual, and output data.
seqLengthArrayKV Input Length of each sequence of the key and value data.
qDesc Input Descriptor for the queries and residual sequence data.
queries Input Queries data in device memory.
residuals Input Residual data in device memory. NULL if no residual connection.
kDesc Input Descriptor for the keys sequence data.
keys Input Keys data in device memory.
vDesc Input Descriptor for the values sequence data.
values Input Values data in device memory.
oDesc Input Descriptor for the multi-head attention output sequence data.
out Output Output data in device memory.
weightSizeInBytes Input Pointer to a location, in host memory, where the attention weight sizes (in bytes) are stored.
w Input Weight data in device memory.
workSpaceSizeInBytes Input Pointer to a location, in host memory, of the workspace size (in bytes). For inference and training.
workSpace Input Workspace data in device memory.
reserveSpaceSizeInBytes Input Pointer to a location, in host memory, of the reserve space size (in bytes). For training.
reserveSpace Input/Output Reserve space data in device memory. If this is NULL it is inference mode, otherwise it is training.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The forward calculation is successful.
CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED Failed to launch the kernel, or other kernel errors.
CUDNN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR Inconsistent internal state(s) encountered.

An invalid or incompatible parameter value is encountered. For example:

- Any required input pointers are NULL

- currIdx is out of bound or is negative in inference mode (indicated by reserveSpace == NULL)

- The descriptor value for attention, query, key, value, and output are incompatible with one another.

- Dropout is enabled but with dropout rate >= 1.


An unsupported parameter value is encountered. For example:

- A combination of dataType and mathPrec that is not supported.

CUDNN_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED Not enough device share memory to launch kernel.

4.153. cudnnOpTensor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnOpTensor(
    cudnnHandle_t                     handle,
    const cudnnOpTensorDescriptor_t   opTensorDesc,
    const void                       *alpha1,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     aDesc,
    const void                       *A,
    const void                       *alpha2,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     bDesc,
    const void                       *B,
    const void                       *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     cDesc,
    void                             *C)

This function implements the equation C = op(alpha1[0] * A, alpha2[0] * B) + beta[0] * C, given the Tensors A, B, and C and the scaling factors alpha1, alpha2, and beta. The op to use is indicated by the descriptor cudnnOpTensorDescriptor_t, i.e., the type of opTensorDesc. Currently-supported ops are listed by the cudnnOpTensorOp_t enum.

The following restrictions on the input and destination Tensors apply:
  • Each dimension of the input Tensor A must match the corresponding dimension of the destination Tensor C, and each dimension of the input Tensor B must match the corresponding dimension of the destination Tensor C or must be equal to 1. In the latter case, the same value from the input Tensor B for those dimensions will be used to blend into the C Tensor.
  • The data types of the input Tensors A and B, and the destination Tensor C, must satisfy the table Table 14.
Table 14. Supported Datatypes
opTensorCompType in opTensorDesc A B C (destination)
Note: All Tensor formats up to dimension five (5) are supported. This routine does not support Tensor formats beyond these dimensions.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized op Tensor descriptor.

alpha1, alpha2, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the source value with prior value in the destination Tensor as indicated by the above op equation. Refer to this section for additional details.

aDesc, bDesc, cDesc

Input. Handle to a previously initialized Tensor descriptor.

A, B

Input. Pointer to data of the Tensors described by the aDesc and bDesc descriptors, respectively.


Input/Output. Pointer to data of the Tensor described by the cDesc descriptor.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function executed successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:

  • The dimensions of the bias Tensor and the output Tensor dimensions are above 5.
  • opTensorCompType is not set as stated above.

The data type of the destination Tensor C is unrecognized, or the restrictions on the input and destination Tensors, stated above, are not met.


The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.154. cudnnPoolingBackward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnPoolingBackward(
    cudnnHandle_t                       handle,
    const cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t      poolingDesc,
    const void                         *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       yDesc,
    const void                         *y,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dyDesc,
    const void                         *dy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       xDesc,
    const void                         *xData,
    const void                         *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t       dxDesc,
    void                               *dx)

This function computes the gradient of a pooling operation.

As of cuDNN version 6.0, a deterministic algorithm is implemented for max backwards pooling. This algorithm can be chosen via the pooling mode enum of poolingDesc. The deterministic algorithm has been measured to be up to 50% slower than the legacy max backwards pooling algorithm, or up to 20% faster, depending upon the use case.

Note: All tensor formats are supported, best performance is expected when using HW-packed tensors. Only 2 and 3 spatial dimensions are allowed



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized pooling descriptor.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor yDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dyData.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor xDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output differential tensor descriptor.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor dxDesc.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The dimensions n,c,h,w of the yDesc and dyDesc tensors differ.
  • The strides nStride, cStride, hStride, wStride of the yDesc and dyDesc tensors differ.
  • The dimensions n,c,h,w of the dxDesc and dxDesc tensors differ.
  • The strides nStride, cStride, hStride, wStride of the xDesc and dxDesc tensors differ.
  • The datatype of the four tensors differ.

The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:

  • The wStride of input tensor or output tensor is not 1.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.155. cudnnPoolingForward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnPoolingForward(
    cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
    const cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t   poolingDesc,
    const void                      *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    xDesc,
    const void                      *x,
    const void                      *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    yDesc,
    void                            *y)

This function computes pooling of input values (i.e., the maximum or average of several adjacent values) to produce an output with smaller height and/or width.

Note: All tensor formats are supported, best performance is expected when using HW-packed tensors. Only 2 and 3 spatial dimensions are allowed.
Note: The dimensions of the output tensor yDesc can be smaller or bigger than the dimensions advised by the routine cudnnGetPooling2dForwardOutputDim or cudnnGetPoolingNdForwardOutputDim.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized pooling descriptor.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor. Must be of type FLOAT, or DOUBLE, or HALF, or INT8. See cudnnDataType_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor. Must be of type FLOAT, or DOUBLE, or HALF, or INT8. See cudnnDataType_t.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The dimensions n,c of the input tensor and output tensors differ.
  • The datatype of the input tensor and output tensors differs.

The function does not support the provided configuration.


The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.156. cudnnQueryRuntimeError

cudnnStatus_t cudnnQueryRuntimeError(
    cudnnHandle_t            handle,
    cudnnStatus_t           *rstatus,
    cudnnErrQueryMode_t      mode,
    cudnnRuntimeTag_t       *tag)

cuDNN library functions perform extensive input argument checking before launching GPU kernels. The last step is to verify that the GPU kernel actually started. When a kernel fails to start, CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED is returned by the corresponding API call. Typically, after a GPU kernel starts, no runtime checks are performed by the kernel itself -- numerical results are simply written to output buffers.

When the CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT mode is selected in cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining or cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward, the algorithm may encounter numerical overflows where CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL performs just fine albeit at a slower speed. The user can invoke cudnnQueryRuntimeError to make sure numerical overflows did not occur during the kernel execution. Those issues are reported by the kernel that performs computations.

cudnnQueryRuntimeError can be used in polling and blocking software control flows. There are two polling modes (CUDNN_ERRQUERY_RAWCODE, CUDNN_ERRQUERY_NONBLOCKING) and one blocking mode CUDNN_ERRQUERY_BLOCKING.

CUDNN_ERRQUERY_RAWCODE reads the error storage location regardless of the kernel completion status. The kernel might not even started and the error storage (allocated per cuDNN handle) might be used by an earlier call.

CUDNN_ERRQUERY_NONBLOCKING checks if all tasks in the user stream completed. The cudnnQueryRuntimeError function will return immediately and report CUDNN_STATUS_RUNTIME_IN_PROGRESS in 'rstatus' if some tasks in the user stream are pending. Otherwise, the function will copy the remote kernel error code to 'rstatus'.

In the blocking mode (CUDNN_ERRQUERY_BLOCKING), the function waits for all tasks to drain in the user stream before reporting the remote kernel error code. The blocking flavor can be further adjusted by calling cudaSetDeviceFlags with the cudaDeviceScheduleSpin, cudaDeviceScheduleYield, or cudaDeviceScheduleBlockingSync flag.

CUDNN_ERRQUERY_NONBLOCKING and CUDNN_ERRQUERY_BLOCKING modes should not be used when the user stream is changed in the cuDNN handle, i.e., cudnnSetStream is invoked between functions that report runtime kernel errors and the cudnnQueryRuntimeError function.

The remote error status reported in rstatus can be set to: CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS, CUDNN_STATUS_RUNTIME_IN_PROGRESS, or CUDNN_STATUS_RUNTIME_FP_OVERFLOW. The remote kernel error is automatically cleared by cudnnQueryRuntimeError.

Note: The cudnnQueryRuntimeError function should be used in conjunction with cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining and cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward when the cudnnBatchNormMode_t argument is CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Output. Pointer to the user's error code storage.


Input. Remote error query mode.


Input/Output. Currently, this argument should be NULL.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



No errors detected (rstatus holds a valid value).


Invalid input argument.


A stream blocking synchronization or a non-blocking stream query failed.


Device cannot access zero-copy memory to report kernel errors.

4.157. cudnnReduceTensor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnReduceTensor(
    cudnnHandle_t                           handle,
    const cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor_t     reduceTensorDesc,
    void                                   *indices,
    size_t                                  indicesSizeInBytes,
    void                                   *workspace,
    size_t                                  workspaceSizeInBytes,
    const void                             *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t           aDesc,
    const void                             *A,
    const void                             *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t           cDesc,
    void                                   *C)

This function reduces tensor A by implementing the equation C = alpha * reduce op ( A ) + beta * C, given tensors A and C and scaling factors alpha and beta. The reduction op to use is indicated by the descriptor reduceTensorDesc. Currently-supported ops are listed by the cudnnReduceTensorOp_t enum.

Each dimension of the output tensor C must match the corresponding dimension of the input tensor A or must be equal to 1. The dimensions equal to 1 indicate the dimensions of A to be reduced.

The implementation will generate indices for the min and max ops only, as indicated by the cudnnReduceTensorIndices_t enum of the reduceTensorDesc. Requesting indices for the other reduction ops results in an error. The data type of the indices is indicated by the cudnnIndicesType_t enum; currently only the 32-bit (unsigned int) type is supported.

The indices returned by the implementation are not absolute indices but relative to the dimensions being reduced. The indices are also flattened, i.e. not coordinate tuples.

The data types of the tensors A and C must match if of type double. In this case, alpha and beta and the computation enum of reduceTensorDesc are all assumed to be of type double.

The half and int8 data types may be mixed with the float data types. In these cases, the computation enum of reduceTensorDesc is required to be of type float.

Note: Up to dimension 8, all tensor formats are supported. Beyond those dimensions, this routine is not supported



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized reduce tensor descriptor.


Output. Handle to a previously allocated space for writing indices.


Input. Size of the above previously allocated space.


Input. Handle to a previously allocated space for the reduction implementation.


Input. Size of the above previously allocated space.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the source value with prior value in the destination tensor as indicated by the above op equation. Please refer to this section for additional details.

aDesc, cDesc

Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input. Pointer to data of the tensor described by the aDesc descriptor.


Input/Output. Pointer to data of the tensor described by the cDesc descriptor.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function executed successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:

  • The dimensions of the input tensor and the output tensor are above 8.
  • reduceTensorCompType is not set as stated above.

The corresponding dimensions of the input and output tensors all match, or the conditions in the above paragraphs are unmet.


The allocations for the indices or workspace are insufficient.


The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.158. cudnnReorderFilterAndBias

cudnnStatus_t cudnnReorderFilterAndBias(
	cudnnHandle_t handle,
	const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t filterDesc,
	cudnnReorderType_t reorderType,
	const void *filterData,
	void *reorderedFilterData,
	int reorderBias,
	const void *biasData,
	void *reorderedBiasData);		

This function cudnnReorderFilterAndBias() reorders the filter and bias values. It can be used to enhance the inference time by separating the reordering operation from convolution.

For example, convolutions in a neural network of multiple layers can require reordering of kernels at every layer, which can take up a significant fraction of the total inference time. Using this function, the reordering can be done one time on the filter and bias data followed by the convolution operations at the multiple layers, thereby enhancing the inference time.


