Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cnvinfer1::plugin::DetectionOutputParametersThe DetectionOutput plugin layer generates the detection output based on location and confidence predictions by doing non maximum suppression. This plugin first decodes the bounding boxes based on the anchors generated. It then performs non_max_suppression on the decoded bouding boxes. DetectionOutputParameters defines a set of parameters for creating the DetectionOutput plugin layer. It contains:
 Cnvinfer1::DimsStructure to define the dimensions of a tensor
 Cnvinfer1::Dims2Descriptor for two-dimensional data
 Cnvinfer1::Dims3Descriptor for three-dimensional data
 Cnvinfer1::Dims4Descriptor for four-dimensional data
 Cnvuffparser::FieldMapAn array of field params used as a layer parameter for plugin layers
 Cnvinfer1::plugin::GridAnchorParametersThe Anchor Generator plugin layer generates the prior boxes of designated sizes and aspect ratios across all dimensions (H x W). GridAnchorParameters defines a set of parameters for creating the plugin layer for all feature maps. It contains:
 Cnvcaffeparser1::IBinaryProtoBlobObject used to store and query data extracted from a binaryproto file using the ICaffeParser
 Cnvcaffeparser1::IBlobNameToTensorObject used to store and query Tensors after they have been extracted from a Caffe model using the ICaffeParser
 Cnvinfer1::IBuilderBuilds an engine from a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IBuilderConfigHolds properties for configuring a builder to produce an engine
 Cnvcaffeparser1::ICaffeParserClass used for parsing Caffe models
 Cnvinfer1::ICudaEngineAn engine for executing inference on a built network, with functionally unsafe features
 Cnvinfer1::IErrorRecorderReference counted application-implemented error reporting interface for TensorRT objects
 Cnvinfer1::IExecutionContextContext for executing inference using an engine, with functionally unsafe features
 Cnvinfer1::IGpuAllocatorApplication-implemented class for controlling allocation on the GPU
 Cnvinfer1::IHostMemoryClass to handle library allocated memory that is accessible to the user
 Cnvinfer1::IInt8CalibratorApplication-implemented interface for calibration
 Cnvinfer1::ILayerBase class for all layer classes in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IActivationLayerAn Activation layer in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IConcatenationLayerA concatenation layer in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IConstantLayerLayer that represents a constant value
 Cnvinfer1::IConvolutionLayerA convolution layer in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IDeconvolutionLayerA deconvolution layer in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IElementWiseLayerA elementwise layer in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IFillLayerGenerate an output tensor with specified mode
 Cnvinfer1::IFullyConnectedLayerA fully connected layer in a network definition. This layer expects an input tensor of three or more non-batch dimensions. The input is automatically reshaped into an MxV tensor X, where V is a product of the last three dimensions and M is a product of the remaining dimensions (where the product over 0 dimensions is defined as 1). For example:
 Cnvinfer1::IIdentityLayerA layer that represents the identity function
 Cnvinfer1::ILRNLayerA LRN layer in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IMatrixMultiplyLayerLayer that represents a Matrix Multiplication
 Cnvinfer1::IPaddingLayerLayer that represents a padding operation
 Cnvinfer1::IParametricReLULayerLayer that represents a parametric ReLU operation
 Cnvinfer1::IPluginLayerLayer type for plugins
 Cnvinfer1::IPluginV2LayerLayer type for pluginV2
 Cnvinfer1::IPoolingLayerA Pooling layer in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IRaggedSoftMaxLayerA RaggedSoftmax layer in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IReduceLayerLayer that represents a reduction operator across Shape, Int32, Float, and Half tensors
 Cnvinfer1::IResizeLayerA resize layer in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IRNNLayerA RNN layer in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IRNNv2LayerAn RNN layer in a network definition, version 2
 Cnvinfer1::IScaleLayerA Scale layer in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::IShapeLayerLayer type for getting shape of a tensor
