.. # Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY # OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. .. _section-models-and-schedulers: Models And Schedulers ===================== By incorporating :ref:`multiple frameworks ` and also :ref:`custom backends `, the TensorRT Inference Server supports a wide variety of models. The inference server also supports multiple :ref:`scheduling and batching configurations ` that further expand the class of models that the inference server can handle. This section describes *stateless* and *stateful* models and how the inference server provides schedulers to support both model types. .. _section-stateless-models: Stateless Models ---------------- With respect to the inference server's schedulers, a *stateless* model (or stateless custom backend) does not maintain state between inference requests. Each inference performed on a stateless model is independent of all other inferences using that model. Examples of stateless models are CNNs such as image classification and object detection. The :ref:`default scheduler ` or :ref:`dynamic batcher ` can be used for these stateless models. RNNs and similar models which do have internal memory can be stateless as long as the state they maintain does not span inference requests. For example, an RNN that iterates over all elements in a batch is considered stateless by the inference server if the internal state is not carried between inference requests. The :ref:`default scheduler ` can be used for these stateless models. The :ref:`dynamic batcher ` cannot be used since the model is typically not expecting the batch to represent multiple inference requests. .. _section-stateful-models: Stateful Models --------------- With respect to the inference server's schedulers, a *stateful* model (or stateful custom backend) does maintain state between inference requests. The model is expecting multiple inference requests that together form a sequence of inferences that must be routed to the same model instance so that the state being maintained by the model is correctly updated. Moreover, the model may require that the inference server provide *control* signals indicating, for example, sequence start. The :ref:`sequence batcher ` must be used for these stateful models. As explained below, the sequence batcher ensures that all inference requests in a sequence get routed to the same model instance (and batch slot) so that the model can maintain state correctly. The sequence batcher also communicates with the model to indicate when a sequence is starting and when a sequence has a inference request ready for execution. As explained in :ref:`section-client-api-stateful-models`, when making inference requests for a stateful model, the client application must provide the same correlation ID to all requests in a sequence, and must also mark the start and end of the sequence. The correlation ID allows the inference server to identify that the requests belong to the same sequence. As a running example, assume a TensorRT stateful model that has the following model configuration:: name: "stateful_model" platform: "tensorrt_plan" max_batch_size: 2 sequence_batching { max_sequence_idle_microseconds: 5000000 control_input [ { name: "START" control [ { kind: CONTROL_SEQUENCE_START fp32_false_true: [ 0, 1 ] } ] }, { name: "READY" control [ { kind: CONTROL_SEQUENCE_READY fp32_false_true: [ 0, 1 ] } ] } ] } input [ { name: "INPUT" data_type: TYPE_FP32 dims: [ 100, 100 ] } ] output [ { name: "OUTPUT" data_type: TYPE_FP32 dims: [ 10 ] } ] instance_group [ { count: 2 } ] The sequence_batching section indicates that the model should use the sequence batcher. The instance_group indicates two instances of the model should be instantiated and max_batch_size indicates that each of those instances should perform batch-size 2 inferences. The following figure shows a representation of the sequence batcher and the inference resources specified by this configuration. .. image:: images/sequence_example0.png Each model instance is maintaining state for each batch slot, and is expecting all inference requests for a given sequence to be routed to the same slot so that the state is correctly updated. For this example that means that the inference server can simultaneously perform inference for up to four sequences. The sequence batcher: * Recognizes when an inference request starts a new sequence and allocates a slot for that sequence. If no slot is available for the new sequence, the server places the inference request in a backlog. * Recognizes when an inference request is part of a sequence that has an allocated slot and routes the request to that slot. * Recognizes when an inference request is part of a sequence that is in the backlog and places the request in the backlog. * Recognizes when the last inference request in a sequence has been completed. The slot occupied by that sequence is immediately reallocated to a sequence in the backlog, or freed for a future sequence if there is no backlog. The following figure shows how multiple sequences are scheduled onto the model instances. On the left the figure shows several sequences of requests arriving at the inference server. Each sequence could be made up of any number of inference requests and those individual inference requests could arrive in any order relative to inference requests in other sequences, except that the execution order shown on the right assumes that the first inference request of sequence 0 arrives before any inference request in sequences 1-5, the first inference request of sequence 1 arrives before any inference request in sequences 2-5, etc. The right of the figure shows how the inference request sequences are scheduled onto the model instances over time. .. image:: images/sequence_example1.png For a stateful model to configure the sequence batcher, the model must accept two input tensors that the inference server uses to communicate with the model. The control_input section of the sequence batcher configuration indicates how the model exposes the tensors. * **Start**: The start input tensor is specified using CONTROL_SEQUENCE_START in the configuration. The example configuration indicates that the model has an input tensor called START with a 32-bit floating point data-type. The inference server will define this tensor when executing an inference on the model. The tensor provided by the inference server will be 1-dimensional with size equal to the batch-size. Each element in the tensor indicates if the sequence in the corresponding slot is starting or not. In the example configuration, fp32_false_true indicates that a sequence start is indicated by tensor element equal to 1, and non-start is indicated by tensor element equal to 0. * **Ready**: The ready input tensor is specified using CONTROL_SEQUENCE_READY in the configuration. The example configuration indicates that the model has an input tensor called READY with a 32-bit floating point data-type. The inference server will define this tensor when executing an inference on the model. The tensor provided by the inference server will be 1-dimensional with size equal to the batch-size. Each element in the tensor indicates if the sequence in the corresponding slot has an inference request ready for inference. In the example configuration, fp32_false_true indicates that a sequence ready is indicated by tensor element equal to 1, and non-start is indicated by tensor element equal to 0. The following figure shows the inference server uses the control input tensors to communicate with the model. The figure shows two sequences assigned to the two slots in a model instance. Inference requests for each sequence arrive over time. The START and READY rows show the input tensor values used for each execution of the model. Over time the following happens: * The first request arrives for the sequence in slot0. Assuming the model instance is not already executing an inference, the sequence scheduler immediately schedules the model instance to execute because an inference request is available. * This is the first request in the sequence so the corresponding element in the START tensor is set to 1. There is no request available in slot1 so the READY tensor shows only slot0 as ready. * After the inference completes the sequence scheduler sees that there are no requests available in any slot and so the model instance sits idle. * Next, two inference requests arrive close together in time so that the sequence scheduler sees them both available in their respective slots. The scheduler immediately schedules the model instance to perform a batch-size 2 inference and uses START and READY to show that both slots have an inference request avaiable but that only slot1 is the start of a new sequence. * The processing continues in a similar manner for the other inference requests. .. image:: images/sequence_example2.png