Parameter Input / Output Description
filterDesc Input Descriptor for the kernel dataset.
reorderType Input Setting to either perform reordering or not. See cudnnReorderType_t.
filterData Input Pointer to the filter (kernel) data location in the device memory.
reorderedFilterData Input Pointer to the location in the device memory where the reordered filter data will be written to, by this function.
reorderBias Input If > 0, then reorders the bias data also. If <= 0 then does not perform reordering operation on the bias data.
biasData Input Pointer to the bias data location in the device memory.
reorderedBiasData Input Pointer to the location in the device memory where the reordered bias data will be written to, by this function.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS Reordering was successful.
CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED Either the reordering of the filter data or of the bias data failed.

4.159. cudnnRestoreAlgorithm

cudnnStatus_t cudnnRestoreAlgorithm(
    cudnnHandle_t               handle,
    void*                       algoSpace,
    size_t                      algoSpaceSizeInBytes,
    cudnnAlgorithmDescriptor_t  algoDesc)

(New for 7.1)

This function reads algorithm metadata from the host memory space provided by the user in algoSpace, allowing the user to use the results of RNN finds from previous cuDNN sessions.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously created algorithm descriptor.


Input. Pointer to the host memory to be read.


Input. Amount of host memory needed as workspace to be able to hold the metadata from the specified algoDesc.



The function launched successfully.


The metadata is from a different cudnn version.


At least one of the following conditions is met:

  • One of the arguments is null.
  • The metadata is corrupted.

4.160. cudnnRestoreDropoutDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnRestoreDropoutDescriptor(
    cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t dropoutDesc,
    cudnnHandle_t            handle,
    float                    dropout,
    void                    *states,
    size_t                   stateSizeInBytes,
    unsigned long long       seed)

This function restores a dropout descriptor to a previously saved-off state.



Input/Output. Previously created dropout descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Probability with which the value from an input tensor is set to 0 when performing dropout.


Input. Pointer to GPU memory that holds random number generator states initialized by a prior call to cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor.


Input. Size in bytes of buffer holding random number generator states.


Input. Seed used in prior call to cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor that initialized 'states' buffer. Using a different seed from this has no effect. A change of seed, and subsequent update to random number generator states can be achieved by calling cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The call was successful.


States buffer size (as indicated in stateSizeInBytes) is too small.

4.161. cudnnRNNBackwardData

cudnnStatus_t cudnnRNNBackwardData(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t      rnnDesc,
    const int                       seqLength,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *yDesc,
    const void                     *y,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *dyDesc,
    const void                     *dy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   dhyDesc,
    const void                     *dhy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   dcyDesc,
    const void                     *dcy,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t   wDesc,
    const void                     *w,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   hxDesc,
    const void                     *hx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   cxDesc,
    const void                     *cx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *dxDesc,
    void                           *dx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   dhxDesc,
    void                           *dhx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   dcxDesc,
    void                           *dcx,
    void                           *workspace,
    size_t                          workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    const void                     *reserveSpace,
    size_t                          reserveSpaceSizeInBytes)

This routine executes the recurrent neural network described by rnnDesc with output gradients dy, dhy, dhc, weights w and input gradients dx, dhx, dcx. workspace is required for intermediate storage. The data in reserveSpace must have previously been generated by cudnnRNNForwardTraining. The same reserveSpace data must be used for future calls to cudnnRNNBackwardWeights if they execute on the same input data.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. See cudnnHandle_t.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor. See cudnnRNNDescriptor_t.


Input. Number of iterations to unroll over. The value of this seqLength must not exceed the value that was used in cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize() function for querying the workspace size required to execute the RNN.

Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the output from each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t. The second dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match double the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The first dimension of the tensor n must match the first dimension of the tensor n in dyDesc.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc.

Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the gradient at the output from each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The second dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match double the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The first dimension of the tensor n must match the first dimension of the tensor n in dxDesc.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptors in the array dyDesc.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradients at the final hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dhyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradients at the final hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradients at the final cell state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dcyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradients at the final cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN. See cudnnFilterDescriptor_t.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the second dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial cell state for LSTM networks. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the second dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.


Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the gradient at the input of each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The first dimension (batch size) of the tensors may decrease from element n to element n+1 but may not increase. Each tensor descriptor must have the same second dimension (vector length).


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptors in the array dxDesc.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradient at the initial hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dhxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradient at the hidden input of the network will not be set.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradient at the initial cell state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dcxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradient at the cell input of the network will not be set.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a workspace for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workspace.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a reserve space for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided reserveSpace.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors dhxDesc, wDesc, hxDesc, cxDesc, dcxDesc, dhyDesc, dcyDesc or one of the descriptors in yDesc, dxdesc, dydesc is invalid.
  • The descriptors in one of yDesc, dxDesc, dyDesc, dhxDesc, wDesc, hxDesc, cxDesc, dcxDesc, dhyDesc, dcyDesc has incorrect strides or dimensions.
  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.
  • reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.


The function was unable to allocate memory.

4.162. cudnnRNNBackwardDataEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnRNNBackwardDataEx(
    cudnnHandle_t                     handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t        rnnDesc,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t    yDesc,
    const void                        *y,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t    dyDesc,
    const void                        *dy,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t    dcDesc,
    const void                        *dcAttn,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     dhyDesc,
    const void                        *dhy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     dcyDesc,
    const void                        *dcy,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t     wDesc,
    const void                        *w,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     hxDesc,
    const void                        *hx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     cxDesc,
    const void                        *cx,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t    dxDesc,
    void                              *dx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     dhxDesc,
    void                              *dhx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     dcxDesc,
    void                              *dcx,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t    dkDesc,
    void                              *dkeys,
    void                              *workSpace,
    size_t                            workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    void                              *reserveSpace,
    size_t                            reserveSpaceSizeInBytes)

This routine is the extended version of the function cudnnRNNBackwardData. This function cudnnRNNBackwardDataEx allows the user to use unpacked (padded) layout for input y and output dx.

In the unpacked layout, each sequence in the mini-batch is considered to be of fixed length, specified by maxSeqLength in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor. Each fixed-length sequence, for example, the nth sequence in the mini-batch, is composed of a valid segment specified by the seqLengthArray[n] in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor; and a padding segment to make the combined sequence length equal to maxSeqLength.

With the unpacked layout, both sequence major (i.e. time major) and batch major are supported. For backward compatibility, the packed sequence major layout is supported. However, similar to the non-extended function cudnnRNNBackwardData, the sequences in the mini-batch need to be sorted in descending order according to length.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor. Must match or be the exact same descriptor previously passed into cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input. Data pointer to the GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor yDesc. The vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by yDesc. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported. Must contain the exact same data previously produced by cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor. The dataType, layout, maxSeqLength , batchSize, vectorSize and seqLengthArray need to match the yDesc previously passed to cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input.Data pointer to the GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor dyDesc. The vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by dyDesc. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradients at the final hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. Moreover:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.

The second dimension must match the batchSize parameter in xDesc.

The third dimension depends on whether RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and whether LSTM projection is enabled. Moreover:

  • If RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and LSTM projection is enabled, the third dimension must match the recProjSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers call used to set rnnDesc.
  • Otherwise, the third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dhyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradients at the final hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradients at the final cell state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. Moreover:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.

The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc.

The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dcyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradients at the final cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. Must match or be the exact same descriptor previously passed into cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero. Must contain the exact same data previously passed into cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx, or be NULL if NULL was previously passed to cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial cell state for LSTM networks. Must match or be the exact same descriptor previously passed into cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial cell state of the network will be initialized to zero. Must contain the exact same data previously passed into cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx, or be NULL if NULL was previously passed to cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor. The dataType, layout, maxSeqLength, batchSize, vectorSize and seqLengthArray need to match that of xDesc previously passed to cudnnRNNForwardtrainingEx.


Output. Data pointer to the GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor dxDesc. The vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by dxDesc. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported.


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradient at the initial hidden state of the RNN. The descriptor must be set exactly the same way as dhyDesc.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dhxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradient at the hidden input of the network will not be set.


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the gradient at the initial cell state of the RNN. The descriptor must be set exactly the same way as dcyDesc.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dcxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the gradient at the cell input of the network will not be set.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a workspace for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workspace.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a reserve space for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided reserveSpace.



The function launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • Variable sequence length input is passed in while CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC orCUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC is used.
  • Double input/output is used for CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC.

At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors yDesc, dxdesc, dydesc, dhxDesc, wDesc, hxDesc, cxDesc, dcxDesc, dhyDesc, dcyDesc is invalid or has incorrect strides or dimensions.
  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.
  • reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.


The function was unable to allocate memory.

4.163. cudnnRNNBackwardWeights

cudnnStatus_t cudnnRNNBackwardWeights(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t      rnnDesc,
    const int                       seqLength,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *xDesc,
    const void                     *x,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   hxDesc,
    const void                     *hx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *yDesc,
    const void                     *y,
    const void                     *workspace,
    size_t                          workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t   dwDesc,
    void                           *dw,
    const void                     *reserveSpace,
    size_t                          reserveSpaceSizeInBytes)

This routine accumulates weight gradients dw from the recurrent neural network described by rnnDesc with inputs x, hx, and outputs y. The mode of operation in this case is additive, the weight gradients calculated will be added to those already existing in dw. workspace is required for intermediate storage. The data in reserveSpace must have previously been generated by cudnnRNNBackwardData.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. Number of iterations to unroll over. The value of this seqLength must not exceed the value that was used in cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize() function for querying the workspace size required to execute the RNN.


Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the input to each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The first dimension (batch size) of the tensors may decrease from element n to element n+1 but may not increase. Each tensor descriptor must have the same second dimension (vector length).


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptors in the array xDesc.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.

Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the output from each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The second dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match double the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The first dimension of the tensor n must match the first dimension of the tensor n in dyDesc.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a workspace for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workspace.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the gradients of the weights for the RNN.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor dwDesc.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a reserve space for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided reserveSpace

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors hxDesc, dwDesc or one of the descriptors in xDesc, yDesc is invalid.
  • The descriptors in one of xDesc, hxDesc, yDesc, dwDesc has incorrect strides or dimensions.
  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.
  • reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.


The function was unable to allocate memory.

4.164. cudnnRNNBackwardWeightsEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnRNNBackwardWeightsEx(
    cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t       rnnDesc,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t   xDesc,
    const void                       *x,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    hxDesc,
    const void                       *hx,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t   yDesc,
    const void                       *y,
    void                             *workSpace,
    size_t                           workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t    dwDesc,
    void                             *dw,
    void                             *reserveSpace,
    size_t                           reserveSpaceSizeInBytes)

This routine is the extended version of the function cudnnRNNBackwardWeights. This function cudnnRNNBackwardWeightsEx allows the user to use unpacked (padded) layout for input x and output dw.

In the unpacked layout, each sequence in the mini-batch is considered to be of fixed length, specified by maxSeqLength in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor. Each fixed-length sequence, for example, the nth sequence in the mini-batch, is composed of a valid segment specified by the seqLengthArray[n] in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor; and a padding segment to make the combined sequence length equal to maxSeqLength.

With the unpacked layout, both sequence major (i.e. time major) and batch major are supported. For backward compatibility, the packed sequence major layout is supported. However, similar to the non-extended function cudnnRNNBackwardWeights, the sequences in the mini-batch need to be sorted in descending order according to length.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor. Must match or be the exact same descriptor previously passed into cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptors in the array xDesc. Must contain the exact same data previously passed into cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. Must match or be the exact same descriptor previously passed into cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero. Must contain the exact same data previously passed into cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx, or be NULL if NULL was previously passed to cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor. Must match or be the exact same descriptor previously passed into cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc. Must contain the exact same data previously produced by cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a workspace for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workspace.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the gradients of the weights for the RNN.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor dwDesc.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a reserve space for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided reserveSpace



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors xDesc, yDesc, hxDesc, dwDesc is invalud, or has incorrect strides or dimensions.
  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.
  • reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.


The function was unable to allocate memory.

