UFF Converter

The uff package contains a set of utilites to convert trained models from various frameworks to a common format.

Conversion Tools

Tensorflow Modelstream to UFF

uff.from_tensorflow(graphdef, output_nodes=[], preprocessor=None, **kwargs)

Converts a TensorFlow GraphDef to a UFF model.

  • graphdef (tensorflow.GraphDef) – The TensorFlow graph to convert.
  • output_nodes (list(str)) – The names of the outputs of the graph. If not provided, graphsurgeon is used to automatically deduce output nodes.
  • output_filename (str) – The UFF file to write.
  • preprocessor (str) – The path to a preprocessing script that will be executed before the converter. This script should define a preprocess function which accepts a graphsurgeon DynamicGraph and modifies it in place.
  • write_preprocessed (bool) – If set to True, the converter will write out the preprocessed graph as well as a TensorBoard visualization. Must be used in conjunction with output_filename.
  • text (bool) – If set to True, the converter will also write out a human readable UFF file. Must be used in conjunction with output_filename.
  • quiet (bool) – If set to True, suppresses informational messages. Errors may still be printed.
  • list_nodes (bool) – If set to True, the converter displays a list of all nodes present in the graph.
  • debug_mode (bool) – If set to True, the converter prints verbose debug messages.
  • return_graph_info (bool) – If set to True, this function returns the graph input and output nodes in addition to the serialized UFF graph.

serialized UFF MetaGraph (str)

OR, if return_graph_info is set to True,

serialized UFF MetaGraph (str), graph inputs (list(tensorflow.NodeDef)), graph outputs (list(tensorflow.NodeDef))

Tensorflow Frozen Protobuf Model to UFF

uff.from_tensorflow_frozen_model(frozen_file, output_nodes=[], preprocessor=None, **kwargs)

Converts a TensorFlow frozen graph to a UFF model.

  • frozen_file (str) – The path to the frozen TensorFlow graph to convert.
  • output_nodes (list(str)) – The names of the outputs of the graph. If not provided, graphsurgeon is used to automatically deduce output nodes.
  • output_filename (str) – The UFF file to write.
  • preprocessor (str) – The path to a preprocessing script that will be executed before the converter. This script should define a preprocess function which accepts a graphsurgeon DynamicGraph and modifies it in place.
  • write_preprocessed (bool) – If set to True, the converter will write out the preprocessed graph as well as a TensorBoard visualization. Must be used in conjunction with output_filename.
  • text (bool) – If set to True, the converter will also write out a human readable UFF file. Must be used in conjunction with output_filename.
  • quiet (bool) – If set to True, suppresses informational messages. Errors may still be printed.
  • list_nodes (bool) – If set to True, the converter displays a list of all nodes present in the graph.
  • debug_mode (bool) – If set to True, the converter prints verbose debug messages.
  • return_graph_info (bool) – If set to True, this function returns the graph input and output nodes in addition to the serialized UFF graph.

serialized UFF MetaGraph (str)

OR, if return_graph_info is set to True,

serialized UFF MetaGraph (str), graph inputs (list(tensorflow.NodeDef)), graph outputs (list(tensorflow.NodeDef))