TensorRT Release 3.0.3

This TensorRT 3.0.3 General Availability release is a minor release and includes some improvements and fixes compared to the previously released TensorRT 3.0.2. This release is for AArch64 only.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

  • Added support for Xavier

Using TensorRT 3.0.3

Ensure you are familiar with the following notes when using this release.
  • When building the samples in this release, it is necessary to specify CUDA_INSTALL_DIR as an argument to the Makefile.
  • This release does not support TensorRT Python bindings.

Known Issues

  • When building the samples on aarch64 natively, there is an issue in the Makefile.config file that requires you to provide an additional option to make, namely CUDA_LIBDIR.
  • The infer_caffe_static test fails on D5L Parker dGPU. This is a regression from the previous release.
  • QnX has known performance issues with the mmap and malloc() operating system memory allocation routines. These issues can affect the performance of TensorRT; up to 10X.