4.165. cudnnRNNForwardInference

cudnnStatus_t cudnnRNNForwardInference(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t      rnnDesc,
    const int                       seqLength,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *xDesc,
    const void                     *x,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   hxDesc,
    const void                     *hx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   cxDesc,
    const void                     *cx,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t   wDesc,
    const void                     *w,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   *yDesc,
    void                           *y,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   hyDesc,
    void                           *hy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   cyDesc,
    void                           *cy,
    void                           *workspace,
    size_t                          workSpaceSizeInBytes)

This routine executes the recurrent neural network described by rnnDesc with inputs x, hx, cx, weights w and outputs y, hy, cy. workspace is required for intermediate storage. This function does not store intermediate data required for training; cudnnRNNForwardTraining should be used for that purpose.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. Number of iterations to unroll over. The value of this seqLength must not exceed the value that was used in cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize() function for querying the workspace size required to execute the RNN.


Input. An array of 'seqLength' fully packed tensor descriptors. Each descriptor in the array should have three dimensions that describe the input data format to one recurrent iteration (one descriptor per RNN time-step). The first dimension (batch size) of the tensors may decrease from iteration n to iteration n+1 but may not increase. Each tensor descriptor must have the same second dimension (RNN input vector length, inputSize). The third dimension of each tensor should be 1. Input data are expected to be arranged in the column-major order so strides in xDesc should be set as follows: strideA[0]=inputSize, strideA[1]=1, strideA[2]=1.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the array of tensor descriptors xDesc. The input vectors are expected to be packed contiguously with the first vector of iteration (time-step) n+1 following directly from the last vector of iteration n. In other words, input vectors for all RNN time-steps should be packed in the contiguous block of GPU memory with no gaps between the vectors.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial cell state for LSTM networks. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.

Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the output from each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The second dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match double the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The first dimension of the tensor n must match the first dimension of the tensor n in xDesc.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc. The data are expected to be packed contiguously with the first element of iteration n+1 following directly from the last element of iteration n.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final hidden state of the network will not be saved.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final cell state for LSTM networks. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final cell state of the network will be not be saved.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a workspace for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workspace.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors hxDesc, cxDesc, wDesc, hyDesc, cyDesc or one of the descriptors in xDesc, yDesc is invalid.
  • The descriptors in one of xDesc, hxDesc, cxDesc, wDesc, yDesc, hyDesc, cyDesc have incorrect strides or dimensions.
  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.


The function was unable to allocate memory.

4.166. cudnnRNNForwardInferenceEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnRNNForwardInferenceEx(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t      rnnDesc,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t  xDesc,
    const void                      *x,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   hxDesc,
    const void                      *hx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   cxDesc,
    const void                      *cx,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t   wDesc,
    const void                      *w,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t  yDesc,
    void                            *y,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   hyDesc,
    void                            *hy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   cyDesc,
    void                            *cy,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t  kDesc,
    const void                      *keys,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t  cDesc,
    void                            *cAttn,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t  iDesc,
    void                            *iAttn,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t  qDesc,
    void                            *queries,
    void                            *workSpace,
    size_t                          workSpaceSizeInBytes)

This routine is the extended version of the cudnnRNNForwardInference function. The cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx allows the user to use unpacked (padded) layout for input x and output y. In the unpacked layout, each sequence in the mini-batch is considered to be of fixed length, specified by maxSeqLength in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor. Each fixed-length sequence, for example, the nth sequence in the mini-batch, is composed of a valid segment, specified by the seqLengthArray[n] in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor, and a padding segment to make the combined sequence length equal to maxSeqLength.

With unpacked layout, both sequence major (i.e. time major) and batch major are supported. For backward compatibility, the packed sequence major layout is supported. However, similar to the non-extended function cudnnRNNForwardInference, the sequences in the mini-batch need to be sorted in descending order according to length.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. A previously initialized RNN Data descriptor. The dataType, layout, maxSeqLength , batchSize, and seqLengthArray need to match that of yDesc.


Input. Data pointer to the GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor xDesc. The vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by xDesc. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.

The second dimension must match the batchSize parameter described in xDesc.

The third dimension depends on whether RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and whether LSTM projection is enabled. In specific:

  • If RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and LSTM projection is enabled, the third dimension must match the recProjSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers call used to set rnnDesc.
  • Otherwise, the third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial cell state for LSTM networks. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.

The second dimension must match the batchSize parameter in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.


Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor. The dataType, layout, maxSeqLength , batchSize, and seqLengthArray must match that of dyDesc and dxDesc. The parameter vectorSize depends on whether RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and whether LSTM projection is enabled and whether the network is bidirectional. In specific:

  • For uni-directional network, if RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and LSTM projection is enabled, the parameter vectorSize must match the recProjSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers call used to set rnnDesc. If the network is bidirectional, then multiply the value by 2.
  • Otherwise, for uni-directional network, the parameter vectorSize must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. If the network is bidirectional, then multiply the value by 2.

Output. Data pointer to the GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor yDesc. The vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by yDesc. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported.


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final hidden state of the RNN. The descriptor must be set exactly the same way as hxDesc.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final hidden state of the network will not be saved.


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final cell state for LSTM networks. The descriptor must be set exactly the same way as cxDesc.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final cell state of the network will be not be saved.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a workspace for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workspace.



The function launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • Variable sequence length input is passed in while CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC or CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC is used.
  • Double input/output is used for CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC.

At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors in xDesc, yDesc, hxDesc, cxDesc, wDesc, hyDesc, cyDesc is invalid, or have incorrect strides or dimensions.
  • reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.
  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.


The function was unable to allocate memory.

4.167. cudnnRNNForwardTraining

cudnnStatus_t cudnnRNNForwardTraining(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t      rnnDesc,
    const int                       seqLength,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *xDesc,
    const void                     *x,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   hxDesc,
    const void                     *hx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   cxDesc,
    const void                     *cx,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t   wDesc,
    const void                     *w,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  *yDesc,
    void                           *y,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   hyDesc,
    void                           *hy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   cyDesc,
    void                           *cy,
    void                           *workspace,
    size_t                          workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    void                           *reserveSpace,
    size_t                          reserveSpaceSizeInBytes)

This routine executes the recurrent neural network described by rnnDesc with inputs x, hx, cx, weights w and outputs y, hy, cy. workspace is required for intermediate storage. reserveSpace stores data required for training. The same reserveSpace data must be used for future calls to cudnnRNNBackwardData and cudnnRNNBackwardWeights if these execute on the same input data.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. Number of iterations to unroll over. The value of this seqLength must not exceed the value that was used in cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize() function for querying the workspace size required to execute the RNN.


Input. An array of 'seqLength' fully packed tensor descriptors. Each descriptor in the array should have three dimensions that describe the input data format to one recurrent iteration (one descriptor per RNN time-step). The first dimension (batch size) of the tensors may decrease from iteration element n to iteration element n+1 but may not increase. Each tensor descriptor must have the same second dimension (RNN input vector length, inputSize). The third dimension of each tensor should be 1. Input vectors are expected to be arranged in the column-major order so strides in xDesc should be set as follows: strideA[0]=inputSize, strideA[1]=1, strideA[2]=1.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the array of tensor descriptors xDesc. The input vectors are expected to be packed contiguously with the first vector of iteration (time-step) n+1 following directly the last vector of iteration n. In other words, input vectors for all RNN time-steps should be packed in the contiguous block of GPU memory with no gaps between the vectors.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial cell state for LSTM networks. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.

Input. An array of fully packed tensor descriptors describing the output from each recurrent iteration (one descriptor per iteration). The second dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the second dimension should match double the hiddenSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The first dimension of the tensor n must match the first dimension of the tensor n in xDesc.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final hidden state of the RNN. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final hidden state of the network will not be saved.

Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final cell state for LSTM networks. The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc. The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final cell state of the network will be not be saved.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a workspace for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workspace.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a reserve space for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided reserveSpace

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors hxDesc, cxDesc, wDesc, hyDesc, cyDesc or one of the descriptors in xDesc, yDesc is invalid.
  • The descriptors in one of xDesc, hxDesc, cxDesc, wDesc, yDesc, hyDesc, cyDesc have incorrect strides or dimensions.
  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.
  • reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.


The function was unable to allocate memory.

4.168. cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx(
    cudnnHandle_t                        handle,
    const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t           rnnDesc,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t       xDesc,
    const void                           *x,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t        hxDesc,
    const void                           *hx,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t        cxDesc,
    const void                           *cx,
    const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t        wDesc,
    const void                           *w,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t       yDesc,
    void                                 *y,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t        hyDesc,
    void                                 *hy,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t        cyDesc,
    void                                 *cy,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t       kDesc,
    const void                           *keys,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t       cDesc,
    void                                 *cAttn,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t       iDesc,
    void                                 *iAttn,
    const cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t       qDesc,
    void                                 *queries,
    void                                 *workSpace,
    size_t                               workSpaceSizeInBytes,
    void                                 *reserveSpace,
    size_t                               reserveSpaceSizeInBytes);

This routine is the extended version of the cudnnRNNForwardTraining function. The cudnnRNNForwardTrainingEx allows the user to use unpacked (padded) layout for input x and output y.

In the unpacked layout, each sequence in the mini-batch is considered to be of fixed length, specified by maxSeqLength in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor. Each fixed-length sequence, for example, the nth sequence in the mini-batch, is composed of a valid segment specified by the seqLengthArray[n] in its corresponding RNNDataDescriptor; and a padding segment to make the combined sequence length equal to maxSeqLength.

With the unpacked layout, both sequence major (i.e. time major) and batch major are supported. For backward compatibility, the packed sequence major layout is supported. However, similar to the non-extended function cudnnRNNForwardTraining, the sequences in the mini-batch need to be sorted in descending order according to length.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. A previously initialized RNN Data descriptor. The dataType, layout, maxSeqLength , batchSize, and seqLengthArray need to match that of yDesc.


Input. Data pointer to the GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor xDesc. The input vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by xDesc. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported.


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial hidden state of the RNN.

The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. Moreover:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL then the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL then the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.

The second dimension must match the batchSize parameter in xDesc.

The third dimension depends on whether RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and whether LSTM projection is enabled. Moreover:

  • If RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and LSTM projection is enabled, the third dimension must match the recProjSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers call used to set rnnDesc.
  • Otherwise, the third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc .

Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial hidden state of the network will be initialized to zero.


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the initial cell state for LSTM networks.

The first dimension of the tensor depends on the direction argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. Moreover:
  • If direction is CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.
  • If direction is CUDNN_BIDIRECTIONAL the first dimension should match double the numLayers argument passed to cudnnSetRNNDescriptor.

The second dimension must match the first dimension of the tensors described in xDesc.

The third dimension must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. The tensor must be fully packed.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cxDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the initial cell state of the network will be initialized to zero.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized filter descriptor describing the weights for the RNN.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the filter descriptor wDesc.


Input. A previously initialized RNN data descriptor. The dataType, layout, maxSeqLength , batchSize, and seqLengthArray need to match that of dyDesc and dxDesc. The parameter vectorSize depends on whether RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and whether LSTM projection is enabled and whether the network is bidirectional. In specific:

  • For uni-directional network, if RNN mode is CUDNN_LSTM and LSTM projection is enabled, the parameter vectorSize must match the recProjSize argument passed to cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers call used to set rnnDesc. If the network is bidirectional, then multiply the value by 2.
  • Otherwise, for uni-directional network, the parameter vectorSize must match the hiddenSize argument passed to the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor call used to initialize rnnDesc. If the network is bidirectional, then multiply the value by 2.

Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the RNN data descriptor yDesc. The input vectors are expected to be laid out in memory according to the layout specified by yDesc. The elements in the tensor (including elements in the padding vector) must be densely packed, and no strides are supported.


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final hidden state of the RNN. The descriptor must be set exactly the same as hxDesc.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor hyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final hidden state of the network will not be saved.


Input. A fully packed tensor descriptor describing the final cell state for LSTM networks. The descriptor must be set exactly the same as cxDesc.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor cyDesc. If a NULL pointer is passed, the final cell state of the network will be not be saved.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Reserved. User may pass in NULL.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a workspace for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided workspace.


Input/Output. Data pointer to GPU memory to be used as a reserve space for this call.


Input. Specifies the size in bytes of the provided reserveSpace



The function launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • Variable sequence length input is passed in while CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC or CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC is used.
  • Double input/output is used for CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_STATIC.