 Cnvinfer1::IShuffleLayerLayer type for shuffling data
 Cnvinfer1::ISliceLayerSlices an input tensor into an output tensor based on the offset and strides
 Cnvinfer1::ISoftMaxLayerA Softmax layer in a network definition
 Cnvinfer1::ITopKLayerLayer that represents a TopK reduction
 Cnvinfer1::IUnaryLayerLayer that represents an unary operation
 Cnvinfer1::ILoggerApplication-implemented logging interface for the builder, engine and runtime
 Cnvinfer1::INetworkDefinitionA network definition for input to the builder
 Cnvonnxparser::IOnnxConfigConfiguration Manager Class
 Cnvinfer1::IOptimizationProfileOptimization profile for dynamic input dimensions and shape tensors
 Cnvinfer1::IOutputDimensionsFormulaApplication-implemented interface to compute layer output sizes
 Cnvinfer1::IPluginPlugin class for user-implemented layers
 Cnvinfer1::IPluginExtPlugin class for user-implemented layers
 Cnvinfer1::plugin::INvPluginCommon interface for the Nvidia created plugins
 Cnvinfer1::IPluginCreatorPlugin creator class for user implemented layers
 Cnvcaffeparser1::IPluginFactoryPlugin factory used to configure plugins
 Cnvcaffeparser1::IPluginFactoryExtPlugin factory used to configure plugins with added support for TRT versioning
 Cnvinfer1::IPluginFactoryPlugin factory for deserialization
 Cnvuffparser::IPluginFactoryPlugin factory used to configure plugins
 Cnvuffparser::IPluginFactoryExtPlugin factory used to configure plugins with added support for TRT versioning
 Cnvcaffeparser1::IPluginFactoryV2Plugin factory used to configure plugins
 Cnvinfer1::IPluginRegistrySingle registration point for all plugins in an application. It is used to find plugin implementations during engine deserialization. Internally, the plugin registry is considered to be a singleton so all plugins in an application are part of the same global registry. Note that the plugin registry is only supported for plugins of type IPluginV2 and should also have a corresponding IPluginCreator implementation
 Cnvinfer1::IPluginV2Plugin class for user-implemented layers
 Cnvinfer1::IPluginV2ExtPlugin class for user-implemented layers
 Cnvinfer1::IProfilerApplication-implemented interface for profiling
 Cnvinfer1::IRefitterUpdates weights in an engine
 Cnvinfer1::IRuntimeAllows a serialized functionally unsafe engine to be deserialized
 Cnvinfer1::ITensorA tensor in a network definition
 Cnvuffparser::IUffParserClass used for parsing models described using the UFF format
 Cnvinfer1::plugin::NMSParametersThe NMSParameters are used by the BatchedNMSPlugin for performing the non_max_suppression operation over boxes for object detection networks
 Cnvinfer1::PluginFieldStructure containing plugin attribute field names and associated data This information can be parsed to decode necessary plugin metadata
 Cnvinfer1::PluginRegistrar< T >Register the plugin creator to the registry The static registry object will be instantiated when the plugin library is loaded. This static object will register all creators available in the library to the registry
 Cnvinfer1::PluginTensorDescFields that a plugin might see for an input or output
 CPluginVersionDefinition of plugin versions
 Cnvinfer1::plugin::PriorBoxParametersThe PriorBox plugin layer generates the prior boxes of designated sizes and aspect ratios across all dimensions (H x W). PriorBoxParameters defines a set of parameters for creating the PriorBox plugin layer. It contains:
 Cnvinfer1::plugin::QuadrupleThe Permute plugin layer permutes the input tensor by changing the memory order of the data. Quadruple defines a structure that contains an array of 4 integers. They can represent the permute orders or the strides in each dimension
 Cnvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParamsRPROIParams is used to create the RPROIPlugin instance. It contains:
 Cnvinfer1::plugin::softmaxTreeThe Region plugin layer performs region proposal calculation: generate 5 bounding boxes per cell (for yolo9000, generate 3 bounding boxes per cell). For each box, calculating its probablities of objects detections from 80 pre-defined classifications (yolo9000 has 9418 pre-defined classifications, and these 9418 items are organized as work-tree structure). RegionParameters defines a set of parameters for creating the Region plugin layer
 Cnvinfer1::WeightsAn array of weights used as a layer parameter