Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Nnvinfer1The TensorRT API version 1 namespace
 CDimsStructure to define the dimensions of a tensor
 CDimsCHWDescriptor for data with one channel dimension and two spatial dimensions
 CDimsHWDescriptor for two-dimensional spatial data
 CDimsNCHWDescriptor for data with one index dimension, one channel dimension and two spatial dimensions
 CIActivationLayerActivation layer in a network definition
 CIBuilderBuilds an engine from a network definition
 CIConcatenationLayerConcatenation layer in a network definition
 CIConvolutionLayerConvolution layer in a network definition
 CICudaEngineEngine for executing inference on a built network
 CIDeconvolutionLayerDeconvolution layer in a network definition
 CIElementWiseLayerElementwise layer in a network definition
 CIExecutionContextContext for executing inference using an engine
 CIFullyConnectedLayerFully connected layer in a network definition
 CIHostMemoryClass to handle library allocated memory that is accessible to the user
 CIInt8CalibratorApplication-implemented interface for calibration
 CILayerBase class for all layer classes in a network definition
 CILoggerApplication-implemented logging interface for the builder, engine and runtime
 CILRNLayerLRN layer in a network definition
 CINetworkDefinitionNetwork definition for input to the builder
 CIOutputDimensionsFormulaApplication-implemented inteface to compute layer output sizes
 CIPluginPlugin class for user-implemented layers
 CIPluginFactoryPlugin factory for deserialization
 CIPluginLayerLayer type for plugins
 CIPoolingLayerPooling layer in a network definition
 CIProfilerApplication-implemented interface for profiling
 CIReduceLayerLayer that represents a reduction operator
 CIReshapeLayerLayer type for reshape
 CIRNNLayerRNN layer in a network definition
 CIRuntimeAllows a serialized engine to be deserialized
 CIScaleLayerScale layer in a network definition
 CISoftMaxLayerSoftmax layer in a network definition
 CITensorTensor in a network definition
 CITransposeLayerLayer type for permutation
 CIUnaryLayerLayer that represents a unary operation
 CWeightsArray of weights used as a layer parameter
 CIConstLayerLayer that represents a constant value