At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor rnnDesc is invalid.
  • At least one of the descriptors xDesc, yDesc, hxDesc, cxDesc, wDesc, hyDesc, cyDesc is invalid, or have incorrect strides or dimensions.
  • workSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.
  • reserveSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.


The function was unable to allocate memory.

4.169. cudnnRNNGetClip

cudnnStatus_t cudnnRNNGetClip(
    cudnnHandle_t               handle,
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t        rnnDesc,
    cudnnRNNClipMode_t          *clipMode,
    cudnnNanPropagation_t       *clipNanOpt,
    double                      *lclip,
    double                      *rclip);

Retrieves the current LSTM cell clipping parameters, and stores them in the arguments provided.



Output. Pointer to the location where the retrieved clipMode is stored. The clipMode can be CUDNN_RNN_CLIP_NONE in which case no LSTM cell state clipping is being performed; or CUDNN_RNN_CLIP_MINMAX, in which case the cell state activation to other units are being clipped.

*lclip, *rclip

Output. Pointers to the location where the retrieved LSTM cell clipping range [lclip, rclip] is stored.


Output. Pointer to the location where the retrieved clipNanOpt is stored.



The function launched successfully.


If any of the pointer arguments provided are NULL.

4.170. cudnnRNNSetClip

cudnnStatus_t cudnnRNNSetClip(
    cudnnHandle_t               handle,
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t        rnnDesc,
    cudnnRNNClipMode_t          clipMode,
    cudnnNanPropagation_t       clipNanOpt,
    double                      lclip,
    double                      rclip);

Sets the LSTM cell clipping mode. The LSTM clipping is disabled by default. When enabled, clipping is applied to all layers. This cudnnRNNSetClip() function may be called multiple times.



Input. Enables or disables the LSTM cell clipping. When clipMode is set to CUDNN_RNN_CLIP_NONE no LSTM cell state clipping is performed. When clipMode is CUDNN_RNN_CLIP_MINMAX the cell state activation to other units are clipped.

lclip, rclip

Input. The range [lclip, rclip] to which the LSTM cell clipping should be set.


Input. When set to CUDNN_PROPAGATE_NAN (See the description for cudnnNanPropagation_t), NaN is propagated from the LSTM cell, or it can be set to one of the clipping range boundary values, instead of propagating.



The function launched successfully.


Returns this value if lclip > rclip; or if either lclip or rclip is NaN.

4.171. cudnnSaveAlgorithm

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSaveAlgorithm(
    cudnnHandle_t          		handle,
    cudnnAlgorithmDescriptor_t 	algoDesc,
    void*                  		algoSpace
    size_t                 		algoSpaceSizeInBytes)

(New for 7.1)

This function writes algorithm metadata into the host memory space provided by the user in algoSpace, allowing the user to preserve the results of RNN finds after cuDNN exits.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. A previously created algorithm descriptor.


Input. Pointer to the host memory to be written.


Input. Amount of host memory needed as workspace to be able to save the metadata from the specified algoDesc.



The function launched successfully.


At least one of the following conditions is met:

  • One of the arguments is null.
  • algoSpaceSizeInBytes is too small.

4.172. cudnnScaleTensor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnScaleTensor(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   yDesc,
    void                           *y,
    const void                     *alpha)

This function scale all the elements of a tensor by a given factor.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input/Output. Pointer to data of the tensor described by the yDesc descriptor.


Input. Pointer in Host memory to a single value that all elements of the tensor will be scaled with. Please refer to this section for additional details.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


one of the provided pointers is nil


The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.173. cudnnSetActivationDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetActivationDescriptor(
    cudnnActivationDescriptor_t         activationDesc,
    cudnnActivationMode_t               mode,
    cudnnNanPropagation_t               reluNanOpt,
    double                              coef)

This function initializes a previously created generic activation descriptor object.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created pooling descriptor.


Input. Enumerant to specify the activation mode.


Input. Enumerant to specify the Nan propagation mode.


Input. Floating point number. When activation mode (see cudnnActivationMode_t) is set to CUDNN_ACTIVATION_CLIPPED_RELU this input specifies the clipping threshold; and when the activation mode is set to CUDNN_ACTIVATION_RELU this input specifies the upper bound.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


mode or reluNanOpt has an invalid enumerant value.

4.174. cudnnSetAlgorithmDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetAlgorithmDescriptor(
    cudnnAlgorithmDescriptor_t      algorithmDesc,
    cudnnAlgorithm_t                algorithm)

(New for 7.1)

This function initializes a previously created generic algorithm descriptor object.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created algorithm descriptor.


Input. Struct to specify the algorithm.



The object was set successfully.

4.175. cudnnSetAlgorithmPerformance

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetAlgorithmPerformance(
    cudnnAlgorithmPerformance_t	    algoPerf,
    cudnnAlgorithmDescriptor_t      algoDesc,
    cudnnStatus_t                   status,
    float                           time,
    size_t                          memory)

(New for 7.1)

This function initializes a previously created generic algorithm performance object.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created algorithm performance object.


Input. The algorithm descriptor which the performance results describe.


Input. The cudnn status returned from running the algoDesc algorithm.


Input. The GPU time spent running the algoDesc algorithm.


Input. The GPU memory needed to run the algoDesc algorithm.



The object was set successfully.


mode or reluNanOpt has an invalid enumerant value.

4.176. cudnnSetAttnDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetAttnDescriptor(
cudnnAttnDescriptor_t attnDesc,
	cudnnAttnQueryMap_t queryMap,
	int nHeads,
	double smScaler,
	cudnnDataType_t dataType,
	cudnnDataType_t computePrec,
	cudnnMathType_t mathType,
	cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t attnDropoutDesc,
	cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t postDropoutDesc,
	int qSize,
	int kSize,
	int vSize,
	int qProjSize,
	int kProjSize,
	int vProjSize,
	int oProjSize,
	int qoMaxSeqLength,
	int kvMaxSeqLength,
	int maxBatchSize,
	int maxBeamSize);

This function initializes a multi-head attention descriptor that was previously created using the cudnnCreateAttnDescriptor function.

For query, key, and value input data, the effective projection size is equal to the respective [qkv]ProjSize when the value is positive, and is equal to [qkv]Size otherwise.

The output projection size decides the hidden vector size of the forward output sequence data. It is equal to oProjSize when the value is positive, otherwise is equal to nHeads times effective value-projection size.


Parameter Input / Output Description
attnDesc Output Attention descriptor whose values are to be initialized.
queryMap Input Query mapping mode.
nHeads Input Number of attention heads.
smScaler Input Softmax smoothing, or sharpening, coefficient.
dataType Input Data type for Q,K,V inputs, weights, and the output.
computePrec Input Compute data type (precision).
mathType Input The Tensor Core Operations settings.
attnDropoutDesc Input Dropout descriptor for the dropout at the attention layer.
postDropoutDesc Input Dropout descriptor for the dropout at the output.
qSize, kSize, vSize Input Hidden size of Q, K, and V input sequence data.
qProjSize, kProjSize, vProjSize Input Hidden size of projected Q, K and V sequence data; 0 if no projection.
oProjSize Input Output projection size.
qoMaxSeqLength Input Largest sequence length allowed in sequence data Q and O.
kvMaxSeqLength Input Largest sequence length allowed in sequence data K and V.
maxBatchSize Input Largest batch size allowed in sequence data.
maxBeamSize Input Largest beam size allowed in sequence data.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The attnDesc field values are updated successfully.

An invalid input value is encountered. For example:

- attnDesc is NULL

- queryMap is not one of enumerated labels of cudnnAttnQueryMap_t

- Effective Q, K projection size are not equal (see remark below)

- dataType, computePrec, mathType are invalid

Any of the following valid ranges are violated:

- nHeads, qSize, kSize, vSize, qoMaxSeqLength, kvMaxSeqLength, maxBatchSize, maxBeamSize >= 1

- qProjSize, kProjSize, vProjSize >= 0

- smScaler >= 0.0

CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED An unsupported value is encountered.

4.177. cudnnSetCallback

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetCallback(
        unsigned            mask,
        void                *udata,
        cudnnCallback_t     fptr)

(New for 7.1)

This function sets the internal states of cuDNN error reporting functionality.



Input. An unsigned integer. The four least significant bits (LSBs) of this unsigned integer are used for switching on and off the different levels of error reporting messages. This applies for both the default callbacks, and for the customized callbacks. The bit position is in correspondence with the enum of cudnnSeverity_t. The user may utilize the predefined macros CUDNN_SEV_ERROR_EN, CUDNN_SEV_WARNING_EN, and CUDNN_SEV_INFO_EN to form the bit mask. When a bit is set to 1, the corresponding message channel is enabled.

For example, when bit 3 is set to 1, the API logging is enabled. Currently only the log output of level CUDNN_SEV_INFO is functional; the others are not yet implemented. When used for turning on and off the logging with the default callback, the user may pass NULL to udata and fptr. In addition, the environment variable CUDNN_LOGDEST_DBG must be set (see Section 2.11).

CUDNN_SEV_INFO_EN = 0b1000 (functional).

CUDNN_SEV_ERROR_EN = 0b0010 (not yet functional).

CUDNN_SEV_WARNING_EN = 0b0100 (not yet functional).

The output of CUDNN_SEV_FATAL is always enabled, and cannot be disabled.


Input. A pointer provided by the user. This pointer will be passed to the user’s custom logging callback function. The data it points to will not be read, nor be changed by cuDNN. This pointer may be used in many ways, such as in a mutex or in a communication socket for the user’s callback function for logging. If the user is utilizing the default callback function, or doesn’t want to use this input in the customized callback function, they may pass in NULL.


Input. A pointer to a user-supplied callback function. When NULL is passed to this pointer, then cuDNN switches back to the built-in default callback function. The user-supplied callback function prototype must be similar to the following (also defined in the header file):

void customizedLoggingCallback (cudnnSeverity_t sev, void *udata, const cudnnDebug_t *dbg, const char *msg);

  • The structure cudnnDebug_t is defined in the header file. It provides the metadata, such as time, time since start, stream ID, process and thread ID, that the user may choose to print or store in their customized callback.
  • The variable msg is the logging message generated by cuDNN. Each line of this message is terminated by “\0”, and the end of message is terminated by “\0\0”. User may select what is necessary to show in the log, and may reformat the string.



The function launched successfully.

4.178. cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor(
    cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t    convDesc,
    int                             pad_h,
    int                             pad_w,
    int                             u,
    int                             v,
    int                             dilation_h,
    int                             dilation_w,
    cudnnConvolutionMode_t          mode,
    cudnnDataType_t                 computeType)

This function initializes a previously created convolution descriptor object into a 2D correlation. This function assumes that the tensor and filter descriptors corresponds to the formard convolution path and checks if their settings are valid. That same convolution descriptor can be reused in the backward path provided it corresponds to the same layer.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created convolution descriptor.


Input. zero-padding height: number of rows of zeros implicitly concatenated onto the top and onto the bottom of input images.


Input. zero-padding width: number of columns of zeros implicitly concatenated onto the left and onto the right of input images.


Input. Vertical filter stride.


Input. Horizontal filter stride.


Input. Filter height dilation.


Input. Filter width dilation.




Input. compute precision.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor convDesc is nil.
  • One of the parameters pad_h,pad_w is strictly negative.
  • One of the parameters u,v is negative or zero.
  • One of the parameters dilation_h,dilation_w is negative or zero.
  • The parameter mode has an invalid enumerant value.

4.179. cudnnSetConvolutionGroupCount

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetConvolutionGroupCount(
    cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t    convDesc,
    int                             groupCount)

This function allows the user to specify the number of groups to be used in the associated convolution.



The group count was set successfully.


An invalid convolution descriptor was provided

4.180. cudnnSetConvolutionMathType

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetConvolutionMathType(
    cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t    convDesc,
    cudnnMathType_t                 mathType)

This function allows the user to specify whether or not the use of tensor op is permitted in library routines associated with a given convolution descriptor.



The math type was was set successfully.


Either an invalid convolution descriptor was provided or an invalid math type was specified.

4.181. cudnnSetConvolutionNdDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetConvolutionNdDescriptor(
    cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t    convDesc,
    int                             arrayLength,
    const int                       padA[],
    const int                       filterStrideA[],
    const int                       dilationA[],
    cudnnConvolutionMode_t          mode,
    cudnnDataType_t                 dataType)

This function initializes a previously created generic convolution descriptor object into a n-D correlation. That same convolution descriptor can be reused in the backward path provided it corresponds to the same layer. The convolution computation will done in the specified dataType, which can be potentially different from the input/output tensors.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created convolution descriptor.


Input. Dimension of the convolution.


Input. Array of dimension arrayLength containing the zero-padding size for each dimension. For every dimension, the padding represents the number of extra zeros implicitly concatenated at the start and at the end of every element of that dimension .


Input. Array of dimension arrayLength containing the filter stride for each dimension. For every dimension, the fitler stride represents the number of elements to slide to reach the next start of the filtering window of the next point.


Input. Array of dimension arrayLength containing the dilation factor for each dimension.




Input. Selects the datatype in which the computation will be done.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The descriptor convDesc is nil.
  • The arrayLengthRequest is negative.
  • The enumerant mode has an invalid value.
  • The enumerant datatype has an invalid value.
  • One of the elements of padA is strictly negative.
  • One of the elements of strideA is negative or zero.
  • One of the elements of dilationA is negative or zero.

At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The arrayLengthRequest is greater than CUDNN_DIM_MAX.

4.182. cudnnSetConvolutionReorderType

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetConvolutionReorderType(
	cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t convDesc, 
	cudnnReorderType_t reorderType);		

This function sets the convolution reorder type for the given convolution descriptor.


Parameter Input / Output Description
convDesc Input The convolution descriptor for which the reorder type should be set.
reorderType Input Set the reorder type to this value. See cudnnReorderType_t.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM The reorder type supplied is not supported.
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS Reorder type is set successfully.

4.183. cudnnSetCTCLossDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetCTCLossDescriptor(
    cudnnCTCLossDescriptor_t        ctcLossDesc,
    cudnnDataType_t                 compType)

This function sets a CTC loss function descriptor. See also the extended version cudnnSetCTCLossDescriptorEx to set the input normalization mode.

When the extended version cudnnSetCTCLossDescriptorEx is used with normMode set to CUDNN_LOSS_NORMALIZATION_NONE and the gradMode set to CUDNN_NOT_PROPAGATE_NAN, then it is the same as the current function cudnnSetCTCLossDescriptor, i.e.,
cudnnSetCtcLossDescriptor(*) = cudnnSetCtcLossDescriptorEx(*, normMode=CUDNN_LOSS_NORMALIZATION_NONE, gradMode=CUDNN_NOT_PROPAGATE_NAN)



Output. CTC loss descriptor to be set.


Input. Compute type for this CTC loss function.



The function returned successfully.


At least one of input parameters passed is invalid.

4.184. cudnnSetCTCLossDescriptorEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetCTCLossDescriptorEx(
    cudnnCTCLossDescriptor_t        ctcLossDesc,
    cudnnDataType_t                 compType,
    cudnnLossNormalizationMode_t    normMode,
    cudnnNanPropagation_t           gradMode)

This function is an extension of cudnnSetCTCLossDescriptor. This function provides an additional interface normMode to set the input normaliztion mode for the CTC loss function, and gradMode to control the NaN propagation type.

When this function cudnnSetCTCLossDescriptorEx is used with normMode set to CUDNN_LOSS_NORMALIZATION_NONE and the gradMode set to CUDNN_NOT_PROPAGATE_NAN, then it is the same as cudnnSetCTCLossDescriptor, i.e.,
cudnnSetCtcLossDescriptor(*) = cudnnSetCtcLossDescriptorEx(*, normMode=CUDNN_LOSS_NORMALIZATION_NONE, gradMode=CUDNN_NOT_PROPAGATE_NAN)



Output. CTC loss descriptor to be set.


Input. Compute type for this CTC loss function.


Input. Input normalization type for this CTC loss function. See also cudnnLossNormalizationMode_t.


Input. NaN propagation type for this CTC loss function. For L the sequence length, R the number of repeated letters in the sequence, and T the length of sequential data, the following applies: When a sample with L+R > T is encountered during the gradient calcuation, if gradMode is set to CUDNN_PROPAGATE_NAN (see cudnnNanPropagation_t), then the CTC loss function does not write to the gradient buffer for that sample. Instead, the current values, even not finite, are retained. If gradMode is set to CUDNN_NOT_PROPAGATE_NAN, then the gradient for that sample is set to zero. This guarantees finite gradient.



The function returned successfully.


At least one of input parameters passed is invalid.

4.185. cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor(
    cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t    dropoutDesc,
    cudnnHandle_t               handle,
    float                       dropout,
    void                       *states,
    size_t                      stateSizeInBytes,
    unsigned long long          seed)

This function initializes a previously created dropout descriptor object. If states argument is equal to NULL, random number generator states won't be initialized, and only dropout value will be set. No other function should be writing to the memory pointed at by states argument while this function is running. The user is expected not to change memory pointed at by states for the duration of the computation.



Input/Output. Previously created dropout descriptor object.


Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. The probability with which the value from input is set to zero during the dropout layer.


Output. Pointer to user-allocated GPU memory that will hold random number generator states.


Input. Specifies size in bytes of the provided memory for the states


Input. Seed used to initialize random number generator states.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The call was successful.


sizeInBytes is less than the value returned by cudnnDropoutGetStatesSize.


The function failed to launch on the GPU

4.186. cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor(
    cudnnFilterDescriptor_t    filterDesc,
    cudnnDataType_t            dataType,
    cudnnTensorFormat_t        format,
    int                        k,
    int                        c,
    int                        h,
    int                        w)

This function initializes a previously created filter descriptor object into a 4D filter. The layout of the filters must be contiguous in memory.

Tensor format CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC has limited support in cudnnConvolutionForward, cudnnConvolutionBackwardData and cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter; please refer to the documentation for each function for more information.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created filter descriptor.


Input. Data type.


Input.Type of the filter layout format. If this input is set to CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, which is one of the enumerated values allowed by cudnnTensorFormat_t descriptor, then the layout of the filter is in the form of KCRS (K represents the number of output feature maps, C the number of input feature maps, R the number of rows per filter, and S the number of columns per filter.)

If this input is set to CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC, then the layout of the filter is in the form of KRSC. See also the description for cudnnTensorFormat_t.


Input. Number of output feature maps.


Input. Number of input feature maps.


Input. Height of each filter.


Input. Width of each filter.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


At least one of the parameters k,c,h,w is negative or dataType or format has an invalid enumerant value.

4.187. cudnnSetFilterNdDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetFilterNdDescriptor(
    cudnnFilterDescriptor_t filterDesc,
    cudnnDataType_t         dataType,
    cudnnTensorFormat_t     format,
    int                     nbDims,
    const int               filterDimA[])

This function initializes a previously created filter descriptor object. The layout of the filters must be contiguous in memory.

The tensor format CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC has limited support in cudnnConvolutionForward, cudnnConvolutionBackwardData and cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter; please refer to the documentation for each function for more information.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created filter descriptor.


Input. Data type.


Input.Type of the filter layout format. If this input is set to CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, which is one of the enumerated values allowed by cudnnTensorFormat_t descriptor, then the layout of the filter is as follows:

  • For N=4, i.e., for a 4D filter descriptor, the filter layout is in the form of KCRS (K represents the number of output feature maps, C the number of input feature maps, R the number of rows per filter, and S the number of columns per filter.)
  • For N=3, i.e., for a 3D filter descriptor, the number S (number of columns per filter) is omitted.
  • For N=5 and greater, the layout of the higher dimensions immediately follow RS.

On the other hand, if this input is set to CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC, then the layout of the filter is as follows:

  • For N=4, i.e., for a 4D filter descriptor, the filter layout is in the form of KRSC.
  • For N=3, i.e., for a 3D filter descriptor, the number S (number of columns per filter) is omitted, and the layout of C immediately follows R.
  • For N=5 and greater, the layout of the higher dimensions are inserted between S and C. See also the description for cudnnTensorFormat_t.

Input. Dimension of the filter.


Input. Array of dimension nbDims containing the size of the filter for each dimension.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


At least one of the elements of the array filterDimA is negative or dataType or format has an invalid enumerant value.


The parameter nbDims exceeds CUDNN_DIM_MAX.

4.188. cudnnSetFusedOpsConstParamPackAttribute

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetFusedOpsConstParamPackAttribute(
	cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t constPack,
	cudnnFusedOpsConstParamLabel_t paramLabel,
	const void *param);		

This function sets the descriptor pointed to by the param pointer input. The type of the descriptor to be set is indicated by the enum value of paramLabel input.


Parameter Input / Output Description
constPack Input The opaque cudnnFusedOpsConstParamPack_t structure that contains the various problem size information, such as the shape, layout and the type of Tensors, the descriptors for convolution and activation, and settings for operations such as convolution and activation.
paramLabel Input Several types of descriptors can be set by this setter function. The param input points to the descriptor itself, and this input indicates the type of the descriptor pointed to by the param input. The cudnnFusedOpsConstParamLabel_t enumerated type enables the selection of the type of the descriptor. See the param description below.
param Input

Data pointer, to the host memory, associated with the specific descriptor. The type of the descriptor depends on the value of paramLabel. See the table in cudnnFusedOpsConstParamLabel_t.

If this pointer is set to NULL, then the cuDNN library will record as such. If not, then the values pointed to by this pointer (i.e., the value or the opaque structure underneath) will be copied into the constPack during ​ cudnnSetFusedOpsConstParamPackAttribute() operation.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The descriptor is set successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM If constPack is NULL, or if paramLabel or the ops setting for constPack is invalid.

4.189. cudnnSetFusedOpsVariantParamPackAttribute

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetFusedOpsVariantParamPackAttribute(
	cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamPack_t varPack,
	cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamLabel_t paramLabel,
	void *ptr);		

This function sets the variable parameter pack descriptor.


Parameter Input / Output Description
varPack Input Pointer to the cudnnFusedOps variant parameter pack (varPack) descriptor.
paramLabel Input Type to which the buffer pointer parameter (in the varPack descriptor) is set by this function. See cudnnFusedOpsConstParamLabel_t.
ptr Input Pointer, to the host or device memory, to the value to which the descriptor parameter is set. The data type of the pointer, and the host/device memory location, depend on the paramLabel input selection. See cudnnFusedOpsVariantParamLabel_t.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM If varPack is NULL or if paramLabel is set to an unsupported value.
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The descriptor was set successfully.

4.190. cudnnSetLRNDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetLRNDescriptor(
    cudnnLRNDescriptor_t   normDesc,
    unsigned               lrnN,
    double                 lrnAlpha,
    double                 lrnBeta,
    double                 lrnK)

This function initializes a previously created LRN descriptor object.

Note: Macros CUDNN_LRN_MIN_N, CUDNN_LRN_MAX_N, CUDNN_LRN_MIN_K, CUDNN_LRN_MIN_BETA defined in cudnn.h specify valid ranges for parameters.
Note: Values of double parameters will be cast down to the tensor datatype during computation.



Output. Handle to a previously created LRN descriptor.


Input. Normalization window width in elements. LRN layer uses a window [center-lookBehind, center+lookAhead], where lookBehind = floor( (lrnN-1)/2 ), lookAhead = lrnN-lookBehind-1. So for n=10, the window is [k-4...k...k+5] with a total of 10 samples. For DivisiveNormalization layer the window has the same extents as above in all 'spatial' dimensions (dimA[2], dimA[3], dimA[4]). By default lrnN is set to 5 in cudnnCreateLRNDescriptor.


Input. Value of the alpha variance scaling parameter in the normalization formula. Inside the library code this value is divided by the window width for LRN and by (window width)^#spatialDimensions for DivisiveNormalization. By default this value is set to 1e-4 in cudnnCreateLRNDescriptor.


Input. Value of the beta power parameter in the normalization formula. By default this value is set to 0.75 in cudnnCreateLRNDescriptor.


Input. Value of the k parameter in normalization formula. By default this value is set to 2.0.

Possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


One of the input parameters was out of valid range as described above.

4.191. cudnnSetOpTensorDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetOpTensorDescriptor(
    cudnnOpTensorDescriptor_t   opTensorDesc,
    cudnnOpTensorOp_t           opTensorOp,
    cudnnDataType_t             opTensorCompType,
    cudnnNanPropagation_t       opTensorNanOpt)

This function initializes a Tensor Pointwise math descriptor.



Output. Pointer to the structure holding the description of the Tensor Pointwise math descriptor.


Input. Tensor Pointwise math operation for this Tensor Pointwise math descriptor.


Input. Computation datatype for this Tensor Pointwise math descriptor.


Input. NAN propagation policy



The function returned successfully.


At least one of input parameters passed is invalid.

4.192. cudnnSetPersistentRNNPlan

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetPersistentRNNPlan(
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t        rnnDesc,
    cudnnPersistentRNNPlan_t    plan)

This function sets the persistent RNN plan to be executed when using rnnDesc and CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC algo.



The plan was set successfully.


The algo selected in rnnDesc is not CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_PERSIST_DYNAMIC.

4.193. cudnnSetPooling2dDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetPooling2dDescriptor(
    cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t    poolingDesc,
    cudnnPoolingMode_t          mode,
    cudnnNanPropagation_t       maxpoolingNanOpt,
    int                         windowHeight,
    int                         windowWidth,
    int                         verticalPadding,
    int                         horizontalPadding,
    int                         verticalStride,
    int                         horizontalStride)

This function initializes a previously created generic pooling descriptor object into a 2D description.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created pooling descriptor.


Input. Enumerant to specify the pooling mode.


Input. Enumerant to specify the Nan propagation mode.


Input. Height of the pooling window.


Input. Width of the pooling window.


Input. Size of vertical padding.


Input. Size of horizontal padding


Input. Pooling vertical stride.


Input. Pooling horizontal stride.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


At least one of the parameters windowHeight, windowWidth, verticalStride, horizontalStride is negative or mode or maxpoolingNanOpt has an invalid enumerant value.

4.194. cudnnSetPoolingNdDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetPoolingNdDescriptor(
    cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t     poolingDesc,
    const cudnnPoolingMode_t     mode,
    const cudnnNanPropagation_t  maxpoolingNanOpt,
    int                          nbDims,
    const int                    windowDimA[],
    const int                    paddingA[],
    const int                    strideA[])

This function initializes a previously created generic pooling descriptor object.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created pooling descriptor.


Input. Enumerant to specify the pooling mode.


Input. Enumerant to specify the Nan propagation mode.


Input. Dimension of the pooling operation. Must be greater than zero.


Input. Array of dimension nbDims containing the window size for each dimension. The value of array elements must be greater than zero.


Input. Array of dimension nbDims containing the padding size for each dimension. Negative padding is allowed.


Input. Array of dimension nbDims containing the striding size for each dimension. The value of array elements must be greater than zero (i.e., negative striding size is not allowed).



The object was initialized successfully.


If (nbDims > CUDNN_DIM_MAX - 2).


Either nbDims, or at least one of the elements of the arrays windowDimA, or strideA is negative, or mode or maxpoolingNanOpt has an invalid enumerant value.

4.195. cudnnSetReduceTensorDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetReduceTensorDescriptor(
    cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor_t   reduceTensorDesc,
    cudnnReduceTensorOp_t           reduceTensorOp,
    cudnnDataType_t                 reduceTensorCompType,
    cudnnNanPropagation_t           reduceTensorNanOpt,
    cudnnReduceTensorIndices_t      reduceTensorIndices,
    cudnnIndicesType_t              reduceTensorIndicesType)

This function initializes a previously created reduce tensor descriptor object.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created reduce tensor descriptor.


Input. Enumerant to specify the reduce tensor operation.


Input. Enumerant to specify the computation datatype of the reduction.


Input. Enumerant to specify the Nan propagation mode.


Input. Enumerant to specify the reduce tensor indices.


Input. Enumerant to specify the reduce tensor indices type.



The object was set successfully.


reduceTensorDesc is NULL (reduceTensorOp, reduceTensorCompType, reduceTensorNanOpt, reduceTensorIndices or reduceTensorIndicesType has an invalid enumerant value).

4.196. cudnnSetRNNBiasMode

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetRNNBiasMode(
   cudnnRNNDescriptor_t   rnnDesc, 
   cudnnRNNBiasMode_t     biasMode)

The cudnnSetRNNBiasMode() function sets the number of bias vectors for a previously created and initialized RNN descriptor. This function should be called after cudnnSetRNNDescriptor() to enable the specified bias mode in an RNN. The default value of biasMode in rnnDesc after cudnnCreateRNNDescriptor() is CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS.



Input/Output. A previously created RNN descriptor.


Input. Sets the number of bias vectors. See cudnnRNNBiasMode_t.



Either the rnnDesc is NULL, or biasMode has an invalid enumerant value.


The biasMode was set successfully.


Non-default bias mode (an enumerated type besides CUDNN_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS) applied to RNN algo other than CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_STANDARD.

4.197. cudnnSetRNNDataDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetRNNDataDescriptor(
    cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t       RNNDataDesc,
    cudnnDataType_t                dataType,
    cudnnRNNDataLayout_t           layout,
    int                            maxSeqLength,
    int                            batchSize,
    int                            vectorSize,
    const int                      seqLengthArray[],
    void                           *paddingFill);

This function initializes a previously created RNN data descriptor object. This data structure is intended to support the unpacked (padded) layout for input and output of extended RNN inference and training functions. A packed (unpadded) layout is also supported for backward compatibility.



Input/Output. A previously created RNN descriptor. See cudnnRNNDataDescriptor_t.


Input. The datatype of the RNN data tensor. See cudnnDataType_t.


Input. The memory layout of the RNN data tensor.


Input. The maximum sequence length within this RNN data tensor. In the unpacked (padded) layout, this should include the padding vectors in each sequence. In the packed (unpadded) layout, this should be equal to the greatest element in seqLengthArray.


Input. The number of sequences within the mini-batch.


Input. The vector length (i.e. embedding size) of the input or output tensor at each timestep.


Input. An integer array with batchSize number of elements. Describes the length (i.e. number of timesteps) of each sequence. Each element in seqLengthArray must be greater than 0 but less than or equal to maxSeqLength. In the packed layout, the elements should be sorted in descending order, similar to the layout required by the non-extended RNN compute functions.


Input. A user-defined symbol for filling the padding position in RNN output. This is only effective when the descriptor is describing the RNN output, and the unpacked layout is specified. The symbol should be in the host memory, and is interpreted as the same data type as that of the RNN data tensor. If NULL pointer is passed in, then the padding position in the output will be undefined.



The object was set successfully.




Any one of these have occurred:

  • RNNDataDesc is NULL.
  • Any one of maxSeqLength, batchSize, or vectorSize is less than or equal to zero.
  • An element of seqLengthArray is less than or equal to zero or greater than maxSeqLength.
The allocation of internal array storage has failed.

4.198. cudnnSetRNNDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetRNNDescriptor(
    cudnnHandle_t               handle,
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t        rnnDesc,
    int                         hiddenSize,
    int                         numLayers,
    cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t    dropoutDesc,
    cudnnRNNInputMode_t         inputMode,
    cudnnDirectionMode_t        direction,
    cudnnRNNMode_t              mode,
    cudnnRNNAlgo_t              algo,
    cudnnDataType_t             mathPrec)

This function initializes a previously created RNN descriptor object.

Note: Larger networks (e.g., longer sequences, more layers) are expected to be more efficient than smaller networks.



Input/Output. A previously created RNN descriptor.


Input. Size of the internal hidden state for each layer.


Input. Number of stacked layers.


Input. Handle to a previously created and initialized dropout descriptor. Dropout will be applied between layers; a single layer network will have no dropout applied.


Input. Specifies the behavior at the input to the first layer.


Input. Specifies the recurrence pattern. (e.g., bidirectional).


Input. Specifies the type of RNN to compute.


Input. Math precision. This parameter is used for controlling the math precision in RNN. The following applies:

  • For the input/output in FP16, the parameter mathPrec can be CUDNN_DATA_HALF or CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT.

  • For the input/output in FP32, the parameter mathPrec can only be CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, and

  • For the input/output in FP64, double type, the parameter mathPrec can only be CUDNN_DATA_DOUBLE.



The object was set successfully.


Either at least one of the parameters hiddenSize, numLayers was zero or negative, one of inputMode, direction, mode, dataType has an invalid enumerant value, dropoutDesc is an invalid dropout descriptor or rnnDesc has not been created correctly.

4.199. cudnnSetRNNDescriptor_v5

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetRNNDescriptor_v5(
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t     rnnDesc,
    int                      hiddenSize,
    int                      numLayers,
    cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t dropoutDesc,
    cudnnRNNInputMode_t      inputMode,
    cudnnDirectionMode_t     direction,
    cudnnRNNMode_t           mode,
    cudnnDataType_t          mathPrec)

This function initializes a previously created RNN descriptor object.

Note: Larger networks (e.g., longer sequences, more layers) are expected to be more efficient than smaller networks.



Input/Output. A previously created RNN descriptor.


Input. Size of the internal hidden state for each layer.


Input. Number of stacked layers.


Input. Handle to a previously created and initialized dropout descriptor. Dropout will be applied between layers (e.g., a single layer network will have no dropout applied).


Input. Specifies the behavior at the input to the first layer


Input. Specifies the recurrence pattern. (e.g., bidirectional)


Input. Specifies the type of RNN to compute.


Input. Math precision. This parameter is used for controlling the math precision in RNN. The following applies:

  • For the input/output in FP16, the parameter mathPrec can be CUDNN_DATA_HALF or CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT.

  • For the input/output in FP32, the parameter mathPrec can only be CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, and

  • For the input/output in FP64, double type, the parameter mathPrec can only be CUDNN_DATA_DOUBLE.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


Either at least one of the parameters hiddenSize, numLayers was zero or negative, one of inputMode, direction, mode, algo, dataType has an invalid enumerant value, dropoutDesc is an invalid dropout descriptor or rnnDesc has not been created correctly.

4.200. cudnnSetRNNDescriptor_v6

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetRNNDescriptor_v6(
	cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
	cudnnRNNDescriptor_t             rnnDesc,
	const int                        hiddenSize,
	const int                        numLayers,
	cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t         dropoutDesc,
	cudnnRNNInputMode_t              inputMode,
	cudnnDirectionMode_t             direction,
	cudnnRNNMode_t                   mode,
	cudnnRNNAlgo_t                   algo,
	cudnnDataType_t                  mathPrec)

This function initializes a previously created RNN descriptor object.

Note: Larger networks (e.g., longer sequences, more layers) are expected to be more efficient than smaller networks.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input/Output. A previously created RNN descriptor.


Input. Size of the internal hidden state for each layer.


Input. Number of stacked layers.


Input. Handle to a previously created and initialized dropout descriptor. Dropout will be applied between layers (e.g., a single layer network will have no dropout applied).


Input. Specifies the behavior at the input to the first layer


Input. Specifies the recurrence pattern. (e.g., bidirectional)


Input. Specifies the type of RNN to compute.


Input. Specifies which RNN algorithm should be used to compute the results.


Input. Math precision. This parameter is used for controlling the math precision in RNN. The following applies:

  • For the input/output in FP16, the parameter mathPrec can be CUDNN_DATA_HALF or CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT.

  • For the input/output in FP32, the parameter mathPrec can only be CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, and

  • For the input/output in FP64, double type, the parameter mathPrec can only be CUDNN_DATA_DOUBLE.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


Either at least one of the parameters hiddenSize, numLayers was zero or negative, one of inputMode, direction, mode, algo, dataType has an invalid enumerant value, dropoutDesc is an invalid dropout descriptor or rnnDesc has not been created correctly.

4.201. cudnnSetRNNMatrixMathType

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetRNNMatrixMathType(
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t    rnnDesc,
    cudnnMathType_t         mType)

This function sets the preferred option to use NVIDIA Tensor Cores accelerators on Volta GPU-s (SM 7.0 or higher). When the mType parameter is CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH, inference and training RNN API-s will attempt use Tensor Cores when weights/biases are of type CUDNN_DATA_HALF or CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT. When RNN weights/biases are stored in the CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT format, the original weights and intermediate results will be down-converted to CUDNN_DATA_HALF before they are used in another recursive iteration.



Input. A previously created and initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. A preferred compute option when performing RNN GEMM-s (general matrix-matrix multiplications). This option has an “advisory” status meaning that Tensor Cores may not be utilized, e.g., due to specific GEMM dimensions.



The preferred compute option for the RNN network was set successfully.


An invalid input parameter was detected.

4.202. cudnnSetRNNPaddingMode

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetRNNPaddingMode(
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t        rnnDesc,
    cudnnRNNPaddingMode_t       paddingMode)

This function enables or disables the padded RNN input/output for a previously created and initialized RNN descriptor. This information is required before calling the cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize and cudnnGetRNNTrainingReserveSize functions, to determine whether additional workspace and training reserve space is needed. By default the padded RNN input/output is not enabled.



Input/Output. A previously created RNN descriptor.


Input. Enables or disables the padded input/output. See the description for cudnnRNNPaddingMode_t.



The paddingMode was set successfully.


Either the rnnDesc is NULL, or paddingMode has an invalid enumerant value.

4.203. cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers(
    cudnnHandle_t           handle,
    cudnnRNNDescriptor_t    rnnDesc,
    int                     recProjSize,
    int                     outProjSize)

(New for 7.1)

The cudnnSetRNNProjectionLayers() function should be called after cudnnSetRNNDescriptor() to enable the "recurrent" and/or "output" projection in a recursive neural network. The "recurrent" projection is an additional matrix multiplication in the LSTM cell to project hidden state vectors ht into smaller vectors rt = Wrht, where Wr is a rectangular matrix with recProjSize rows and hiddenSize columns. When the recurrent projection is enabled, the output of the LSTM cell (both to the next layer and unrolled in-time) is rt instead of ht. The dimensionality of it, ft, ot, and ct vectors used in conjunction with non-linear functions remains the same as in the canonical LSTM cell. To make this possible, the shapes of matrices in the LSTM formulas (see the chapter describing the cudnnRNNMode_t type), such as Wi in hidden RNN layers or Ri in the entire network, become rectangular versus square in the canonical LSTM mode. Obviously, the result of "Ri* Wr" is a square matrix but it is rank deficient, reflecting the "compression" of LSTM output. The recurrent projection is typically employed when the number of independent (adjustable) weights in the RNN network with projection is smaller in comparison to canonical LSTM for the same hiddenSize value.

The "recurrent" projection can be enabled for LSTM cells and CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_STANDARD only. The recProjSize parameter should be smaller than the hiddenSize value programmed in the cudnnSetRNNDescriptor() call. It is legal to set recProjSize equal to hiddenSize but in that case the recurrent projection feature is disabled.

The "output" projection is currently not implemented.

For more information on the "recurrent" and "output" RNN projections see the paper by Hasim Sak, et al.: Long Short-Term Memory Based Recurrent Neural Network Architectures For Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN library descriptor.


Input. A previously created and initialized RNN descriptor.


Input. The size of the LSTM cell output after the “recurrent” projection. This value should not be larger than hiddenSize programmed via cudnnSetRNNDescriptor().


Input. This parameter should be zero.



RNN projection parameters were set successfully.


An invalid input argument was detected (e.g., NULL handles, negative values for projection parameters).


Projection applied to RNN algo other than CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_STANDARD, cell type other than CUDNN_LSTM, recProjSize larger than hiddenSize.

4.204. cudnnSetSeqDataDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetSeqDataDescriptor(
	cudnnSeqDataDescriptor_t seqDataDesc,
	cudnnDataType_t dataType,
	int nbDims,
	const int dimA[],
	const cudnnSeqDataAxis_t axes[],
	size_t seqLengthArraySize,
	const int seqLengthArray[],
	void *paddingFill);

This function initializes a previously created sequence data descriptor object. This descriptor points to a buffer that holds a batch of sequence samples. Each sample consists of a fixed beam size number of sequences.

Sequence data are regularly strided in memory with the order of time, batch, beam, and vector axes specified by the array axes[].

Each sequence has different sequence length and is specified in seqLengthArray, an array of size seqLengthArraySize.

The value of seqLengthArraySize is < dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_TIME_DIM].


Parameter Input / Output Description
seqDataDesc Output Pointer to a previously created cudnnSeqDataDescriptor structure to initialize.
dataType Input Data type of the sequence data.
nbDims Input Number of sequence data dimensions.
dimA[] Input

Size of each axes dimension. Array that contains the dimensions of the buffer that holds a batch of sequence samples. This dimA is an array of 4 positive integers, where:

- dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_TIME_DIM] is the maximum allowed sequence length

- dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_BATCH_DIM] is the maximum allowed batch size

- dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_BEAM_DIM] is the number of beam in each sample

- dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_VECT_DIM] is the vector length.

axes[] Input Array of axes, sorted from outermost to innermost dimension. The array size is CUDNN_SEQDATA_DIM_COUNT. The elements of axes[] array is a valid permutation of enumerated labels of cudnnSeqDataAxis_t (in the order from the outermost to the innermost axes in memory.)
seqLengthArraySize Input Number of elements in, i.e., the length of, the seqLengthArray. The value of this seqLengthArraySize is < dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_TIME_DIM].
seqLengthArray[] Input Array that holds the sequence lengths of each sequence.
paddingFill Input Points to a value, of dataType, that is used to fill up the buffer beyond the sequence length of each sequence. The only supported value for paddingFill is 0.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS All input values are validated and the descriptor value updated successfully.

Any of the below invalid inputs has occurred:

- seqDataDesc == NULL

- dateType is not a valid data type

- nbDims is not positive.

- Any element of dimA is not positive

- seqLengthArraySize is not equal to dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_BATCH_DIM] * dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_BEAM_DIM]

- Any element of seqLengthArray is not positive

- Any element of seqLengthArray is larger than dimA[CUDNN_SEQDATA_TIME_DIM]


Encountered any of the below unsupported values:

- nbDims is not equal to CUDNN_SEQDATA_DIM_COUNT (4)

- paddingFill is not a NULL pointer, and the value pointed to is not of the dataType.

CUDNN_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED Failed to allocate storage for some field of the descriptor structure.

4.205. cudnnSetSpatialTransformerNdDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetSpatialTransformerNdDescriptor(
    cudnnSpatialTransformerDescriptor_t     stDesc,
    cudnnSamplerType_t                      samplerType,
    cudnnDataType_t                         dataType,
    const int                               nbDims,
    const int                               dimA[])

This function initializes a previously created generic spatial transformer descriptor object.



Input/Output. Previously created spatial transformer descriptor object.


Input. Enumerant to specify the sampler type.


Input. Data type.


Input. Dimension of the transformed tensor.


Input. Array of dimension nbDims containing the size of the transformed tensor for every dimension.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The call was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • Either stDesc or dimA is NULL.
  • Either dataType or samplerType has an invalid enumerant value

4.206. cudnnSetStream

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetStream(
    cudnnHandle_t   handle,
    cudaStream_t    streamId)

This function sets the user's CUDA stream in the cuDNN handle. The new stream will be used to launch cuDNN GPU kernels or to synchronize to this stream when cuDNN kernels are launched in the internal streams. If the cuDNN library stream is not set, all kernels use the default (NULL) stream. Setting the user stream in the cuDNN handle guarantees the issue-order execution of cuDNN calls and other GPU kernels launched in the same stream.



Input. Pointer to the cuDNN handle.


Input. New CUDA stream to be written to the cuDNN handle.



Invalid (NULL) handle.


Mismatch between the user stream and the cuDNN handle context.


The new stream was set successfully.

4.207. cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(
    cudnnTensorDescriptor_t tensorDesc,
    cudnnTensorFormat_t     format,
    cudnnDataType_t         dataType,
    int                     n,
    int                     c,
    int                     h,
    int                     w)

This function initializes a previously created generic Tensor descriptor object into a 4D tensor. The strides of the four dimensions are inferred from the format parameter and set in such a way that the data is contiguous in memory with no padding between dimensions.

Note: The total size of a tensor including the potential padding between dimensions is limited to 2 Giga-elements of type datatype.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created tensor descriptor.


Input. Type of format.


Input. Data type.


Input. Number of images.


Input. Number of feature maps per image.


Input. Height of each feature map.


Input. Width of each feature map.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


At least one of the parameters n,c,h,w was negative or format has an invalid enumerant value or dataType has an invalid enumerant value.


The total size of the tensor descriptor exceeds the maximim limit of 2 Giga-elements.

4.208. cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx(
    cudnnTensorDescriptor_t     tensorDesc,
    cudnnDataType_t             dataType,
    int                         n,
    int                         c,
    int                         h,
    int                         w,
    int                         nStride,
    int                         cStride,
    int                         hStride,
    int                         wStride)

This function initializes a previously created generic Tensor descriptor object into a 4D tensor, similarly to cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor but with the strides explicitly passed as parameters. This can be used to lay out the 4D tensor in any order or simply to define gaps between dimensions.

Note: At present, some cuDNN routines have limited support for strides; Those routines will return CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED if a Tensor4D object with an unsupported stride is used. cudnnTransformTensor can be used to convert the data to a supported layout.
Note: The total size of a tensor including the potential padding between dimensions is limited to 2 Giga-elements of type datatype.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created tensor descriptor.


Input. Data type.


Input. Number of images.


Input. Number of feature maps per image.


Input. Height of each feature map.


Input. Width of each feature map.


Input. Stride between two consecutive images.


Input. Stride between two consecutive feature maps.


Input. Stride between two consecutive rows.


Input. Stride between two consecutive columns.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


At least one of the parameters n,c,h,w or nStride,cStride,hStride,wStride is negative or dataType has an invalid enumerant value.


The total size of the tensor descriptor exceeds the maximim limit of 2 Giga-elements.

4.209. cudnnSetTensor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetTensor(
    cudnnHandle_t                   handle,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t   yDesc,
    void                           *y,
    const void                     *valuePtr)

This function sets all the elements of a tensor to a given value.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor.


Input/Output. Pointer to data of the tensor described by the yDesc descriptor.


Input. Pointer in Host memory to a single value. All elements of the y tensor will be set to value[0]. The data type of the element in value[0] has to match the data type of tensor y.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


one of the provided pointers is nil


The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.210. cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptor(
    cudnnTensorDescriptor_t tensorDesc,
    cudnnDataType_t         dataType,
    int                     nbDims,
    const int               dimA[],
    const int               strideA[])

This function initializes a previously created generic Tensor descriptor object.

Note: The total size of a tensor including the potential padding between dimensions is limited to 2 Giga-elements of type datatype. Tensors are restricted to having at least 4 dimensions, and at most CUDNN_DIM_MAX dimensions (defined in cudnn.h). When working with lower dimensional data, it is recommended that the user create a 4D tensor, and set the size along unused dimensions to 1.



Input/Output. Handle to a previously created tensor descriptor.


Input. Data type.

Input. Dimension of the tensor.
Note: Do not use 2 dimensions. Due to historical reasons, the minimum number of dimensions in the filter descriptor is three. See also the cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams().

Input. Array of dimension nbDims that contain the size of the tensor for every dimension. Size along unused dimensions should be set to 1.


Input. Array of dimension nbDims that contain the stride of the tensor for every dimension.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The object was set successfully.


At least one of the elements of the array dimA was negative or zero, or dataType has an invalid enumerant value.


The parameter nbDims is outside the range [4, CUDNN_DIM_MAX], or the total size of the tensor descriptor exceeds the maximim limit of 2 Giga-elements.

4.211. cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptorEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptorEx(
    cudnnTensorDescriptor_t tensorDesc,
    cudnnTensorFormat_t     format,
    cudnnDataType_t         dataType,
    int                     nbDims,
    const int               dimA[])

This function initializes an n-D tensor descriptor.



Output. Pointer to the tensor descriptor struct to be initialized.


Input. Tensor format.


Input. Tensor data type.

Input. Dimension of the tensor.
Note: Do not use 2 dimensions. Due to historical reasons, the minimum number of dimensions in the filter descriptor is three. See also the cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams().

Input. Array containing size of each dimension.



The function was successful.


Tensor descriptor was not allocated properly; or input parameters are not set correctly.


Dimension size requested is larger than maximum dimension size supported.

4.212. cudnnSetTensorTransformDescriptor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSetTensorTransformDescriptor(
	cudnnTensorTransformDescriptor_t transformDesc,
	const uint32_t nbDims,
	const cudnnTensorFormat_t destFormat,
	const int32_t padBeforeA[],
	const int32_t padAfterA[],
	const uint32_t foldA[],
	const cudnnFoldingDirection_t direction);

This function initializes a Tensor transform descriptor that was previously created using the cudnnCreateTensorTransformDescriptor function.


Parameter Input / Output Description
transformDesc Output The Tensor transform descriptor to be initialized.
nbDims Input The dimensionality of the transform operands. Must be greater than 2. See also https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/sdk/cudnn-developer-guide/index.html#tensor-descriptor
destFormat Input The desired destination format.
padBeforeA[] Input An array that contains the amount of padding that should be added before each dimension. Set to NULL for no padding.
padAfterA[] Input An array that contains the amount of padding that should be added after each dimension. Set to NULL for no padding.
foldA[] Input An array that contains the folding parameters for each spatial dimension (dimensions 2 and up). Set to NULL for no folding.
direction Input Selects folding or unfolding. This input has no effect when folding parameters are all <= 1. See cudnnFoldingDirection_t.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The function was launched successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM The parameter transformDesc is NULL, or if direction is invalid, or nbDims is <= 2.
CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED If the dimension size requested is larger than maximum dimension size supported (i.e., one of the nbDims is larger than CUDNN_DIM_MAX), or if destFromat is something other than NCHW or NHWC.

4.213. cudnnSoftmaxBackward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSoftmaxBackward(
    cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
    cudnnSoftmaxAlgorithm_t          algorithm,
    cudnnSoftmaxMode_t               mode,
    const void                      *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    yDesc,
    const void                      *yData,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dyDesc,
    const void                      *dy,
    const void                      *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    dxDesc,
    void                            *dx)

This routine computes the gradient of the softmax function.

Note: In-place operation is allowed for this routine; i.e., dy and dx pointers may be equal. However, this requires dyDesc and dxDesc descriptors to be identical (particularly, the strides of the input and output must match for in-place operation to be allowed).
Note: All tensor formats are supported for all modes and algorithms with 4 and 5D tensors. Performance is expected to be highest with NCHW fully-packed tensors. For more than 5 dimensions tensors must be packed in their spatial dimensions



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Enumerant to specify the softmax algorithm.


Input. Enumerant to specify the softmax mode.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor yDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dyData.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output differential tensor descriptor.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor dxDesc.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The dimensions n,c,h,w of the yDesc, dyDesc and dxDesc tensors differ.
  • The strides nStride, cStride, hStride, wStride of the yDesc and dyDesc tensors differ.
  • The datatype of the three tensors differs.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.214. cudnnSoftmaxForward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSoftmaxForward(
    cudnnHandle_t                    handle,
    cudnnSoftmaxAlgorithm_t          algorithm,
    cudnnSoftmaxMode_t               mode,
    const void                      *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    xDesc,
    const void                      *x,
    const void                      *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t    yDesc,
    void                            *y)

This routine computes the softmax function.

Note: All tensor formats are supported for all modes and algorithms with 4 and 5D tensors. Performance is expected to be highest with NCHW fully-packed tensors. For more than 5 dimensions tensors must be packed in their spatial dimensions



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Enumerant to specify the softmax algorithm.


Input. Enumerant to specify the softmax mode.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the computation result with prior value in the output layer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*result + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • The dimensions n,c,h,w of the input tensor and output tensors differ.
  • The datatype of the input tensor and output tensors differ.
  • The parameters algorithm or mode have an invalid enumerant value.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.215. cudnnSpatialTfGridGeneratorBackward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSpatialTfGridGeneratorBackward(
    cudnnHandle_t                               handle,
    const cudnnSpatialTransformerDescriptor_t   stDesc,
    const void                                 *dgrid,
    void                                       *dtheta)

This function computes the gradient of a grid generation operation.

Note: Only 2d transformation is supported.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Previously created spatial transformer descriptor object.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory contains the input differential data.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory contains the output differential data.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The call was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • handle is NULL.
  • One of the parameters dgrid, dtheta is NULL.

The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:

  • The dimension of transformed tensor specified in stDesc > 4.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.216. cudnnSpatialTfGridGeneratorForward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSpatialTfGridGeneratorForward(
    cudnnHandle_t                               handle,
    const cudnnSpatialTransformerDescriptor_t   stDesc,
    const void                                 *theta,
    void                                       *grid)

This function generates a grid of coordinates in the input tensor corresponding to each pixel from the output tensor.

Note: Only 2d transformation is supported.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Previously created spatial transformer descriptor object.


Input. Affine transformation matrix. It should be of size n*2*3 for a 2d transformation, where n is the number of images specified in stDesc.


Output. A grid of coordinates. It is of size n*h*w*2 for a 2d transformation, where n, h, w is specified in stDesc. In the 4th dimension, the first coordinate is x, and the second coordinate is y.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The call was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • handle is NULL.
  • One of the parameters grid, theta is NULL.

The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:

  • The dimension of transformed tensor specified in stDesc > 4.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.217. cudnnSpatialTfSamplerBackward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSpatialTfSamplerBackward(
    cudnnHandle_t                              handle,
    const cudnnSpatialTransformerDescriptor_t  stDesc,
    const void                                *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t              xDesc,
    const void                                *x,
    const void                                *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t              dxDesc,
    void                                      *dx,
    const void                                *alphaDgrid,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t              dyDesc,
    const void                                *dy,
    const void                                *grid,
    const void                                *betaDgrid,
    void                                      *dgrid)

This function computes the gradient of a sampling operation.

Note: Only 2d transformation is supported.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Previously created spatial transformer descriptor object.


Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the source value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*srcValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xDesc.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output differential tensor descriptor.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor dxDesc.


Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the gradient outputs dgrid with prior value in the destination pointer as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*srcValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input differential tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor dyDesc.


Input. A grid of coordinates generated by cudnnSpatialTfGridGeneratorForward.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory contains the output differential data.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The call was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • handle is NULL.
  • One of the parameters x,dx,y,dy,grid,dgrid is NULL.
  • The dimension of dy differs from those specified in stDesc

The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:

  • The dimension of transformed tensor > 4.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.218. cudnnSpatialTfSamplerForward

cudnnStatus_t cudnnSpatialTfSamplerForward(
    cudnnHandle_t                              handle,
    const cudnnSpatialTransformerDescriptor_t  stDesc,
    const void                                *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t              xDesc,
    const void                                *x,
    const void                                *grid,
    const void                                *beta,
    cudnnTensorDescriptor_t                    yDesc,
    void                                      *y)

This function performs a sampler operation and generates the output tensor using the grid given by the grid generator.

Note: Only 2d transformation is supported.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.


Input. Previously created spatial transformer descriptor object.


Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the source value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*srcValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized input tensor descriptor.


Input. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the tensor descriptor xDesc.


Input. A grid of coordinates generated by cudnnSpatialTfGridGeneratorForward.


Input. Handle to the previously initialized output tensor descriptor.


Output. Data pointer to GPU memory associated with the output tensor descriptor yDesc.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The call was successful.


At least one of the following conditions are met:

  • handle is NULL.
  • One of the parameters x, y, grid is NULL.

The function does not support the provided configuration. See the following for some examples of non-supported configurations:

  • The dimension of transformed tensor > 4.

The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.219. cudnnTransformTensor

cudnnStatus_t cudnnTransformTensor(
    cudnnHandle_t                  handle,
    const void                    *alpha,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  xDesc,
    const void                    *x,
    const void                    *beta,
    const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t  yDesc,
    void                          *y)

This function copies the scaled data from one tensor to another tensor with a different layout. Those descriptors need to have the same dimensions but not necessarily the same strides. The input and output tensors must not overlap in any way (i.e., tensors cannot be transformed in place). This function can be used to convert a tensor with an unsupported format to a supported one.



Input. Handle to a previously created cuDNN context.

alpha, beta

Input. Pointers to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the source value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows: dstValue = alpha[0]*srcValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Refer to this section for additional details.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Input. Pointer to data of the tensor described by the xDesc descriptor.


Input. Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.


Output. Pointer to data of the tensor described by the yDesc descriptor.

The possible error values returned by this function and their meanings are listed below.



The function launched successfully.


The function does not support the provided configuration.


The dimensions n,c,h,w or the dataType of the two tensor descriptors are different.


The function failed to launch on the GPU.

4.220. cudnnTransformTensorEx

cudnnStatus_t cudnnTransformTensorEx(
	cudnnHandle_t handle,
	const cudnnTensorTransformDescriptor_t transDesc,                                    
	const void *alpha,                                           
	const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t srcDesc,                        
	const void *srcData,   
	const void *beta, 
	const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t destDesc, 
	void *destData);

This function converts the Tensor layouts between different formats. It can be used to convert a Tensor with an unsupported layout format to a Tensor with a supported layout format.

This function copies the scaled data from the input Tensor srcDesc to the output Tensor destDesc with a different layout. The Tensor descriptors of srcDesc and destDesc should have the same dimensions but need not have the same strides.

The srcDesc and destDesc Tensors must not overlap in any way (i.e., Tensors cannot be transformed in place).
Note: When performing a folding transform or a zero-padding transform, the scaling factors (alpha,beta) should be set to (1, 0). However, unfolding transforms support any (alpha,beta) values. This function is thread safe.


Parameter Input / Output Description
handle Input Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. See cudnnHandle_t.
transDesc Input A descriptor containing the details of the requested Tensor transformation. See cudnnTensorTransformDescriptor_t.
alpha, beta Input

Pointers, in the host memory, to the scaling factors used to scale the data in the input Tensor srcDesc.

Beta is used to scale the destination tensor, while alpha is used to scale the source tensor. See Scaling Parameters.

The beta scaling value is not honored in the folding and zero-padding cases. Unfolding supports any (alpha,beta).

srcDesc, destDesc Input Handles to the previously initialed Tensor descriptors. srcDesc and destDesc must not overlap. See cudnnTensorDescriptor_t.
srcData, destData Input Pointers, in the host memory, to the data of the Tensor described by srcDesc and destData respectively.


Return Value Description
CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS The function was launched successfully.
CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM A parameter is uninitialized, or initialized incorrectly, or the number of dimensions is different between srcDesc and destDesc.
CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED Function does not support the provided configuration. Also, in the folding and padding paths, any value other than A=1 and B=0 will result in a CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED.
CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED Function failed to launch on the GPU.

5. Acknowledgments

Some of the cuDNN library routines were derived from code developed by others and are subject to the following:

5.1. University of Tennessee

Copyright (c) 2010 The University of Tennessee.

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
      disclaimer listed in this license in the documentation and/or
      other materials provided with the distribution.
    * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
      contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
      from this software without specific prior written permission.


5.2. University of California, Berkeley


All contributions by the University of California:
Copyright (c) 2014, The Regents of the University of California (Regents)
All rights reserved.

All other contributions:
Copyright (c) 2014, the respective contributors
All rights reserved.

Caffe uses a shared copyright model: each contributor holds copyright over
their contributions to Caffe. The project versioning records all such
contribution and copyright details. If a contributor wants to further mark
their specific copyright on a particular contribution, they should indicate
their copyright solely in the commit message of the change when it is


Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
   list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
   and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 



By contributing to the BVLC/caffe repository through pull-request, comment,
or otherwise, the contributor releases their content to the
license and copyright terms herein.

5.3. Facebook AI Research, New York

Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

 * Neither the name Facebook nor the names of its contributors may be used to
   endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
   prior written permission.

Additional Grant of Patent Rights

"Software" means fbcunn software distributed by Facebook, Inc.

Facebook hereby grants you a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive,
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NVIDIA makes no representation or warranty that the product described in this guide will be suitable for any specified use without further testing or modification. Testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed by NVIDIA. It is customer’s sole responsibility to ensure the product is suitable and fit for the application planned by customer and to do the necessary testing for the application in order to avoid a default of the application or the product. Weaknesses in customer’s product designs may affect the quality and reliability of the NVIDIA product and may result in additional or different conditions and/or requirements beyond those contained in this guide. NVIDIA does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which may be based on or attributable to: (i) the use of the NVIDIA product in any manner that is contrary to this guide, or (ii) customer product designs.

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